blob: d2eb3f82ac0258ae7771774c5a181665e05085de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// IREE source.mlir/mlirbc -> execution output runner.
// This is meant to be called from LIT for FileCheck tests or as a developer
// tool to emulate what an online compiler does. It tries to match the interface
// of iree-compile so it's easy to run tests or approximate an
// `iree-compile | iree-run-module` sequence. If you want a more generalized
// runner for standalone precompiled IREE modules use iree-run-module instead.
// If there's a single exported function that will be executed and if there are
// multiple functions --function= can be used to specify which is executed.
// Function inputs can be provided with --input=. Results from the executed
// function will be printed to stdout for checking or can be written to files
// with --output=.
// Similar to iree-run-module the --device= flag can be used to specify which
// drivers and devices should be used to execute the function. The tool will
// try to infer which iree-compile flags are required for the devices used but
// this can be overridden by passing the --iree-hal-target-backends= and related
// flags explicitly. Likewise if only the target backend is specified the
// devices to use will be inferred unless explicitly specified.
// Example usage to compile and run with CUDA:
// $ iree-run-mlir --device=cuda://0 file.mlir
// or to compile with the LLVM CPU backend and run with the local-task driver:
// $ iree-run-mlir file.mlir \
// --Xcompiler,iree-hal-target-backends=llvm-cpu --device=local-task
// Example usage in a lit test:
// // RUN: iree-run-mlir --device= %s --function=foo --input=2xf32=2,3 | \
// // RUN: FileCheck %s
// // CHECK-LABEL: @foo
// // CHECK: 2xf32=[2 3]
// func.func @foo(%arg0: tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2xf32> {
// return %arg0 : tensor<2xf32>
// }
// Command line arguments are handled by LLVM's parser by default but -- can be
// used to separate the compiler flags from the runtime flags, such as:
// $ iree-run-mlir source.mlir --device=local-task -- \
// --iree-hal-target-backends=llvm-cpu
// In addition compiler/runtime flags can be passed in any order by prefixing
// them with --Xcompiler or --Xruntime like `--Xruntime,device=local-task` or
// `--Xruntime --device=local-task`.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/flags.h"
#include "iree/compiler/embedding_api.h"
#include "iree/hal/api.h"
#include "iree/tooling/context_util.h"
#include "iree/tooling/device_util.h"
#include "iree/tooling/run_module.h"
#include "iree/vm/api.h"
namespace iree {
namespace {
// Polyfill for std::string_view::starts_with, coming in C++ 20.
bool starts_with(std::string_view prefix, std::string_view in_str) {
return in_str.size() >= prefix.size() &&, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0;
// Tries to guess a default device name from the |target_backend| when possible.
// Users are still able to override this by passing in --device= flags.
std::string InferDefaultDeviceFromTargetBackend(
std::string_view target_backend) {
if (target_backend == "" || target_backend == "vmvx-inline") {
// Plain VM or vmvx-inline targets do not need a HAL device.
return "";
} else if (target_backend == "llvm-cpu" || target_backend == "vmvx") {
// Locally-executable targets default to the multithreaded task system
// driver; users can override by specifying --device=local-sync instead.
return "local-task";
// Many other backends use the `driver-pipeline` naming like `vulkan-spirv`
// and we try that; device creation will fail if it's a bad guess.
size_t dash = target_backend.find('-');
if (dash == std::string::npos) {
return std::string(target_backend);
} else {
return std::string(target_backend.substr(0, dash));
// Tries to guess a target backend from the given |device_uri| when possible.
// Returns empty string if no backend is required or one could not be inferred.
std::string InferTargetBackendFromDevice(iree_string_view_t device_uri) {
// Get the driver name from URIs in the `driver://...` form.
iree_string_view_t driver = iree_string_view_empty();
iree_string_view_split(device_uri, ':', &driver, nullptr);
if (iree_string_view_is_empty(driver)) {
// Plain VM or vmvx-inline targets do not need a HAL device.
return "";
} else if (iree_string_view_starts_with(driver, IREE_SV("local-"))) {
// Locally-executable devices default to the llvm-cpu target as that's
// usually what people want for CPU execution; users can override by
// specifying --iree-hal-target-backends=vmvx instead.
return "llvm-cpu";
// Many other backends have aliases that allow using the driver name. If there
// are multiple pipelines available whatever the compiler defaults to is
// chosen.
return std::string(, driver.size);
// Tries to guess a set of target backends from the |device_flag_values| when
// possible. Since multiple target backends can be used for a particular device
// (such as llvm-cpu or vmvx for local-sync and local-task) this is just
// guesswork. If we can't produce a target backend flag value we bail.
