blob: f15f74a06be9cdfbe3a66c00985741502621b6a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "iree/base/api.h"
#include "iree/hal/allocator.h"
#include "iree/hal/buffer.h"
#include "iree/hal/channel.h"
#include "iree/hal/event.h"
#include "iree/hal/executable.h"
#include "iree/hal/queue.h"
#include "iree/hal/resource.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
typedef struct iree_hal_device_t iree_hal_device_t;
// Types and Enums
// A bitfield specifying the mode of operation for a command buffer.
enum iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_bits_t {
// Command buffer will be submitted once and never used again.
// This may enable in-place patching of command buffers that reduce overhead
// when it's known that command buffers will not be reused.
// If this bit is not set the command buffer may be submitted multiple times.
// Indicates that the command buffer execution is allowed to execute inline
// with recording. The exact execution behavior is unspecified by the API and
// intentionally unknowable and must always assume to happen entirely
// asynchronously and that it will only have completed after waiting on device
// idle or the wait semaphores specified in the submission are signaled.
// Local backends can use this to avoid recording when the calling program can
// guarantee that it makes no assumptions about execution being deferred until
// a submission. The command buffer must still be submitted for scheduling and
// must have no wait semaphores specified. This allows the same program code
// to execute work both synchronously and asynchronously as remote backends
// are allowed to ignore this.
// Remote backends can use this to flush the command buffer more aggressively
// to begin early execution and overlap with continued recording.
// Disables additional command buffer validation (if present).
// By default all command buffers will be validated if
// `IREE_HAL_COMMAND_BUFFER_VALIDATION_ENABLE=1` - if shimming command buffers
// or performing replay this validation can be disabled per-command buffer.
typedef uint32_t iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t;
// A bitfield specifying the category of commands in a command queue.
enum iree_hal_command_category_bits_t {
// Command is considered a transfer operation (memcpy, etc).
// Command is considered a dispatch operation (dispatch/execute).
// Commands may be of any type.
// Using this value may prevent optimizations and if possible callers should
// always specify the strictest set possible (for example, only transfer
// commands to ensure they get placed on a DMA queue).
typedef uint32_t iree_hal_command_category_t;
// Specifies a direct or indirect buffer binding.
// The range specified by [offset, length) of either the specified buffer or
// a buffer slot in the binding table will be used at the time the command is
// executed.
// The IREE HAL buffer type may internally be offset; such offset is applied
// here as if it were the base address of the buffer. Note that the offset will
// be applied at the time the binding is recording into the command buffer.
// Roughly maps to VkDescriptorSetBinding.
typedef struct iree_hal_buffer_ref_t {
// Currently unused and should be 0.
uint32_t reserved : 8;
// Binding table slot the buffer will be sourced from if buffer is NULL.
// Only valid on command buffers that support indirect execution.
uint32_t buffer_slot : 24;
// Buffer bound to the binding number.
// If NULL then the buffer_slot will be used to resolve the buffer at command
// buffer execution time from the binding table.
iree_hal_buffer_t* buffer;
// Offset, in bytes, into the buffer that the binding starts at.
// When indirectly referencing a binding table buffer this will be added to
// the base offset of the bound buffer.
iree_device_size_t offset;
// Length, in bytes, of the buffer after the offset that is accessed.
// This can be IREE_WHOLE_BUFFER, however note that if the entire buffer
// contents are larger than supported by the device (~128MiB, usually) this
// will fail.
iree_device_size_t length;
} iree_hal_buffer_ref_t;
static inline iree_hal_buffer_ref_t iree_hal_make_buffer_ref(
iree_hal_buffer_t* buffer, iree_device_size_t offset,
iree_device_size_t length) {
return (iree_hal_buffer_ref_t){0, 0, buffer, offset, length};
static inline iree_hal_buffer_ref_t iree_hal_make_indirect_buffer_ref(
uint32_t buffer_slot, iree_device_size_t offset,
iree_device_size_t length) {
return (iree_hal_buffer_ref_t){0, buffer_slot, NULL, offset, length};
// A list of buffer references.
typedef struct iree_hal_buffer_ref_list_t {
iree_host_size_t count;
const iree_hal_buffer_ref_t* values;
} iree_hal_buffer_ref_list_t;
// Bitfield specifying which execution stage a barrier should start/end at.
// Maps to VkPipelineStageFlagBits.
enum iree_hal_execution_stage_bits_t {
// Top of the pipeline when commands are initially issued by the device.
// Stage of the pipeline when dispatch parameter data is consumed.
// Stage where dispatch commands execute.
// Stage where transfer (copy/clear/fill/etc) commands execute.
// Final stage in the pipeline when commands are retired on the device.
// Pseudo-stage for read/writes by the host. Not executed on device.
typedef uint32_t iree_hal_execution_stage_t;
// Bitfield specifying flags controlling an execution dependency.
// Maps to VkDependencyFlags.
enum iree_hal_execution_barrier_flag_bits_t {
typedef uint32_t iree_hal_execution_barrier_flags_t;
// Bitfield specifying which scopes will access memory and how.
// Maps to VkAccessFlagBits.
enum iree_hal_access_scope_bits_t {
// Read access to indirect command data as part of an indirect dispatch.
// Constant uniform buffer reads by the device.
// Storage buffer reads by dispatch commands.
// Storage buffer writes by dispatch commands.
// Source of a transfer operation.
// Target of a transfer operation.
// Read operation by the host through mapped memory.
// Write operation by the host through mapped memory.
// External/non-specific read.
// External/non-specific write.
typedef uint32_t iree_hal_access_scope_t;
// Defines a global memory barrier.
// These are cheaper to encode than buffer-specific barriers but may cause
// stalls and bubbles in device pipelines if applied too broadly. Prefer them
// over equivalently large sets of buffer-specific barriers (such as when
// completely changing execution contexts).
// Maps to VkMemoryBarrier.
typedef struct iree_hal_memory_barrier_t {
// All access scopes prior-to the barrier (inclusive).
iree_hal_access_scope_t source_scope;
// All access scopes following the barrier (inclusive).
iree_hal_access_scope_t target_scope;
} iree_hal_memory_barrier_t;
// Defines a memory barrier that applies to a range of a specific buffer.
// Use of these (vs. global memory barriers) provides fine-grained execution
// ordering to device command processors and allows for more aggressive
// reordering.
// Maps to VkBufferMemoryBarrier.
typedef struct iree_hal_buffer_barrier_t {
// All access scopes prior-to the barrier (inclusive).
iree_hal_access_scope_t source_scope;
// All access scopes following the barrier (inclusive).
iree_hal_access_scope_t target_scope;
// Buffer the barrier is restricted to.
// The barrier will apply to the entire physical device allocation.
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t buffer_ref;
} iree_hal_buffer_barrier_t;
// Bitfield indicating advice for implementations managing a buffer.
typedef uint64_t iree_hal_memory_advise_flags_t;
enum iree_hal_memory_advise_flag_bits_t {
// TODO(benvanik): cache control operations (invalidate/flush). arg0/arg1
// could source/target queue affinities.
// TODO(benvanik): prefetch and access type hints.
// TODO(benvanik): ASAN hints (protect/unprotect).
// Bitfield specifying flags controlling a fill operation.
typedef uint64_t iree_hal_fill_flags_t;
enum iree_hal_fill_flag_bits_t {
// Bitfield specifying flags controlling an update operation.
typedef uint64_t iree_hal_update_flags_t;
enum iree_hal_update_flag_bits_t {
// Bitfield specifying flags controlling a copy operation.
typedef uint64_t iree_hal_copy_flags_t;
enum iree_hal_copy_flag_bits_t {
// Specifies the type of collective operation.
enum iree_hal_collective_kind_e {
// Gathers N*|element_count| elements of the specified type in |recv_binding|
// by sourcing |element_count| elements from the |send_binding| of each rank
// and concatenating them.
// |param|: unused
// |send_binding|: local elements to add at offset rank
// |recv_binding|: concatenated results from all ranks
// In-place: |send_binding| == |recv_binding| + rank * |element_count|
// Equivalent to:
// ncclAllGather
// Reduces |element_count| elements of the specified type in |send_binding|
// using the specified reduction operation and places identical copies of the
// result in each |recv_binding|.
// |param|: unused
// |send_binding|: local elements to reduce
// |recv_binding|: copy of the reduction results
// In-place: |send_binding| == |recv_binding|
// Equivalent to:
// ncclAllReduce
// Gathers |element_count| elements of the specified type in |recv_binding| by
// sourcing N parts of |element_count|/N elements, one from the |send_binding|
// of each rank, and concatenating them.
// |param|: unused
// |send_binding|: local elements to split and send to all ranks
// |recv_binding|: concatenated results from all ranks
// Copies |element_count| elements of the specified type from |send_binding|
// on the specified rank |param| to all other ranks |recv_binding|s.
// |param|: source rank of the broadcast value
// |send_binding|: only used on the source rank
// |recv_binding|: only used on non-source ranks
// In-place: |send_binding| == |recv_binding|
// Equivalent to:
// ncclBroadcast
// Reduces |element_count| elements of the specified type in |send_binding|
// using the specified reduction operation and places the results in the
// |recv_binding| of the target rank |param|.
// |param|: target rank of the resulting value
// |send_binding|: used on all ranks
// |recv_binding|: only used on the target rank
// In-place: |send_binding| == |recv_binding|
// Equivalent to:
// ncclReduce
// Reduce |element_count| elements of the specified type in |send_binding|
// from all ranks using the specified reduction operation and scatters the
// reduced results over the ranks such that the |recv_binding| on rank i
// will contain the i-th block of the results.
// |param|: unused
// |send_binding|: used on all ranks
// |recv_binding|: partial results for the hosting rank
// In-place: |recv_binding| == |send_binding| + rank * |element_count|
// Equivalent to:
// ncclReduceScatter
// Sends |element_count| elements of the specified type in |send_binding| to
// the target rank |param|.
// |param|: target performing a IREE_HAL_COLLECTIVE_KIND_RECV
// |send_binding|: used on source
// |recv_binding|: unused
// Equivalent to:
// ncclSend
// Receives |element_count| elements of the specified type in |recv_binding|
// from source rank |param|.
// |param|: source performing a IREE_HAL_COLLECTIVE_KIND_SEND
// |send_binding|: unused
// |recv_binding|: used on target
// Equivalent to:
// ncclRecv
// |param| is used to store the target rank in the low 16 bits, and the source
// rank in the high 16 bits. Sends |element_count| elements of the specified
// type in |send_binding| the target rank, unless it is -1. Receives
// |element_count| elements of the specified type in |recv_binding| from
// source rank, unless it is -1, then the result will be all zeros.
// |param|: first 16 bits are the target, last 16 bits are the source
// |send_binding|: used on source
// |recv_binding|: used on target
// Maximum enumeration value for collective operations.
typedef uint8_t iree_hal_collective_kind_t;
// Specifies the reduction operator of a collective reduction operation.
enum iree_hal_collective_reduction_e {
// Specifies that the reduction operation is unspecified.
// Specifies that the reduction operation computes a sum (addition).
// Specifies that the reduction operation computes a product (multiplication).
// Specifies that the reduction operation computes a minimum (min).
// Specifies that the reduction operation computes a maximum (max).
// Specifies that the reduction operation computes an average (avg).
// Maximum enumeration value for reduction types.
typedef uint8_t iree_hal_collective_reduction_t;
// Specifies the element type as processed by a collective operation.
// Note that these types are a much restricted set compared to
// iree_hal_element_type_t as most collective compute libraries only expose a
// limited number of primitives as some may be backed by fixed-function
// hardware.
enum iree_hal_collective_element_type_e {
IREE_HAL_COLLECTIVE_ELEMENT_TYPE_SINT_16, // not commonly implemented
IREE_HAL_COLLECTIVE_ELEMENT_TYPE_UINT_16, // not commonly implemented
typedef uint8_t iree_hal_collective_element_type_t;
// Describes a collective operation.
typedef union {
uint32_t packed; // packed value
struct {
// Collective operation.
iree_hal_collective_kind_t kind;
// Reduction type (for reduction ops).
iree_hal_collective_reduction_t reduction;
// Element type.
iree_hal_collective_element_type_t element_type;
// Reserved for future use.
uint8_t reserved;
} iree_hal_collective_op_t;
static_assert(sizeof(iree_hal_collective_op_t) == sizeof(uint32_t),
"must pack");
// Writes a string description of |op| to the |out_temp| storage and returns
// a string view into the storage of the resulting value.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_string_view_t iree_hal_collective_op_format(
const iree_hal_collective_op_t* op, iree_bitfield_string_temp_t* out_temp);
// Returns the number of bytes each |element_type| consumes in memory.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_device_size_t iree_hal_collective_element_byte_count(
iree_hal_collective_element_type_t element_type);
// Bitfield specifying flags controlling a dispatch operation.
typedef uint64_t iree_hal_dispatch_flags_t;
enum iree_hal_dispatch_flag_bits_t {
// An RGBA color.
typedef struct iree_hal_label_color_t {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t a;
} iree_hal_label_color_t;
// A source location attached to debug labels.
typedef struct iree_hal_label_location_t {
iree_string_view_t file;
int line;
} iree_hal_label_location_t;
// An unspecified color; debugging tools are to choose their own.
static inline iree_hal_label_color_t iree_hal_label_color_unspecified() {
iree_hal_label_color_t color = {0, 0, 0, 0};
return color;
// Formats a command buffer mode bitfield as a string.
// See iree_bitfield_format for usage.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_string_view_t
iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_format(iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t value,
iree_bitfield_string_temp_t* out_temp);
// Formats a command category bitfield as a string.
// See iree_bitfield_format for usage.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_string_view_t iree_hal_command_category_format(
iree_hal_command_category_t value, iree_bitfield_string_temp_t* out_temp);
// Maximum size of any update in iree_hal_command_buffer_update_buffer.
// 64KB is the limit on Vulkan and we uniformly use that today across all
// targets as to not need too much command buffer memory.
((iree_device_size_t)(64 * 1024))
// iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t
// Describes a subrange of a buffer that can be bound to a binding slot.
typedef struct iree_hal_buffer_binding_t {
// Buffer being bound to the slot, if any.
iree_hal_buffer_t* buffer;
// Offset, in bytes, into the buffer that the binding starts at.
// This will be added to the offset specified on each usage of the slot.
iree_device_size_t offset;
// Length, in bytes, of the buffer that is available to the executable.
// This can be IREE_WHOLE_BUFFER, however note that if the entire buffer
// contents are larger than supported by the device (~128MiB, usually) this
// will fail. If the descriptor type is dynamic this will be used for all
// ranges regardless of offset.
iree_device_size_t length;
} iree_hal_buffer_binding_t;
typedef struct iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t {
iree_host_size_t count;
const iree_hal_buffer_binding_t* bindings;
} iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t;
static inline iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t
iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_empty(void) {
iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t table = {0, NULL};
return table;
static inline bool iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_is_empty(
iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t binding_table) {
return binding_table.count == 0;
// Returns an unretained buffer specified in |buffer_ref| or from
// |binding_table| with the slot specified if indirect. If the caller needs to
// preserve the buffer for longer than the (known) lifetime of the binding table
// then it must be retained or added to a resource set.
static inline iree_status_t iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_resolve_ref(
iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t binding_table,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t buffer_ref, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t* out_resolved_ref) {
if (buffer_ref.buffer) {
// Direct buffer reference.
*out_resolved_ref = buffer_ref;
return iree_ok_status();
} else if (binding_table.count == 0) {
// NULL buffer reference.
memset(out_resolved_ref, 0, sizeof(*out_resolved_ref));
return iree_ok_status();
} else if (IREE_UNLIKELY(buffer_ref.buffer_slot >= binding_table.count)) {
// Out of bounds slot (validation should have caught). May be worth removing
// this case as this is a hot path.
// NOTE: this asserts that all incoming buffers must not be NULL. That may
// not be true.
return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE,
"buffer binding %u out of range of binding table "
"with capacity %" PRIhsz,
buffer_ref.buffer_slot, binding_table.count);
} else {
// Indirect buffer reference - need to combine the final range based on
// the binding table range and the range of the reference.
const iree_hal_buffer_binding_t* binding =
out_resolved_ref->reserved = buffer_ref.reserved;
out_resolved_ref->buffer_slot = 0;
out_resolved_ref->buffer = binding->buffer;
return iree_hal_buffer_calculate_range(
binding->offset, binding->length, buffer_ref.offset, buffer_ref.length,
&out_resolved_ref->offset, &out_resolved_ref->length);
// iree_hal_command_buffer_t
// Asynchronous command buffer recording interface.
// Commands are recorded by the implementation for later submission to device
// queues.
// Buffers, events, and programs referenced must remain valid and not be
// modified or read while there are commands in-flight. The usual flow is to
// populate input buffers, dispatch using those buffers, wait on a semaphore
// until the buffers are guaranteed to no longer be in use, and then reuse the
// buffers. Lifetimes are managed by the command buffer and all used resources
// will be retained for as long as the command buffer is live or until it is
// reset.
// Buffers referenced by a command buffer may be either direct (a concrete
// iree_hal_buffer_t reference) or indirect (a binding table slot ordinal).
// Direct buffer references are embedded in the command buffer and cannot be
// changed and the referenced resources will be kept live for as long as the
// command buffer is live. Indirect references are placeholders indicating that
// at the time the command buffer is submitted to a device queue a buffer will
// be provided allowing for the same command buffer to be reused with different
// buffers. Indirect command buffers are not concurrently schedulable unless
// specified as many implementations need per submission shadow resources.
// Validation of direct buffer references happens as the commands are recorded
// and further validation is not required. Indirect buffer references are
// validated upon submission with a populated binding table.
// Errors that can be recognized when operations are enqueued will be returned
// immediately, such as invalid argument errors. Errors that can only be
// determined at execution time will be returned on semaphores. Once a failure
// occurs the device queue will enter an error state that invalidates all
// operations on the device queue (as ordering is not strict and any may still
// be in-flight). In this case the user of the device queue should treat all
// in-flight operations as cancelled and fully reset themselves. Other device
// queues that may be waiting on events from the device queue will also enter
// error states. Only once a user has acknowledged and cleared the error state
// with a Reset the queue will become usable, and otherwise all operations will
// return errors.
// Command buffers are thread-compatible. Use multiple command buffers if trying
// to record commands from multiple threads. Command buffers must not be mutated
// between when they have are submitted for execution on a queue and when the
// semaphore fires indicating the completion of their execution.
typedef struct iree_hal_command_buffer_t iree_hal_command_buffer_t;
// Creates a command buffer ready to begin recording, possibly reusing an
// existing one from the |device| pool.
// |binding_capacity| specifies the maximum number of indirect binding slots
// available for use by iree_hal_command_buffer_push_descriptor_set commands
// referencing the binding table. Must only be non-zero for command buffer modes
// supporting indirect bindings.
// |queue_affinity| specifies the device queues the command buffer may be
// submitted to. The queue affinity provided to iree_hal_device_queue_execute
// must match or be a subset of the |queue_affinity|.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_create(
iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t mode,
iree_hal_command_category_t command_categories,
iree_hal_queue_affinity_t queue_affinity, iree_host_size_t binding_capacity,
iree_hal_command_buffer_t** out_command_buffer);
// Retains the given |command_buffer| for the caller.
IREE_API_EXPORT void iree_hal_command_buffer_retain(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
// Releases the given |command_buffer| from the caller.
IREE_API_EXPORT void iree_hal_command_buffer_release(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
// Returns a bitmask indicating the behavior of the command buffer.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t
iree_hal_command_buffer_mode(const iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
// Returns a bitmask indicating which command categories this command buffer
// can record.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_hal_command_category_t
const iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
// Begins recording into the command buffer.
// The command buffer must not have been recorded already; this is only valid to
// call once after creation and must be paired with iree_hal_command_buffer_end.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t
iree_hal_command_buffer_begin(iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
// Ends recording into the command buffer.
// This must be called prior to submitting the command buffer for execution.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t
iree_hal_command_buffer_end(iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
// Pushes a new debug group with the given |label|.
// All commands between this and a mandatory matching call to
// iree_hal_command_buffer_end_debug_group will be grouped together with the
// given label. If a source location is available it can be provided via
// |location| to allow mapping back into the source program that issued the
// commands.
// An optional RGBA color to show in the debug UI may be provided via
// |label_color|; otherwise iree_hal_label_color_unspecified can be used to let
// the debug tool choose.
IREE_API_EXPORT void iree_hal_command_buffer_begin_debug_group(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_string_view_t label,
iree_hal_label_color_t label_color,
const iree_hal_label_location_t* location);
// Pops a debug group from the stack.
IREE_API_EXPORT void iree_hal_command_buffer_end_debug_group(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
// Defines a memory dependency between commands recorded before and after the
// barrier. One or more memory or buffer barriers can be specified to indicate
// between which stages or buffers the dependencies exist.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_execution_barrier(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t target_stage_mask,
iree_hal_execution_barrier_flags_t flags,
iree_host_size_t memory_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_memory_barrier_t* memory_barriers,
iree_host_size_t buffer_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_buffer_barrier_t* buffer_barriers);
// Sets an event to the signaled state.
// |source_stage_mask| specifies when the event is signaled.
// Events are only valid within a single command buffer. Events can only be
// used on non-transfer queues.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_signal_event(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_event_t* event,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask);
// Resets an event to the non-signaled state.
// |source_stage_mask| specifies when the event is unsignaled.
// Events are only valid within a single command buffer. Events can only be
// used on non-transfer queues.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_reset_event(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_event_t* event,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask);
// Waits for one or more events to be signaled and defines a memory dependency
// between the synchronization scope of the signal operations and the commands
// following the wait.
// |source_stage_mask| must include ExecutionStage::kHost for Event::Signal to
// be visible.
// Events are only valid within a single command buffer. Events remain
// signaled even after waiting and must be reset to be reused. Events can only
// be used on non-transfer queues.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_wait_events(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_host_size_t event_count,
const iree_hal_event_t** events,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t target_stage_mask,
iree_host_size_t memory_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_memory_barrier_t* memory_barriers,
iree_host_size_t buffer_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_buffer_barrier_t* buffer_barriers);
// Advises the device about the usage of the given buffer.
// The device may use this information to perform cache management or ignore it
// entirely.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_advise_buffer(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t buffer_ref,
iree_hal_memory_advise_flags_t flags, uint64_t arg0, uint64_t arg1);
// Fills the target buffer with the given repeating value.
// Expects that |pattern_length| is one of 1, 2, or 4 and that the offset and
// length are aligned to the natural alignment of the value.
// The target buffer must be compatible with the devices owned by this
// device queue and be allocated with IREE_HAL_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_fill_buffer(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t target_ref,
const void* pattern, iree_host_size_t pattern_length,
iree_hal_fill_flags_t flags);
// Updates a range of the given target buffer from the source host memory.
// The source host memory is copied immediately into the command buffer and
// occupies command buffer space. It is strongly recommended that large buffer
// updates are performed via iree_hal_command_buffer_copy_buffer where there is
// the possibility of a zero-copy path.
