| title: "OpenTitan Utilities" |
| This is the landing spot for utility script documentation within the OpenTitan project. |
| Primarily these are README files about tooling scripts used to generate technical content. |
| More description and information can be found within the [Reference Manual]({{< relref "doc/rm" >}}) and [User Guide]({{< relref "doc/ug" >}}) areas. |
| * Docker Container [README]({{< relref "util/container/README.md" >}}) |
| * FPGA splice utility [README]({{< relref "util/fpga/README.md" >}}) |
| * `reggen.py` register generator tool [README]({{< relref "util/reggen/README.md" >}}) |
| * `spitest.py` script for interacting with SPI device code [README]({{< relref "util/simplespi/README.md" >}}) |
| * `testplanner.py` utility for generating verification testplans from Hjson descriptors [README]({{< relref "util/testplanner/README.md" >}}) |
| * `tlgen.py` utility for TileLink bus matrix [README]({{< relref "util/tlgen/README.md" >}}) |
| * `uvmdvgen.py` utility for generating testbenches for comportable IP [README]({{< relref "util/uvmdvgen/README.md" >}}) |
| * `fpvgen.py` utility for generating FPV testbenches for comportable IP [README]({{< relref "util/fpvgen/README.md" >}}) |
| * `wavegen.py` utility for creating technical waveforms in documentation [README]({{< relref "util/wavegen/README.md" >}}) |