[DVsim] Add support for Verilator
This commit adds support for Verilator within DVSim.
Signed-off-by: Srikrishna Iyer <sriyer@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/verilator.hjson b/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/verilator.hjson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1306435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/verilator.hjson
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ // Replicate settings from `common_sim_cfg.hjson`.
+ //
+ // Unfortunately, that file assumes that the tools are invoked natively as
+ // opposed to via FuseSoC. Verilator is setup to be invoked via FuseSoC,
+ // which causes FuseSoC to fail due to unknown {build_opts}. Hence, contents
+ // from `common_sim_cfg.hjson` are replicated here as appropriate.
+ // -- START --
+ dv_root: "{proj_root}/hw/dv"
+ flow: sim
+ flow_makefile: "{dv_root}/tools/dvsim/sim.mk"
+ import_cfgs: ["{proj_root}/hw/data/common_project_cfg.hjson",
+ "{dv_root}/tools/dvsim/common_modes.hjson",
+ "{dv_root}/tools/dvsim/fusesoc.hjson",
+ ]
+ // Default directory structure for the output
+ build_dir: "{scratch_path}/{build_mode}"
+ run_dir_name: "{index}.{test}"
+ run_dir: "{scratch_path}/{run_dir_name}/out"
+ sw_build_dir: "{scratch_path}"
+ sw_root_dir: "{proj_root}/sw"
+ regressions: [
+ {
+ name: smoke
+ reseed: 1
+ }
+ {
+ name: all
+ }
+ {
+ name: all_once
+ reseed: 1
+ }
+ {
+ name: nightly
+ }
+ ]
+ // -- END --
+ build_cmd: "fusesoc {fusesoc_cores_root_dirs} run"
+ ex_name: "{eval_cmd} echo \"{fusesoc_core}\" | cut -d: -f3"
+ run_cmd: "{build_dir}/sim-verilator/V{ex_name}"
+ // Indicate the tool specific helper sources - these are copied over to the
+ // {tool_srcs_dir} before running the simulation.
+ // TODO: none at the moment.
+ tool_srcs: []
+ // TODO: Verilator has a few useful build switches. Need to figure out how to
+ // pass them via FuseSoC.
+ build_opts: ["--flag=fileset_{design_level}",
+ "--target=sim",
+ "--build-root={build_dir}",
+ "--setup",
+ "--build",
+ "{fusesoc_core}"
+ // "--timescale 1ns/1ps",
+ // Enable all assertions.
+ // "--assert",
+ // Flush streams immediately after all $displays.
+ // "--autoflush",
+ // Enable multi-threading.
+ // "--threads 4",
+ // Randomize all 2-state vars if driven to unknown 'X'.
+ // "--x-assign unique",
+ // "--x-initial unique",
+ ]
+ run_opts: [// Set random seed.
+ // "+verilator+seed+{seed}",
+ ]
+ // Supported wave dumping formats (in order of preference).
+ supported_wave_formats: ["fst"]
+ // Vars that need to exported to the env.
+ exports: [
+ ]
+ // pass and fail patterns
+ build_pass_patterns: []
+ build_fail_patterns: [// Verilator compile error.
+ "^%Error.*?:",
+ // FuseSoC build error.
+ "^ERROR:.*$",
+ ]
+ run_pass_patterns: ["^TEST PASSED CHECKS$"]
+ run_fail_patterns: [// $warning/error/fatal messages.
+ "^\\[[0-9]+\\] %Warning.*?: ",
+ "^\\[[0-9]+\\] %Error.*?: ",
+ "^\\[[0-9]+\\] %Fatal.*?: ",
+ // Ninja / SW compile failure.
+ "^FAILED: ",
+ " error: ",
+ // Failure signature pattern.
+ ]
+ // Coverage related.
+ cov_db_dir: ""
+ cov_db_test_dir: ""
+ build_modes: [
+ {
+ name: verilator_waves
+ is_sim_mode: 1
+ // build_opts: ["--trace",
+ // "--trace-fst"
+ // "--trace-structs",
+ // "--trace-params",
+ // ]
+ run_opts: ["--trace"]
+ }
+ // TODO: These need to be fine-tuned.
+ {
+ name: verilator_cov
+ is_sim_mode: 1
+ // build_opts: ["--coverage"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: verilator_xprop
+ is_sim_mode: 1
+ }
+ {
+ name: verilator_profile
+ is_sim_mode: 1
+ // build_opts: ["--prof-cfuncs",
+ // "--prof-threads",
+ // ]
+ }
+ {
+ name: verilator_loopdetect
+ is_sim_mode: 1
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/verilator_sim_cfg.hjson b/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/verilator_sim_cfg.hjson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbc8b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/verilator_sim_cfg.hjson
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ // Name of the sim cfg - typically same as the name of the DUT.
+ name: top_earlgrey_verilator
+ // Top level dut name (sv module).
+ dut: "{name}"
+ // Top level testbench name (sv module).
+ tb: "{name}"
+ // Default simulator used to sign off.
+ tool: verilator
+ // Fusesoc core file used for building the file list.
+ fusesoc_core: "lowrisc:systems:{name}:0.1"
+ // Testplan hjson file.
+ # testplan: "{proj_root}/hw/top_earlgrey/data/chip_testplan.hjson"
+ // Import additional common sim cfg files.
+ import_cfgs: [// Project wide common sim cfg file
+ "{proj_root}/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/verilator.hjson",
+ ]
+ overrides: [
+ // Use FuseSoC to build the Verilator executable. Skip the SV file list
+ // generation step entirely.
+ {
+ name: sv_flist_gen_cmd
+ value: ""
+ }
+ {
+ name: sv_flist_gen_opts
+ value: []
+ }
+ {
+ name: sv_flist_gen_dir
+ value: "{build_dir}"
+ }
+ // This defaults to 'ip' in `hw/data/common_project_cfg.hjson`. Override
+ // since we are building the top level.
+ {
+ name: design_level
+ value: top
+ }
+ ]
+ // Common run parameters. Each test entry can override any of these as needed.
+ reseed: 1
+ sw_build_device: sim_verilator
+ // Add run modes.
+ run_modes: [
+ {
+ name: sw_test_mode
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom:0"]
+ run_opts: [
+ // The following shell snippet converts the SW images specification to what's
+ // needed as a run time switch to Verilator.
+ '''{eval_cmd} \
+ opts=; \
+ types=(rom flash); \
+ images=`echo {sw_images}`; \
+ for image in $images; do \
+ path=`echo $image | cut -d: -f 1`; \
+ index=`echo $image | cut -d: -f 2`; \
+ opts="$opts --meminit=${types[$index]},{sw_build_dir}/build-bin/$path""_{sw_build_device}.elf"; \
+ done; \
+ echo "$opts"''',
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ // All tests are SW based, so enable this by default.
+ en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"]
+ // List of test specifications.
+ //
+ // If you are adding a test that has been generated from the `sw_tests`
+ // dictionary declared in `sw/device/tests/meson.build`, the `sw_images` list
+ // below should contain `sw/device/tests/<sw_test_name>` (without any more
+ // subdirectories) because that is where the meson target is created. For
+ // example `dif_plic_smoketest` is added to `sw_tests` in
+ // `sw/device/tests/dif/meson.build`, but the final meson targets all start
+ // `sw/device/tests/dif_plic_smoketest_`.
+ //
+ // Each entry in `sw_images` is followed by an index separated with ':' which
+ // is used by the testbench to know what type of image is it:
+ // - 0 for boot_rom,
+ // - 1 for SW test,
+ // - 2 for OTBN and so on
+ // This allows an arbitrary number of SW images to be supplied to the TB.
+ tests: [
+ {
+ name: aes_test
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/aes_test:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: crt_test
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/crt_test:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: dif_otbn_smoketest_rtl
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_otbn_smoketest:1"]
+ run_opts: ['+OTBN_USE_MODEL=0']
+ }
+ // Using the model in CI isn't possible until #4097 is resolved.
+ //{
+ // name: dif_otbn_smoketest_model
+ // sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_otbn_smoketest:1"]
+ // run_opts: ['+OTBN_USE_MODEL=0']
+ //}
+ {
+ name: dif_otp_ctrl_smoketest
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_otp_ctrl_smoketest:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: dif_plic_smoketest
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_plic_smoketest:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: dif_rstmgr_smoketest
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_rstmgr_smoketest:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: dif_rv_timer_smoketest
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_rv_timer_smoketest:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: dif_uart_smoketest
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_uart_smoketest:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: flash_ctrl_test
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/flash_ctrl_test:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: pmp_smoketest_napot
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/pmp_smoketest_napot:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: pmp_smoketest_tor
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/pmp_smoketest_tor:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: sha256_test
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/sha256_test:1"]
+ }
+ {
+ name: usbdev_test
+ sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/usbdev_test:1"]
+ }
+ ]
+ // List of regressions.
+ regressions: [
+ {
+ name: smoke
+ tests: []
+ }
+ ]