// Returns a comma-delimited list of target backends.
StatusOr<std::string> InferTargetBackendsFromDevices(
iree_string_view_list_t device_uris) {
// No-op when no devices specified (probably no HAL).
if (device_uris.count == 0) return "";
// If multiple devices were provided we need to target all of them.
std::set<std::string> target_backends;
for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < device_uris.count; ++i) {
auto target_backend = InferTargetBackendFromDevice(device_uris.values[i]);
if (!target_backend.empty()) {
// Join all target backends together.
std::string result;
for (auto& target_backend : target_backends) {
if (!result.empty()) result.append(",");
return result;
// Configures the --iree-hal-target-backends= flag based on the --device= flags
// set by the user. Ignored if any target backends are explicitly specified.
// Online compilers would want to do some more intelligent device selection on
// their own.
Status ConfigureTargetBackends(iree_compiler_session_t* session,
std::string* out_default_device_uri) {
// Query the session for the currently set --iree-hal-target-backends= flag.
// It may be empty string.
std::string target_backends_flag;
session, /*nonDefaultOnly=*/true,
[](const char* flag_str, size_t length, void* user_data) {
// NOTE: flag_str has the full `--flag=value` string.
std::string_view prefix = "--iree-hal-target-backends=";
std::string_view flag = std::string_view(flag_str, length);
if (starts_with(prefix, flag)) {
if (flag.empty()) return; // ignore empty
auto* result = static_cast<std::string*>(user_data);
*result = std::string(flag);
// Query the tooling utils for the --device= flag values. Note that zero or
// more devices may be specified.
iree_string_view_list_t device_uris = iree_hal_device_flag_list();
// No-op if no target backends or devices are specified - this can be an
// intentional decision as the user may be running a program that doesn't use
// the HAL.
if (target_backends_flag.empty() && device_uris.count == 0) {
return OkStatus();
// No-op if both target backends and devices are set as the user has
// explicitly specified a configuration.
if (!target_backends_flag.empty() && device_uris.count > 0) {
return OkStatus();
// If target backends are specified then we can infer the runtime devices from
// the compiler configuration. This only works if there's a single backend
// specified; if the user wants multiple target backends then they must
// specify the device(s) to use.
if (device_uris.count == 0) {
if (target_backends_flag.find(',') != std::string::npos) {
return iree_make_status(
"if multiple target backends are specified the device to use must "
"also be specified with --device= (have "
*out_default_device_uri =
return OkStatus();
// Infer target backends from the runtime device configuration.
// This can get arbitrarily complex but for now this simple runner just
// guesses. In the future we'll have more ways of configuring the compiler
// from available runtime devices (not just the target backend but also
// target-specific settings).
IREE_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto target_backends,
if (!target_backends.empty()) {
auto target_backends_flag =
std::string("--iree-hal-target-backends=") + target_backends;
const char* compiler_argv[1] = {
auto error = ireeCompilerSessionSetFlags(
session, IREE_ARRAYSIZE(compiler_argv), compiler_argv);
if (error) {
return iree_make_status(
"unable to set inferred target backend flag to `%.*s`",
return OkStatus();
// Runs the given .mlir file based on the current flags.
StatusOr<int> CompileAndRunFile(iree_compiler_session_t* session,
const char* mlir_filename) {
// Configure the --iree-hal-target-backends= flag and/or get the default
// device to use at runtime if either are not explicitly specified.
