blob: 30d210dedec0069cec5cfbec9961e856d8f11b62 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
"""iree_generated_e2e_matmul_test generator for e2e matmul tests.
from typing import Optional
import argparse
import os
import re
import enum
import dataclasses
import typing
import itertools
# Data type of matrix entries. The string values must match MLIR data types.
# This is a superset of the values accepted for the --lhs_rhs_types= flag,
# as this also includes accumulator-specific types like i32.
class MatrixElemTypeId(enum.Enum):
NONE = ""
I8 = "i8"
I32 = "i32"
F32 = "f32"
F16 = "f16"
BF16 = "bf16"
# Enumerates of the collections of shapes that we can generate tests for.
# The values are the accepted values for the --shapes= flag.
class ShapesId(enum.Enum):
DEFAULT = "default"
SMALL = "small"
LARGE = "large"
EASY_LARGE_STATIC = "easy_large_static"
# Enumerates of the collections of compilation info that we can generate tests
# for. The values are the accepted values for the --compilation_info= flag.
class CompilationInfoId(enum.Enum):
NONE = ""
LLVMGPUMatmulSimt = "LLVMGPUMatmulSimt"
LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCore = "LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCore"
LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCoreMmaSync = "LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCoreMmaSync"
LLVMGPUVectorDistributeMFMA = "LLVMGPUVectorDistributeMFMA"
LLVMGPUVectorDistributeWMMA = "LLVMGPUVectorDistributeWMMA"
SPIRVCooperativeMatrixVectorize = "SPIRVCooperativeMatrixVectorize"
SPIRVVectorizeMali = "SPIRVVectorizeMali"
# Enumerates ways to construct MLIR tensor types.
class Dynamicity(enum.Enum):
DYNAMIC = "dynamic" # Use '?' everywhere. Example: tensor<?x?xf32>.
STATIC = "static" # Use fixed values everywhere. Example: tensor<4x6xf32>.
MIXED = "mixed" # Randomly mix '?' and values. Example: tensor<?x4xf32>.
# Enumerates ways to initialize matrix buffer contents.
class MatrixGenerator(enum.Enum):
ZERO = "zero" # Fill with zeros
RANDOM = "random" # Fill with (deterministic) pseudorandom values.
# Describes the shape of a matrix multiplication in the usual convention:
# the LHS is {m}x{k}, the RHS is {k}x{n}, the accumulator/result is {m}x{n}.
# The extra `accumulate` boolean tells whether the matmul is accumulating into
# an existing accumulator (C += A * B) or just overwriting the result
# (C = A * B).
class TestShape:
m: int
k: int
n: int
accumulate: bool
# Describes a workgroup and tiling schedule to target a specific MMA intrinsic.
class MMASchedule:
intrinsic: str
m_count: int # Number of subgroups per workgroup along M
n_count: int # Number of subgroups per workgroup along N
m_tile_count: int
n_tile_count: int
k_tile_count: int
def __str__(self):
return (
"mma_schedule = #iree_gpu.mma_schedule<"
+ f"intrinsic = #iree_gpu.mma_layout<{self.intrinsic}>, "
+ f"subgroup_m_count = {self.m_count}, "
+ f"subgroup_n_count = {self.n_count}>"
# Describes how to construct compilation info for the testcase.
class CompilationInfo:
# Compilation info
workgroup_size: typing.List[int]
subgroup_size: Optional[int]
# Translation info
dispatch_lowering_pass_pipeline: str
# Prints the workgroup size
def workgroup_size_str(self):
return "workgroup_size = [" + ", ".join(map(str, self.workgroup_size)) + "]"
def get_compilation_info_attr(self) -> str:
class IREEGPUCompilationInfo(CompilationInfo):
# Lowering Config
workgroup_tile: list[int]
reduction_tile: list[int]
# Translation Info
mma_schedule: Optional[MMASchedule]
def get_compilation_info_attr(self) -> str:
requested_pipeline = self.dispatch_lowering_pass_pipeline
compiler_pipeline = requested_pipeline
mma_schedule = ""
if self.mma_schedule is not None:
mma_schedule = "{}".format(self.mma_schedule)
subgroup_size_str = ""
if self.subgroup_size is not None:
subgroup_size_str = f"subgroup_size = {self.subgroup_size}"
return (
f" lowering_config = #iree_gpu.lowering_config<{{"
f" workgroup = {self.workgroup_tile}, "
f" reduction = {self.reduction_tile} }}>,\n"
f" translation_info = <{compiler_pipeline} {self.workgroup_size_str()}\n"
f" {subgroup_size_str},\n"
f" {{ {mma_schedule} }}>>\n"
class LegacyCompilationInfo(CompilationInfo):
# Lowering Config
tile_sizes: typing.List[typing.List[int]]
# Translation Info
software_pipeline_depth: int
def get_compilation_info_attr(self) -> str:
requested_pipeline = self.dispatch_lowering_pass_pipeline
compiler_pipeline = requested_pipeline
if requested_pipeline == "SPIRVVectorizeMali":
compiler_pipeline = "SPIRVBaseVectorize"
elif requested_pipeline == "SPIRVCooperativeMatrixVectorize":
compiler_pipeline = "SPIRVCooperativeMatrixVectorize"
elif requested_pipeline == "SPIRVVectorizeNVIDIA":
# TODO: change to test SPIRVMatmulPromoteVectorize too
compiler_pipeline = "SPIRVBaseVectorize"
subgroup_size_str = ""
if self.subgroup_size is not None:
subgroup_size_str = f"subgroup_size = {self.subgroup_size}"
return (
f" lowering_config = #iree_codegen.lowering_config<tile_sizes = {self.tile_sizes}>,\n"
f" translation_info = <{compiler_pipeline} {self.workgroup_size_str()}\n"
f" {subgroup_size_str},\n"
f" {{ pipeline_depth = {self.software_pipeline_depth}, store_stage = 1}}>>"
# Returns the list of TestShape's to use for the collection of shapes
# identified by shapes_id.
def get_test_shapes(shapes_id: ShapesId):
# Notes:
# 1. Be conservative in adding more shapes, as that can increase both the
# build and execution latency of tests. The build latency is nearly the
# same for all shapes, while execution latency grows cubicly i.e.
# linearly with m*k*n.
# 2. Some shapes are commented out: they used to be tested but have been
# disabled to improve the trade-off between test coverage and build
# latency.
if shapes_id == ShapesId.DEFAULT:
return get_test_shapes(ShapesId.SMALL) + get_test_shapes(ShapesId.LARGE)
if shapes_id == ShapesId.SMALL:
return [
# square matrices. Start by the simplest case of 1x1x1.
TestShape(m=1, k=1, n=1, accumulate=True),
TestShape(m=1, k=1, n=1, accumulate=False),
# Test some small powers of two, that exercise in particular the
# adjustment of data-tiling tile sizes to narrow cases.
TestShape(m=2, k=2, n=2, accumulate=True),
TestShape(m=4, k=4, n=4, accumulate=True),
TestShape(m=8, k=8, n=8, accumulate=True),
# test 9x9x9 because as many kernel M0/K0/N0 dims are equal to 8,
# this will often be the smallest value that exercises something above
# the kernel's size.
TestShape(m=9, k=9, n=9, accumulate=True),
# rectangular matrices.
# >= 2x differences between M/N/K dims may exercise tiling corner cases
# not exercised by nearly-square matrices.
TestShape(m=6, k=13, n=3, accumulate=True),
TestShape(m=15, k=37, n=7, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=81, k=19, n=41, accumulate=True),
# shapes involving vectors (i.e. most rectangular cases)
# This is particularly relevant because we have dedicated kernels for
# the matrix*vector / vector*matrix case.
TestShape(m=1, k=10, n=10, accumulate=True), # vector*matrix
TestShape(m=1, k=10, n=10, accumulate=False), # vector*matrix
TestShape(m=10, k=1, n=10, accumulate=True), # outer-product
TestShape(m=10, k=10, n=1, accumulate=True), # matrix*vector
TestShape(m=10, k=10, n=1, accumulate=False), # matrix*vector
if shapes_id == ShapesId.LARGE:
return [
# unaligned cases.
TestShape(m=457, k=330, n=512, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=438, k=331, n=513, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=540, k=332, n=516, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=1000, k=4, n=512, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=4, k=1000, n=512, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=512, k=1000, n=4, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=513, k=128, n=55, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=7, k=160, n=31, accumulate=False),