// The |source_buffer| may be released by the caller immediately after this
// call returns.
// The |target_buffer| must be compatible with the devices owned by this
// device queue and be allocated with IREE_HAL_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_update_buffer(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, const void* source_buffer,
iree_host_size_t source_offset, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t target_ref,
iree_hal_update_flags_t flags);
// Copies a range of one buffer to another.
// Both buffers must be compatible with the devices owned by this device
// queue and be allocated with IREE_HAL_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER. Though the source
// and target buffer may be the same the ranges must not overlap (as with
// memcpy).
// This can be used to perform device->host, host->device, and device->device
// copies.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_copy_buffer(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t source_ref,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t target_ref, iree_hal_copy_flags_t flags);
// Dispatches a collective operation defined by |op| using the given buffers.
// |param| must be specified for operations that require a root/peer rank
// identifier and is otherwise ignored.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_collective(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_channel_t* channel,
iree_hal_collective_op_t op, uint32_t param, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t send_ref,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t recv_ref, iree_device_size_t element_count);
// Dispatches an execution request.
// The request may execute overlapped with any other transfer operation or
// dispatch made within the same barrier-defined sequence. The executable
// specified must be registered for use with the device driver owning this
// queue.
// The provided constant data and binding list will be recorded into the command
// buffer and need not remain live beyond the call.
// Fails if the queue does not support dispatch operations or
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_dispatch(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_executable_t* executable, int32_t entry_point,
const uint32_t workgroup_count[3], iree_const_byte_span_t constants,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_list_t bindings, iree_hal_dispatch_flags_t flags);
// Dispatches an execution request with a deferred workgroup count.
// This is the same as iree_hal_command_buffer_dispatch but the workgroup count
// is read from the given |workgroups_ref| buffer at the specified offset as
// 3 uint32_t XYZ values immediately before performing the dispatch. This allows
// prior dispatches within the command sequence to populate the workgroup
// count or the workgroup count to change across submissions of the same
// reusable command buffer.
// The buffer must have been allocated with
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_dispatch_indirect(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_executable_t* executable, int32_t entry_point,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t workgroups_ref, iree_const_byte_span_t constants,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_list_t bindings, iree_hal_dispatch_flags_t flags);
// Validation support
// Validates that all bindings in the provided |binding_table| match the
// requirements of |command_buffer| as recorded. If the command buffer does not
// use any indirect bindings the table will be ignored. If more bindings than
// are used by the command buffer are provided they will be ignored.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_command_buffer_validate_submission(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_buffer_binding_table_t binding_table);
// Utilities for command buffer creation
// Defines a transfer command operation.
typedef enum iree_hal_transfer_command_type_t {
// iree_hal_command_buffer_fill_buffer
// iree_hal_command_buffer_update_buffer
// iree_hal_command_buffer_copy_buffer
} iree_hal_transfer_command_type_t;
// Represents a single transfer command within a batch of commands.
typedef struct iree_hal_transfer_command_t {
// The type of the command selecting which of the payload data is used.
iree_hal_transfer_command_type_t type;
union {
struct {
iree_hal_buffer_t* target_buffer;
iree_device_size_t target_offset;
iree_device_size_t length;
const void* pattern;
iree_host_size_t pattern_length;
} fill;
struct {
const void* source_buffer;
iree_host_size_t source_offset;
iree_hal_buffer_t* target_buffer;
iree_device_size_t target_offset;
iree_device_size_t length;
} update;
struct {
iree_hal_buffer_t* source_buffer;
iree_device_size_t source_offset;
iree_hal_buffer_t* target_buffer;
iree_device_size_t target_offset;
iree_device_size_t length;
} copy;
} iree_hal_transfer_command_t;
// Builds a command buffer containing a recording of all |transfer_commands|.
