blob: 4bd0ef865125c1ae5aa524d4391fb35b19d0ccb2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The IREE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
"""Rules for compiling IREE executables, modules, and archives."""
load("//build_tools/embed_data:build_defs.bzl", "c_embed_data")
# TODO(benvanik): port to a full starlark rule, document, etc.
def iree_bytecode_module(
module = None,
flags = ["-iree-mlir-to-vm-bytecode-module"],
translate_tool = "//iree/tools:iree-translate",
linker_tool = "@llvm-project//lld:lld",
opt_tool = "//iree/tools:iree-opt",
opt_flags = [],
c_identifier = "",
"""Builds an IREE bytecode module.
name: Name of the target
src: mlir source file to be compiled to an IREE module.
flags: additional flags to pass to the compiler. Bytecode
translation and backend flags are passed automatically.
translate_tool: the compiler to use to generate the module.
Defaults to iree-translate.
linker_tool: the linker to use.
Defaults to the lld from the llvm-project directory.
opt_tool: Defaulting to iree-opt. Tool used to preprocess the source file
if opt_flags is specified.
opt_flags: If specified, source files are preprocessed with opt_tool with
these flags.
module: Optional. Specifies the path to use for the enerated IREE module (.vmfb).
c_identifier: Optional. Enables embedding the module as C data.
**kwargs: any additional attributes to pass to the underlying rules.
translate_src = src
if opt_flags:
translate_src = "%s.opt.mlir" % (name)
name = "%s_opt" % (name),
srcs = [src],
outs = [translate_src],
cmd = " ".join([
"$(location %s)" % (opt_tool),
" ".join([('"%s"' % flag) for flag in opt_flags]),
"$(location %s)" % (src),
"-o $(location %s)" % (translate_src),
tools = [opt_tool],
message = "Transforming MLIR source for IREE module %s..." % (name),
output_to_bindir = 1,
if not module:
module = "%s.vmfb" % (name)
name = name,
srcs = [translate_src],
outs = [
cmd = " && ".join([
" ".join([
"$(location %s)" % (translate_tool),
" ".join(flags),
"-iree-llvm-embedded-linker-path=$(location %s)" % (linker_tool),
"-iree-llvm-system-linker-path=$(location %s)" % (linker_tool),
"-o $(location %s)" % (module),
"$(location %s)" % (translate_src),
tools = [translate_tool, linker_tool],
message = "Compiling IREE module %s..." % (name),
output_to_bindir = 1,
# Embed the module for use in C.
if c_identifier:
name = "%s_c" % (name),
identifier = c_identifier,
srcs = [module],
c_file_output = "%s_c.c" % (name),
h_file_output = "%s_c.h" % (name),
flatten = True,