[doc] Move Vivado installation instructions to their own page.
The Vivado installation instructions are long and complicated, and many
users don't need them; putting them on their own page will keep other
instructions simple.
Note that there is no new content here, it's just copied over from
Signed-off-by: Jade Philipoom <jadep@google.com>
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+title: Install Vivado
+## About Xilinx Vivado
+To generate a bitstream for Xilinx devices a software called Vivado is required.
+Vivado is provided by Xilinx, it is freeware for certain (smaller) FPGA devices but requires a commercial license for larger FPGAs.
+The free version is called "WebPACK", the commercial version "Design Edition".
+The installation instructions below are valid for both installation methods.
+## Install Xilinx Vivado
+_**Vivado Version:** The recommendation is to use Vivado {{< tool_version "vivado" >}}.
+The following instructions have been tested with Vivado 2020.2.
+Some screenshots are generated from Vivado 2020.1, but the installation process has not changed.
+Vivado 2019.1 and all its minor updates are not compatible with this project._
+Vivado can be installed in two ways: either through an "All OS installer Single-File Download", or via the "Linux Self Extracting Web Installer".
+Neither option is great:
+the "All OS installer" is a huge download of around 20 GB (and the Xilinx download servers seem to be overloaded regularly), but it supports an unattended installation.
+The web installer downloads only necessary subsets of the software, which significantly reduces the download size.
+But unfortunately it doesn't support the batch mode for unattended installations, requiring users to click through the GUI and select the right options.
+To get started faster we use the web installer in the following.
+1. Go to the [Xilinx download page](https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html). Select Vivado {{< tool_version "vivado" >}} from the left-hand side and download two files:
+ 1. The file "Xilinx Unified Installer {{< tool_version "vivado" >}}: Linux Self Extracting Web Installer".
+ 2. The "Digests" file below the download.
+ You need to register for a free Xilinx account to download the software, and you'll need it again later to install the software.
+ Create a new account if you don't have one yet.
+2. Before you proceed ensure that the download didn't get corrupted by verifying the checksum.
+ ```console
+ $ sha512sum --check Xilinx_Unified_2020.2_1118_1232_Lin64.bin.digests
+ Xilinx_Unified_2020.2_1118_1232_Lin64.bin: OK
+ sha512sum: WARNING: 22 lines are improperly formatted
+ ```
+ If you see an "OK" after the downloaded file proceed to the next step. Otherwise delete the download and start over. (You can ignore the warning produced by `sha512sum`.)
+3. Run the graphical installer. It may warn you that a newer version is available; you can ignore the warning.
+ ```console
+ $ sh Xilinx_Unified_2020.2_1118_1232_Lin64.bin
+ ```
+4. Now you need to click through the installer.
+ Click "Next" on the first screen.
+5. Type in your Xilinx User ID (your email address) and the associated password.
+ Choose the "Download and Install Now" option.
+ Click "Next" to continue.
+6. Click all "I Agree" checkboxes, and click on "Next" to continue.
+7. Choose "Vivado", and click on "Next" to continue.
+8. Choose "Vivado HL Design Edition".
+ This is required to enable support for the Xilinx Kintex 7 XC7K410T FPGA device found on the ChipWhisperer CW310 board.
+ You'll need a commercial Vivado license for this FPGA device.
+ Without a valid license, you are still able to install the Vivado HL Design Edition but you'll only be able to work with devices supported by the free WebPACK license.
+ If you don't have a valid license and if you're only planning to work with devices supported by the free WebPACK license, you can also choose "Vivado HL WebPACK" instead.
+9. Choose the features to install.
+ You can restrict the features to the ones shown in the screenshot below.
+ Click "Next" to continue.
+10. Choose an installation location.
+ Any location which doesn't have a whitespace in its path and enough free space is fine.
+ We use `/tools` in our example, but a path in `/opt` or within the home directory works equally well.
+ Click "Next" to continue.
+11. Double-check the installation summary and click on "Install" to start the installation process.
+12. Now Vivado is downloaded and installed, a process which can easily take multiple hours.
+13. As soon as the installation has completed close the installer and you're now ready to use Vivado!
+## Device permissions: udev rules
+To program FPGAs user using Vivado typically needs to have permission to USB devices connected to the PC.
+Depending on your security policy you can take different steps to enable this access.
+One way of doing so is given in the udev rule outlined below.
+To do so, create a file named `/etc/udev/rules.d/90-lowrisc.rules` and add the following content to it:
+# Grant access to board peripherals connected over USB:
+# - The USB devices itself (used e.g. by Vivado to program the FPGA)
+# - Virtual UART at /dev/tty/XXX
+# NewAE Technology Inc. ChipWhisperer boards e.g. CW310, CW305, CW-Lite, CW-Husky
+ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="usb|tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2b3e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ace[0-9]|c[3-6][0-9][0-9]", MODE="0666"
+# Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C/D/H Dual UART/FIFO IC
+# used on Digilent boards
+ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="usb|tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="Digilent", MODE="0666"
+# Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 Serial (UART) IC
+ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="usb|tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", MODE="0666"
+You then need to reload the udev rules:
+$ sudo udevadm control --reload