| --- |
| title: "FLASH_CTRL Checklist" |
| --- |
| |
| This checklist is for [Hardware Stage]({{< relref "/doc/project/development_stages.md" >}}) transitions for the [FLASH_CTRL peripheral.](../) |
| All checklist items refer to the content in the [Checklist.]({{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md" >}}) |
| |
| ## Design Checklist |
| |
| ### D1 |
| |
| Type | Item | Resolution | Note/Collaterals |
| --------------|------------------------------- |-------------|------------------ |
| Documentation | [SPEC_COMPLETE][] | Done | [FLASH_CTRL Spec][] |
| Documentation | [CSR_DEFINED][] | Done | |
| RTL | [CLKRST_CONNECTED][] | Done | |
| RTL | [IP_TOP][] | Done | |
| RTL | [IP_INSTANTIABLE][] | Done | |
| RTL | [PHYSICAL_MACROS_DEFINED_80][] | Done | Top level non-volatile memory |
| RTL | [FUNC_IMPLEMENTED][] | Done | |
| RTL | [ASSERT_KNOWN_ADDED][] | Done | |
| Code Quality | [LINT_SETUP][] | Done | |
| |
| |
| [SPEC_COMPLETE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#spec_complete" >}} |
| [CSR_DEFINED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#csr_defined" >}} |
| [CLKRST_CONNECTED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#clkrst_connected" >}} |
| [IP_TOP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#ip_top" >}} |
| [IP_INSTANTIABLE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#ip_instantiable" >}} |
| [PHYSICAL_MACROS_DEFINED_80]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#physical_macros_defined_80" >}} |
| [FUNC_IMPLEMENTED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#func_implemented" >}} |
| [ASSERT_KNOWN_ADDED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#assert_known_added" >}} |
| [LINT_SETUP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#lint_setup" >}} |
| |
| ### D2 |
| |
| Type | Item | Resolution | Note/Collaterals |
| --------------|-------------------------|-------------|------------------ |
| Documentation | [NEW_FEATURES][] | N/A | |
| Documentation | [BLOCK_DIAGRAM][] | Done | |
| Documentation | [DOC_INTERFACE][] | Done | |
| Documentation | [MISSING_FUNC][] | N/A | |
| Documentation | [FEATURE_FROZEN][] | Done | |
| RTL | [FEATURE_COMPLETE][] | Done | |
| RTL | [AREA_CHECK][] | In Progress | |
| RTL | [PORT_FROZEN][] | Done | |
| RTL | [REVIEW_TODO][] | Done | |
| RTL | [STYLE_X][] | In Progress | |
| Code Quality | [LINT_PASS][] | Done | |
| Code Quality | [CDC_SETUP][] | N/A | |
| Code Quality | [FPGA_TIMING][] | Done | |
| Security | [SEC_CM_IMPLEMENTED][] | Not Started | |
| Security | [SEC_NON_RESET_FLOPS][] | Not Started | |
| Security | [SEC_SHADOW_REGS][] | Not Started | |
| Security | [SEC_RND_CNST][] | Not Started | |
| Code Quality | [CDC_SYNCMACRO][] | Not Started | |
| |
| [NEW_FEATURES]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#new_features" >}} |
| [BLOCK_DIAGRAM]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#block_diagram" >}} |
| [DOC_INTERFACE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#doc_interface" >}} |
| [MISSING_FUNC]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#missing_func" >}} |
| [FEATURE_FROZEN]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#feature_frozen" >}} |
| [FEATURE_COMPLETE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#feature_complete" >}} |
| [AREA_CHECK]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#area_check" >}} |
| [PORT_FROZEN]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#port_frozen" >}} |
| [ARCHITECTURE_FROZEN]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#architecture_frozen" >}} |
| [REVIEW_TODO]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_todo" >}} |
| [STYLE_X]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#style_x" >}} |
| [LINT_PASS]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#lint_pass" >}} |
| [CDC_SETUP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#cdc_setup" >}} |
| [FPGA_TIMING]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpga_timing" >}} |
| [CDC_SYNCMACRO]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#cdc_syncmacro" >}} |
| [SEC_CM_IMPLEMENTED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sec_cm_implemented" >}} |
| [SEC_NON_RESET_FLOPS]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sec_non_reset_flops" >}} |
| [SEC_SHADOW_REGS]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sec_shadow_regs" >}} |
| [SEC_RND_CNST]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sec_rnd_cnst" >}} |
| |
| ### D3 |
| |
| Type | Item | Resolution | Note/Collaterals |
| --------------|-------------------------|-------------|------------------ |
| Documentation | [NEW_FEATURES_D3][] | Not Started | |
| RTL | [TODO_COMPLETE][] | Not Started | |
| Code Quality | [LINT_COMPLETE][] | Not Started | |
| Code Quality | [CDC_COMPLETE][] | Not Started | |
| Review | [REVIEW_RTL][] | Not Started | |
| Review | [REVIEW_DELETED_FF][] | Not Started | |
| Review | [REVIEW_SW_CSR][] | Not Started | |
| Review | [REVIEW_SW_FATAL_ERR][] | Not Started | |
| Review | [REVIEW_SW_CHANGE][] | Not Started | |
| Review | [REVIEW_SW_ERRATA][] | Not Started | |
| Review | Reviewer(s) | Not Started | |
| Review | Signoff date | Not Started | |
| |
| [NEW_FEATURES_D3]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#new_features_d3" >}} |
| [TODO_COMPLETE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#todo_complete" >}} |
| [LINT_COMPLETE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#lint_complete" >}} |
| [CDC_COMPLETE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#cdc_complete" >}} |
| [REVIEW_RTL]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_rtl" >}} |
| [REVIEW_DBG]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_dbg" >}} |
| [REVIEW_DELETED_FF]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_deleted_ff" >}} |
| [REVIEW_SW_CSR]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_sw_csr" >}} |
| [REVIEW_SW_FATAL_ERR]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_sw_fatal_err" >}} |
| [REVIEW_SW_CHANGE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_sw_change" >}} |
| [REVIEW_SW_ERRATA]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#review_sw_errata" >}} |
| |
| ## Verification Checklist |
| |
| ### V1 |
| |
| Type | Item | Resolution | Note/Collaterals |
| --------------|---------------------------------------|-------------|------------------ |
| Documentation | [DV_PLAN_DRAFT_COMPLETED][] | Done | [flash_ctrl_dv_plan]({{<relref "dv_plan/index.md" >}}) |
| Documentation | [TESTPLAN_COMPLETED][] | Done | |
| Testbench | [TB_TOP_CREATED][] | Done | |
| Testbench | [SIM_TB_ENV_CREATED][] | Done | |
| Testbench | [SIM_RAL_MODEL_GEN_AUTOMATED][] | Done | |
| Testbench | [CSR_CHECK_GEN_AUTOMATED][] | Waived | Automation setup is a WIP |
| Testbench | [TB_GEN_AUTOMATED][] | N/A | |
| Tests | [SIM_SMOKE_TEST_PASSING][] | Done | |
| Tests | [SIM_CSR_MEM_TEST_SUITE_PASSING][] | Done | |
| Tool Setup | [SIM_ALT_TOOL_SETUP][] | Done | Primary: VCS, Alt: Xcelium |
| Regression | [SIM_SMOKE_REGRESSION_SETUP][] | Done | |
| Regression | [SIM_NIGHTLY_REGRESSION_SETUP][] | Done | |
| Regression | [FPV_REGRESSION_SETUP][] | N/A | |
| Coverage | [SIM_COVERAGE_MODEL_ADDED][] | Done | |
| Code Quality | [TB_LINT_SETUP][] | Done | |
| Integration | [PRE_VERIFIED_SUB_MODULES_V1][] | N/A | |
| Review | [DESIGN_SPEC_REVIEWED][] | Done | |
| Review | [DV_PLAN_TESTPLAN_REVIEWED][] | Done | |
| Review | [STD_TEST_CATEGORIES_PLANNED][] | Done | |
| Review | [V2_CHECKLIST_SCOPED][] | Done | |
| |
| [DV_PLAN_DRAFT_COMPLETED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dv_plan_draft_completed" >}} |
| [TESTPLAN_COMPLETED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#testplan_completed" >}} |
| [TB_TOP_CREATED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#tb_top_created" >}} |
