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| title: OpenTitan RFC Process |
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| ## Introduction |
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| The OpenTitan RFC process is the mechanism by which technical proposals can be reviewed and voted upon by the Technical Committee (TC). |
| More generally, the RFC process ensures changes are appropriately reviewed, gives the contributor community opportunity to give feedback, and helps ensure alternative implementation options are also evaluated. |
| Many other open source projects implement such a process with varying degrees of formality, e.g. Python Enhancement Proposals, RFCs in the LLVM community, and more. |
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| RFCs can't be used for resource allocation or to "force" other people to do some work. |
| E.g. "Implement IP block X" is not a useful RFC unless either the proposer is willing to do that work or someone else is interested in pursuing it. |
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| This document outlines the basic structure of the RFC process, with the expectation that it will evolve over time based on the experience of active contributors. |
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| ## RFC lifetime |
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| * [Optional: Seek feedback on whether an RFC is desired. |
| This is recommended for a lengthy "out of the blue" proposal, to ensure time isn't wasted writing up a detailed proposal for something that is out of scope or that can't be decided upon at this stage.] |
| * An author (or set of authors) writes an RFC. |
| This might be triggered simply by an idea, by a discussion in a meeting, or by a request from a Committer after submitting a PR. |
| The TC will maintain examples of high quality RFCs to refer to in terms of structure and approach. |
| * The RFC authors may solicit early feedback while preparing an RFC, possibly before sharing publicly. |
| * If requested, the TC could help to nominate a small group to shepherd the RFC. |
| * If the RFC potentially contains information that could be certification-sensitive (guidance to be shared), send a note to security@opentitan.org first for feedback. |
| * The RFC is shared publicly by filing a GitHub issue and tagging with the `RFC:Proposal` label. |
| * Once the author is happy that the RFC is complete, they submit it to the Technical Committee by converting the label to `RFC:TC Review`. |
| * The Technical Committee will consider active RFCs in each meeting (those that have been marked with `RFC:TC Review` for at least a week). |
| If an RFC saw large changes in the week it has been "ready" the TC may postpone judgement in order to allow more comment. |
| They will decide whether to: |
| * **Accept**: Indicate they are happy for this proposal to be implemented. |
| May be conditional on certain changes. |
| The TC will change the label from `RFC:TC Review` to `RFC:Approved` in this outcome. |
| * **Reject**: Decided against the proposal at this time. |
| The label `RFC:TC Review` will be removed by the TC. |
| * **Postpone**: The proposal seemed to have the right level of detail and form, but the project won't be making a decision on it at this time (e.g. refers to work that is scheduled too far in the future). |
| The TC will revert the label from `RFC:TC Review` back to `RFC:Proposal`. |
| In the case where the TC has not had sufficient time to complete review during a meeting, the label `RFC:TC Review` will remain in place until the review has completed. |
| * **Request revision**: The TC feel they could make an accept/reject decision if certain changes were made (e.g. fleshing out a description of alternate approaches, considering changes to the approach etc). |
| The TC will revert the label from `RFC:TC Review` back to `RFC:Proposal` until revisions have been completed. |
| * **Abstain with comment**: The TC feel that the issue does not require TC arbitration. |
| The TC may leave comment suggesting the next action for the RFC, perhaps indicating where the issue should be resolved, such as in one of the other committees. |
| The TC will remove the `RFC:TC Review` label in this case. |
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| RFCs should be created at least for any major new piece of code (e.g. IP block), or cross-cutting changes that need careful consideration. |
| Generally speaking, an RFC should be created when there is demand for one (especially when that request comes from a Committer). |
| Although it is a power that is not expected to be deployed regularly, RFCs may be unilaterally approved/rejected by the Project Director. |
| Even in these cases, they would likely still follow the normal review and feedback process. |
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| ## Potential future RFC process refinements |
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| The process has been kept as simple as possible to start with, closely mimicking the informal consensus approach being used in the early stages of the OpenTitan project. |
| However, there are a range of potential improvements that it may make sense for the Technical Committee and wider contributor community to explore: |
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| * We currently have no particular rule on RFC format and structure. |
| It may be useful to at least suggest a structure for certain categories of changes (e.g. outline of headings). |
| * [Rust RFCs](https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/) and the [Kotlin Evolution and Enhancement Process](https://github.com/Kotlin/KEEP) both introduce the idea of a "Shepherd", which we may want to adopt. |
| * If the volume of RFCs increased to the point it was too time consuming for the Technical Committee to handle each review request, the TC may delegate some responsibility for pre-filtering. |
| E.g. the Chair/Vice-Chair may make a determination on whether an RFC has attracted sufficient support for further discussion. |