TestShape(m=512, k=330, n=33, accumulate=False),
# shapes involving vectors (i.e. most rectangular cases)
TestShape(m=1, k=1000, n=1000, accumulate=True), # large vector*matrix
TestShape(m=1000, k=1000, n=1, accumulate=True), # large matrix*vector
TestShape(m=1000, k=1000, n=1, accumulate=False), # large matrix*vector
# Be conservative in adding larger shapes. They can result in
# high latency tests. If you have to, consider splitting them
# out in a way that constrains the latency impact, e.g. by
# running on fewer backends/drivers or with fewer generators
# (see get_test_generators).
if shapes_id == ShapesId.EASY_LARGE_STATIC:
return [
TestShape(m=512, k=128, n=512, accumulate=True),
TestShape(m=512, k=128, n=512, accumulate=False),
raise ValueError(shapes_id)
# Returns the list of Dynamicity's to use for the collection of shapes
# identified by shapes_id.
def get_dynamicities(shapes_id: ShapesId):
if shapes_id == ShapesId.EASY_LARGE_STATIC:
return [
return [
raise ValueError(shapes_id)
class TileWorkgroupSizePair:
tile_size: typing.List[typing.List[int]]
workgroup_size: typing.List[int]
# Constructs a TileWorkgroupSizePair for SPIR-V targets enforcing the
# constraints between the workgroup_size and tile size
def get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair(
workgroup_size, t_tile_k, t_tile_m=4, t_tile_n=4
x, y, z = workgroup_size
wg_tile_m = y * t_tile_m
wg_tile_n = x * t_tile_n
return TileWorkgroupSizePair(
[[wg_tile_m, wg_tile_n], [t_tile_m, t_tile_n], [0, 0, t_tile_k]], workgroup_size
# Returns all the TileWorkgroupSizePairs for a given SPIRV Target
def get_all_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pairs(t_tile_k):
tile_workgroup_size_pairs = [
get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair([32, 8, 1], t_tile_k),
get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair([16, 8, 1], t_tile_k),
get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair([64, 2, 1], t_tile_k),
get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair([8, 8, 1], t_tile_k),
get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair([32, 1, 1], t_tile_k),
get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair([16, 2, 1], t_tile_k),
get_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pair([32, 1, 1], t_tile_k),
return tile_workgroup_size_pairs
def get_rocm_test_compilation_infos(
compilation_info_id: CompilationInfoId, lhs_rhs_type: MatrixElemTypeId
intrinsic = ""
if compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.LLVMGPUVectorDistributeMFMA:
intrinsic = "MFMA"
elif compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.LLVMGPUVectorDistributeWMMA:
intrinsic = "WMMA"
raise ValueError("Unknown pipeline for rocm")
schedules = []
if intrinsic == "MFMA":
schedules = [
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32", 1, 1, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32", 1, 1, 1, 2, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32", 1, 1, 2, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32", 2, 2, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 1, 2, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 2, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 2, 2, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 2, 4, 2, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 4, 2, 4, 2, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16", 1, 1, 1, 2, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16", 2, 2, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16", 1, 4, 2, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16", 4, 2, 1, 2, 4),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ", 2, 2, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ", 4, 1, 4, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ", 4, 2, 4, 2, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8", 2, 2, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8", 4, 1, 4, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8", 4, 2, 4, 2, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8", 2, 2, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8", 4, 1, 1, 2, 2),
MMASchedule("MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8", 4, 2, 2, 2, 2),
elif intrinsic == "WMMA":
schedules = [
MMASchedule("WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 1, 2, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 1, 1, 2, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 2, 2, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 2, 4, 2, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16", 4, 2, 4, 2, 2),
MMASchedule("WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8", 1, 1, 1, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8", 1, 1, 1, 2, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8", 1, 1, 2, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8", 2, 2, 1, 1, 1),
MMASchedule("WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8", 2, 4, 2, 1, 2),
MMASchedule("WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8", 4, 2, 4, 2, 2),
raise NotImplementedError("unhandled intrinsic case")
subgroup_size = 64 if intrinsic == "MFMA" else 32
infos = []
for schedule in schedules:
# Skip schedules with an intrinsic which element type does not
# match the requested one.
# Extracts the input type from strings. The naming convention is
# [output_type]_MxNxK_[input_type].
input_type = schedule.intrinsic.split("_")[-1]
if lhs_rhs_type.value.upper() != input_type:
if schedule.intrinsic == "MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32":
wg_tile_m = schedule.m_count * schedule.m_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_n = schedule.n_count * schedule.n_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_k = schedule.k_tile_count * 4
elif schedule.intrinsic == "MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16":
wg_tile_m = schedule.m_count * schedule.m_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_n = schedule.n_count * schedule.n_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_k = schedule.k_tile_count * 16
elif schedule.intrinsic == "MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16":
wg_tile_m = schedule.m_count * schedule.m_tile_count * 32
wg_tile_n = schedule.n_count * schedule.n_tile_count * 32
wg_tile_k = schedule.k_tile_count * 8
elif (
schedule.intrinsic == "MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8"
or schedule.intrinsic == "MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ"
wg_tile_m = schedule.m_count * schedule.m_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_n = schedule.n_count * schedule.n_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_k = schedule.k_tile_count * 32
elif schedule.intrinsic == "MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8":
wg_tile_m = schedule.m_count * schedule.m_tile_count * 32
wg_tile_n = schedule.n_count * schedule.n_tile_count * 32
wg_tile_k = schedule.k_tile_count * 16
elif schedule.intrinsic == "WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16":
wg_tile_m = schedule.m_count * schedule.m_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_n = schedule.n_count * schedule.n_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_k = schedule.k_tile_count * 16
elif schedule.intrinsic == "WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8":
wg_tile_m = schedule.m_count * schedule.m_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_n = schedule.n_count * schedule.n_tile_count * 16
wg_tile_k = schedule.k_tile_count * 16
raise NotImplementedError("unhandled intrinsic case")
workgroup_tile = [wg_tile_m, wg_tile_n, 0]
reduction_tile = [0, 0, wg_tile_k]
workgroup_size = [schedule.n_count * subgroup_size, schedule.m_count, 1]
return infos
# Returns the list of CompilationInfo's to use for the CompilationInfoId.
def get_test_compilation_infos(
compilation_info_id: CompilationInfoId, lhs_rhs_type: MatrixElemTypeId
) -> typing.List[typing.Optional[CompilationInfo]]:
if compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.NONE:
return [None]
if compilation_info_id in [
return get_rocm_test_compilation_infos(compilation_info_id, lhs_rhs_type)
software_pipeline_depth = 0
tile_workgroup_size_pairs = []
if compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.LLVMGPUMatmulSimt:
tile_workgroup_size_pairs = [
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[32, 128, 32]], [32, 8, 1]),
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[128, 64, 8]], [16, 8, 1]),
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[16, 256, 32]], [64, 2, 1]),
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[8, 32, 32]], [8, 8, 1]),
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[8, 128, 4]], [32, 1, 1]),
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[16, 64, 4]], [16, 2, 1]),
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[1, 128, 8]], [32, 1, 1]),
software_pipeline_depth = 3
elif compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.SPIRVCooperativeMatrixVectorize:
tile_workgroup_size_pairs = [
[[64, 128], [32, 64], [0, 0, 32], [16, 16, 16]], [64, 2, 1]
elif compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.SPIRVVectorizeNVIDIA:
tile_workgroup_size_pairs = get_all_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pairs(32)
elif compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.SPIRVVectorizeMali:
tile_workgroup_size_pairs = get_all_spirv_tile_workgroup_size_pairs(4)
elif (
compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCore
or compilation_info_id == CompilationInfoId.LLVMGPUMatmulTensorCoreMmaSync
tile_workgroup_size_pairs = []
## WarpShape = 2x2
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[32, 32, 16]], [64, 2, 1])
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[64, 64, 64]], [64, 2, 1])
## WarpShape = 4x1
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[32, 32, 32]], [64, 1, 1])
## WarpShape = 2x2 with large tiles using larger Shared Memory capacity.
if lhs_rhs_type == MatrixElemTypeId.F16:
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[128, 128, 64]], [64, 2, 1])
elif lhs_rhs_type == MatrixElemTypeId.F32:
TileWorkgroupSizePair([[128, 128, 16]], [64, 2, 1])
software_pipeline_depth = 3
compilation_infos = []
for tile_workgroup_size_pair in tile_workgroup_size_pairs:
return compilation_infos
# Intentionally fixed seed! We want full reproducibility here, both across runs
# and across machines.
# Intentionally not shared with pseudorandom_generator_seed to limit the ways
# in which shuffling testcases changes which random values are generated.
local_pseudorandom_state = 1
# A shape dimension value, i.e. a size value that could appear in a MLIR type
# such as 'tensor<?x4xf32>'. None means a dynamic size, similar to '?' in MLIR.
class DimSize:
value: typing.Optional[int]
# Generates a compile-time MLIR size value, i.e. either a fixed positive integer
# or None (which maps to MLIR '?') depending on dynamicity.
def shape_dim(x: int, dynamicity: Dynamicity):
if dynamicity == Dynamicity.DYNAMIC:
return DimSize(None)
elif dynamicity == Dynamicity.STATIC:
return DimSize(x)
raise ValueError(dynamicity)
# Stringification used for generating MLIR types, e.g. tensor<?x?xf32>.
def int_or_question_mark(s: DimSize):
return s.value or "?"