// Note that target backends and the runtime devices aren't 1:1 and this is
// an imperfect guess. In this simple online compiler we assume homogenous
// device sets and only a single global target backend but library/hosting
// layers can configure heterogenous and per-invocation target configurations.
std::string default_device_uri;
IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConfigureTargetBackends(session, &default_device_uri));
// RAII container for the compiler invocation.
struct InvocationState {
iree_compiler_invocation_t* invocation = nullptr;
iree_compiler_source_t* source = nullptr;
iree_compiler_output_t* output = nullptr;
explicit InvocationState(iree_compiler_session_t* session) {
invocation = ireeCompilerInvocationCreate(session);
~InvocationState() {
if (source) ireeCompilerSourceDestroy(source);
if (output) ireeCompilerOutputDestroy(output);
Status emitError(iree_compiler_error_t* error,
iree_status_code_t status_code,
std::string_view while_performing = "") {
const char* msg = ireeCompilerErrorGetMessage(error);
fprintf(stderr, "error compiling input file: %s\n", msg);
iree_status_t status = iree_make_status(status_code, msg);
if (!while_performing.empty()) {
status = iree_status_annotate(
status, iree_make_string_view(,
return status;
} state(session);
// Open the source file on disk or stdin if `-`.
if (auto error =
ireeCompilerSourceOpenFile(session, mlir_filename, &state.source)) {
return state.emitError(error, IREE_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "opening source file");
// Open a writeable memory buffer that we can stream the compilation outputs
// into. This may be backed by a memory-mapped file to allow for very large
// results.
if (auto error = ireeCompilerOutputOpenMembuffer(&state.output)) {
return state.emitError(error, IREE_STATUS_INTERNAL,
"open output memory buffer");
// TODO: make parsing/pipeline execution return an error object.
// We could capture diagnostics, stash them on the state, and emit with
// ireeCompilerInvocationEnableCallbackDiagnostics.
// For now we route all errors to stderr.
// Parse the source MLIR input and log verbose errors. Syntax errors or
// version mismatches will hit here.
if (!ireeCompilerInvocationParseSource(state.invocation, state.source)) {
return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
"failed to parse input file");
// Invoke the standard compilation pipeline to produce the compiled module.
if (!ireeCompilerInvocationPipeline(state.invocation,
return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INTERNAL,
"failed to invoke main compiler pipeline");
// Flush the output to the memory buffer.
if (auto error = ireeCompilerInvocationOutputVMBytecode(state.invocation,
state.output)) {
return state.emitError(error, IREE_STATUS_INTERNAL,
"emitting output VM module binary");
// Get a raw host pointer to the output that we can pass to the runtime.
void* binary_data = nullptr;
uint64_t binary_size = 0;
if (auto error = ireeCompilerOutputMapMemory(state.output, &binary_data,
&binary_size)) {
return state.emitError(error, IREE_STATUS_INTERNAL,
"mapping output buffer");
// Hosting libraries can route all runtime allocations to their own allocator
// for statistics, isolation, or efficiency. Here we use the system
// malloc/free.
iree_allocator_t host_allocator = iree_allocator_system();
// The same VM instance should be shared across many contexts. Here we only
// use this once but a library would want to retain this and the devices it
// creates for as long as practical.
vm::ref<iree_vm_instance_t> instance;
IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_tooling_create_instance(host_allocator, &instance),
"creating instance");
// Run the compiled module using the global flags for I/O (if any).
// This loads the module, creates a VM context with it and any dependencies,
// parses inputs from flags, and routes/verifies outputs as specified. Hosting
// libraries should always reuse contexts if possible to amortize loading
// costs and carry state (variables/etc) across invocations.
// This returns a process exit code based on the run mode (verifying expected
// outputs, etc) that may be non-zero even if the status is success
// ("execution completed successfully but values did not match").
int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
iree_make_const_byte_span(binary_data, (iree_host_size_t)binary_size),
host_allocator, &exit_code),
"running compiled module");
return exit_code;
// Parses a combined list of compiler and runtime flags.
// Each argument list is stored in canonical argc/argv format with a trailing
// NULL string in the storage (excluded from the count).
class ArgParser {
int compiler_argc() { return compiler_args_.size() - 1; }
const char** compiler_argv() {
return const_cast<const char**>(;
int runtime_argc() { return runtime_args_.size() - 1; }
char** runtime_argv() { return; }
// Parses arguments from a raw command line argc/argv set.
// Returns true if parsing was successful.
bool Parse(int argc_raw, char** argv_raw) {
// Pre-process the arguments with the compiler's argument parser since it
// has super-powers on Windows and must work on the default main arguments.
const_cast<const char***>(&argv_raw));
// Always add the progname to both flag sets.
// Everything before -- goes to the runtime.
// Everything after -- goes to the compiler.
// To make it easier to form command lines in scripts we also allow
// prefixing flags with -Xcompiler/-Xruntime on either side of the --.
bool parsing_runtime_args = true;
for (int i = 1; i < argc_raw; ++i) {
char* current_arg_cstr = argv_raw[i];
char* next_arg_cstr =
argv_raw[i + 1]; // ok because list is NULL-terminated
auto current_arg = std::string_view(current_arg_cstr);
if (current_arg == "--") {
// Switch default parsing to compiler flags.
parsing_runtime_args = false;
} else if (current_arg == "-Xcompiler" || current_arg == "--Xcompiler") {
// Next arg is routed to the compiler.
} else if (current_arg == "-Xruntime" || current_arg == "--Xruntime") {
// Next arg is routed to the runtime.
} else if (starts_with("-Xcompiler,", current_arg) ||
starts_with("--Xcompiler,", current_arg)) {
// Split and send the rest of the flag to the compiler.
AppendPrefixedArg(current_arg, &compiler_args_);
} else if (starts_with("-Xruntime,", current_arg) ||
starts_with("--Xruntime,", current_arg)) {
// Split and send the rest of the flag to the runtime.
AppendPrefixedArg(current_arg, &runtime_args_);
} else {
// Route to either runtime or compiler arg sets based on which side of
// the -- we are on.
if (parsing_runtime_args) {
} else {
// Add nullptrs to end to match real argv behavior.
return true;
// Drops the prefix from |prefixed_arg| and appends the arg to |out_args|.
// Example: --Xcompiler,ab=cd,ef -> --ab=cd,ef
void AppendPrefixedArg(std::string_view prefixed_arg,
std::vector<char*>* out_args) {
std::string_view sub_arg = prefixed_arg.substr(prefixed_arg.find(',') + 1);
auto stable_arg = std::make_unique<std::string>("--");
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> temp_strings_;
std::vector<char*> runtime_args_;
std::vector<char*> compiler_args_;
} // namespace
extern "C" int main(int argc, char** argv) {
IREE_TRACE_ZONE_BEGIN_NAMED(z0, "iree-run-mlir");
// Initialize the compiler once on startup before using any other APIs.
// Parse full argument list and split into compiler/runtime flag sets.
ArgParser arg_parser;
if (!arg_parser.Parse(argc, argv)) {
// Pass along compiler flags.
// Since this is a command line tool we initialize the global compiler
// command line environment prior to processing the sources.
// In-process/library uses would usually not do this and would set session
// specific arguments as needed from whatever configuration mechanisms they
// use (kwargs passed to python functions, etc).
arg_parser.compiler_argv(), "iree-run-mlir",
// Pass along runtime flags.
// Note that positional args are left in runtime_argv (after progname).
// Runtime flags are generally only useful in command line tools where there's
// a fixed set of devices, a short lifetime, a single thread, and a single
// context/set of modules/etc. Hosting applications can programmatically
// do most of what the flags do in a way that avoids the downsides of such
// global one-shot configuration.
int runtime_argc = arg_parser.runtime_argc();
char** runtime_argv = arg_parser.runtime_argv();
iree_flags_parse_checked(IREE_FLAGS_PARSE_MODE_DEFAULT, &runtime_argc,
// Ensure a source file was found.
if (runtime_argc != 2) {
"ERROR: one source MLIR file must be specified.\n"
"Pass either the path to a .mlir/mlirbc file or `-` to read from "
const char* source_filename = runtime_argv[1];
// Sessions can be reused for many compiler invocations.
iree_compiler_session_t* session = ireeCompilerSessionCreate();
// The process return code is 0 for success and non-zero otherwise.
// We don't differentiate between compiler or runtime error codes here but
// could if someone found it useful.
int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
// Compile and run the provided source file and get the exit code determined
// based on the run mode.
auto status_or = CompileAndRunFile(session, source_filename);
if (status_or.ok()) {
exit_code = status_or.value();
} else {
exit_code = 2;
iree_status_fprint(stderr, status_or.status().get());
// No more compiler APIs can be called after this point.
return exit_code;
} // namespace iree