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title: "Getting started on FPGAs"
# Getting started on FPGAs
Do you want to try out the lowRISC chip designs, but don't have a couple thousand or million dollars ready for an ASIC tapeout?
Running lowRISC designs on an FPGA board can be the answer!
## Prerequisites
To use the lowRISC Comportable designs on an FPGA you need two things:
* A supported FPGA board
* A tool from the FPGA vendor
Depending on the design/target combination that you want to synthesize you will need different tools and boards.
Refer to the design documentation for information what exactly is needed.
* [Obtain an FPGA board]({{< relref "" >}})
Follow the install instructions to [prepare the system]({{< relref "install_instructions#system-preparation" >}}) and to install the [software development tools]({{< relref "install_instructions#software-development" >}}) and [Xilinx Vivado]({{< relref "install_instructions#xilinx-vivado" >}}).
## Create an FPGA bitstream
Synthesizing a design for a FPGA board is done with the following commands.
The FPGA build will pull in a program to act as the boot ROM.
This is pulled in from the `sw/device/boot_rom` directory (see the `parameters:` section of the `hw/top_earlgrey/top_earlgrey_nexysvideo.core` file).
At the moment there is no check that the `rom.vmem` file is up to date, so it is best to follow the instructions to [Build software]({{< relref "" >}}) and understand the FPGA's overall software flow.
In the following example we synthesize the Earl Grey design for the Nexys Video board using Xilinx Vivado 2018.3.
$ . /tools/xilinx/Vivado/2018.3/
$ cd $REPO_TOP
$ make -C sw/device SW_DIR=boot_rom clean all
$ fusesoc --cores-root . build lowrisc:systems:top_earlgrey_nexysvideo
The resulting bitstream is located at `build/lowrisc_systems_top_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_top_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1.bit`.
See the [reference manual]({{< relref "" >}}) for more information.
## Flash the bitstream onto the FPGA
To flash the bitstream onto the FPGA you need to use either the Vivado GUI or the command line.
### Using the command line
Use the following command to program the FPGA with fusesoc.
$ . /tools/xilinx/Vivado/2018.3/
$ cd $REPO_TOP
$ fusesoc --cores-root . pgm lowrisc:systems:top_earlgrey_nexysvideo:0.1
Note: `fusesoc pgm` is broken for edalize versions up to (and including) v0.1.3.
You can check the version you're using with `pip3 show edalize`.
### Using the Vivado GUI
$ . /tools/xilinx/Vivado/2018.3/
$ cd $REPO_TOP
$ make -C build/lowrisc_systems_top_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1/synth-vivado build-gui
Now the Vivado GUI opens and loads the project.
* Connect the FPGA board to the PC and turn it on.
* In the navigation on the left, click on *PROGRAM AND DEBUG* > *Open Hardware Manager* > *Open Target* > *Auto Connect*.
* Vivado now enumerates all boards and connects to it. (Note on Vivado 2018.1 you may get an error the first time and have to do auto connect twice.)
* Click on *Program Device* in the menu on the left (or at the top of the screen).
* A dialog titled *Program Device* pops up. Select the file `lowrisc_systems_top_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1.bit` as *Bitstream file*, and leave the *Debug probes file* empty.
* Click on *Program* to flash the FPGA with the bitstream.
* The FPGA is ready as soon as the programming finishes.
## Testing the demo design
The `hello_world` demo software shows off some capabilities of the design.
In order to load `hello_world` into the FPGA, both the binary and the [loading tool]({{< relref "/sw/host/spiflash/" >}}) must be compiled.
Please follow the steps below.
$ cd ${REPO_TOP}
$ make -C sw/device SW_DIR=examples/hello_world SW_BUILD_DIR=out clean all
$ make -C sw/host/spiflash clean all
$ ./sw/host/spiflash/spiflash --input=sw/device/out/sw.bin
Running SPI flash update.
Image divided into 6 frames.
frame: 0x00000000 to offset: 0x00000000
frame: 0x00000001 to offset: 0x000003d8
frame: 0x00000002 to offset: 0x000007b0
frame: 0x00000003 to offset: 0x00000b88
frame: 0x00000004 to offset: 0x00000f60
frame: 0x80000005 to offset: 0x00001338
* Use a Micro USB cable to connect the PC with the *PROG*-labeled connector on the board.
* Use a second Micro USB cable to connect the PC with the *UART*-labled connector on the board.
* After connecting the UART, use `dmesg` to determine which serial port was assigned. It should be named `/dev/ttyUSB*`, e.g. `/dev/ttyUSB0`.
* Ensure that you have sufficient access permissions to the device, check `ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*`. The udev rules given in the Vivado installation instructions ensure this.
* Generate the bitstream and flash it to the FPGA as described above.
* Open a serial console (use the device file determined before) and connect.
Settings: 230400 baud, 8N1, no hardware or software flow control.
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 230400
Note that the Nexsys Video demo program that comes installed on the board runs the UART at 115200 baud;
expect to see garbage characters if that is running.
This can happen if you connect the serial console before using Vivado to program your new bitstream or you press the *PROG* button that causes the FPGA to reprogram from the code in the on-board SPI flash.
* On the Nexys Video board, press the red button labeled *CPU_RESET*.
* Observe the output both on the board and the serial console. Type any text into the console window.
* Exit `screen` by pressing CTRL-a k, and confirm with y.
## Develop with the Vivado GUI
Sometimes it is helpful to use the Vivado GUI to debug a design.
fusesoc makes that easy, with one small caveat: by default fusesoc copies all source files into a staging directory before the synthesis process starts.
This behavior is helpful to create reproducible builds and avoids Vivado modifying checked-in source files.
But during debugging this behavior is not helpful.
The `--no-export` option of fusesoc disables copying the source files into the staging area, and `--setup` instructs fusesoc to only create a project file, but not to run the synthesis process.
$ # only create Vivado project file
$ fusesoc --cores-root . build --no-export --setup lowrisc:systems:top_earlgrey_nexysvideo
## Connect with OpenOCD and debug
To connect the FPGA with OpenOCD, run the following command
$ cd $REPO_TOP
$ /tools/openocd/bin/openocd -s util/openocd -f board/lowrisc-earlgrey-nexysvideo.cfg
To actually debug through OpenOCD, it must either be connected through telnet or GDB.
### Debug with OpenOCD
The following is an example for using telnet
$ telnet localhost 4444 // or whatever port that is specificed by the openocd command above
$ mdw 0x8000 0x10 // read 16 bytes at address 0x8000
### Debug with GDB
An example connection with GDB, which prints the registers after the connection to OpenOCD is established
$ cd $REPO_TOP
$ riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb -ex "target extended-remote :3333" -ex "info reg" sw/device/boot_rom/rom.elf
#### Common operations with GDB
Examine 16 memory words in the hex format starting at 0x200005c0
(gdb) x/16xw 0x200005c0
Press enter again to print the next 16 words.
Use `help x` to get a description of the command.
If the memory content contains program text it can be disassembled
(gdb) disassemble 0x200005c0,0x200005c0+16*4
Displaying the memory content can also be delegated to OpenOCD
(gdb) monitor mdw 0x200005c0 16
Use `monitor help` to get a list of supported commands.
To change the program which is debugged the `file` command can be used.
This will update the symbols which are used to get information about the program.
It is especially useful in the context of our `rom.elf`, which resides in the ROM region, which will eventually jump to a different executable as part of the flash region.
(gdb) file sw/device/examples/hello_world/sw.elf
(gdb) disassemble 0x200005c0,0x200005c0+16*4
The output of the disassemble should now contain additional information.