blob: 80b860726620aabcb4f5fa63f08c54954e59fdfb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <optional>
#include "./binding.h"
#include "./status_utils.h"
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/vm/api.h"
#include "iree/vm/bytecode/module.h"
namespace iree {
namespace python {
class FunctionAbi;
// Retain/release bindings
template <>
struct ApiPtrAdapter<iree_vm_buffer_t> {
static void Retain(iree_vm_buffer_t* b) { iree_vm_buffer_retain(b); }
static void Release(iree_vm_buffer_t* b) { iree_vm_buffer_release(b); }
template <>
struct ApiPtrAdapter<iree_vm_instance_t> {
static void Retain(iree_vm_instance_t* b) { iree_vm_instance_retain(b); }
static void Release(iree_vm_instance_t* b) { iree_vm_instance_release(b); }
template <>
struct ApiPtrAdapter<iree_vm_context_t> {
static void Retain(iree_vm_context_t* b) { iree_vm_context_retain(b); }
static void Release(iree_vm_context_t* b) { iree_vm_context_release(b); }
template <>
struct ApiPtrAdapter<iree_vm_list_t> {
static void Retain(iree_vm_list_t* b) { iree_vm_list_retain(b); }
static void Release(iree_vm_list_t* b) { iree_vm_list_release(b); }
template <>
struct ApiPtrAdapter<iree_vm_module_t> {
static void Retain(iree_vm_module_t* b) { iree_vm_module_retain(b); }
static void Release(iree_vm_module_t* b) { iree_vm_module_release(b); }
template <>
struct ApiPtrAdapter<iree_vm_invocation_t> {
static void Retain(iree_vm_invocation_t* b) { iree_vm_invocation_retain(b); }
static void Release(iree_vm_invocation_t* b) {
template <>
struct ApiPtrAdapter<iree_vm_ref_t> {
static void Retain(iree_vm_ref_t* b) {
iree_vm_ref_t out_ref;
std::memset(&out_ref, 0, sizeof(out_ref));
iree_vm_ref_retain(b, &out_ref);
static void Release(iree_vm_ref_t* b) { iree_vm_ref_release(b); }
// VmBuffer
class VmBuffer : public ApiRefCounted<VmBuffer, iree_vm_buffer_t> {};
// VmVariantList
// TODO: Rename to VmList
class VmVariantList : public ApiRefCounted<VmVariantList, iree_vm_list_t> {
static VmVariantList Create(iree_host_size_t capacity) {
iree_vm_list_t* list;
iree_vm_list_create(iree_vm_make_undefined_type_def(), capacity,
iree_allocator_system(), &list),
"Error allocating variant list");
return VmVariantList::StealFromRawPtr(list);
iree_host_size_t size() const { return iree_vm_list_size(raw_ptr()); }
void AppendNullRef() {
iree_vm_ref_t null_ref = {0};
CheckApiStatus(iree_vm_list_push_ref_move(raw_ptr(), &null_ref),
"Error appending to list");
std::string DebugString() const;
void PushFloat(double fvalue);
void PushInt(int64_t ivalue);
void PushList(VmVariantList& other);
void PushRef(py::handle ref_or_object);
py::object GetAsList(int index);
py::object GetAsRef(int index);
py::object GetAsObject(int index, py::object clazz);
py::object GetVariant(int index);
py::object GetAsSerializedTraceValue(int index);
// VmInstance
class VmInstance : public ApiRefCounted<VmInstance, iree_vm_instance_t> {
static VmInstance Create();
// VmModule
class VmModule : public ApiRefCounted<VmModule, iree_vm_module_t> {
static VmModule ResolveModuleDependency(VmInstance* instance,
const std::string& name,
uint32_t minimum_version);
static VmModule WrapBuffer(VmInstance* instance, py::object buffer_obj,
py::object destroy_callback, bool close_buffer);
static VmModule MMap(VmInstance* instance, std::string filepath,
py::object destroy_callback);
static VmModule CopyBuffer(VmInstance* instance, py::object buffer_obj);
static VmModule FromBuffer(VmInstance* instance, py::object buffer_obj,
bool warn_if_copy);
std::optional<iree_vm_function_t> LookupFunction(
const std::string& name, iree_vm_function_linkage_t linkage);
std::string name() const {
auto name_sv = iree_vm_module_name(raw_ptr());
return std::string(, name_sv.size);
py::object get_stashed_flatbuffer_blob() { return stashed_flatbuffer_blob; }
// If the module was created from a FlatBuffer blob, we stash it here.
