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# Docgen -- lowRISC Document generator
Docgen is a python3 tool to read markdown documentation and generate html.
It works in conjunction with reggen to generate documentation with the
register information inserted. Examples are described in the
in the examples subdirectory.
The lowRISC markdown is based on CommonMark (A strongly defined, highly
compatible specification of Markdown defined at ) parsed by mistletoe (a fast, extensible and
spec-compliant Markdown parser in pure Python).
Mistletoe already adds tables using the Github markdown syntax.
The following extensions have been made for the lowRISC version:
* `{{% lowrisc-doc-hdr Title Of Doc }}` Insert a standard title header
and give
the document a title. Expected to extend this to have lowrisc-doc-hdr=type
(type could be component, core, guide,...) to allow the tool to
validate required sections are in the document.
* `{{% regfile filename.hjson }}` Pointer to the register definition
json/hjson. This is expected to go early in the document. After this line
the registers are available as markup items.
* `{{% registers x }}` Insert the register tables at this point in the
document. Must be after the regfile extension! TODO fix the need for `x`
* `{{% include file }}` Insert the file into the markdown
document. Any other text on the same line as the include directive
will be inserted, then a newline and then the included file. The
file is included before any other processing so the result is a
single file processed by the markdown processor (thus all
definitions like anchor links are global and not confined to the
file they are in). Includes may be nested. The filename is relative
to the directory that the markdown file currently being processed is
in (so relative links work from inside included files). If the
include file is not found then an error is reported and a line
indicating the error will be inserted in the markdown.
* `{{% include !command -options }}` Use the shell to cd to the
directory that the markdown file is in and run the command with
given options (everything from the `!` to the closing `}}` is used
as the shell command). Insert the output (stdout) from the command
into the markdown document. Any other text on the same line as the
include directive will be inserted, then a newline and then the
command output. (As a result, if the triple back-tick to start a
code block immediately follows the `}}` then the output from the
command will be inserted inside that code block.) Error returns from
the command will be ignored, and any output on stderr will be
reported in the docgen stderr output.
* `!!Reg` or `!!Reg.Field` Insert Component.Reg or Component.Reg.Field
in the output file as a link to the register table for Reg and
tagged for special CSS decoration (currently makes them blue,
monospace and a little smaller). If Reg is not in the list of
registers read from the regfile directive then a warning is printed
and the output is not transformed. (Note the use of period rather
than underline as the separator was to avoid syntax highlighter
issuses because of markdown's use of underline for italics.
* ` ```lang ` Code blocks are highlighted by pygments (a generic
syntax highlighter in python). Background colour can be set using the
{.good} and {.bad} tags after the lang.
* ` ```wavejson ` Code blocks describing waveforms are converted into
an svg picture in the output file. The `-j` or `--wavesvg-usejs` flag
will instead generate the <script> output needed by the WaveDrom
javascript parser and include invocation of wavedrom in the output
* Anticipate adding support for ToC generation and insertion (there is
partial support for this already in mistletoe)