| // Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. |
| // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| |
| // This sample uses iree/tools/utils/image_util to load a hand-written image |
| // as an iree_hal_buffer_view_t then passes it to the bytecode module built |
| // from mnist.mlir on the dylib-llvm-aot backend. |
| |
| #include <float.h> |
| |
| #include "iree/runtime/api.h" |
| #include "iree/tools/utils/image_util.h" |
| #include "iree_vision_inference/mnist_bytecode_module_c.h" |
| |
| iree_status_t Run(const iree_string_view_t image_path) { |
| iree_runtime_instance_options_t instance_options; |
| iree_runtime_instance_options_initialize(IREE_API_VERSION_LATEST, |
| &instance_options); |
| iree_runtime_instance_options_use_all_available_drivers(&instance_options); |
| iree_runtime_instance_t* instance = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_runtime_instance_create( |
| &instance_options, iree_allocator_system(), &instance)); |
| |
| // TODO(#5724): move device selection into the compiled modules. |
| iree_hal_device_t* device = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_runtime_instance_try_create_default_device( |
| instance, iree_make_cstring_view("dylib"), &device)); |
| |
| // Create one session per loaded module to hold the module state. |
| iree_runtime_session_options_t session_options; |
| iree_runtime_session_options_initialize(&session_options); |
| iree_runtime_session_t* session = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_runtime_session_create_with_device( |
| instance, &session_options, device, |
| iree_runtime_instance_host_allocator(instance), &session)); |
| iree_hal_device_release(device); |
| |
| const struct iree_file_toc_t* module_file = mnist_bytecode_module_c_create(); |
| |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_runtime_session_append_bytecode_module_from_memory( |
| session, iree_make_const_byte_span(module_file->data, module_file->size), |
| iree_allocator_null())); |
| |
| iree_runtime_call_t call; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_runtime_call_initialize_by_name( |
| session, iree_make_cstring_view("module.predict"), &call)); |
| |
| // Prepare the input hal buffer view with image_util library. |
| // The input of the mmist model is single 28x28 pixel image as a |
| // tensor<1x28x28x1xf32>, with pixels in [0.0, 1.0]. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view = NULL; |
| iree_hal_dim_t buffer_shape[] = {1, 28, 28, 1}; |
| iree_hal_element_type_t hal_element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32; |
| float input_range[2] = {0.0f, 1.0f}; |
| iree_tools_utils_buffer_view_from_image_rescaled( |
| image_path, buffer_shape, IREE_ARRAYSIZE(buffer_shape), |
| hal_element_type, iree_hal_device_allocator(device), input_range, |
| IREE_ARRAYSIZE(input_range), &buffer_view), |
| "load image"); |
| iree_runtime_call_inputs_push_back_buffer_view(&call, buffer_view)); |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(buffer_view); |
| |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_runtime_call_invoke(&call, /*flags=*/0)); |
| |
| // Get the result buffers from the invocation. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* ret_buffer_view = NULL; |
| iree_runtime_call_outputs_pop_front_buffer_view(&call, &ret_buffer_view)); |
| |
| // Read back the results. The output of the mnist model is a 1x10 prediction |
| // confidence values for each digit in [0, 9]. |
| float predictions[1 * 10] = {0.0f}; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_device_transfer_d2h( |
| iree_runtime_session_device(session), |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(ret_buffer_view), 0, predictions, |
| iree_infinite_timeout())); |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(ret_buffer_view); |
| |
| // Get the highest index from the output. |
| float result_val = FLT_MIN; |
| int result_idx = 0; |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < IREE_ARRAYSIZE(predictions); ++i) { |
| if (predictions[i] > result_val) { |
| result_val = predictions[i]; |
| result_idx = i; |
| } |
| } |
| fprintf(stdout, "Detected number: %d\n", result_idx); |
| |
| iree_runtime_call_deinitialize(&call); |
| iree_runtime_session_release(session); |
| iree_runtime_instance_release(instance); |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
| if (argc > 2) { |
| fprintf(stderr, "Usage: iree-run-mnist-module <image file>\n"); |
| return -1; |
| } |
| iree_string_view_t image_path; |
| if (argc == 1) { |
| image_path = iree_make_cstring_view("mnist_test.png"); |
| } else { |
| image_path = iree_make_cstring_view(argv[1]); |
| } |
| iree_status_t result = Run(image_path); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(result)) { |
| iree_status_fprint(stderr, result); |
| iree_status_ignore(result); |
| return -1; |
| } |
| iree_status_ignore(result); |
| return 0; |
| } |