blob: 57b6786dc469758cb72ed4a0ac9c27e5d61e33a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "experimental/cuda2/cuda_dynamic_symbols.h"
#include "experimental/cuda2/cuda_headers.h"
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/base/internal/arena.h"
#include "iree/base/tracing.h"
#include "iree/hal/api.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
// Per-stream CUDA tracing context.
// No-op if IREE tracing is not enabled.
// Use the IREE_CUDA_TRACE_* macros to trace a contiguous set of stream
// operations. Unlike the normal tracy macros there are no zone IDs and instead
// each stream gets an ID allocated once and passed to all tracing macros.
// Usage:
// IREE_CUDA_TRACE_ZONE_BEGIN(queue->tracing_context, stream);
// cuLaunchKernel(..., stream);
// IREE_CUDA_TRACE_ZONE_END(queue->tracing_context, stream);
// ...
// iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_collect(queue->tracing_context);
// NOTE: timestamps can have non-trivial side-effecting behavior and may
// introduce serialization in graph execution.
// TODO(benvanik): expose CUevent reservation separate from recording. For
// graphs we will need to insert the events but in order to reuse the graphs
// we'll need to reserve and patch new events each graph launch. For now we
// don't instrument graphs.
// Thread-compatible: external synchronization is required if using from
// multiple threads (same as with CUstream itself).
typedef struct iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_t
// Allocates a tracing context for the given CUDA |stream|.
// Each context must only be used with the stream it was created for.
iree_status_t iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_allocate(
const iree_hal_cuda2_dynamic_symbols_t* symbols,
iree_string_view_t queue_name, CUstream stream,
iree_arena_block_pool_t* block_pool, iree_allocator_t host_allocator,
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_t** out_context);
// Frees a tracing context and all associated CUDA resources.
// All submissions using the resources must be completed prior to calling.
void iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_free(
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_t* context);
// Collects in-flight timestamp queries from the stream and feeds them to tracy.
// Must be called frequently (every submission, etc) to drain the backlog;
// tracing may start failing if the internal ringbuffer is exceeded.
void iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_collect(
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_t* context);
// Begins a normal zone derived on the calling |src_loc|.
// Must be perfectly nested and paired with a corresponding zone end.
void iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_zone_begin_impl(
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_t* context, CUstream stream,
const iree_tracing_location_t* src_loc);
// Begins an external zone using the given source information.
// The provided strings will be copied into the tracy buffer.
void iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_zone_begin_external_impl(
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_t* context, CUstream stream,
const char* file_name, size_t file_name_length, uint32_t line,
const char* function_name, size_t function_name_length, const char* name,
size_t name_length);
void iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_zone_end_impl(
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_context_t* context, CUstream stream);
// Begins a new zone with the parent function name.
#define IREE_CUDA_TRACE_ZONE_BEGIN(context, stream) \
static const iree_tracing_location_t TracyConcat( \
__tracy_source_location, __LINE__) = {name_literal, __FUNCTION__, \
__FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0}; \
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_zone_begin_impl( \
context, stream, &TracyConcat(__tracy_source_location, __LINE__));
// Begins an externally defined zone with a dynamic source location.
// The |file_name|, |function_name|, and optional |name| strings will be copied
// into the trace buffer and do not need to persist.
context, stream, file_name, file_name_length, line, function_name, \
function_name_length, name, name_length) \
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_zone_begin_external_impl( \
context, stream, file_name, file_name_length, line, function_name, \
function_name_length, name, name_length)
// Ends the current zone. Must be passed the |zone_id| from the _BEGIN.
#define IREE_CUDA_TRACE_ZONE_END(context, stream) \
iree_hal_cuda2_tracing_zone_end_impl(context, stream)
#define IREE_CUDA_TRACE_ZONE_BEGIN(context, stream)
context, stream, file_name, file_name_length, line, function_name, \
function_name_length, name, name_length)
#define IREE_CUDA_TRACE_ZONE_END(context, stream)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus