blob: e50948944f81fb8442abab6bf4f93dcb74a7cd77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/LinalgExt/IR/TiledOpInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/Linalg.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Tensor/IR/Tensor.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "iree-tiled-op-interface"
using namespace mlir;
namespace IREE = mlir::iree_compiler::IREE;
using namespace IREE::LinalgExt;
#include "iree-dialects/Dialect/LinalgExt/IR/"
/// Converts an `OpFoldResult` to a `Value` by building a constant op if
/// if the `OpFoldResult` is an `IntegerAttr`.
static Value getValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
OpFoldResult valueOrAttr) {
if (auto attr = valueOrAttr.dyn_cast<Attribute>()) {
return builder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(
loc, attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt());
return valueOrAttr.get<Value>();
// Interface implementations for external operations.
namespace {
/// External model for `tensor.extract_slice`.
struct ExtractSliceTiledOpInterface
: public TiledOpInterface::ExternalModel<ExtractSliceTiledOpInterface,
tensor::ExtractSliceOp> {
SmallVector<Value> getDestinationOperands(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b) const {
// No operand of `tensor.extract_slice` serves as a destination operand. So
// create an `init_tensor` op of the same size as the result.
auto extractSliceOp = cast<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(op);
SmallVector<Value> dest;
ReifiedRankedShapedTypeDims returnShape;
(void)extractSliceOp.reifyResultShapes(b, returnShape);
auto ofrShape = llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(
returnShape[0], [](Value v) { return getAsOpFoldResult(v); }));
Value initTensor = b.create<linalg::InitTensorOp>(
op->getLoc(), ofrShape, extractSliceOp.getType().getElementType());
return {initTensor};
SmallVector<StringRef> getLoopIteratorTypes(Operation *op) const {
auto extractSliceOp = cast<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(op);
return SmallVector<StringRef>(extractSliceOp.getType().getRank(),
SmallVector<Range> getIterationDomain(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b) const {
auto extractSliceOp = cast<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(op);
SmallVector<Value> dest;
ReifiedRankedShapedTypeDims returnShape;
(void)extractSliceOp.reifyResultShapes(b, returnShape);
Location loc = op->getLoc();
Value zero = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0);
Value one = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
SmallVector<Range> loopRanges(returnShape[0].size(),
Range{zero, nullptr, one});
for (auto ub : enumerate(returnShape[0])) {
loopRanges[ub.index()].size = ub.value();
return loopRanges;
Operation *getTiledImplementation(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
ValueRange outputs,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> offsets,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> sizes,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &results) const {
auto extractOp = cast<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(op);
// Check that strides are 1. For now abort if they arent
Location loc = extractOp.getLoc();
auto oneAttr = b.getI64IntegerAttr(1);
// Compute the offset and sizes for the tiled `tensor.extract_slice`
// operation.
llvm::SmallBitVector droppedDims = extractOp.getDroppedDims();
unsigned resultDimPos = 0;
auto opOffsets = extractOp.getMixedOffsets();
auto opSizes = extractOp.getMixedSizes();
auto opStrides = extractOp.getMixedStrides();
MLIRContext *context = b.getContext();
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> newOffset, newSizes, newStrides;
for (auto opOffset : enumerate(opOffsets)) {
// If the dimension is dropped, use the same offset.
if (droppedDims.test(opOffset.index())) {
} else {
AffineExpr d0, s0, s1;
bindDims(context, d0);
bindSymbols(context, s0, s1);
AffineMap map = AffineMap::get(1, 2, d0 * s0 + s1);
SmallVector<Value> operands = {
getValue(b, loc, offsets[resultDimPos]),
getValue(b, loc, opStrides[opOffset.index()]),
getValue(b, loc, opOffset.value())};
Value offset = b.create<AffineApplyOp>(loc, map, operands);
// Generate the tiled `tensor.extract_slice` operation.
Type resultType = tensor::ExtractSliceOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
extractOp.getType().getRank(), extractOp.getSourceType(), newOffset,
newSizes, newStrides);
auto tiledExtractOp = b.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
loc, resultType.cast<RankedTensorType>(), extractOp.source(), newOffset,
newSizes, newStrides);
// Insert the tiled extract into the result tensor.
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> resultStrides(offsets.size(), oneAttr);
auto tiledInsertOp = b.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
loc, tiledExtractOp.result(), outputs[0], offsets, sizes,
return tiledExtractOp;
struct InsertSliceTiledOpInterface
: public TiledOpInterface::ExternalModel<InsertSliceTiledOpInterface,
tensor::InsertSliceOp> {
SmallVector<Value> getDestinationOperands(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b) const {
SmallVector<Value> dest;
return dest;
SmallVector<StringRef> getLoopIteratorTypes(Operation *op) const {
auto insertSliceOp = cast<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(op);
return SmallVector<StringRef>(insertSliceOp.getSourceType().getRank(),
SmallVector<Range> getIterationDomain(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b) const {
auto insertSliceOp = cast<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(op);
Value source = insertSliceOp.source();
RankedTensorType sourceType = insertSliceOp.getSourceType();
Location loc = op->getLoc();
Value zero = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0);
Value one = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
SmallVector<Range> loopBounds(sourceType.getRank(),
Range{zero, nullptr, one});
for (auto dim :
llvm::seq<int64_t>(0, insertSliceOp.getSourceType().getRank())) {
loopBounds[dim].size = b.create<tensor::DimOp>(loc, source, dim);
return loopBounds;
Operation *getTiledImplementation(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
ValueRange outputs,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> offsets,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> sizes,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &results) const {
auto insertOp = cast<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(op);
// Compute a subtensor of the source based on the offsets.
auto opStrides = insertOp.getMixedStrides();
if (!llvm::all_of(opStrides, [&](OpFoldResult valueOrAttr) {
Optional<int64_t> intVal = getConstantIntValue(valueOrAttr);
return intVal && *intVal == 1;
})) {
op->emitOpError("unable to tile operation with non-unit stride");
return nullptr;
MLIRContext *context = b.getContext();
Location loc = insertOp.getLoc();
auto oneAttr = b.getI64IntegerAttr(1);
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strides(offsets.size(), oneAttr);
auto extractSliceOp = b.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
loc, insertOp.source(), offsets, sizes, strides);
// The offsets for the insert is based on the op offsets plus the offsets of
// the loops passed in.
auto opOffsets = insertOp.getMixedOffsets();
auto opSizes = insertOp.getMixedSizes();
unsigned offsetIndex = 0;
ArrayRef<int64_t> sourceShape = insertOp.getSourceType().getShape();
int64_t destRank = insertOp.getType().getRank();
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> resultOffsets(destRank);
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> resultSizes(destRank);
for (auto opOffset : llvm::enumerate(opOffsets)) {
// Check for rank-reducing by checking that
// 1) The corresponding opSize value is 1
// 2) The current rank of the source is not 1.
// Then the opOffset is for the rank-reduced dimension. Skip.
unsigned opOffsetIndex = opOffset.index();
OpFoldResult opOffsetVal = opOffset.value();
Optional<int64_t> opSizeVal = getConstantIntValue(opSizes[opOffsetIndex]);
if (offsetIndex >= sourceShape.size() ||
(opSizeVal && *opSizeVal == 1 && sourceShape[offsetIndex] != 1)) {
resultOffsets[opOffsetIndex] = opOffsetVal;
resultSizes[opOffsetIndex] = oneAttr;
OpFoldResult offset = offsets[offsetIndex];
if (<Attribute>() &&<Attribute>()) {
resultOffsets[opOffsetIndex] = b.getI64IntegerAttr(
*getConstantIntValue(opOffsetVal) + *getConstantIntValue(offset));
} else {
AffineExpr d0, s0;
bindDims(context, d0);
bindSymbols(context, s0);
AffineMap map = AffineMap::get(1, 1, d0 + s0);
SmallVector<Value> operands = {getValue(b, loc, offset),
getValue(b, loc, opOffsetVal)};
resultOffsets[opOffsetIndex] =
b.create<AffineApplyOp>(loc, map, operands).getResult();
resultSizes[opOffsetIndex] = sizes[offsetIndex];
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> resultStrides(destRank, oneAttr);
auto tiledInsertOp = b.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
loc, extractSliceOp.result(), outputs[0], resultOffsets, resultSizes,
return extractSliceOp;
/// Forwards the implementation of `TiledOpInterface` to upstream
/// `TilingInterface`. Note that this forwarding is only valid when the
/// iteration space is same as the data space of the result(s). This is due to
/// the difference in the tiling algorithm being developed around
/// `TilingInterface` and that used with `TiledOpInterface`. The difference
/// comes down to the former only needing the tiled operation, and not the value
/// of the whole tensor.
template <typename OpTy>
struct ForwardToTilingInterface
: public TiledOpInterface::ExternalModel<ForwardToTilingInterface<OpTy>,
OpTy> {
SmallVector<Value> getDestinationOperands(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b) const {
return cast<OpTy>(op).getDestinationOperands(b);
SmallVector<StringRef> getLoopIteratorTypes(Operation *op) const {
return cast<OpTy>(op).getLoopIteratorTypes();
SmallVector<Range> getIterationDomain(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b) const {
return cast<OpTy>(op).getIterationDomain(b);
Operation *getTiledImplementation(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
ValueRange dest,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> offsets,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> sizes,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &results) const {
SmallVector<Operation *> tiledOps = cast<OpTy>(op).getTiledImplementation(
b, dest, offsets, sizes, /*tileDestOperands=*/true);
if (tiledOps.empty()) {
op->emitOpError("failed to tile operation");
return nullptr;
assert(tiledOps.size() == 1 && "expected single tiled op");
Operation *tiledOp = tiledOps.front();
if (tiledOp->getNumResults() != dest.size()) {
"mismatch in the number of results of the tiled operation and the "
"number of results expected");
return nullptr;
Location loc = op->getLoc();
auto oneAttr = b.getI64IntegerAttr(1);
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strides(offsets.size(), oneAttr);
for (auto result : llvm::enumerate(tiledOp->getResults())) {
// Assume that the shape of the result is same as the loop bounds of the
// op. This implies the result can be inserted into the `dest` at
// `offsets` and `sizes`. This would be illegal if that is not the
// case. This is a point of difference between the `TiledOpInterface` in
// IREE and `TilingInterface` in MLIR, since the latter sees fusion and
// tiling as the same things. So it returns just the tiled op, and not the
// result of the full tensor as the current tiling algorithm expects.
auto tiledInsertOp = b.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
loc, result.value(), dest[result.index()], offsets, sizes, strides);
return tiledOp;
} // namespace
void IREE::LinalgExt::registerTiledOpInterfaceExternalModels(
DialectRegistry &registry) {
{ llvm::dbgs() << "Adding external models of tiled op interface\n"; });
.addOpInterface<tensor::ExtractSliceOp, ExtractSliceTiledOpInterface>();
registry.addOpInterface<tensor::InsertSliceOp, InsertSliceTiledOpInterface>();
// TODO(ravishankarm): Needs custom PadTiledOpInterface or equiv.
// registry.addOpInterface<tensor::PadOp,
// ForwardToTilingInterface<tensor::PadOp>>();