[aes, pre_sca] Enable formal verification of more than a single S-Box

This commit enables the formal verification of either the full SubBytes,
i.e., the 16 S-Boxes in the data path, and even a reduced AES round
containing also ShiftRows and MixColumns. This is useful as formal
verification of the entire AES cipher core is currently out of scope
from a tool run time point of view whereas SCA leakage outside the
reduced AES round is unlikely.

Signed-off-by: Pirmin Vogel <vogelpi@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/hw/ip/aes/rtl/aes_reduced_round.sv b/hw/ip/aes/rtl/aes_reduced_round.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9b79a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/aes/rtl/aes_reduced_round.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// AES reduced round data path
+// This module is useful for formal masking verification using e.g. Alma.
+// For details, see hw/ip/aes/pre_sca/alma/README.md .
+module aes_reduced_round import aes_pkg::*;
+  parameter sbox_impl_e SBoxImpl = SBoxImplLut
+) (
+  input  logic                              clk_i,
+  input  logic                              rst_ni,
+  input  sp2v_e                             en_i,
+  output sp2v_e                             out_req_o,
+  input  sp2v_e                             out_ack_i,
+  input  ciph_op_e                          op_i,
+  input  logic              [3:0][3:0][7:0] data_i,
+  input  logic              [3:0][3:0][7:0] mask_i,
+  input  logic [3:0][3:0][WidthPRDSBox-1:0] prd_i,
+  output logic              [3:0][3:0][7:0] data_o,
+  output logic              [3:0][3:0][7:0] mask_o,
+  output logic                              err_o
+  localparam int NumShares = 2;
+  // Signals
+  logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] sub_bytes_out;
+  logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] sb_out_mask;
+  logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] shift_rows_in [NumShares];
+  logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] shift_rows_out [NumShares];
+  logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] mix_columns_out [NumShares];
+  // A single reduced (no AddKey) round of the cipher data path
+  aes_sub_bytes #(
+    .SBoxImpl ( SBoxImpl )
+  ) u_aes_sub_bytes (
+    .clk_i     ( clk_i             ),
+    .rst_ni    ( rst_ni            ),
+    .en_i      ( en_i              ),
+    .out_req_o ( out_req_o ),
+    .out_ack_i ( out_ack_i ),
+    .op_i      ( op_i              ),
+    .data_i    ( data_i            ),
+    .mask_i    ( mask_i            ),
+    .prd_i     ( prd_i             ),
+    .data_o    ( sub_bytes_out     ),
+    .mask_o    ( sb_out_mask       ),
+    .err_o     ( err_o             )
+  );
+  for (genvar s = 0; s < NumShares; s++) begin : gen_shares_shift_mix
+    if (s == 0) begin : gen_shift_in_data
+      // The (masked) data share
+      assign shift_rows_in[s] = sub_bytes_out;
+    end else begin : gen_shift_in_mask
+      // The mask share
+      assign shift_rows_in[s] = sb_out_mask;
+    end
+    aes_shift_rows u_aes_shift_rows (
+      .op_i   ( op_i              ),
+      .data_i ( shift_rows_in[s]  ),
+      .data_o ( shift_rows_out[s] )
+    );
+    aes_mix_columns u_aes_mix_columns (
+      .op_i   ( op_i               ),
+      .data_i ( shift_rows_out[s]  ),
+      .data_o ( mix_columns_out[s] )
+    );
+  end
+  // Outputs
+  assign data_o = mix_columns_out[0];
+  assign mask_o = mix_columns_out[1];