[edn/dv] Add UNR file

Signed-off-by: Steve Nelson <steve.nelson@wdc.com>
diff --git a/hw/ip/edn/dv/cov/edn_UNR.vRefine b/hw/ip/edn/dv/cov/edn_UNR.vRefine
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..583ce3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/edn/dv/cov/edn_UNR.vRefine
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+  <information comment-version="1" creation-time="Tue 19 Apr 2022 11:20:45 PDT" creator="steve.nelson" csCheck="false" save-ref-method="seq" tool-version="Cadence vManager21.03" rules-signature-c="eab6e59351bdab55e59fab1bcd11cfc0">
+    <ucm-files>
+      <ucm-file domain="icc" modelCheckSum="423110909" path="/wdc/proj/cto/top/work/steve.nelson/opentitan/scratch/edn_dv_unr/edn-sim-xcelium/cov_merge/__jg_coverage_unr_merge_tmp_unr/icc_193828fd_5344384b.ucm"></ucm-file>
+    </ucm-files>
+    <ccf-files>
+      <ccf-file content="// Copyright lowRISC contributors.;// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.;// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0;;// Include our common coverage CCF.;include_ccf ${dv_root}/tools/xcelium/common.ccf;	/wdc/proj/cto/top/work/steve.nelson/opentitan/hw/dv/tools/xcelium/common.ccf;	// Copyright lowRISC contributors.;	// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.;	// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0;	;	// Common coverage commands that apply to all DUTs.;	//;	// This coverge config file is provided by Xcelium and is located at:;	// ${XCELIUM_HOME}/tools/icc/include/all_coverage.ccf;	// Xcelium recommends including it, since it bundles together the common set of commands that enable;	// coverage collection on various design elements, that are otherwise turned off by default. We;	// maintain it locally with minor amends.;	;	// Enables expression coverage of various Verilog operators.;	set_expr_coverable_operators -all -event_or;	;	// Enables expression coverage of operators in various conditions and assignments.;	set_expr_coverable_statements -all;	;	// Enables scoring of Verilog modules compiled with -v/-y or -libcell option but continues to;	// disable the scoring of Verilog modules defined with the 'celldefine compiler directive.;	set_libcell_scoring;	;	// Enables scoring of block and expression coverage for functions and tasks defined directly inside;	// SystemVerilog packages.;	set_subprogram_scoring -svpackage;	;	// Enables scoring of SystemVerilog continuous assignments, which is by disabled by default.;	set_assign_scoring;	;	// Scores branches together with block coverage.;	set_branch_scoring;	;	// Scores statements within a block.;	set_statement_scoring;	;	// Enables expression coverage for expression containing structs (packed and unpacked).;	set_expr_scoring -struct;	;	// Enables Toggle scoring and reporting of SystemVerilog enumerations and multidimensional static;	// arrays , vectors, packed union, modport and generate blocks.;	set_toggle_scoring -sv_enum enable_mda -sv_struct_with_enum -sv_modport -sv_mda 16 -sv_mda_of_struct -sv_generate -sv_packed_union;	;	// Enables scoring of reset states and transitions for identified FSMs.;	set_fsm_reset_scoring;	;	// Enables scoring of immediate assertions inside a class in a package and assertions inside AMS;	// modules.;	select_functional  -ams_control  -imm_asrt_class_package;	;	// Improve the scoping and naming of covergroup instances.;	set_covergroup -new_instance_reporting;	;	// Enable toggle coverage only on ports.;	set_toggle_portsonly;	;	// Enable scoring of FSM arcs (state transitions).;	set_fsm_arc_scoring;	;	// Include X-&gt;1|0 for toggle coverage collection. #10332;	set_toggle_includex;;// Black-box pre-verified IPs from coverage collection.;deselect_coverage -betfs -module pins_if;deselect_coverage -betfs -module clk_rst_if;deselect_coverage -betfs -module prim_alert_sender...;deselect_coverage -betfs -module prim_alert_receiver...;deselect_coverage -betfs -module prim_esc_sender...;deselect_coverage -betfs -module prim_esc_receiver...;deselect_coverage -betfs -module prim_prince...;deselect_coverage -betfs -module prim_lfsr...;// csr_assert_fpv is an auto-generated csr read assertion module. So only assertion coverage is;// meaningful to collect.;deselect_coverage -betf -module *csr_assert_fpv...;;// Only collect toggle coverage on the DUT and the black-boxed IP (above) ports.;deselect_coverage -toggle -module ${DUT_TOP}...;select_coverage -toggle -module ${DUT_TOP};select_coverage -toggle -module prim_alert_sender;select_coverage -toggle -module prim_alert_receiver;select_coverage -toggle -module prim_esc_sender;select_coverage -toggle -module prim_esc_receiver;select_coverage -toggle -module prim_prince;select_coverage -toggle -module prim_lfsr;;// These three assertions in prim_lc_sync and prim_mubi* check when `lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t` or;// `mubi*_t` input are neither `On` or `Off`, it is interrupted to the correct `On` or `Off`;// after one clock cycle. This behavior is implemented outside of IP level design thus these;// assertions are not covered in IP level testbenchs.;// TODO: check these assertions in top-level or FPV.;deselect_coverage -assertion *.PrimLcSyncCheckTransients_A;deselect_coverage -assertion *.PrimLcSyncCheckTransients0_A;deselect_coverage -assertion *.PrimLcSyncCheckTransients1_A;;deselect_coverage -assertion *.PrimMubi4SyncCheckTransients_A;deselect_coverage -assertion *.PrimMubi4SyncCheckTransients0_A;deselect_coverage -assertion *.PrimMubi4SyncCheckTransients1_A;;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi8SyncCheckTransients_A;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi8SyncCheckTransients0_A;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi8SyncCheckTransients1_A;;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi12SyncCheckTransients_A;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi12SyncCheckTransients0_A;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi12SyncCheckTransients1_A;;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi16SyncCheckTransients_A;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi16SyncCheckTransients0_A;deselect_coverage -assertion PrimMubi16SyncCheckTransients1_A;" path="/wdc/proj/cto/top/work/steve.nelson/opentitan/hw/dv/tools/xcelium/cover.ccf"></ccf-file>
+    </ccf-files>
+  </information>
+  <rules></rules>
+  <cache-map></cache-map>
diff --git a/hw/ip/edn/dv/edn_sim_cfg.hjson b/hw/ip/edn/dv/edn_sim_cfg.hjson
index cf71222..2aba49e 100644
--- a/hw/ip/edn/dv/edn_sim_cfg.hjson
+++ b/hw/ip/edn/dv/edn_sim_cfg.hjson
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
   // Add additional tops for simulation.
   sim_tops: ["edn_bind", "edn_cov_bind"]
+  // TODO: Redo for V2S
+  xcelium_cov_refine_files: ["{proj_root}/hw/ip/edn/dv/cov/edn_UNR.vRefine"]
   // Default iterations for all tests - each test entry can override this.
   reseed: 50