// All buffers must be compatible with |device| and ranges must not overlap
// (same as with memcpy). All commands are executed concurrently with no
// barriers. The provided commands and any referenced data needs only remain
// live during recording, while all referenced buffers must be kept valid by
// the caller until the command buffer has completed execution.
// This is just a utility to make it easier to quickly construct batches of
// transfer operations. If more control is required then record the command
// buffer as normal.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_status_t iree_hal_create_transfer_command_buffer(
iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t mode,
iree_hal_queue_affinity_t queue_affinity, iree_host_size_t transfer_count,
const iree_hal_transfer_command_t* transfer_commands,
iree_hal_command_buffer_t** out_command_buffer);
// iree_hal_command_buffer_t implementation details
typedef struct iree_hal_command_buffer_vtable_t {
void(IREE_API_PTR* destroy)(iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* begin)(iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* end)(iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
void(IREE_API_PTR* begin_debug_group)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_string_view_t label,
iree_hal_label_color_t label_color,
const iree_hal_label_location_t* location);
void(IREE_API_PTR* end_debug_group)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* execution_barrier)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t target_stage_mask,
iree_hal_execution_barrier_flags_t flags,
iree_host_size_t memory_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_memory_barrier_t* memory_barriers,
iree_host_size_t buffer_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_buffer_barrier_t* buffer_barriers);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* signal_event)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_event_t* event,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* reset_event)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_event_t* event,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* wait_events)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_host_size_t event_count,
const iree_hal_event_t** events,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t source_stage_mask,
iree_hal_execution_stage_t target_stage_mask,
iree_host_size_t memory_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_memory_barrier_t* memory_barriers,
iree_host_size_t buffer_barrier_count,
const iree_hal_buffer_barrier_t* buffer_barriers);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* advise_buffer)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t buffer_ref, iree_hal_memory_advise_flags_t flags,
uint64_t arg0, uint64_t arg1);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* fill_buffer)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t target_ref, const void* pattern,
iree_host_size_t pattern_length, iree_hal_fill_flags_t flags);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* update_buffer)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, const void* source_buffer,
iree_host_size_t source_offset, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t target_ref,
iree_hal_update_flags_t flags);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* copy_buffer)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t source_ref, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t target_ref,
iree_hal_copy_flags_t flags);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* collective)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer, iree_hal_channel_t* channel,
iree_hal_collective_op_t op, uint32_t param,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t send_ref, iree_hal_buffer_ref_t recv_ref,
iree_device_size_t element_count);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* dispatch)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_executable_t* executable, int32_t entry_point,
const uint32_t workgroup_count[3], iree_const_byte_span_t constants,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_list_t bindings, iree_hal_dispatch_flags_t flags);
iree_status_t(IREE_API_PTR* dispatch_indirect)(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer,
iree_hal_executable_t* executable, int32_t entry_point,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_t workgroups_ref, iree_const_byte_span_t constants,
iree_hal_buffer_ref_list_t bindings, iree_hal_dispatch_flags_t flags);
} iree_hal_command_buffer_vtable_t;
struct iree_hal_command_buffer_t {
iree_hal_resource_t resource;
iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t mode;
iree_hal_command_category_t allowed_categories;
iree_hal_queue_affinity_t queue_affinity;
uint32_t binding_capacity;
uint32_t binding_count;
void* validation_state;
// Returns the total size of the additional command buffer storage required for
// validating the command buffer. Returns 0 if no validation state is required.
IREE_API_EXPORT iree_host_size_t iree_hal_command_buffer_validation_state_size(
iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t mode, iree_host_size_t binding_capacity);
IREE_API_EXPORT void iree_hal_command_buffer_initialize(
iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, iree_hal_command_buffer_mode_t mode,
iree_hal_command_category_t command_categories,
iree_hal_queue_affinity_t queue_affinity, iree_host_size_t binding_capacity,
void* validation_state, const iree_hal_command_buffer_vtable_t* vtable,
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
IREE_API_EXPORT void iree_hal_command_buffer_destroy(
iree_hal_command_buffer_t* command_buffer);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus