blob: 67d53addb7faeadf8b5e41ced9442902275a0477 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The IREE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
"""Macros for defining tests that run a module using iree-check-module."""
load("//build_tools/bazel:iree_bytecode_module.bzl", "iree_bytecode_module")
load("//build_tools/bazel:native_binary.bzl", "native_test")
("vmvx", "local-task"),
("vulkan-spirv", "vulkan"),
("llvm-cpu", "local-task"),
def iree_check_test(
driver = None,
compiler_flags = [],
runner_args = [],
tags = [],
target_cpu_features = None,
timeout = None,
"""Creates an iree-check-module test for the specified source file.
name: name of the generated test.
src: source mlir file containing the module.
target_backend: target backend to compile for.
driver: driver to run the module with. This can be omitted to test only
compilation, but consider omiting the driver as a hacky abuse of the
rule since compilation on its own not use iree-check-module.
compiler_flags: additional flags to pass to the compiler. Bytecode output
format and backend flags are passed automatically.
runner_args: additional runner_args to pass to iree-check-module. The
driver and input file are passed automatically.
tags: additional tags to apply to the generated test. A tag
"driver=DRIVER" is added automatically.
target_cpu_features: currently unimplemented (must be empty), will
eventually allow specifying target CPU features.
timeout: timeout for the generated tests.
**kwargs: any additional attributes to pass to the underlying native_test.
if target_cpu_features:
fail("target_cpu_features must currently be empty")
bytecode_module_name = name + "_bytecode_module"
name = bytecode_module_name,
src = src,
flags = [
"--iree-hal-target-backends=%s" % target_backend,
] + compiler_flags,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
if not driver:
name = name,
args = [
"--device=%s" % driver,
"--module=$(location :%s)" % bytecode_module_name,
] + runner_args,
data = [":%s" % bytecode_module_name],
src = "//tools:iree-check-module",
tags = tags + ["driver=%s" % driver],
timeout = timeout,
def iree_check_single_backend_test_suite(
driver = None,
compiler_flags = [],
runner_args = [],
tags = [],
target_cpu_features = None,
timeout = None,
"""Creates a test suite of iree-check-module tests for a single backend/driver pair.
One test is generated per source file.
name: name of the generated test suite.
srcs: source mlir files containing the module.
target_backend: target backend to compile for.
driver: driver to run the module with. This can be omitted to test only
compilation, but consider omiting the driver as a hacky abuse of the
rule since compilation on its own not use iree-check-module.
compiler_flags: additional flags to pass to the compiler. Bytecode output
format and backend flags are passed automatically.
runner_args: additional runner_args to pass to the underlying
iree-check-module tests. The driver and input file are passed
automatically. To use different runner_args per test, create a
separate suite or iree_check_test.
target_cpu_features: currently unimplemented (must be empty), will
eventually allow specifying target CPU features.
tags: tags to apply to the generated tests. Note that as in standard test
suites, manual is treated specially and will also apply to the test
suite itself.
timeout: timeout for the generated tests.
**kwargs: any additional attributes to pass to the underlying tests and
test suite.
# We haven't implemented this so far because we have been using target_cpu_features so far only
# for aarch64 targets, for which we use the CMake build. To future people implementing this:
# target_cpu_features should be a list, and here it should be joined into a comma-separated
# string to be passed to --iree-llvmcpu-target-cpu-features
if target_cpu_features:
fail("target_cpu_features must currently be empty")
tests = []
for src in srcs:
test_name = "_".join([name, src])
name = test_name,
src = src,
target_backend = target_backend,
driver = driver,
compiler_flags = compiler_flags,
runner_args = runner_args,
tags = tags,
timeout = timeout,
if not driver:
name = name,
tests = tests,
# Note that only the manual tag really has any effect here. Others are
# used for test suite filtering, but all tests are passed the same tags.
tags = tags,
# If there are kwargs that need to be passed here which only apply to
# the generated tests and not to test_suite, they should be extracted
# into separate named arguments.
def iree_check_test_suite(
target_backends_and_drivers = ALL_TARGET_BACKENDS_AND_DRIVERS,
compiler_flags = [],
runner_args = [],
tags = [],
target_cpu_features_variants = [],
"""Creates a test suite of iree-check-module tests.
One test is generated per source file and backend/driver.
name: name of the generated test suite.
srcs: source mlir files containing the module.
target_backends_and_drivers: backend/driver pairs to compile and run the
module, respectively.
compiler_flags: additional flags to pass to the compiler. Bytecode output
format and backend flags are passed automatically.
runner_args: additional runner_args to pass to the underlying
iree-check-module tests. The driver and input file are passed
automatically. To use different runner_args per test, create a
separate suite or iree_check_test.
tags: tags to apply to the generated tests. Note that as in standard test
suites, manual is treated specially and will also apply to the test
suite itself.
target_cpu_features_variants: list of target cpu features variants.
Currently unimplemented, so each entry must be either "default" or
start with "aarch64:" so as Bazel builds are currently x86-only, we
know that it is correct to ignore this.
**kwargs: any additional attributes to pass to the underlying tests and
test suite.
for target_cpu_features in target_cpu_features_variants:
if not (target_cpu_features == "default" or target_cpu_features.startswith("aarch64:")):
fail("Entry %s in target_cpu_features_variants: unimplemented" % target_cpu_features)
# We could have complicated argument override logic for runner_args and such, or... the client
# could just create a test suite. The latter seems simpler and more readable.
tests = []
for backend, driver in target_backends_and_drivers:
# CUDA backend/driver not supported by Bazel build.
if backend == "cuda" or driver == "cuda":
suite_name = "_".join([name, backend, driver])
name = suite_name,
srcs = srcs,
driver = driver,
target_backend = backend,
compiler_flags = compiler_flags,
runner_args = runner_args,
tags = tags,
name = name,
tests = tests,
# Note that only the manual tag really has any effect here. Others are
# used for test suite filtering, but all tests are passed the same tags.
tags = tags,
# If there are kwargs that need to be passed here which only apply to
# the generated tests and not to test_suite, they should be extracted
# into separate named arguments.