Update manifest format documentation

Signed-off-by: Alphan Ulusoy <alphan@google.com>
diff --git a/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom_exts/docs/manifest.md b/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom_exts/docs/manifest.md
index 53571d9..e416378 100644
--- a/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom_exts/docs/manifest.md
+++ b/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom_exts/docs/manifest.md
@@ -8,457 +8,87 @@
   Status: Draft
-This describes the signed image format for a ROM_EXT image.
-This format is based on the requirements outlined in the [Reference Mask ROM Secure Boot Description][mask-rom-description].
+This document describes the manifest format for boot stage images stored in flash.
-ROM_EXTs are the second boot stage in the Reference Secure Boot implementation.
-ROM_EXTs are supplied by the Silicon Creator.
-ROM_EXTs are programmed into the chip's flash.
+OpenTitan secure boot, at a minimum, consists of three boot stages: `ROM`,
+`ROM_EXT`, and the first owner boot stage, e.g. `BL0`. `ROM` is stored in the
+read-only Mask ROM while remaining stages are stored in flash. `ROM` and
+`ROM_EXT` require the manifest described in this document to be at the start of
+`ROM_EXT` and first owner boot stage images so that they can verify the
+integrity and authenticity of the next stage and configure peripherals as
+needed before handing over execution. Use of this manifest for stages following
+the first owner boot stage is optional.
+The following table lists the fields of the manifest along with their sizes,
+alignments, and offsets from the start of the manifest in bytes. The last
+column provides the corresponding C data type of each field for illustration
+purposes. All manifest fields are stored little-endian and the total size of
+the manifest is 848 bytes.
-The following ascii art diagram is generated with the following command,
-and changes are manually committed to this file.
+| Field             | Size (bytes) | Alignment (bytes) | Offset (bytes) | C Data Type    |
+| ----------------- | ------------ | ----------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
+| `signature`       | 384          | 4                 | 0              | `uint32_t[96]` |
+| `modulus`         | 384          | 4                 | 384            | `uint32_t[96]` |
+| `exponent`        | 4            | 4                 | 768            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `identifier`      | 4            | 4                 | 772            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `length`          | 4            | 4                 | 776            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `version_major`   | 4            | 4                 | 780            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `version_minor`   | 4            | 4                 | 784            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `security_vesion` | 4            | 4                 | 788            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `timestamp`       | 8            | 8                 | 792            | `uint64_t`     |
+| `binding_value`   | 32           | 4                 | 800            | `uint32_t[8]`  |
+| `max_key_version` | 4            | 4                 | 832            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `code_start`      | 4            | 4                 | 836            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `code_end`        | 4            | 4                 | 840            | `uint32_t`     |
+| `entry_point`     | 4            | 4                 | 844            | `uint32_t`     |
-$ util/rom-ext-manifest-generator.py \
-    --input-dir sw/device/silicon_creator/rom_exts/ \
-    --output-dir ${OUT_DIR} \
-    --output-files=format
-At which point you can find the format in `${OUT_DIR}/manifest.txt`
- 0                   1                   2                   3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
-|                      manifest_identifier                      |
-|                          - reserved -                         |
-|                                                               |
-+                                                               +
-|                                                               |
-+                  image_signature (3072 bits)                  +
-|                                                               |
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  break  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-|                                                               |
-|                          image_length                         |
-|                         image_version                         |
-|                                                               |
-+                        image_timestamp                        +
-|                                                               |
-|                 signature_key_public_exponent                 |
-|                          - reserved -                         |
-|                                                               |
-+                                                               +
-|                                                               |
-+                  usage_constraints (256 bits)                 +
-|                                                               |
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  break  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-|                                                               |
-|                                                               |
-+                                                               +
-|                                                               |
-+                    peripheral_lockdown_info                   +
-|                                                               |
-+                                                               +
-|                                                               |
-|                                                               |
-+                                                               +
-|                                                               |
-+               signature_key_modulus (3072 bits)               +
-|                                                               |
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  break  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-|                                                               |
-|                       extension0_offset                       |
-|                      extension0_checksum                      |
-|                       extension1_offset                       |
-|                      extension1_checksum                      |
-|                       extension2_offset                       |
-|                      extension2_checksum                      |
-|                       extension3_offset                       |
-|                      extension3_checksum                      |
-|                                                               |
-+                                                               +
-|                                                               |
-+                           code image                          +
-|                                                               |
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  break  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-|                                                               |
-*   All Offsets in the manifest are specified in bytes from the beginning of the
-    `ROM_EXT Manifest Identifier` field.
-*   All numeric and enumeration field values are stored little-endian. Fields
-    below are noted as one of:
-    *   a N-bit (signed or unsigned) numeric value;
-    *   a N-bit enumeration value;
-    *   a sequence of N-bit (signed or unsigned) numeric values; or
-    *   a sequence of bytes.
-    All numeric and enumeration values are stored little-endian.
-    A byte only ever means an 8-bit data value, whose interpretation is
-    undefined.
-*   All fields below are 32-bit (4-byte) aligned unless otherwise specified.
-    **Open Q**: The ordering below is still subject to alignment requirements
-    for different fields, and may change in future.
-*   The `Image Signature`, `ROM_EXT Signature Key Modulus` and `Image` are not
-    shown to scale. This is denoted using `~~~ break ~~~` lines, which specify a
-    truncation of field size displayed in the diagram, not that a new field has
-    started.
-    *   The Signature and Modulus are each 3072 bits long (they are
-        notionally `int32_t[96]`s).
-    *   The Code Image itself is variable length, where the length of the entire
-        image (including the manifest) is given in the `Length` field.
-*   Reserved areas are not documented below. Conforming implementations will not
-    parse these fields, but will produce images where those bits are all zero.
-    Reserved areas remain read-only, as they are signed as part of the image.
-    Updating these fields will fail validation.
-    Reserved fields have fixed size and unspecified alignment.
 # Field Descriptions
-1.  **ROM_EXT Manifest Identifier** This is a 32-bit enumeration value which is
-    used by the Mask ROM to identify that an image with the above format is
-    resident in flash. A particular Mask ROM version can only parse one ROM_EXT
-    image format, there is no expected support for differing behaviour based on
-    this field, beyond erroring when ROM_EXT images are missing from flash
-    storage.
+*   `signature`: [`RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5`][rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5] signature of the
+    image generated using a 3072-bit RSA private key and the SHA-256 hash
+    function. The signed region of an image starts immediately after this
+    field and extends to the end of the image.
-    This is used by any ROM_EXT image parsers to identify a ROM_EXT image.
+*   `modulus`:  Modulus of the signer's 3072-bit RSA public key.
-1.  **Image Signature** This is a RSA-3072 signature of the hash of all the
-    fields that follow the signature. This is a sequence of 32-bit values. The
-    signed area of the image starts immediately after this field, and runs to
-    the end of the image (as defined by the image length). All content outside
-    that range is unsigned (including the Manifest Identifier, and the Image
-    Signature itself).
+*   `exponent`: Exponent of the signer's RSA public key. The only values
+    supported by OpenTitan are 3 and 65537.
-    This is used by the Mask ROM during secure boot to validate that a ROM_EXT
-    image has been produced by a Silicon Creator for this chip. This is also
-    validated at other times, including during firmware update.
+*   `identifier`: Image identifier used to identify boot stage images. The
+    value of this field must be `0x4552544f` (ASCII: "OTRE") for a `ROM_EXT`
+    image and `0x3042544f` (ASCII: "OTB0") for the first owner stage.
-    If the image signature is a sequence of all zeroes, the image is unsigned.
-    Unsigned images **must not** be booted.
+*   `length`: Length of the image (including the manifest) in bytes.
-1.  **Image Length** This denotes the Offset of the end of the image, in bytes.
-    As with other offsets, this is calculated from the start of the `ROM_EXT
-    Manifest Identifier` field. This is a 32-bit unsigned numeric value.
+*   `version_major`: Major version of the image.
-    This is used when signing, validating, and loading the image. This happens
-    in the Mask ROM, as well as during firmware update.
+*   `version_minor`: Minor version of the image.
-1.  **Image Version** This is a version number for the ROM_EXT image. It
-    is a 32-bit unsigned numeric value.
+*   `security_version`: Security version of the image used for anti-rollback
+    protection. Must be a monotonically increasing integer.
-    **Open Q** How will we use this?
+*   `timestamp`: Unix timestamp that gives the creation time of the image,
+    seconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 UTC (the Unix Epoch).
-1.  **Image Timestamp** This is a Unix Timestamp describing when the ROM_EXT
-    image was prepared, in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970 (the
-    Unix Epoch). This is a 64-bit signed numeric value.
+*   `binding_value`: Binding value used by the [key manager][key_manager] to
+    derive secret values. A change in this value changes the secret value of
+    the key manager, and consequently, the versioned keys and identity seeds
+    generated at subsequent boot stages.
-    This is not used by the Mask ROM when validating the image, but is part of
-    the signed image.
+*   `max_key_version`: Maximum allowed version for keys generated by the
+    [key manager][key_manager] at the next boot stage.
-    *Alignment* This is 64-bit aligned.
+*   `code_start`: Offset of the start of the executable region of the image
+    from the start of the manifest in bytes. Must be 4-byte word aligned.
-1.  **Signature Key Public Exponent** This is the RSA public exponent to be used
-    during signature verification. This is a 32-bit numeric value.
+*   `code_end`: Offset of the end of the executable region of the image
+    (exclusive) from the start of the manifest in bytes. Note that the range
+    from `code_start` to `code_end` must cover all machine instructions, i.e.
+    .vectors, .crt, and .text, in the image. Must be 4-byte word aligned.
-    This is used when validating the image. This happens in the Mask ROM, as
-    well as during firmware update.
+*   `entry_point`: Offset of the first instruction to execute in the image from
+    the start of the manifest in bytes. Must be 4-byte word aligned.
-1.  **Usage Constraint** This is a 256-bit unsigned numeric value.
-    This allows the ROM_EXT author to constrain a ROM_EXT to a single device or
-    a group of devices, such that the ROM_EXT will not validate (and therefore
-    will not boot) on devices not in that group.
-    The Mask ROM will use this value to calculate a 1024-byte "device usage
-    value" which is used when validating the signature of a ROM_EXT. The exact
-    interpretation of the Usage Constraints value is left as an implementation
-    detail.
-1.  **Peripheral Lockdown Info** This is a 128-bit value which describes how
-    some peripherals should be configured, before the write-enable bits for
-    their configuration registers are cleared.
-    This is used by the Mask ROM to configure specific peripherals (including,
-    for example, pinmux and padctrl), in such a way that their configuration
-    cannot be updated by the ROM_EXT or any other later firmware.
-    **Open Q** We don't have inifnite space for this, so what configurations
-    might we want to make and then lock?
-    **Open Q** Required Alignment. Assuming 32-bit for the moment. We're
-    currently tight for space, so this may turn into an Offset to later in the
-    image.
-1.  **Signature Key Modulus** This is a RSA-3072 modulus, used in both the
-    signing and signature verification operations. This is a sequence of 32-bit
-    values.
-    This is used when signing and validating the image. This happens in the
-    Mask ROM, as well as during firmware update.
-1.  **Extensions** This is a sequence of 4 `(Offset, Checksum)` pairs. These
-    allow for the ROM_EXT manifest format to be extended without redesigning the
-    manifest entirely.
-    Extensions are ignored by the Mask ROM. They may be parsed by the ROM_EXT
-    itself and any later firmware stages.
-    The Offset field denotes the byte offset in the image (including the
-    manifest) where the extension can be found. The length of the respective
-    data is defined by the extension itself (it can have either a static or
-    variable length), but the manifest includes a Checksum field which must be
-    used to store a checksum of the extension's data, using CRC32.
-    Each Offset field is a 32-bit unsigned numeric value. Each Checksum field is
-    a 32-bit numeric value.
-    Extension pairs may be *allocated* a specific use. These fields should be
-    treated as Reserved until they are allocated. Once an extension pair has an
-    allocated use, it will not be used for any other use, unless the Manifest
-    Image Identifier also changes (In this way, the Identifier also works as a
-    versioning token for the manifest format). When an extension pair is
-    allocated, the extension may define an alignment requirement for the its
-    data. The extension's data must be at least byte-aligned.
-    **Open Q** We could allocate more of these pairs, as we have quite a few
-    bytes between the end of the last pair, and the first 256-byte-aligned
-    address in the code image (see the Code Image field description.). Do we
-    want to?
-1.  **Code Image** This is a sequence of bytes that make up the code and data of
-    the ROM_EXT image. This data will include any data required for Extensions.
-    Execution begins at the address 128 (`0x80`) bytes beyond the first
-    256-byte (`0x100`-byte) aligned offset at the start of the ROM_EXT code
-    image (measuring the offset from the start of the ROM_EXT image). This
-    leaves the possibility of the Mask ROM initializing `mtvec` with the first
-    256-byte aligned offset in the ROM_EXT code image, before jumping into
-    ROM_EXT code. This matches how Ibex boots.
-    The total manifest length is currently `0x370` (880) bytes, so the first
-    valid mtvec address is at offset `0x400` (1024) bytes from the beginning of
-    the ROM_EXT image, and **the entry address is therefore `0x480` (1152) bytes
-    from the beginning of the ROM_EXT image**.
-    This does leave 144 (`0x90`) bytes between the end of the manifest and the
-    first valid mtvec. It is up to the image as to how this is used--it could be
-    used for extension data or for routines. We could also reserve this space so
-    the manifest can be extended later, but this is the intention of the
-    Extension entries.
-    **Open Q** Do we want to relax the requirement to match how ibex boots? We
-    still want a static entry address so we don't have to validate that it is in
-    bounds.
-    **Open Q** Do we want to set `mtvec` before jumping to the ROM_EXT? This
-    could cause double fault issues if ROM_EXT is not unlocked by the comparator
-    before the jump happens.
-## Data Not in the Header
-*   `.data` + `.bss` section sizes, for establishing PMP regions. The PMP
-    regions should be established by the ROM_EXT image as it sets up its own
-    execution. This is not the responsibility of Mask ROM, as of yet.
-*   `.idata` section offset, for copying initialization values into `.data`
-    section in RAM, as again, this is the responsibility of the ROM_EXT image,
-    not Mask ROM.
-*   **Software Binding Tag** (aka **ROM_EXT Security Descriptor**)
-    A 256-bit input is needed to help seed the CreatorRootKey, as part of
-    preparing the key manager for later use.
-    There was originally a proposal to have the party that prepared the image
-    set the software binding tag explicitly, using a field in the manifest.
-    However, we have chosen to always use a 256-bit digest of the ROM_EXT image
-    itself.
-    This means future ROM_EXTs can not read data encrypted with a previous
-    ROM_EXT's key. A different ROM_EXT image will result in a different
-    CreatorRootKey.
-    This would have been used by the Mask ROM as an input for the key manager.
-*   **Signature Algorithm Identifier** We originally planned to have this field
-    in the ROM_EXT manifest, but with the padding scheme, it is redundant, so it
-    has been removed.
-## Development Versions (Subject to Change)
-**ROM_EXT Manifest Identifier**: `0x4552544F` (Reads "OTRE" when Disassembled --
-OpenTitan ROM_EXT)
-**Signature Algorithm Identifier**: TBC
-**Signature Key Public Exponent**: TBC
-**Development Signature Key Pair**: TBC. We will create a dummy key pair for
-development, but this will not be used in production software.
-**Extension Allocation**:
-| Identifier   | Pair | Use           | Length | Alignment |
-| `0x4552544F` | 0    | *Unallocated* |        |           |
-| `0x4552544F` | 1    | *Unallocated* |        |           |
-| `0x4552544F` | 2    | *Unallocated* |        |           |
-| `0x4552544F` | 3    | *Unallocated* |        |           |
-# Software Deliverables
-*   A C Library for parsing/extracting this image format on-device.
-    This should take a Base Address, and parse using offsets from that, rather
-    than a fixed address at the start of flash. This is so we can parse both
-    ROM_EXT Slot A and Slot B using the same library.
-*   A linker script (and assembly files) that can create a ROM_EXT ELF file
-    containing all the code and data.
-    The aim is to use absolute addresses for the stack and any in-RAM data, so
-    that we end up mostly position-independent.
-    **Open Q**: The ROM_EXT may need to be told which address the current image
-    starts at when it boots.
-*   A developer utility for taking a ROM_EXT ELF file and turning it into
-    a correctly signed image for loading into either slot using the existing
-    spiflash utility. This utility should also be able to validate a signed
-    ROM_EXT image, to ensure that what we signed can be validated both on- and
-    off-device.
-    This utility will also have to take a Software Binding Tag and other
-    metadata as input, for injecting into the image. It should almost certainly
-    also create a receipt of the information it just signed, in a
-    machine-parseable format.
-*   (Potentially) a developer utility for assembling binary images that contain
-    the entire contents of flash (ROM_EXT + BL0 + Owner Firmware + Persisted
-    Data, for each of Slot A and B), for testing.
-**Open Q** There are lots of open questions about position-independent code
-issues and requirements, as we want to load the same image into Slot A or Slot
-B, without having to re-link or re-compile the image (note we only have one
-entry address). At least initially, we will only create images that can work
-from Slot A, and later we will add support ensuring these images are linked in
-a way that they can run from Slot B without modification.
-# How To Validate a ROM_EXT Image {#how-to-validate}
-Below we provide an abstract definition of how to sign and verify a ROM_EXT
-image. This description is provided so that there is a specification of what the
-signing and validation systems are implementing, so that alternate
-implementations may be produced if necessary.
-*   `rom_ext` - ROM_EXT Image, including manifest and contents (Variable Length)
-    `signed_area(rom_ext)` denotes just the area between the start of the signed
-    contents and the end of the image.
-*   `device_usage_value` - Device-Calculated Usage Constraint Value (1024
-    bytes). This is the "device usage value" described above, as calculated by
-    the Mask ROM.
-*   `system_state_value` - Device System State Value (32 bytes). This is a Mask
-    ROM calculated value that summarises the current device state.
-*   `private_key` - RSA Private Key
-*   `public_key` - RSA Public Key
-*   `signature` - ROM_EXT RSA Signature,
-*   `||` - Denotes concatenation without a delimiter.
-*   `:=` - Denotes assignment.
-## Algorithms
-*   We primarily use [`RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN`][RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN] and
-    [`RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY`][RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY] for signatures and
-    verification.
-*   RSA Signing and Verification is done with 3072-bit keys.
-*   The `Hash` operation may be done with SHA2-256, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, or
-    SHA3-512, depending on the Signature Algorithm Identifier provided in the
-    manifest. The `Hash` operation is required to provide a security level
-    equivalent to that provided by the signature.
-## Signing
-This is usually done on a host machine, which does not have access to a real OT
-device. Thus there has to be a way for the host signer to predict the value of
-`device_usage_value` and `system_state_value`, as they would be calculated
-The `private_key` is never available on-device, in this scheme.
-system_state_value := predict_system_state_value()
-device_usage_value := predict_device_usage_value(rom_ext.usage_constraint)
-message := system_state_value || device_usage_value || signed_area(rom_ext)
-signature := RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN(private_key, message)
-## Validation
-Usually, validation is done on-device, where `device_usage_value` and
-`system_state_value` can be calculated.
-However, we also want to be able to validate the signature off-device, so still
-need a way to predict the value of `device_usage_value` and
-`system_state_value`. Off-device, we will use the same `predict_` systems as
-used above.
-This document does not cover how a device should ensure that `public_key` is
-allowed to validate images for a given device.
-system_state_value := calculate_system_state_value()
-device_usage_value := calculate_device_usage_value(rom_ext.usage_constraint)
-signature := rom_ext.signature
-message := system_state_value || device_usage_value || signed_area(rom_ext)
-result := RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY(public_key, message, signature)
-[mask-rom-description]: {{< relref "sw/device/silicon_creator/mask_rom/docs" >}}
-[RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-8.2.1
-[RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-8.2.2
+[rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8017#section-8.2
+[key_manager]: https://docs.opentitan.org/hw/ip/keymgr/doc/