# Stringification used for generating alphanumeric identifiers, e.g.
# func.func @somefunction_DYNxDYNxf32, where we can't use "?" characters.
def int_or_DYN(s: DimSize):
return s.value or "DYN"
# Gets friendlier form/type that we can use as arg types which we can cast into the target_type.
def cast_argtype_if_required(target_type: MatrixElemTypeId):
if target_type == MatrixElemTypeId.F8E4M3FNUZ:
return MatrixElemTypeId.F32
return target_type
# Gets the op needed to cast/convert from the friendly form/type into the target_type.
def get_castback_from_arg_op(target_type: MatrixElemTypeId):
if target_type == MatrixElemTypeId.F8E4M3FNUZ:
return "arith.truncf"
return ValueError(f"Unhandled castback type of {target_type}")
# Describes the fully resolved shape dimensions of all 3 input matrices,
# LHS, RHS, and Accumulator, in a testcase.
# Each value is a string, which may either represent a positive integer such as "123",
# or a "?" string, meaning a dynamic dimension as in MLIR.
# These string values are used to generate MLIR function names and tensor shapes.
class TestInputMatricesShapes:
lhs_rows: DimSize
lhs_cols: DimSize
rhs_rows: DimSize
rhs_cols: DimSize
acc_rows: DimSize
acc_cols: DimSize
# Helper for generate_function. Generates TestInputMatricesShapes, i.e.
# converts from the runtime shape dimensions in TestShape and given dynamicity to
# the set of shapes to be used in a test function's input tensors.
def generate_shapes(shape: TestShape, transpose_rhs: bool, dynamicity: Dynamicity):
lhs_rows = shape_dim(shape.m, dynamicity)
lhs_cols = shape_dim(shape.k, dynamicity)
acc_rows = shape_dim(shape.m, dynamicity)
acc_cols = shape_dim(shape.n, dynamicity)
if transpose_rhs:
rhs_rows = shape_dim(shape.n, dynamicity)
rhs_cols = shape_dim(shape.k, dynamicity)
rhs_rows = shape_dim(shape.k, dynamicity)
rhs_cols = shape_dim(shape.n, dynamicity)
shapes = TestInputMatricesShapes(
return shapes
# Helper for generate_function.
# Generates a name for a test function in the generated MLIR code.
def generate_function_name(
lhs_rhs_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
acc_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
shapes: TestInputMatricesShapes,
accumulate: bool,
compilation_info: typing.Optional[CompilationInfo] = None,
input_t = lhs_rhs_type.value
acc_t = acc_type.value
lhs_r = int_or_DYN(shapes.lhs_rows)
lhs_c = int_or_DYN(shapes.lhs_cols)
rhs_r = int_or_DYN(shapes.rhs_rows)
rhs_c = int_or_DYN(shapes.rhs_cols)
acc_r = int_or_DYN(shapes.acc_rows)
acc_c = int_or_DYN(shapes.acc_cols)
info = ""
if compilation_info:
info = f"_for_{compilation_info.dispatch_lowering_pass_pipeline}"
matmul_kind = "matmul_accumulate" if accumulate else "matmul"
return (
+ f"{rhs_r}x{rhs_c}x{input_t}_into_{acc_r}x{acc_c}x{acc_t}{info}"
# Represents a generated test function.
class MLIRFunction:
name: str
signature: str
import_declaration: str
definition: str
# Generates a test function in the generated MLIR code.
# The generated function will take the same arguments as linalg.matmul variants
# and will just call linalg.matmul variants with them, returning its result.
def generate_function(
lhs_rhs_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
acc_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
shape: TestShape,
transpose_rhs: bool,
dynamicity: Dynamicity,
compilation_info: Optional[CompilationInfo] = None,
shapes = generate_shapes(shape, transpose_rhs, dynamicity)
func_name = generate_function_name(
lhs_rhs_type, acc_type, shapes, shape.accumulate, compilation_info
lhs_r = int_or_question_mark(shapes.lhs_rows)
lhs_c = int_or_question_mark(shapes.lhs_cols)
rhs_r = int_or_question_mark(shapes.rhs_rows)
rhs_c = int_or_question_mark(shapes.rhs_cols)
acc_r = int_or_question_mark(shapes.acc_rows)
acc_c = int_or_question_mark(shapes.acc_cols)
casted_lhs_rhs_type = cast_argtype_if_required(lhs_rhs_type)
lhs_tensor_type = f"tensor<{lhs_r}x{lhs_c}x{casted_lhs_rhs_type.value}>"
rhs_tensor_type = f"tensor<{rhs_r}x{rhs_c}x{casted_lhs_rhs_type.value}>"
acc_tensor_type = f"tensor<{acc_r}x{acc_c}x{acc_type.value}>"
if transpose_rhs:
op_name = "linalg.matmul_transpose_b"
op_name = "linalg.matmul"
