blob: cf449522d99f23d146797320a7e52b56e5aaca3a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2023 The IREE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
"""Configure script to setup VSCode DevContainer Environment."""
import json
import os
import pathlib
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
from shutil import which
CURRENT_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
"base": "base-bleeding-edge",
"nvidia": "nvidia-bleeding-edge",
def run_shell(cmd):
cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
return, check=True, text=True,
def is_nvidia_gpu_available():
"""This function verifies NVIDIA Docker runtime is installed and
available. It also checks NVIDIA GPU are available and the driver
is installed."""
command_str = f"'{which('docker')}' info --format '{{{{json .}}}}'"
data = json.loads(run_shell(command_str))
if "nvidia" not in data["Runtimes"].keys():
return (
False, "NVIDIA Docker Runtime is not available. Please see: "
" for additional "
nvidia_smi_executable = which('nvidia-smi')
if nvidia_smi_executable is None:
return False, "NVIDIA Driver is not installed or not in the user path."
command_str = f"{nvidia_smi_executable} --query-gpu=gpu_name --format=csv"
if run_shell(command_str).splitlines()[1:]: # Skip header
return True, None
return False, "No NVIDIA GPU was found on this system."
def _get_input(question, default_answer):
answer = input(f"\n- {question} ")
except EOFError:
answer = default_answer
return (answer or default_answer).strip().lower()
def get_input(question, default_answer='', accepted_answers=None):
if accepted_answers is None:
raise RuntimeError("Argument `accepted_answers` is None.")
accepted_answers = [x.strip().lower() for x in accepted_answers]
while True:
answer = _get_input(question, default_answer)
if answer not in accepted_answers:
print(f"\tERROR: Unsupported answer received: {answer}."
f"Expected: {accepted_answers}")
return answer
def get_input_path(question):
while True:
answer = _get_input(question, default_answer="")
if answer != "" and not os.path.isdir(answer):
print(f"\tERROR: Received path does not exist: `{answer}`")
return answer
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Environment Verifications #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
docker_executable = which('docker')
if docker_executable is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Docker is not installed or in the user path. Please refer to: "
run_shell(f"'{docker_executable}' compose version")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"Docker Compose must be installed in order to use IREE VS Code "
"Development Container. Please refer to: "
"") from e
docker_image_key = "base"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Mandatory Steps #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# STEP 1: Verify the user doesn't have a pre-existing `docker-compose.yml`.
# If yes, confirm they want to overwrite it.
if os.path.isfile(CURRENT_DIR / "docker-compose.yml"):
if get_input(
"A `docker-compose.yml` already exists. Are you certain you want to overwrite it [y/N]?",
accepted_answers=["y", "n"]) == "n":
# STEP 2: Read the template configuration file
with open(CURRENT_DIR / "docker-compose.base.yml") as f:
docker_config = json.load(f)
# STEP 3: Prebuilt vs Locally Built Containers
use_official_img = get_input(
"Do you wish to use the official prebuild development containers [Y/n]?",
accepted_answers=["y", "n"]) == "y"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Optional Mounting Points - Build & Cache #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# STEP 4 [OPTIONAL]: Does the user want to mount a directory for CCACHE ?
ccache_mount_cache = get_input_path(
"[OPTIONAL] Enter the the directory path to mount as CCache Cache.\n"
" It will be mounted in the container under: `/home/iree/.cache/ccache` [Default: None]:"
if ccache_mount_cache:
# STEP 5 [OPTIONAL]: Does the user want to mount a directory for BUILD ?
build_mount_cache = get_input_path(
"[OPTIONAL] Enter the the directory path to mount as Build Directory.\n"
" It will mounted in the container under: `/home/iree/build` [Default: None]:"
if build_mount_cache:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Optional Deep Learning Accelerator Support #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# STEP 6 [OPTIONAL]: Does the user want to use NVIDIA GPUs ?
nvidia_gpu_available, err_msg = is_nvidia_gpu_available()
if nvidia_gpu_available:
if get_input("[OPTIONAL] Do you wish to use NVIDIA GPU [y/N]?",
accepted_answers=["y", "n"]) == "y":
docker_image_key = "nvidia"
print(f"[INFO] NVIDIA GPUs are not available for use: {err_msg}")
if docker_image_key != "nvidia":
del docker_config["services"]["iree-dev"]["deploy"]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Setting the right docker image / container to build #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
docker_img_shortname = DOCKER_IMAGE_SHORTNAME_DICT[docker_image_key]
if use_official_img:
del docker_config["services"]["iree-dev"]["build"]
docker_iree_registry = SourceFileLoader(
image_name = docker_iree_registry.find_image_by_name(docker_img_shortname)
docker_config["services"]["iree-dev"]["image"] = image_name
del docker_config["services"]["iree-dev"]["image"]
dockerfile = f"build_tools/docker/dockerfiles/{docker_img_shortname}.Dockerfile"
docker_config["services"]["iree-dev"]["build"]["dockerfile"] = dockerfile
if (not os.path.isfile(CURRENT_DIR / ".." / dockerfile)):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file `{dockerfile}` does not exist.")
docker_compose_filepath = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "docker-compose.yml")
with open(docker_compose_filepath, "w") as f:
json.dump(docker_config, f, indent=2)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
print("\n" + "=" * 80)
print(f"\nSuccess! Wrote Docker Compose file to `{docker_compose_filepath}`.")