// Note that this buffer will typically be captured here at the Python
// instance level and within the deallocator of the native vm module.
// Since this child field is destroyed first (before the base class wrapped
// vm module), we ensure that there are no dangling references when
// that deallocator is called.
py::object stashed_flatbuffer_blob = py::none();
// VmContext
class VmContext : public ApiRefCounted<VmContext, iree_vm_context_t> {
// Creates a context, optionally with modules, which will make the context
// static, disallowing further module registration (and may be more
// efficient).
static VmContext Create(VmInstance* instance,
std::optional<std::vector<VmModule*>>& modules);
// Registers additional modules. Only valid for non static contexts (i.e.
// those created without modules.
void RegisterModules(std::vector<VmModule*> modules);
// Unique id for this context.
int context_id() const { return iree_vm_context_id(raw_ptr()); }
// Synchronously invokes the given function.
void Invoke(iree_vm_function_t f, VmVariantList& inputs,
VmVariantList& outputs);
class VmInvocation : public ApiRefCounted<VmInvocation, iree_vm_invocation_t> {
// VmRef (represents a pointer to an arbitrary reference object).
class VmRef {
// Binds the reference protocol to a VmRefObject bound class.
// This defines three attributes:
// __iree_vm_type__()
// Gets the type from the object.
// [readonly property] __iree_vm_ref__ :
// Gets a VmRef from the object.
// __iree_vm_cast__(ref) :
// Dereferences the VmRef to the concrete type. Returns None on cast
// failure.
// In addition, a user attribute of "ref" will be added that is an alias of
// __iree_vm_ref__.
// An __eq__ method is added which returns true if the python objects refer
// to the same vm object.
// The BindRefProtocol() helper is used on a py::class_ defined for a
// reference object. It takes some of the C helper functions that are defined
// for each type and is generic.
static const char* const kTypeAttr;
static const char* const kRefAttr;
static const char* const kCastAttr;
template <typename PyClass, typename TypeFunctor, typename RetainRefFunctor,
typename DerefFunctor, typename IsaFunctor>
static void BindRefProtocol(PyClass& cls, TypeFunctor type,
RetainRefFunctor retain_ref, DerefFunctor deref,
IsaFunctor isa) {
using WrapperType = typename PyClass::Type;
auto ref_lambda = [=](WrapperType& self) {
return VmRef::Steal(retain_ref(self.raw_ptr()));
cls.def_static(VmRef::kTypeAttr, [=]() { return type(); });
cls.def_prop_ro(VmRef::kRefAttr, ref_lambda);
cls.def_prop_ro("ref", ref_lambda);
cls.def_static(VmRef::kCastAttr, [=](VmRef& ref) -> py::object {
if (!isa(ref.ref())) {
return py::none();
return py::cast(WrapperType::BorrowFromRawPtr(deref(ref.ref())),
cls.def("__eq__", [](WrapperType& self, WrapperType& other) {
return self.raw_ptr() == other.raw_ptr();
[](WrapperType& self, py::object& other) { return false; });
// Initializes a null ref.
VmRef() { std::memset(&ref_, 0, sizeof(ref_)); }
VmRef(VmRef&& other) : ref_(other.ref_) {
std::memset(&other.ref_, 0, sizeof(other.ref_));
VmRef(const VmRef&) = delete;
VmRef& operator=(const VmRef&) = delete;
~VmRef() {
if (ref_.ptr) {
// Creates a VmRef from an owned ref, taking the reference count.
static VmRef Steal(iree_vm_ref_t ref) { return VmRef(ref); }
iree_vm_ref_t& ref() { return ref_; }
py::object Deref(py::object ref_object_class, bool optional);
bool IsInstance(py::object ref_object_class);
std::string ToString();
// Initializes with an owned ref.
VmRef(iree_vm_ref_t ref) : ref_(ref) {}
iree_vm_ref_t ref_;
void SetupVmBindings(nanobind::module_ m);
} // namespace python
} // namespace iree