# Compilation info is optional; prints empty string by default.
func_definition = ""
compilation_info_attr = ""
if compilation_info:
compilation_info_string = f"#compilation{generate_function.compilation_index} = {compilation_info.get_compilation_info_attr()}"
compilation_info_attr = (
f"{{compilation_info = #compilation{generate_function.compilation_index}}} "
func_definition = func_definition + compilation_info_string
generate_function.compilation_index += 1
compute = f" %result = {op_name} {compilation_info_attr}ins(%lhs, %rhs: {lhs_tensor_type}, {rhs_tensor_type}) outs(%acc: {acc_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type}\n"
if casted_lhs_rhs_type != lhs_rhs_type:
castback_op = get_castback_from_arg_op(lhs_rhs_type)
compute_lhs_tensor_type = f"tensor<{lhs_r}x{lhs_c}x{lhs_rhs_type.value}>"
compute_rhs_tensor_type = f"tensor<{rhs_r}x{rhs_c}x{lhs_rhs_type.value}>"
compute = (
f" %lhs_casted = {castback_op} %lhs: {lhs_tensor_type} to {compute_lhs_tensor_type}\n"
f" %rhs_casted = {castback_op} %rhs: {rhs_tensor_type} to {compute_rhs_tensor_type}\n"
f" %result = {op_name} {compilation_info_attr}ins(%lhs_casted, %rhs_casted: {compute_lhs_tensor_type}, {compute_rhs_tensor_type}) outs(%acc: {acc_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type}"
if shape.accumulate:
signature = f"({lhs_tensor_type}, {rhs_tensor_type}, {acc_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type}"
import_declaration = f"func.func private @module.{func_name}(%lhs: !hal.buffer_view, %rhs: !hal.buffer_view, %acc: !hal.buffer_view) -> !hal.buffer_view"
func_definition = func_definition + (
f"func.func @{func_name}(%lhs: {lhs_tensor_type}, %rhs: {rhs_tensor_type}, %acc: {acc_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type} {{\n"
f" return %result: {acc_tensor_type}\n"
literal_zero_for_acc_type = "0.0" if "f" in acc_type.value else "0"
if acc_r == "?":
signature = f"({lhs_tensor_type}, {rhs_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type}"
import_declaration = f"func.func private @module.{func_name}(%lhs: !hal.buffer_view, %rhs: !hal.buffer_view) -> !hal.buffer_view"
func_definition = func_definition + (
f"func.func @{func_name}(%lhs: {lhs_tensor_type}, %rhs: {rhs_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type} {{\n"
f" %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index\n"
f" %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index\n"
f" %acc_dim0 = tensor.dim %lhs, %c0 : {lhs_tensor_type}\n"
f" %acc_dim1 = tensor.dim %rhs, %c1 : {rhs_tensor_type}\n"
f" %init_acc = tensor.empty(%acc_dim0, %acc_dim1) : {acc_tensor_type}\n"
f" %c0_acc_type = arith.constant {literal_zero_for_acc_type}: {acc_type.value}\n"
f" %acc = linalg.fill ins(%c0_acc_type : {acc_type.value}) outs(%init_acc : {acc_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type}\n"
f" return %result: {acc_tensor_type}\n"
signature = f"({lhs_tensor_type}, {rhs_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type}"
import_declaration = f"func.func private @module.{func_name}(%lhs: !hal.buffer_view, %rhs: !hal.buffer_view) -> !hal.buffer_view"
func_definition = func_definition + (
f"func.func @{func_name}(%lhs: {lhs_tensor_type}, %rhs: {rhs_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type} {{\n"
f" %init_acc = tensor.empty() : {acc_tensor_type}\n"
f" %c0_acc_type = arith.constant {literal_zero_for_acc_type}: {acc_type.value}\n"
f" %acc = linalg.fill ins(%c0_acc_type : {acc_type.value}) outs(%init_acc : {acc_tensor_type}) -> {acc_tensor_type}\n"
f" return %result: {acc_tensor_type}\n"
return MLIRFunction(
# Counter for producing unique compilation info attrs
generate_function.compilation_index = 0
# Represents a call to a generated test function.
class TestCall:
function: MLIRFunction
op: str
# Intentionally fixed seed! We want full reproducibility here, both across runs
# and across machines.
# Intentionally not shared with local_pseudorandom_state to limit the ways
# in which shuffling testcases changes which random values are generated.
pseudorandom_generator_seed = 1
def contents_generator_tag(generator: MatrixGenerator):
if generator == MatrixGenerator.ZERO:
return ""
elif generator == MatrixGenerator.RANDOM:
global pseudorandom_generator_seed
pseudorandom_generator_seed = pseudorandom_generator_seed + 1
return f"!tag:iree:fully_specified_pseudorandom {pseudorandom_generator_seed}"
raise ValueError(generator)
# Generate a matrix function argument of the given size as `%name`.
def generate_random_matrix(
name: str,
matrix_shape: list,
element_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
global pseudorandom_generator_seed
pseudorandom_generator_seed = pseudorandom_generator_seed + 1
return (
f" %{name}_dim0 = arith.constant {matrix_shape[0]} : i64\n"
f" %{name}_dim1 = arith.constant {matrix_shape[1]} : i64\n"
f" %{name}_element_type = hal.element_type<{element_type.value}> : i32\n"
f" %{name}_seed = arith.constant {pseudorandom_generator_seed} : i32\n"
f" %{name} = call @matmul_test.generate_random_matrix(%device, %{name}_dim0, %{name}_dim1, %{name}_element_type, %{name}_seed) : (!hal.device, i64, i64, i32, i32) -> !hal.buffer_view\n"
call_id = 0
# Generates the output trace for a testcase i.e. a single test function call,
# as a dictionary to be passed to yaml.dump.
def generate_call(
function: MLIRFunction,
lhs_rhs_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
acc_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
shape: TestShape,
transpose_rhs: bool,
global call_id
func_name = f"{}_{shape.m}_{shape.k}_{shape.n}"
if shape.accumulate:
func_name = f"{func_name}_acc"
func_name = f"{func_name}_{call_id}"
call_id = call_id + 1
description = f"Matmul shape (MxKxN): {shape.m}x{shape.k}x{shape.n}"
op = (
f"func.func @{func_name}() attributes {{\n"
f' iree.reflection = {{description = "{description}"}}\n'
"} {\n"
" %device_index = arith.constant 0 : index\n"
" %device = hal.devices.get %device_index : !hal.device\n"
lhs_shape = [shape.m, shape.k]
if transpose_rhs:
rhs_shape = [shape.n, shape.k]
transpose_rhs = 1
rhs_shape = [shape.k, shape.n]
transpose_rhs = 0
casted_lhs_rhs_type = cast_argtype_if_required(lhs_rhs_type)
op = op + generate_random_matrix("lhs", lhs_shape, casted_lhs_rhs_type)
op = op + generate_random_matrix("rhs", rhs_shape, casted_lhs_rhs_type)
if shape.accumulate:
op = op + generate_random_matrix("acc", [shape.m, shape.n], acc_type)
# TODO(#16168): there's a bug with in-place input->output aliasing and
# we work around it here by passing in a unique copy.
global pseudorandom_generator_seed
pseudorandom_generator_seed = pseudorandom_generator_seed - 1
op = op + generate_random_matrix("acc_copy", [shape.m, shape.n], acc_type)
op = op + (
f" %result = call @module.{}(%lhs, %rhs, %acc_copy) : (!hal.buffer_view, !hal.buffer_view, !hal.buffer_view) -> !hal.buffer_view\n"
op = op + (
f" %acc = util.null : !hal.buffer_view\n"
f" %result = call @module.{}(%lhs, %rhs) : (!hal.buffer_view, !hal.buffer_view) -> !hal.buffer_view\n"
op = op + (
f" %m = arith.constant {shape.m} : i64\n"
f" %k = arith.constant {shape.k} : i64\n"
f" %n = arith.constant {shape.n} : i64\n"
f" %transpose_rhs = arith.constant {transpose_rhs} : i32\n"
f" call @matmul_test.check_matmul_results(%device, %m, %k, %n, %transpose_rhs, %lhs, %rhs, %acc, %result) : (!hal.device, i64, i64, i64, i32, !hal.buffer_view, !hal.buffer_view, !hal.buffer_view, !hal.buffer_view) -> ()\n"
op = op + " return\n"
op = op + "}\n"
return TestCall(function=function, op=op)
# Generates all output files' contents as strings.
def generate(
lhs_rhs_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
acc_type: MatrixElemTypeId,
shapes_id: ShapesId,
transpose_rhs: bool,
compilation_info_id: CompilationInfoId,
functions = {}
calls = []
for compilation_info in get_test_compilation_infos(
compilation_info_id, lhs_rhs_type
for shape in get_test_shapes(shapes_id):
for dynamicity in get_dynamicities(shapes_id):
function = generate_function(
# Different testcases may differ only by runtime parameters but
# share the same code. For example, dynamic-shapes testcases
# share the same code involing tensor<?x?xf32> even though the runtime
# value in the trace are different. That's why we append conditionally
# to calls, but unconditionally to function_definitions.
if not in functions:
functions[] = function
function, lhs_rhs_type, acc_type, shape, transpose_rhs
return (functions, calls)
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generator of e2e matmul tests")
help="Path of output .mlir file containing the generated matmuls",
help="Path of output .mlir file containing the calls",
choices=["i32", "i8", "f32", "f16", "f8E4M3FNUZ", "bf16"],
help="Numeric type of input matrices",
choices=["i32", "f32", "f16", "bf16"],
help="Numeric type of input matrices",
choices=[s.value for s in ShapesId],
help="Collection of matrix shapes to test",
help="Whether to transpose RHS",
choices=[i.value for i in CompilationInfoId],
help="Collection of compilation info setups to test",
help="Target requirements for this module. Comma-separated. As in -iree-llvmcpu-target-cpu-features. If the target device does not meet all of the requirements, the test will be skipped.",
return parser.parse_args()
def write_code_file(functions, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as file:
for function in functions.values():
file.write(function.definition + "\n")
def write_calls_file(functions, calls, filename, requirements):
# Module-level reflection information used to control the test tool.
reflection = ""
if requirements:
reflection = (
"iree.reflection = {"
'target_features = "'
+ ",".join([req.lstrip("+") for req in requirements.split(",")])
+ '"'
module_definition = (
f"builtin.module @calls attributes {{\n" f" {reflection}\n" f"}} {{\n\n"
# Declare the custom module that generates arguments.
module_definition = module_definition + (
"func.func private @matmul_test.generate_random_matrix(%device: !hal.device, %dim0: i64, %dim1: i64, %element_type: i32, %seed: i32) -> !hal.buffer_view\n"
"func.func private @matmul_test.check_matmul_results(%device: !hal.device, %m: i64, %k: i64, %n: i64, %transpose_rhs: i32, %lhs: !hal.buffer_view, %rhs: !hal.buffer_view, %acc: !hal.buffer_view, %actual_result: !hal.buffer_view)\n"
# Declare the functions that will be called.
for function in functions.values():
module_definition = module_definition + function.import_declaration + "\n"
module_definition = module_definition + "\n"
# Emit the test cases for each call.
for call in calls:
module_definition = module_definition + call.op + "\n"
module_definition = module_definition + "\n}\n"
with open(filename, "w") as file:
# For now, the accumulator type can always be inferred from the input LHS/RHS
# type, so we do that. That is temporary: eventually there will be cases
# where the same input types are used with different accumulator types, e.g.
# f16 inputs with both f16 and f32 accumulator.
def infer_acc_type(lhs_rhs_type: MatrixElemTypeId, acc_type: MatrixElemTypeId):
if acc_type != MatrixElemTypeId.NONE:
return acc_type
if lhs_rhs_type == MatrixElemTypeId.F8E4M3FNUZ:
return MatrixElemTypeId.F32
if lhs_rhs_type == MatrixElemTypeId.I8:
return MatrixElemTypeId.I32
return lhs_rhs_type
def main(args):
lhs_rhs_type = MatrixElemTypeId(args.lhs_rhs_type)
acc_type = MatrixElemTypeId(args.acc_type)
acc_type = infer_acc_type(lhs_rhs_type, acc_type)
shapes_id = ShapesId(args.shapes)
compilation_info_id = CompilationInfoId(args.compilation_info)
(functions, calls) = generate(
lhs_rhs_type, acc_type, shapes_id, args.transpose_rhs, compilation_info_id
write_code_file(functions, args.output_matmul_mlir)
if __name__ == "__main__":