tree: 664520cf5ef3581ca9854ad9c98b73f753ab5870 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cdc_lint
  2. cdc_lint.tcl
  3. cdc_lint_all
  4. lint
  5. lint.tcl
  6. lint_all
  7. rdc_lint
  8. rdc_lint.tcl
  9. rdc_lint_all

RTL Linting

Linting is a productivity tool for designers to quickly find typos and bugs at the time when the RTL is written. Running lint is important when using SystemVerilog, a weakly-typed language, unlike other hardware description languages. We consider linting to be critical for conformance to our goals of high quality designs.

We have chosen Ascent Lint by Real Intent as our linter of choice for hardware design collateral. In the current state of the project, the lint policy file and waiver files are not checked into the repo, but are being kept privately. The lint scripts in this repo don't need a policy file and waiver files, you can still run lint without them.

See below instructions on how lint is executed on a design. The goal is zero Errors for each design either through code fixing (preferred) or lint waivers (where justified).


  1. Install the latest fusesoc version needed for lint:

    cd <the-root-directory-which-contains-the-hw-directory>
    pip3 install -U -r python-requirements.txt --user
  2. Install and load ascentlint: version 2018.A.p10G.2020_07_31 of ascentlint is being used. In case you use module load, make sure to load the correct version.

Running Lint

Example 1: To run lint on module, type:

cd hw/lint
lint gpio

Above generates the lint report file lint.rpt, which details all lint errors and warning.

Example 2: You can also run lint on any submodule of the design, not just the ones that have a .core file. For example, to run lint on submodule, tye:

cd hw/lint
lint gpio_reg_top

Running Lint on the Entire Design

To run lint on all blocks and the toplevel, type:

cd hw/lint
lint_all | tee lint_all.std

The script lint_all can be used for continuous integration.