blob: adf2d1c1e76b93fce9aad6078d3f8d6090a6fc80 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Updates coverage of TensorFlow e2e tests on all backends.
Example usage: python3 build-docs
import argparse
import collections
import os
import subprocess
# Assumes that tests are expanded for the tf, iree_vmla, iree_llvmjit and
# iree_vulkan backends.
BACKENDS_TO_TITLES = collections.OrderedDict([
('tf', 'tensorflow'),
('iree_vmla', 'vmla'),
('iree_llvmjit', 'llvm-ir'),
('iree_vulkan', 'vulkan-spirv'),
'End to end TensorFlow tests',
'End to end tests written using tf.keras',
'End to end tests of tf.keras.applications vision models',
# Some test suites are generated from a single source. This allows us to point
# to the right test file when generating test URLs.
# The symbols to show in the table if the operation is supported or not.
SUCCESS_ELEMENT = '<span class="success-table-element">✓</span>'
FAILURE_ELEMENT = '<span class="failure-table-element">✗</span>'
TARGETS_URL = os.path.join(MAIN_URL, 'iree/compiler/Dialect/HAL/Target')
E2E_COVERAGE_DESCRIPTION = f"""# TensorFlow End to End Coverage
There are three backend [targets]({TARGETS_URL}) in IREE:
- vmla
- llvm-ir
- vulkan-spirv
The table shows the supported TensorFlow functions and models on each backend.
It is auto-generated from IREE's test status.
def parse_arguments():
"""Parses command-line options."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generates Markdown files for op coverage table')
'build_dir', metavar='BUILD_PATH', type=str, help='Base build directory.')
parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.isdir(parsed_args.build_dir):
raise parser.error('expected path to a directory')
return parsed_args
def create_markdown_table(rows):
"""Converts a 2D array to a Markdown table."""
return '\n'.join([' | '.join(row) for row in rows])
def get_name_and_backend(test_string):
"""Splits a pathless test target into its name and comparison backend."""
name, backend = test_string.split(f'__{REFERENCE_BACKEND}__')
return name, backend
def get_test_targets(test_suite_path):
"""Returns a list of test targets stripped of paths and suite names."""
# Check if the suite exists (which may not be true for failing suites)
target_dir = test_suite.split(':')[0]
query = ['bazel', 'query', f'{target_dir}/...']
targets = subprocess.check_output(query)
if test_suite_path not in targets.decode('ascii'):
return []
query = ['bazel', 'query', f'tests({test_suite_path})']
tests = subprocess.check_output(query)
tests = tests.decode('ascii').split(os.linesep)
tests = list(filter(lambda s: s.startswith(f'{test_suite_path}_'), tests))
tests = [test.replace(f'{test_suite_path}_', '') for test in tests]
return tests
def get_suite_metadata(test_suite):
"""Gets all test names, and passing and failing test-backend pairs."""
passing = get_test_targets(test_suite)
failing = get_test_targets(f'{test_suite}_failing')
passing = [get_name_and_backend(test) for test in passing]
failing = [get_name_and_backend(test) for test in failing]
passing_names = [test[0] for test in passing]
failing_names = [test[0] for test in failing]
all_names = list(sorted(set(passing_names + failing_names)))
return all_names, passing, failing
def get_name_element(test_suite, name):
"""Returns a Markdown hyperlink pointing to the test source on GitHub."""
# Convert `//path/to/tests:test_suite` to `path/to/tests`
test_path = test_suite.split(':')[0]
test_path = test_path.replace('//', '')
if test_suite in SINGLE_SOURCE_SUITES:
test_name = SINGLE_SOURCE_SUITES[test_suite]
test_name = name
test_url = os.path.join(MAIN_URL, test_path, f'{test_name}.py')
return f'[{name}]({test_url})'
def generate_table(test_suite):
"""Generates an e2e backend coverage Markdown table."""
all_names, passing, _ = get_suite_metadata(test_suite)
# Generate a dictionary mapping test names to their backend coverage.
table = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [False] * len(BACKENDS_TO_TITLES))
ordered_backends = list(BACKENDS_TO_TITLES.keys())
for name, backend in passing:
table[name][ordered_backends.index(backend)] = True
# Create a header for the coverage table.
ordered_backend_titles = list(BACKENDS_TO_TITLES.values())
first_row = ['target'] + ordered_backend_titles
second_row = [':-:' for _ in first_row]
# Generate the coverage table as a 2D array.
rows = [first_row, second_row]
for name, backends in sorted(table.items()):
row = [get_name_element(test_suite, name)]
SUCCESS_ELEMENT if backend else FAILURE_ELEMENT for backend in backends
return create_markdown_table(rows)
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_arguments()
content = []
for test_suite, header in TEST_SUITES_TO_HEADERS.items():
content.append(f'## {header}')
content = '\n\n'.join(content) + '\n' # Trailing newline.
table_path = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'doc', '')
with open(table_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: