[lint/doc] Update linting readme to reflect recent updates
Signed-off-by: Michael Schaffner <msf@opentitan.org>
diff --git a/hw/lint/doc/README.md b/hw/lint/doc/README.md
index 61a07db..e84447f 100644
--- a/hw/lint/doc/README.md
+++ b/hw/lint/doc/README.md
@@ -71,36 +71,23 @@
Lint waivers can be added to the flow by placing them in the corresponding waiver file.
In this example this would be `lint/aes.waiver` for AscentLint and `lint/aes.vlt` for Verilator.
-In order to manually run lint on a specific block, make sure AscentLint is properly installed and step into the `hw/lint` folder.
-The makefile in that folder contains all targets that can be manually invoked.
-For example, to run lint on AES, do:
-$ cd $REPO_TOP/hw/lint
-$ make ip-aes_lint
-This run will exit with PASSED status on the command line if there are no lint errors or warnings.
-Otherwise it will exit with ERROR status, in which case you can get more information by running
-$ cd $REPO_TOP/hw/lint
-$ make clean
-$ make ip-aes_lint
-$ make report
-In order to build all lint targets and produce a summary report, the `make all` target can be invoked.
-For more detailed information on a particular lint run you can inspect the tool output inside the build folder that is created by FuseSoC.
-Note that all AscentLint targets have a Verilator and Verible counterparts that are suffixed with `_vlint` and `_slint`, respectively.
-This enables designers without access to AscentLint to iterate with open-source tools before making their first Pull Request.
-For batch regressions we have integrated this flow into the `dvsim` tool, which can be invoked as follows from the root of the project repository:
+All three linting tools mentioned above have been integrated with the `dvsim` regression tool.
+In order to manually invoke any of the linting tools on a specific block, make sure that the corresponding linting tool is properly installed, step into the project root and call
$ cd $REPO_TOP
-$ util/dvsim/dvsim.py hw/top_earlgrey/lint/top_earlgrey_lint_cfgs.hjson --tool ascentlint --purge -mp 1
+$ util/dvsim/dvsim.py hw/top_earlgrey/lint/top_earlgrey_lint_cfgs.hjson --tool (ascentlint|verilator|veriblelint) --purge --select-cfgs <lint-config-name>
-where the `top_earlgrey_lint_cfgs.hjson` file contains all the lint targets to be run in that regression (currently all available comportable IPs and the top-level are run).
-The `purge` option ensures that the scratch directory is fully erased before starting the build, and `mp 1` sets the number of parallel workers to one (should be set depending on your licensing situation).
+where `<lint-config-name>` is the name of the linting configuration as defined in the `top_earlgrey_lint_cfgs.hjson` regression list (currently that file contains a lint configuration for all available comportable IPs and the top-level).
-The batch regression is regularly run on the `master` branch at eight-hour intervals, and the results are published on a public dashboard such that everybody can inspect the current lint status of all IPs on the project website.
+In order to run all defined configs in `top_earlgrey_lint_cfgs.hjson` as a batch regression, just omit the `--select-cfgs` switch as follows:
+$ cd $REPO_TOP
+$ util/dvsim/dvsim.py hw/top_earlgrey/lint/top_earlgrey_lint_cfgs.hjson --tool (ascentlint|verilator|veriblelint) --purge
+The `purge` option ensures that the scratch directory is fully erased before starting the build.
+Depending on the number of AscentLint licenses that can be checked out at a time, you may also want to set the number of parallel workers to one using `--max-parallel <number>`.
+Batch regressions for all three tools are regularly run on the `master` branch at eight-hour intervals, and the results are published on a public dashboard such that everybody can inspect the current lint status of all IPs on the project website.
The dashboard can be found by following the appropriate link on the [hardware IP overview page](https://docs.opentitan.org/hw).
# CDC Linting