| [PRELIMINARY_ASSERTION_CHECKS_ADDED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#preliminary_assertion_checks_added" >}} |
| [SIM_TB_ENV_CREATED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_tb_env_created" >}} |
| [SIM_RAL_MODEL_GEN_AUTOMATED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_ral_model_gen_automated" >}} |
| [CSR_CHECK_GEN_AUTOMATED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#csr_check_gen_automated" >}} |
| [TB_GEN_AUTOMATED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#tb_gen_automated" >}} |
| [SIM_SMOKE_TEST_PASSING]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_smoke_test_passing" >}} |
| [SIM_CSR_MEM_TEST_SUITE_PASSING]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_csr_mem_test_suite_passing" >}} |
| [FPV_MAIN_ASSERTIONS_PROVEN]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_main_assertions_proven" >}} |
| [SIM_ALT_TOOL_SETUP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_alt_tool_setup" >}} |
| [SIM_SMOKE_REGRESSION_SETUP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_smoke_regression_setup" >}} |
| [SIM_NIGHTLY_REGRESSION_SETUP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_nightly_regression_setup" >}} |
| [FPV_REGRESSION_SETUP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_regression_setup" >}} |
| [SIM_COVERAGE_MODEL_ADDED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_coverage_model_added" >}} |
| [TB_LINT_SETUP]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#tb_lint_setup" >}} |
| [PRE_VERIFIED_SUB_MODULES_V1]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#pre_verified_sub_modules_v1" >}} |
| [DESIGN_SPEC_REVIEWED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#design_spec_reviewed" >}} |
| [DV_PLAN_TESTPLAN_REVIEWED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dv_plan_testplan_reviewed" >}} |
| [STD_TEST_CATEGORIES_PLANNED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#std_test_categories_planned" >}} |
| [V2_CHECKLIST_SCOPED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#v2_checklist_scoped" >}} |
| |
| ### V2 |
| |
| Type | Item | Resolution | Note/Collaterals |
| --------------|-----------------------------------------|-------------|------------------ |
| Documentation | [DESIGN_DELTAS_CAPTURED_V2][] | Not Started | |
| Documentation | [DV_PLAN_COMPLETED][] | Not Started | |
| Testbench | [ALL_INTERFACES_EXERCISED][] | Not Started | |
| Testbench | [ALL_ASSERTION_CHECKS_ADDED][] | Not Started | |
| Testbench | [SIM_TB_ENV_COMPLETED][] | Not Started | |
| Tests | [SIM_ALL_TESTS_PASSING][] | Not Started | |
| Tests | [FPV_ALL_ASSERTIONS_WRITTEN][] | Not Started | |
| Tests | [FPV_ALL_ASSUMPTIONS_REVIEWED][] | Not Started | |
| Tests | [SIM_FW_SIMULATED][] | Not Started | |
| Regression | [SIM_NIGHTLY_REGRESSION_V2][] | Not Started | |
| Coverage | [SIM_CODE_COVERAGE_V2][] | Not Started | |
| Coverage | [SIM_FUNCTIONAL_COVERAGE_V2][] | Not Started | |
| Coverage | [FPV_CODE_COVERAGE_V2][] | Not Started | |
| Coverage | [FPV_COI_COVERAGE_V2][] | Not Started | |
| Code Quality | [TB_LINT_PASS][] | Not Started | |
| Issues | [NO_HIGH_PRIORITY_ISSUES_PENDING][] | Not Started | |
| Issues | [ALL_LOW_PRIORITY_ISSUES_ROOT_CAUSED][] | Not Started | |
| Integration | [PRE_VERIFIED_SUB_MODULES_V2][] | Not Started | |
| Review | [V3_CHECKLIST_SCOPED][] | Not Started | |
| |
| [DESIGN_DELTAS_CAPTURED_V2]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#design_deltas_captured_v2" >}} |
| [DV_PLAN_COMPLETED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dv_plan_completed" >}} |
| [ALL_INTERFACES_EXERCISED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#all_interfaces_exercised" >}} |
| [ALL_ASSERTION_CHECKS_ADDED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#all_assertion_checks_added" >}} |
| [SIM_TB_ENV_COMPLETED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_tb_env_completed" >}} |
| [SIM_ALL_TESTS_PASSING]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_all_tests_passing" >}} |
| [FPV_ALL_ASSERTIONS_WRITTEN]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_all_assertions_written" >}} |
| [FPV_ALL_ASSUMPTIONS_REVIEWED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_all_assumptions_reviewed" >}} |
| [SIM_FW_SIMULATED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_fw_simulated" >}} |
| [SIM_NIGHTLY_REGRESSION_V2]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_nightly_regression_v2" >}} |
| [SIM_CODE_COVERAGE_V2]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_code_coverage_v2" >}} |
| [SIM_FUNCTIONAL_COVERAGE_V2]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_functional_coverage_v2" >}} |
| [FPV_CODE_COVERAGE_V2]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_code_coverage_v2" >}} |
| [FPV_COI_COVERAGE_V2]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_coi_coverage_v2" >}} |
| [TB_LINT_PASS]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#tb_lint_pass" >}} |
| [NO_HIGH_PRIORITY_ISSUES_PENDING]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#no_high_priority_issues_pending" >}} |
| [ALL_LOW_PRIORITY_ISSUES_ROOT_CAUSED]:{{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#all_low_priority_issues_root_caused" >}} |
| [PRE_VERIFIED_SUB_MODULES_V2]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#pre_verified_sub_modules_v2" >}} |
| [V3_CHECKLIST_SCOPED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#v3_checklist_scoped" >}} |
| |
| ### V3 |
| |
| Type | Item | Resolution | Note/Collaterals |
| --------------|-----------------------------------|-------------|------------------ |
| Documentation | [DESIGN_DELTAS_CAPTURED_V3][] | Not Started | |
| Testbench | [ALL_TODOS_RESOLVED][] | Not Started | |
| Tests | [X_PROP_ANALYSIS_COMPLETED][] | Not Started | |
| Tests | [FPV_ASSERTIONS_PROVEN_AT_V3][] | Not Started | |
| Regression | [SIM_NIGHTLY_REGRESSION_AT_V3][] | Not Started | |
| Coverage | [SIM_CODE_COVERAGE_AT_100][] | Not Started | |
| Coverage | [SIM_FUNCTIONAL_COVERAGE_AT_100][]| Not Started | |
| Coverage | [FPV_CODE_COVERAGE_AT_100][] | Not Started | |
| Coverage | [FPV_COI_COVERAGE_AT_100][] | Not Started | |
| Issues | [NO_ISSUES_PENDING][] | Not Started | |
| Code Quality | [NO_TOOL_WARNINGS_THROWN][] | Not Started | |
| Code Quality | [TB_LINT_COMPLETE][] | Not Started | |
| Integration | [PRE_VERIFIED_SUB_MODULES_V3][] | Not Started | |
| Review | Reviewer(s) | Not Started | |
| Review | Signoff date | Not Started | |
| |
| [DESIGN_DELTAS_CAPTURED_V3]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#design_deltas_captured_v3" >}} |
| [ALL_TODOS_RESOLVED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#all_todos_resolved" >}} |
| [X_PROP_ANALYSIS_COMPLETED]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#x_prop_analysis_completed" >}} |
| [FPV_ASSERTIONS_PROVEN_AT_V3]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_assertions_proven_at_v3" >}} |
| [SIM_NIGHTLY_REGRESSION_AT_V3]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_nightly_regression_at_v3" >}} |
| [SIM_CODE_COVERAGE_AT_100]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_code_coverage_at_100" >}} |
| [SIM_FUNCTIONAL_COVERAGE_AT_100]:{{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#sim_functional_coverage_at_100" >}} |
| [FPV_CODE_COVERAGE_AT_100]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_code_coverage_at_100" >}} |
| [FPV_COI_COVERAGE_AT_100]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#fpv_coi_coverage_at_100" >}} |
| [NO_ISSUES_PENDING]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#no_issues_pending" >}} |
| [NO_TOOL_WARNINGS_THROWN]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#no_tool_warnings_thrown" >}} |
| [TB_LINT_COMPLETE]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#tb_lint_complete" >}} |
| [PRE_VERIFIED_SUB_MODULES_V3]: {{<relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#pre_verified_sub_modules_v3" >}} |