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| link: https://github.com/google/iree |
| name: IREE on GitHub |
| - icon: fontawesome/brands/discord |
| link: https://discord.gg/26P4xW4 |
| name: IREE Discord Server |
| - icon: fontawesome/solid/users |
| link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/iree-discuss |
| name: IREE Discuss Google Group |
| generator: false # TODO(scotttodd): join mkdocs-material insiders for this |
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| copyright: Copyright © 2021 The IREE Authors |
| |
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| # Navigation with explicit ordering and nesting. |
| # https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#nav |
| # Note: may include external links and titles are optional for internal links |
| nav: |
| - Home: 'index.md' |
| - 'ML frameworks': |
| - 'ml-frameworks/index.md' |
| - TensorFlow: 'ml-frameworks/tensorflow.md' |
| - TensorFlow Lite: 'ml-frameworks/tensorflow-lite.md' |
| - JAX: 'ml-frameworks/jax.md' |
| - 'Deployment configurations': |
| - 'deployment-configurations/index.md' |
| - CPU - Dylib: 'deployment-configurations/cpu-dylib.md' |
| - CPU - Bare-Metal: 'deployment-configurations/bare-metal.md' |
| - GPU - Vulkan: 'deployment-configurations/gpu-vulkan.md' |
| - 'Building from source': |
| - 'building-from-source/index.md' |
| - 'building-from-source/getting-started.md' |
| - 'building-from-source/python-bindings-and-importers.md' |
| - 'building-from-source/android.md' |
| - 'building-from-source/riscv.md' |
| - 'Bindings': |
| - 'bindings/index.md' |
| - C API: 'bindings/c-api.md' |
| - Python: 'bindings/python.md' |
| - TensorFlow Lite: 'bindings/tensorflow-lite.md' |
| - 'Extensions': |
| - 'extensions/index.md' |
| - 'Community': |
| - 'community/index.md' |
| - 'Blog': |
| - 'blog/index.md' |
| - CUDA backend: 'blog/2021-10-15-cuda-backend.md' |
| - Work in progress on Matrix Multiplication on CPU: 'blog/2021-10-13-mmt4d.md' |
| - TFLite Support via TOSA: 'blog/2021-07-19-tflite-tosa.md' |