[crypto] Split key import/export operations from monolithic header.

Next step in splitting api.h into many files; separate out functions for
key import/export.

Code has only been moved in this commit, not changed.

Signed-off-by: Jade Philipoom <jadep@google.com>
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h
index a0fd99e..63d8a9d 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h
+++ b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h
@@ -16,58 +16,6 @@
 extern "C" {
 #endif  // __cplusplus
- * Builds an unblinded key struct from a user (plain) key.
- *
- * @param plain_key Pointer to the user defined plain key
- * @param key_mode Crypto mode for which the key usage is intended
- * @param unblinded_key Generated unblinded key struct
- * @return Result of the build unblinded key operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_build_unblinded_key(
-    crypto_const_uint8_buf_t plain_key, key_mode_t key_mode,
-    crypto_unblinded_key_t unblinded_key);
- * Builds a blinded key struct from a plain key.
- *
- * This API takes as input a plain key from the user and masks
- * it using an implantation specific masking with ‘n’ shares and
- * generates a blinded key struct as output.
- *
- * @param plain_key Pointer to the user defined plain key
- * @param key_mode Crypto mode for which the key usage is intended
- * @param blinded_key Generated blinded key struct
- * @return Result of the build blinded key operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_build_blinded_key(crypto_const_uint8_buf_t plain_key,
-                                           key_mode_t key_mode,
-                                           crypto_blinded_key_t blinded_key);
- * Exports the blinded key struct to an unblinded key struct.
- *
- * This API takes as input a blinded key masked with ‘n’ shares, and
- * removes the masking and generates an unblinded key struct as output.
- *
- * @param blinded_key Blinded key struct to be unmasked
- * @param unblinded_key Generated unblinded key struct
- * @return Result of the blinded key export operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_blinded_to_unblinded_key(
-    const crypto_blinded_key_t blinded_key,
-    crypto_unblinded_key_t unblinded_key);
- * Build a blinded key struct from an unblinded key struct.
- *
- * @param unblinded_key Blinded key struct to be unmasked
- * @param blinded_key Generated (unmasked) unblinded key struct
- * @return Result of unblinded key export operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_unblinded_to_blinded_key(
-    const crypto_unblinded_key unblinded_key, crypto_blinded_key_t blinded_key);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 }  // extern "C"
 #endif  // __cplusplus
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/key_transport.h b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/key_transport.h
index 62ac600..3e2b5e2 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/key_transport.h
+++ b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/key_transport.h
@@ -17,6 +17,58 @@
 extern "C" {
 #endif  // __cplusplus
+ * Builds an unblinded key struct from a user (plain) key.
+ *
+ * @param plain_key Pointer to the user defined plain key
+ * @param key_mode Crypto mode for which the key usage is intended
+ * @param unblinded_key Generated unblinded key struct
+ * @return Result of the build unblinded key operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_build_unblinded_key(
+    crypto_const_uint8_buf_t plain_key, key_mode_t key_mode,
+    crypto_unblinded_key_t unblinded_key);
+ * Builds a blinded key struct from a plain key.
+ *
+ * This API takes as input a plain key from the user and masks
+ * it using an implantation specific masking with ‘n’ shares and
+ * generates a blinded key struct as output.
+ *
+ * @param plain_key Pointer to the user defined plain key
+ * @param key_mode Crypto mode for which the key usage is intended
+ * @param blinded_key Generated blinded key struct
+ * @return Result of the build blinded key operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_build_blinded_key(crypto_const_uint8_buf_t plain_key,
+                                           key_mode_t key_mode,
+                                           crypto_blinded_key_t blinded_key);
+ * Exports the blinded key struct to an unblinded key struct.
+ *
+ * This API takes as input a blinded key masked with ‘n’ shares, and
+ * removes the masking and generates an unblinded key struct as output.
+ *
+ * @param blinded_key Blinded key struct to be unmasked
+ * @param unblinded_key Generated unblinded key struct
+ * @return Result of the blinded key export operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_blinded_to_unblinded_key(
+    const crypto_blinded_key_t blinded_key,
+    crypto_unblinded_key_t unblinded_key);
+ * Build a blinded key struct from an unblinded key struct.
+ *
+ * @param unblinded_key Blinded key struct to be unmasked
+ * @param blinded_key Generated (unmasked) unblinded key struct
+ * @return Result of unblinded key export operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_unblinded_to_blinded_key(
+    const crypto_unblinded_key unblinded_key, crypto_blinded_key_t blinded_key);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 }  // extern "C"
 #endif  // __cplusplus