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| title: "Getting Started with an OpenTitan Design Verification" |
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| This document aims to enable a contributor to get started with a design verification (DV) effort within the OpenTitan project. |
| While most of the focus is on development of a testbench from scratch, it should also be useful to understand how to contribute to an existing effort. |
| Please refer to the [DV methodology]({{< relref "dv_methodology.md" >}}) document for information on how design verification is done in OpenTitan. |
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| ## Stages of DV |
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| The life stages of a design / DV effort within the OpenTitan are described in the [Hardware Development Stages]({{< relref "doc/project/hw_stages.md" >}}) document. |
| It separates the life of DV into three broad stages: Initial Work, Under Test and Testing Complete. |
| This document attempts to give guidance on how to get going with the first stage and have a smooth transition into the Under Test stage. |
| They are not hard and fast rules but methods we have seen work well in the project. |
| DV indeed cannot begin until the design has transitioned from Specification to the Development stage first. |
| The design specification, once available, is used as a starting point. |
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| ## Getting Started |
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| The very first thing to do in any DV effort is to [document the plan]({{< relref "dv_methodology.md#documentation" >}}) detailing the overall effort. |
| This is done in conjunction with developing the initial testbench. |
| It is recommended to use the [uvmdvgen]({{< relref "util/uvmdvgen/README.md" >}}) tool, which serves both needs. |
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| The `uvmdvgen` tool provides the ability to generate the outputs in a specific directory. |
| This should be set to the root of the DUT directory where the `rtl` directory exists. |
| When the tool is run, it creates a `dv` directory, along with `data` and `doc` directories. |
| The `dv` directory is where the complete testbench along with the collaterals to build and run tests can be found. |
| It puts the documentation sources in `doc` and `data` directories respectively (which also exist alongside the `rtl` directory). |
| It is recommended to grep for 'TODO' at this stage in all of these generated files to make some of the required fixes right way. |
| One of these for example, is to create appropriate interfaces for the DUT-specific IOs and have them connected in the testbench (`dv/tb/tb.sv`). |
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| ## Documentation and Initial Review |
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| The skeleton [DV plan]({{< relref "dv_methodology.md#dv-plan" >}}) and the [Hjson testplan]({{< relref "dv_methodology.md#testplan" >}}) should be addressed first. |
| The DV plan documentation is not expected to be completed in full detail at this point. |
| However, it is expected to list all the verification components needed and depict the planned testbench as a block diagram. |
| Under the 'design verification' directory in the OpenTitan team drive, some sample testbench block diagrams are available in the `.svg` format, which can be used as a template. |
| The Hjson testplan on the other hand, is required to be completed. |
| Please refer to the [testplanner tool]({{< relref "util/testplanner/README.md" >}}) documentation for additional details on how to write the Hjson testplan. |
| Once done, these documents are to be reviewed with the designer(s) and other project members for completeness and clarity. |
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| ## UVM RAL Model |
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| Before running any test, the [UVM RAL model]({{< relref "dv_methodology.md#uvm-register-abstraction-layer-ral-model" >}}) needs to exist (if the design contains CSRs). |
| The [DV simulation flow]({{< relref "hw/dv/tools/README.md" >}}) has been updated to generate the RAL model automatically at the start of the simulation. |
| As such, nothing extra needs to be done. |
| A hook for generating it is already provided in the generated `dv/Makefile`. |
| It can be created manually by simply navigating to the `dv` directory and invoking the command: |
| ```console |
| $ cd path-to-dv |
| $ make ral |
| ``` |
| |
| The generated file is placed in the simulation build scratch area instead of being checked in. |
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| ## Supported Simulators |
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| The use of advanced verification constructs such as SystemVerilog classes (on which UVM is based on) requires commercial simulators. |
| The [DV simulation flow]({{< relref "hw/dv/tools/README.md" >}}) fully supports Synopsys VCS. |
| There is support for Cadence Xcelium as well, which is being slowly ramped up. |
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| ## Building and Running Tests |
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| The `uvmdvgen` tool provides an empty shell sequence at `dv/env/seq_lib/<ip>_sanity_vseq.sv` for developing the sanity test. |
| The sanity test can be run as-is by invoking `make`, as a "hello world" step to bring the DUT out of reset. |
| ```console |
| $ cd path-to-dv |
| $ make [SIMULATOR=xcelium] [WAVES=1] |
| ``` |
| |
| The generated initial testbench is not expected to compile and elaborate successfully right away. |
| There may be additional fixes required, which can be hopefully be identified easily. |
| Once the testbench compiles and elaborates without any errors or warnings, the sanity sequence can be developed further to access a major datapath and test the basic functionality of the DUT. |
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| VCS is used as the default simulator. |
| It can be switched to Xcelium by setting `SIMULATOR=xcelium` on the command line. |
| The `WAVES=1` switch will cause an `fsdb` dump to be created from the test. |
| The Synopsys Verdi tool can be invoked (separately) to debug the waves. |
| Please refer to the [DV simulation flow]({{< relref "hw/dv/tools/README.md" >}}) for additional details. |
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| The `uvmdvgen` script also provides a CSR suite of tests which can be run right out of the box. |
| The most basic CSR power-on-reset check test can be run by invoking: |
| ```console |
| $ cd path-to-dv |
| $ make TEST_NAME=<dut>_csr_hw_reset [WAVES=1] |
| ``` |
| Please refer to [CSR utilities]({{< relref "hw/dv/sv/csr_utils/README" >}}) for more information on how to add exclusions for the CSR tests. |
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| ## Full DV |
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| Running the sanity and CSR suite of tests while making progress toward reaching the [V1 stage]({{< relref "doc/project/hw_stages#hardware-verification-stages" >}}) should provide a good reference in terms of how to develop tests as outlined in the testplan and running and debugging them. |
| Please refer to the [checklist]({{< relref "doc/project/checklist" >}}) to understand the key requirements for progressing through the subsequent verification stages and final signoff. |
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| The [UART DV](https://github.com/lowRISC/opentitan/tree/master/hw/ip/uart/dv) area can be used as a canonical example for making progress. |
| If it is not clear on how to proceed, feel free to file an issue requesting assistance. |