blob: 1d82b77821e3f55b08393159a95d31099a14a24e [file] [log] [blame]
// This example demonstrates calling dynamically imported functions in the
// runtime. Alternatively the functions can be embedded into the compiled IREE
// programs for hermetic deployment (see custom_dispatch/cpu/embedded/).
// NOTE: this file is identical to system_example.mlir besides the lit config
// controlling the iree-run-module flag.
// TODO(benvanik): find a way to share the files (environment variables saying
// what types to run, etc).
// RUN: iree-compile --iree-hal-target-backends=llvm-cpu %s | \
// RUN: iree-run-module \
// RUN: --device=local-sync \
// RUN: --executable_plugin=$IREE_BINARY_DIR/samples/custom_dispatch/cpu/plugin/system_plugin$IREE_DYLIB_EXT \
// RUN: --module=- \
// RUN: --function=mixed_invocation \
// RUN: --input=8xf32=2 \
// RUN: --input=8xf32=4 | \
// RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-SYSTEM
// CHECK-SYSTEM: EXEC @mixed_invocation
// simple_mul_workgroup
// CHECK-SYSTEM: processor_id=
// CHECK-SYSTEM: processor_data[0]=
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:0](2 * 4 = 8)
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:1](2 * 4 = 8)
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:2](2 * 4 = 8)
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:3](2 * 4 = 8)
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:4](2 * 4 = 8)
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:5](2 * 4 = 8)
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:6](2 * 4 = 8)
// CHECK-SYSTEM: mul[0:7](2 * 4 = 8)
// arith.addf 8 + 4 = 12
// CHECK-SYSTEM: 8xf32=12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
module @example {
// Executable containing exported shims and calls to external functions.
// Each executable can contain multiple exported functions and variants for
// different architectures or even devices. It's also possible to mix hand-
// authored functions with code generated ones even for the same functions
// such that code generation is used as a fallback when the hand-authored
// kernels aren't supported at runtime.
stream.executable private @executable {
stream.executable.export public @simple_mul workgroups(%workload: index) -> (index, index, index) {
// This host function is used to compute the XYZ workgroup count
// dispatched at runtime. It can query the %device for capabilities
// and limits (last-level cache sizes, etc). The other arguments are the
// values passed in the dispatch operation (usually things like root
// output op tensor dimensions and other abstract values).
%x = affine.apply affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 ceildiv 64)>()[%workload]
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
stream.return %x, %c1, %c1 : index, index, index
builtin.module {
// External function declaration using a user-chosen calling convention.
func.func private @simple_mul_workgroup(
%binding0: memref<f32>,
%binding0_offset : index,
%binding1: memref<f32>,
%binding1_offset : index,
%binding2: memref<f32>,
%binding2_offset : index, %dim: index, %tid : index) attributes {
// We can include some additional fields on the parameters struct as
// needed. Here we request which processor is executing the call and
// its data fields as defined by runtime/src/iree/schemas/cpu_data.h.
hal.import.fields = ["processor_id", "processor_data"],
llvm.bareptr = true
// IREE exported function using stream bindings and operands.
// Compiler passes will be able to optimize across this interface and
// deduplicate bindings/operands, convert/pack operands, and inline
// constants operands.
func.func @simple_mul(
%binding0: !stream.binding,
%binding1: !stream.binding,
%binding2: !stream.binding,
%dim: index) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
// This function is invoked once per workgroup so determine where this
// particular workgroup is in the grid. In this example we use a
// workgroup size of 64x1x1 (which is exceedingly small for CPUs but
// useful for demonstration).
%workgroup_id_x =[0] : index
%tid = affine.apply affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 * 64)>()[%workgroup_id_x]
// Bindings are accessed by reference.
%memref0 = stream.binding.subspan %binding0[%c0] : !stream.binding -> memref<?xf32>{%dim}
%memref1 = stream.binding.subspan %binding1[%c0] : !stream.binding -> memref<?xf32>{%dim}
%memref2 = stream.binding.subspan %binding2[%c0] : !stream.binding -> memref<?xf32>{%dim}
%base0, %offset0, %size0, %stride0 = memref.extract_strided_metadata %memref0
: memref<?xf32> -> memref<f32>, index, index, index
%base1, %offset1, %size1, %stride1 = memref.extract_strided_metadata %memref1
: memref<?xf32> -> memref<f32>, index, index, index
%base2, %offset2, %size2, %stride2 = memref.extract_strided_metadata %memref2
: memref<?xf32> -> memref<f32>, index, index, index
// Call the externally defined C function with an (almost) plain C
// calling convention. This will be fetched at runtime from the plugin binary. @simple_mul_workgroup(
%base0, %offset0, %base1, %offset1, %base2, %offset2, %dim, %workgroup_id_x)
: (memref<f32>, index, memref<f32>, index, memref<f32>, index, index, index) -> ()
// NOTE: this is code generated as normal - other MLIR ops can be used
// here for looping/control flow, vector operations, linalg, etc.
// This simple sample is just calling out to the external function but
// microkernels fused with other code are possible.
// Function demonstrating executable plugins and mixing plugins and codegen.
// Invoke with:
// --device=local-sync
// --function=mixed_invocation
// --input=8xf32=2
// --input=8xf32=4
func.func @mixed_invocation(%arg0: tensor<?xf32>, %arg1: tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
// The only externally available metadata in the dispatch are the values
// passed in as operands. Here we pass in the dynamic dimension.
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%dim = tensor.dim %arg0, %c0 : tensor<?xf32>
// Dispatch a basic `ret = lhs * rhs` using an external function.
// This form (@executable::@export) allows for automatic variant selection
// when multi-targeting.
%0 = flow.dispatch @executable::@simple_mul[%dim](%arg0, %arg1, %dim) : (tensor<?xf32>{%dim}, tensor<?xf32>{%dim}, index) -> tensor<?xf32>{%dim}
// Code gen some other ops - these will interleave with hand-authored
// ones but naturally won't be able to fuse with them.
%1 = arith.addf %0, %arg1 : tensor<?xf32>
return %1 : tensor<?xf32>
} // module