For detailed information on UART design features, please see the [UART design specification]({{< relref “..” >}}).
UART testbench has been constructed based on the [CIP testbench architecture]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/cip_lib/doc” >}}).
Top level testbench is located at hw/ip/uart/dv/tb/
. It instantiates the UART DUT module hw/ip/uart/rtl/
. In addition, it instantiates the following interfaces, connects them to the DUT and sets their handle into uvm_config_db
]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/common_ifs” >}}))The following utilities provide generic helper tasks and functions to perform activities that are common across the project:
All common types and methods defined at the package level can be found in uart_env_pkg
. Some of them in use are:
parameter uint UART_FIFO_DEPTH = 32;
UART instantiates (already handled in CIP base env) [tl_agent]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/tl_agent/doc” >}}) which provides the ability to drive and independently monitor random traffic via TL host interface into UART device.
[UART agent]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/usb20_agent/doc” >}}) is used to drive and monitor UART items, which also provides basic coverage on data, parity, baud rate etc. These baud rates are supported: 9600, 115200, 230400, 1Mbps(1048576), 2Mbps(2097152)
The UART RAL model is created with the [ralgen
]({{< relref “hw/dv/tools/ralgen/doc” >}}) FuseSoC generator script automatically when the simulation is at the build stage.
It can be created manually by invoking [regtool
]({{< relref “util/reggen/doc” >}}):
All test sequences reside in hw/ip/uart/dv/env/seq_lib
. The uart_base_vseq
virtual sequence is extended from cip_base_vseq
and serves as a starting point. All test sequences are extended from uart_base_vseq
. It provides commonly used handles, variables, functions and tasks that the test sequences can simple use / call. Some of the most commonly used tasks / functions are as follows:
To ensure high quality constrained random stimulus, it is necessary to develop a functional coverage model. The following covergroups have been developed to prove that the test intent has been adequately met:
: Cover interrupt value, interrupt enable, intr_test, interrupt pinhw/dv/sv/uart_agent/
: Cover direction, uart data, en_parity, odd_parity and baud ratehw/ip/uart/dv/env/
: Cover all fifo level with fifo reset for both TX and RXThe uart_scoreboard
is primarily used for end to end checking. It creates the following analysis fifos to retrieve the data monitored by corresponding interface agents:
binds the tlul_assert
[assertions]({{< relref “hw/ip/tlul/doc/” >}}) to the IP to ensure TileLink interface protocol compliance.We are using our in-house developed [regression tool]({{< relref “hw/dv/tools/doc” >}}) for building and running our tests and regressions. Please take a look at the link for detailed information on the usage, capabilities, features and known issues. Here's how to run a smoke test:
$ $REPO_TOP/util/dvsim/ $REPO_TOP/hw/ip/uart/dv/uart_sim_cfg.hjson -i uart_smoke
{{< incGenFromIpDesc “../../data/uart_testplan.hjson” “testplan” >}}