blob: 8d422f780e185495c1005866532b7c1c350af8b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Common flags that apply to all configurations.
# Use sparingly for things common to all compilers and platforms.
# Prevent invalid caching if input files are modified during a build.
build --experimental_guard_against_concurrent_changes
# Disable visibility checks (works around some private deps in TensorFlow that
# are being unbundled soon anyway).
build --nocheck_visibility
# Override via: "-c dbg" or --compilation_mode=dbg
build --compilation_mode=opt
# Used in TensorFlow, so we have to enable it here as well.
common --experimental_repo_remote_exec
# Actually printing output on errors is... a useful default
test --test_output=errors
# Options for "generic_clang" builds: these options should generally apply to
# either clang or gcc and are curated based on need.
# Disable warnings we don't care about.
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wno-unused-local-typedef
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wno-unused-private-field
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wno-unused-const-variable
# Matches upstream. Cannot impact due to extern C inclusion method.
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wno-extern-c-compat
# Technically UB but needed for intrusive ptrs
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wno-invalid-offsetof
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wno-unused-function
# Enable warnings we do care about.
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wimplicit-fallthrough
build:generic_clang --copt=-Wthread-safety-analysis
# C++14 standard version is required.
build:generic_clang --cxxopt=-std=c++14 --host_cxxopt=-std=c++14
# Default to an optimized build with asserts.
# This is a good compromise between runtime and debugability.
build:generic_clang --copt=-UNDEBUG
# Architecture specific options
# Enable some default cpu flags for x86 optimization.
build:x86opt --copt=-mavx2
# Options for connecting to the IREE GCP remote build project.
# Enable authentication. This will pick up application default credentials by
# default. You can use --google_credentials=some_file.json to use a service
# account credential instead.
build:gcp --google_default_credentials=true
# Point to the remote instance constructed in the iree-oss project
build:gcp --remote_instance_name=projects/iree-oss/instances/default_instance
# Configuration for building remotely using Remote Build Execution (RBE)
# Based on
# Currently in development only usable by CI.
# Set up connections to GCP project.
build:rbe --config=gcp
# Depending on how many machines are in the remote execution instance, setting
# this higher can make builds faster by allowing more jobs to run in parallel.
# Setting it too high can result in jobs that timeout, however, while waiting
# for a remote machine to execute them.
build:rbe --jobs=50
# Flags related to specifying the platform, toolchain and java properties.
# These flags must be adapted to work with toolchain containers other than rbe-ubuntu16-04
# References to "rbe_default" matches rbe_autoconfig(name="rbe_default") in WORKSPACE
build:rbe --host_javabase=@rbe_default//java:jdk
build:rbe --javabase=@rbe_default//java:jdk
build:rbe --host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
build:rbe --java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
build:rbe --crosstool_top=@rbe_default//cc:toolchain
build:rbe --action_env=BAZEL_DO_NOT_DETECT_CPP_TOOLCHAIN=1
# Platform flags:
# The toolchain container used for execution is defined in the target indicated
# by "extra_execution_platforms", "host_platform" and "platforms".
# More about platforms:
build:rbe --extra_toolchains=@rbe_default//config:cc-toolchain
build:rbe --extra_execution_platforms=@rbe_default//config:platform
build:rbe --host_platform=@rbe_default//config:platform
build:rbe --platforms=@rbe_default//config:platform
build:rbe --define=EXECUTOR=remote
# Enable remote execution so actions are performed on the remote systems.
build:rbe --remote_executor=grpcs://
# Enforce stricter environment rules, which eliminates some non-hermetic
# behavior and therefore improves both the remote cache hit rate and the
# correctness and repeatability of the build.
build:rbe --incompatible_strict_action_env=true
# Set a higher timeout value, just in case.
build:rbe --remote_timeout=3600
# Local disk cache is incompatible with remote execution (for obvious reasons).
build:rbe --disk_cache=""
# Configuration for uploading build results to Result Store UI
# Can be used either with or without --config=rbe.
build:rs --config=gcp
build:rs --bes_backend=""
build:rs --bes_results_url=""
build:rs --project_id=iree-oss
# Windows specific flags for building with VC.
build:windows --define=iree_is_msvc=true
build:windows --copt=/wd4624 # destructor was implicitly defined as deleted
build:windows --copt=/wd4244 # possible loss of data
build:windows --copt=/wd4005 # macro redefinition
build:windows --copt=/wd4267 # initializing: possible loss of data
build:windows --copt=/wd4141 # inline used more than once
build:windows --per_file_copt=mkl_dnn@/wd4551 # missing argument list
build:windows --per_file_copt=mkl_dnn@/wd4068 # unknown pragma
build:windows --per_file_copt=farmhash@/wd4319 # zero extending to T of greater size
build:windows --linkopt=/IGNORE:4217 # mismatch import/export declspec
# Enables unix-style runfiles link trees (requires symlink permission).
# See:
# Generally: Enable Developer Mode in the Developer Settings page of the
# system settings.
build:windows --experimental_enable_runfiles
# Flags to make tensorflow build.
# Some of these are also of general use and fine to enable globally for windows.
build:windows --copt=/arch:AVX
# Host and target are the same in windows so don't waste time building both.
build:windows --distinct_host_configuration=false
# Avoids incompatible versions of winsock and other badness.
build:windows --copt=/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN --host_copt=/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# That is one way to have less warnings :(
build:windows --per_file_copt=tensorflow@-w
build:windows --per_file_copt=protobuf@-w
# Why are min/max macros? No one knows.
build:windows --copt=/DNOMINMAX --host_copt=/DNOMINMAX
# Yay for security warnings. Boo for non-standard.
build:windows --copt=/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS --host_copt=/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
# TensorFlow requires the "monolithic" build mode for now on Windows.
build:windows --define framework_shared_object=false
# Necessary for M_* math constants.
build:windows --copt=/D_USE_MATH_DEFINES --host_copt=/D_USE_MATH_DEFINES
# Workaround WinGDI.h defining `ERROR`, which conflicts with logging macros.
# Note that IREE and TensorFlow both `#undef ERROR` and define their own
# separate logging constants with the same name, but IREE needs the Windows
# "graphics device interface" (GDI) for certain GUI sample projects.
build:windows --per_file_copt=tensorflow@-DNOGDI
# Disables TensorFlow eigen bloat and reduces compile times.
build:windows --define=override_eigen_strong_inline=true
# Another TensorFlow flag from their config script.
build:windows --define with_default_optimizations=true
# Run the script to generate.
try-import %workspace%/configured.bazelrc
# The user.bazelrc file is not checked in but available for local mods.
# Always keep this at the end of the file so that user flags override.
try-import %workspace%/user.bazelrc