[dv/rstmgr] Create smoke test
Create a smoke test checking the response to various reset requests.
Update dv spec and testplan for smoke test.
Signed-off-by: Guillermo Maturana <maturana@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/ip/rstmgr/doc/dv/index.md b/hw/ip/rstmgr/doc/dv/index.md
index f0d7ba2..c9d594a 100644
--- a/hw/ip/rstmgr/doc/dv/index.md
+++ b/hw/ip/rstmgr/doc/dv/index.md
@@ -34,12 +34,11 @@
### Top level testbench
The top level testbench is located at `hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/tb.sv`.
-It instantiates the RSTMGR DUT module `hw/ip/rstmgr/rtl/rstmgr.sv`.
+It instantiates the RSTMGR DUT module `hw/top_earlgrey/ip/rstmgr/rtl/autogen/rstmgr.sv`.
In addition, it instantiates the following interfaces, connects them to the DUT and sets their handle into `uvm_config_db`:
* [Clock and reset interface]({{< relref "hw/dv/sv/common_ifs" >}})
* [TileLink host interface]({{< relref "hw/dv/sv/tl_agent/README.md" >}})
-* Interrupts ([`pins_if`]({{< relref "hw/dv/sv/common_ifs" >}}))
+* RSTMGR interface `hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/env/rstmgr_if.sv`
* Alerts ([`alert_esc_if`]({{< relref "hw/dv/sv/alert_esc_agent/README.md" >}}))
* Devmode ([`pins_if`]({{< relref "hw/dv/sv/common_ifs" >}}))
@@ -81,14 +80,19 @@
[Describe reference models in use if applicable, example: SHA256/HMAC]
### Stimulus strategy
+The following test sequences and covergroupsare described in more detail in the testplan at `hw/ip/pwrmgr/data/rstmgr_testplan.hjson`, and also included [below](#dv-plan).
#### Test sequences
The test sequences reside in `hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/env/seq_lib`.
All test sequences are extended from `rstmgr_base_vseq`, which is extended from `cip_base_vseq` and serves as a starting point.
It provides commonly used handles, variables, functions and tasks that the test sequences can simple use / call.
Some of the most commonly used tasks / functions are as follows:
-* task 1:
+* task `wait_for_cpu_out_of_reset`:
+ Waits for the `resets_o.rst_sys_n[1]` to go high, indicating the CPU is out of reset and CSRs can be accessed.
* task 2:
+The `rstmgr_smoke_vseq` tests the rstmgr through software initiated low power, peripheral reset, ndm reset, and software initiated resets.
#### Functional coverage
To ensure high quality constrained random stimulus, it is necessary to develop a functional coverage model.
The following covergroups have been developed to prove that the test intent has been adequately met: