[otbn,dv] Refactor code in otbn_model.cc
No functional change, but more stuff is now encapsulated in the
OtbnModel class and things should feel generally tidier.
Signed-off-by: Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/hw/ip/otbn/dv/model/otbn_model.cc b/hw/ip/otbn/dv/model/otbn_model.cc
index 11b267a..01f26e7 100644
--- a/hw/ip/otbn/dv/model/otbn_model.cc
+++ b/hw/ip/otbn/dv/model/otbn_model.cc
@@ -33,47 +33,90 @@
OtbnModel(const std::string &mem_scope, const std::string &design_scope,
unsigned imem_size_words, unsigned dmem_size_words)
- : mem_util(mem_scope),
+ : mem_util_(mem_scope),
dmem_size_words_(dmem_size_words) {}
- // This class is a thin wrapper around ISSWrapper. The point is that we want
- // to create the model in an initial block in the SystemVerilog simulation,
- // but might not actually want to spawn the ISS. To handle that in a non-racy
- // way, the most convenient thing is to spawn the ISS the first time it's
- // actually needed.
- //
- // If ensure is true, this constructs an ISS wrapper if necessary. If
- // something goes wrong, this function prints a message and then returns
- // null. If ensure is true, it will never return null without printing a
- // message, so error handling at the callsite can silently return a failure
- // code.
- ISSWrapper *get_wrapper(bool ensure) {
- if (!iss) {
+ // True if this model is running in a simulation that has an RTL
+ // implementation too (which needs checking).
+ bool has_rtl() const { return !design_scope_.empty(); }
+ // Start a new run with the model, writing IMEM/DMEM and jumping to the given
+ // start address. Returns 0 on success; -1 on failure.
+ int start(unsigned start_addr);
+ // Step once in the model. Returns 1 if the model has finished, 0 if not and
+ // -1 on failure. If gen_trace is true, pass trace entries to the trace
+ // checker. If the model has finished, writes otbn.ERR_BITS to *err_bits.
+ int step(svLogic edn_rnd_data_valid,
+ svLogicVecVal *edn_rnd_data, /* logic [255:0] */
+ svLogic edn_urnd_data_valid, svBitVecVal *insn_cnt /* bit [31:0] */,
+ svBitVecVal *err_bits /* bit [31:0] */,
+ svBitVecVal *stop_pc /* bit [31:0] */);
+ // Check model against RTL (if there is any) when a run has finished. Prints
+ // messages to stderr on failure or mismatch. Returns 1 for a match, 0 for a
+ // mismatch, -1 for some other failure.
+ int check() const;
+ // Grab contents of dmem from the model and load it back into the RTL
+ // simulation. This is used when there's no RTL model of the design. Returns
+ // 0 on success; -1 on failure.
+ int load_dmem() const;
+ // Flush any information in the model
+ void reset();
+ private:
+ // Constructs an ISS wrapper if necessary. If something goes wrong, this
+ // function prints a message and then returns null. If ensure is true, it
+ // will never return null without printing a message, so error handling at
+ // the callsite can silently return a failure code.
+ ISSWrapper *ensure_wrapper() {
+ if (!iss_) {
try {
- iss.reset(new ISSWrapper());
+ iss_.reset(new ISSWrapper());
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
std::cerr << "Error when constructing ISS wrapper: " << err.what()
<< "\n";
return nullptr;
- assert(iss);
- return iss.get();
+ assert(iss_);
+ return iss_.get();
std::vector<uint8_t> get_sim_memory(bool is_imem) const {
- const MemArea &mem_area = mem_util.GetMemArea(is_imem);
+ const MemArea &mem_area = mem_util_.GetMemArea(is_imem);
return mem_area.Read(0, mem_area.GetSizeWords());
void set_sim_memory(bool is_imem, const std::vector<uint8_t> &data) const {
- mem_util.GetMemArea(is_imem).Write(0, data);
+ mem_util_.GetMemArea(is_imem).Write(0, data);
- std::unique_ptr<ISSWrapper> iss;
- OtbnMemUtil mem_util;
+ // Grab contents of dmem from the model and compare them with the RTL. Prints
+ // messages to stderr on failure or mismatch. Returns true on success; false
+ // on mismatch. Throws a std::runtime_error on failure.
+ bool check_dmem(ISSWrapper &iss) const;
+ // Compare contents of ISS registers with those from the design. Prints
+ // messages to stderr on failure or mismatch. Returns true on success; false
+ // on mismatch. Throws a std::runtime_error on failure.
+ bool check_regs(ISSWrapper &iss) const;
+ // Compare contents of ISS call stack with those from the design. Prints
+ // messages to stderr on failure or mismatch. Returns true on success; false
+ // on mismatch. Throws a std::runtime_error on failure.
+ bool check_call_stack(ISSWrapper &iss) const;
+ // We want to create the model in an initial block in the SystemVerilog
+ // simulation, but might not actually want to spawn the ISS. To handle that
+ // in a non-racy way, the most convenient thing is to spawn the ISS the first
+ // time it's actually needed. Use ensure_iss() to create as needed.
+ std::unique_ptr<ISSWrapper> iss_;
+ OtbnMemUtil mem_util_;
std::string design_scope_;
unsigned imem_size_words_, dmem_size_words_;
@@ -93,45 +136,6 @@
#define FAILED_STEP_BIT (1U << 2)
#define FAILED_CMP_BIT (1U << 3)
-// The main entry point to the OTBN model, exported from here and used in
-// otbn_core_model.sv.
-// This communicates state with otbn_core_model.sv through the status
-// parameter, which has the following bits:
-// Bit 0: running True if the model is currently running
-// Bit 1: check_due True if the model finished running last cycle
-// Bit 2: failed_step Something failed when trying to start/step ISS
-// Bit 3: failed_cmp Consistency check at end of run failed
-// The otbn_model_step function should only be called when either the model is
-// running (bit 0 of status), has a check due (bit 1 of status), or when start
-// is asserted. At other times, it will return immediately (but wastes a DPI
-// call).
-// If the model is running and start is false, otbn_model_step steps the ISS by
-// a single cycle. If something goes wrong, it will set failed_step to true and
-// running to false. Otherwise, it writes the new value of otbn.INSN_CNT to
-// *insn_cnt.
-// If nothing goes wrong and the ISS finishes its run, we set running to false,
-// write out err_bits and stop_pc and do the post-run task. If the model's
-// design_scope is non-empty, it should be the scope of an RTL implementation.
-// In that case, we compare register and memory contents with that
-// implementation, printing to stderr and setting the failed_cmp bit if there
-// are any mismatches. If the model's design_scope is the empty string, we grab
-// the contents of DMEM from the ISS and inject them into the simulation
-// memory.
-// If start is true, we start the model at start_addr and then step once (as
-// described above).
-extern "C" unsigned otbn_model_step(
- OtbnModel *model, svLogic start, unsigned start_addr, unsigned status,
- svLogic edn_rnd_data_valid, svLogicVecVal *edn_rnd_data, /* logic [255:0] */
- svLogic edn_urnd_data_valid, svBitVecVal *insn_cnt /* bit [31:0] */,
- svBitVecVal *err_bits /* bit [31:0] */,
- svBitVecVal *stop_pc /* bit [31:0] */);
static std::vector<uint8_t> read_vector_from_file(const std::string &path,
size_t num_bytes) {
std::filebuf fb;
@@ -177,50 +181,6 @@
-extern "C" OtbnModel *otbn_model_init(const char *mem_scope,
- const char *design_scope,
- unsigned imem_words,
- unsigned dmem_words) {
- assert(mem_scope && design_scope);
- return new OtbnModel(mem_scope, design_scope, imem_words, dmem_words);
-extern "C" void otbn_model_destroy(OtbnModel *model) { delete model; }
-// Start a new run with the model, writing IMEM/DMEM and jumping to the given
-// start address. Returns 0 on success; -1 on failure.
-static int start_model(OtbnModel &model, unsigned start_addr) {
- const MemArea &imem = model.mem_util.GetMemArea(true);
- assert(start_addr % 4 == 0);
- assert(start_addr / 4 < imem.GetSizeWords());
- ISSWrapper *iss = model.get_wrapper(true);
- if (!iss)
- return -1;
- std::string dfname(iss->make_tmp_path("dmem"));
- std::string ifname(iss->make_tmp_path("imem"));
- try {
- write_vector_to_file(dfname, model.get_sim_memory(false));
- write_vector_to_file(ifname, model.get_sim_memory(true));
- } catch (const std::exception &err) {
- std::cerr << "Error when dumping memory contents: " << err.what() << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- try {
- iss->load_d(dfname);
- iss->load_i(ifname);
- iss->start(start_addr);
- } catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
- std::cerr << "Error when starting ISS: " << err.what() << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
// Extract 256-bit RND EDN data from a 4 state logic value. RND data is placed
// into 8 element uint32_t array dst.
static void set_rnd_data(uint32_t dst[8], const svLogicVecVal src[8]) {
@@ -233,132 +193,6 @@
static bool is_xz(svLogic l) { return l == sv_x || l == sv_z; }
-// Step once in the model. Returns 1 if the model has finished, 0 if not and -1
-// on failure. If gen_trace is true, pass trace entries to the trace checker.
-// Writes the new value of otbn.INSN_CNT to *insn_cnt.
-// If the model has finished, writes otbn.ERR_BITS to *err_bits and the final
-// PC to *stop_pc.
-static int step_model(OtbnModel &model, svLogic edn_rnd_data_valid,
- svLogicVecVal *edn_rnd_data, /* logic [255:0] */
- svLogic edn_urnd_data_valid, bool gen_trace,
- svBitVecVal *insn_cnt /* bit [31:0] */,
- svBitVecVal *err_bits /* bit [31:0] */,
- svBitVecVal *stop_pc /* bit [31:0] */) {
- assert(err_bits);
- ISSWrapper *iss = model.get_wrapper(true);
- if (!iss)
- return -1;
- assert(!is_xz(edn_rnd_data_valid));
- assert(!is_xz(edn_urnd_data_valid));
- try {
- if (edn_rnd_data_valid) {
- uint32_t int_edn_rnd_data[8];
- set_rnd_data(int_edn_rnd_data, edn_rnd_data);
- iss->edn_rnd_data(int_edn_rnd_data);
- }
- if (edn_urnd_data_valid) {
- iss->edn_urnd_reseed_complete();
- }
- switch (iss->step(gen_trace)) {
- case -1:
- // Something went wrong, such as a trace mismatch. We've already printed
- // a message to stderr so can just return -1.
- return -1;
- case 1:
- // The simulation has stopped. Fill in insn_cnt, err_bits and stop_pc.
- set_sv_u32(insn_cnt, iss->get_insn_cnt());
- set_sv_u32(err_bits, iss->get_err_bits());
- set_sv_u32(stop_pc, iss->get_stop_pc());
- return 1;
- case 0:
- // The simulation is still running. Update insn_cnt.
- set_sv_u32(insn_cnt, iss->get_insn_cnt());
- return 0;
- default:
- // This shouldn't happen
- assert(0);
- }
- } catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
- std::cerr << "Error when stepping ISS: " << err.what() << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
-// Grab contents of dmem from the model and load it back into the RTL. Returns
-// 0 on success; -1 on failure.
-static int load_dmem(OtbnModel &model) {
- ISSWrapper *iss = model.get_wrapper(false);
- if (!iss) {
- std::cerr << "Cannot load dmem from OTBN model: ISS has not started.\n";
- return -1;
- }
- const MemArea &dmem = model.mem_util.GetMemArea(false);
- std::string dfname(iss->make_tmp_path("dmem_out"));
- try {
- iss->dump_d(dfname);
- model.set_sim_memory(false,
- read_vector_from_file(dfname, dmem.GetSizeBytes()));
- } catch (const std::exception &err) {
- std::cerr << "Error when loading dmem from ISS: " << err.what() << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-// Grab contents of dmem from the model and compare it with the RTL.
-// Prints messages to stderr on failure or mismatch. Returns true on
-// success; false on mismatch. Throws a std::runtime_error on failure.
-static bool check_dmem(OtbnModel &model, ISSWrapper &iss) {
- const MemArea &dmem = model.mem_util.GetMemArea(false);
- uint32_t dmem_bytes = dmem.GetSizeBytes();
- std::string dfname(iss.make_tmp_path("dmem_out"));
- iss.dump_d(dfname);
- std::vector<uint8_t> iss_data = read_vector_from_file(dfname, dmem_bytes);
- assert(iss_data.size() == dmem_bytes);
- std::vector<uint8_t> rtl_data = model.get_sim_memory(false);
- assert(rtl_data.size() == dmem_bytes);
- // If the arrays match, we're done.
- if (0 == memcmp(&iss_data[0], &rtl_data[0], dmem_bytes))
- return true;
- // If not, print out the first 10 mismatches
- std::ios old_state(nullptr);
- old_state.copyfmt(std::cerr);
- std::cerr << "ERROR: Mismatches in dmem data:\n"
- << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
- int bad_count = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < dmem_bytes; ++i) {
- if (iss_data[i] != rtl_data[i]) {
- std::cerr << " @offset 0x" << std::setw(3) << i << ": rtl has 0x"
- << std::setw(2) << (int)rtl_data[i] << "; iss has 0x"
- << std::setw(2) << (int)iss_data[i] << "\n";
- ++bad_count;
- if (bad_count == 10) {
- std::cerr << " (skipping further errors...)\n";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- std::cerr.copyfmt(old_state);
- return false;
template <typename T>
static std::array<T, 32> get_rtl_regs(const std::string ®_scope) {
std::array<T, 32> ret;
@@ -412,12 +246,20 @@
while (1) {
int peek_result = otbn_stack_element_peek(i, buf);
+ // otbn_stack_element_peek is defined in otbn_stack_snooper_if.sv. Possible
+ // return values are: 0 on success, if we've returned an element. 1 if the
+ // stack doesn't have an element at index i. 2 if something terrible has
+ // gone wrong (such as a completely bogus index).
+ assert(peek_result <= 2);
if (peek_result == 2) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Failed to peek into RTL to get value of stack element " << i
<< " at scope `" << stack_scope << "'.";
throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
- } else if (peek_result == 1) {
+ }
+ if (peek_result == 1) {
// No more elements on stack
@@ -432,15 +274,204 @@
return ret;
-// Compare contents of ISS registers with those from the design. Prints
-// messages to stderr on failure or mismatch. Returns true on success; false on
-// mismatch. Throws a std::runtime_error on failure.
-static bool check_regs(OtbnModel &model, ISSWrapper &iss) {
+int OtbnModel::start(unsigned start_addr) {
+ const MemArea &imem = mem_util_.GetMemArea(true);
+ assert(start_addr % 4 == 0);
+ assert(start_addr / 4 < imem.GetSizeWords());
+ ISSWrapper *iss = ensure_wrapper();
+ if (!iss)
+ return -1;
+ std::string dfname(iss->make_tmp_path("dmem"));
+ std::string ifname(iss->make_tmp_path("imem"));
+ try {
+ write_vector_to_file(dfname, get_sim_memory(false));
+ write_vector_to_file(ifname, get_sim_memory(true));
+ } catch (const std::exception &err) {
+ std::cerr << "Error when dumping memory contents: " << err.what() << "\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ try {
+ iss->load_d(dfname);
+ iss->load_i(ifname);
+ iss->start(start_addr);
+ } catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
+ std::cerr << "Error when starting ISS: " << err.what() << "\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int OtbnModel::step(svLogic edn_rnd_data_valid,
+ svLogicVecVal *edn_rnd_data, /* logic [255:0] */
+ svLogic edn_urnd_data_valid,
+ svBitVecVal *insn_cnt /* bit [31:0] */,
+ svBitVecVal *err_bits /* bit [31:0] */,
+ svBitVecVal *stop_pc /* bit [31:0] */) {
+ assert(err_bits);
+ ISSWrapper *iss = ensure_wrapper();
+ if (!iss)
+ return -1;
+ assert(!is_xz(edn_rnd_data_valid));
+ assert(!is_xz(edn_urnd_data_valid));
+ try {
+ if (edn_rnd_data_valid) {
+ uint32_t int_edn_rnd_data[8];
+ set_rnd_data(int_edn_rnd_data, edn_rnd_data);
+ iss->edn_rnd_data(int_edn_rnd_data);
+ }
+ if (edn_urnd_data_valid) {
+ iss->edn_urnd_reseed_complete();
+ }
+ switch (iss->step(has_rtl())) {
+ case -1:
+ // Something went wrong, such as a trace mismatch. We've already printed
+ // a message to stderr so can just return -1.
+ return -1;
+ case 1:
+ // The simulation has stopped. Fill in insn_cnt, err_bits and stop_pc.
+ set_sv_u32(insn_cnt, iss->get_insn_cnt());
+ set_sv_u32(err_bits, iss->get_err_bits());
+ set_sv_u32(stop_pc, iss->get_stop_pc());
+ return 1;
+ case 0:
+ // The simulation is still running. Update insn_cnt.
+ set_sv_u32(insn_cnt, iss->get_insn_cnt());
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ // This shouldn't happen
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::runtime_error &err) {
+ std::cerr << "Error when stepping ISS: " << err.what() << "\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+int OtbnModel::check() const {
+ if (!has_rtl())
+ return 1;
+ ISSWrapper *iss = iss_.get();
+ if (!iss) {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot check OTBN model: ISS has not started.\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bool good = true;
+ good &= OtbnTraceChecker::get().Finish();
+ try {
+ good &= check_dmem(*iss);
+ } catch (const std::exception &err) {
+ std::cerr << "Failed to check DMEM: " << err.what() << "\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ try {
+ good &= check_regs(*iss);
+ } catch (const std::exception &err) {
+ std::cerr << "Failed to check registers: " << err.what() << "\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ try {
+ good &= check_call_stack(*iss);
+ } catch (const std::exception &err) {
+ std::cerr << "Failed to check call stack: " << err.what() << "\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return good ? 1 : 0;
+int OtbnModel::load_dmem() const {
+ ISSWrapper *iss = iss_.get();
+ if (!iss) {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot load dmem from OTBN model: ISS has not started.\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const MemArea &dmem = mem_util_.GetMemArea(false);
+ std::string dfname(iss->make_tmp_path("dmem_out"));
+ try {
+ iss->dump_d(dfname);
+ set_sim_memory(false, read_vector_from_file(dfname, dmem.GetSizeBytes()));
+ } catch (const std::exception &err) {
+ std::cerr << "Error when loading dmem from ISS: " << err.what() << "\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void OtbnModel::reset() {
+ ISSWrapper *iss = iss_.get();
+ if (iss)
+ iss->reset(has_rtl());
+bool OtbnModel::check_dmem(ISSWrapper &iss) const {
+ const MemArea &dmem = mem_util_.GetMemArea(false);
+ uint32_t dmem_bytes = dmem.GetSizeBytes();
+ std::string dfname(iss.make_tmp_path("dmem_out"));
+ iss.dump_d(dfname);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> iss_data = read_vector_from_file(dfname, dmem_bytes);
+ assert(iss_data.size() == dmem_bytes);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> rtl_data = get_sim_memory(false);
+ assert(rtl_data.size() == dmem_bytes);
+ // If the arrays match, we're done.
+ if (0 == memcmp(&iss_data[0], &rtl_data[0], dmem_bytes))
+ return true;
+ // If not, print out the first 10 mismatches
+ std::ios old_state(nullptr);
+ old_state.copyfmt(std::cerr);
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: Mismatches in dmem data:\n"
+ << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
+ int bad_count = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dmem_bytes; ++i) {
+ if (iss_data[i] != rtl_data[i]) {
+ std::cerr << " @offset 0x" << std::setw(3) << i << ": rtl has 0x"
+ << std::setw(2) << (int)rtl_data[i] << "; iss has 0x"
+ << std::setw(2) << (int)iss_data[i] << "\n";
+ ++bad_count;
+ if (bad_count == 10) {
+ std::cerr << " (skipping further errors...)\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::cerr.copyfmt(old_state);
+ return false;
+bool OtbnModel::check_regs(ISSWrapper &iss) const {
+ assert(design_scope_.size());
std::string base_scope =
- model.design_scope_ +
+ design_scope_ +
std::string wide_scope =
- model.design_scope_ +
+ design_scope_ +
auto rtl_gprs = get_rtl_regs<uint32_t>(base_scope);
@@ -494,12 +525,11 @@
return good;
-// Compare contents of ISS call stack with those from the design. Prints
-// messages to stderr on failure or mismatch. Returns true on success; false on
-// mismatch. Throws a std::runtime_error on failure.
-static bool check_call_stack(OtbnModel &model, ISSWrapper &iss) {
+bool OtbnModel::check_call_stack(ISSWrapper &iss) const {
+ assert(design_scope_.size());
std::string call_stack_snooper_scope =
- model.design_scope_ + ".u_otbn_rf_base.u_call_stack_snooper";
+ design_scope_ + ".u_otbn_rf_base.u_call_stack_snooper";
auto rtl_call_stack = get_stack<uint32_t>(call_stack_snooper_scope);
@@ -533,46 +563,48 @@
return good;
-// Check model against RTL when a run has finished. Prints messages to stderr
-// on failure or mismatch. Returns 1 for a match, 0 for a mismatch, -1 for some
-// other failure.
-int check_model(OtbnModel *model) {
- assert(model);
- ISSWrapper *iss = model->get_wrapper(false);
- if (!iss) {
- std::cerr << "Cannot check OTBN model: ISS has not started.\n";
- return -1;
- }
- bool good = true;
- good &= OtbnTraceChecker::get().Finish();
- try {
- good &= check_dmem(*model, *iss);
- } catch (const std::exception &err) {
- std::cerr << "Failed to check DMEM: " << err.what() << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- try {
- good &= check_regs(*model, *iss);
- } catch (const std::exception &err) {
- std::cerr << "Failed to check registers: " << err.what() << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- try {
- good &= check_call_stack(*model, *iss);
- } catch (const std::exception &err) {
- std::cerr << "Failed to check call stack: " << err.what() << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- return good ? 1 : 0;
+extern "C" OtbnModel *otbn_model_init(const char *mem_scope,
+ const char *design_scope,
+ unsigned imem_words,
+ unsigned dmem_words) {
+ assert(mem_scope && design_scope);
+ return new OtbnModel(mem_scope, design_scope, imem_words, dmem_words);
+extern "C" void otbn_model_destroy(OtbnModel *model) { delete model; }
+// The main entry point to the OTBN model, exported from here and used in
+// otbn_core_model.sv.
+// This communicates state with otbn_core_model.sv through the status
+// parameter, which has the following bits:
+// Bit 0: running True if the model is currently running
+// Bit 1: check_due True if the model finished running last cycle
+// Bit 2: failed_step Something failed when trying to start/step ISS
+// Bit 3: failed_cmp Consistency check at end of run failed
+// The otbn_model_step function should only be called when either the model is
+// running (bit 0 of status), has a check due (bit 1 of status), or when start
+// is asserted. At other times, it will return immediately (but wastes a DPI
+// call).
+// If the model is running and start is false, otbn_model_step steps the ISS by
+// a single cycle. If something goes wrong, it will set failed_step to true and
+// running to false. Otherwise, it writes the new value of otbn.INSN_CNT to
+// *insn_cnt.
+// If nothing goes wrong and the ISS finishes its run, we set running to false,
+// write out err_bits and stop_pc and do the post-run task. If the model's
+// design_scope is non-empty, it should be the scope of an RTL implementation.
+// In that case, we compare register and memory contents with that
+// implementation, printing to stderr and setting the failed_cmp bit if there
+// are any mismatches. If the model's design_scope is the empty string, we grab
+// the contents of DMEM from the ISS and inject them into the simulation
+// memory.
+// If start is true, we start the model at start_addr and then step once (as
+// described above).
extern "C" unsigned otbn_model_step(
OtbnModel *model, svLogic start, unsigned start_addr, unsigned status,
svLogic edn_rnd_data_valid, svLogicVecVal *edn_rnd_data, /* logic [255:0] */
@@ -583,9 +615,8 @@
// Run model checks if needed. This usually happens just after an operation
// has finished.
- bool check_rtl = (model->design_scope_.size() > 0);
- if (check_rtl && (status & CHECK_DUE_BIT)) {
- switch (check_model(model)) {
+ if (model->has_rtl() && (status & CHECK_DUE_BIT)) {
+ switch (model->check()) {
case 1:
// Match (success)
@@ -606,7 +637,7 @@
// Start the model if requested
if (start) {
- switch (start_model(*model, start_addr)) {
+ switch (model->start(start_addr)) {
case 0:
// All good
status |= RUNNING_BIT;
@@ -623,9 +654,8 @@
return status;
// Step the model once
- switch (step_model(*model, edn_rnd_data_valid, edn_rnd_data,
- edn_urnd_data_valid, check_rtl, insn_cnt, err_bits,
- stop_pc)) {
+ switch (model->step(edn_rnd_data_valid, edn_rnd_data, edn_urnd_data_valid,
+ insn_cnt, err_bits, stop_pc)) {
case 0:
// Still running: no change
@@ -646,8 +676,8 @@
// If we've just stopped running and there's no RTL, load the contents of
// DMEM back from the ISS
- if (!check_rtl) {
- switch (load_dmem(*model)) {
+ if (!model->has_rtl()) {
+ switch (model->load_dmem()) {
case 0:
// Success
@@ -664,10 +694,5 @@
// Flush any information in the model
extern "C" void otbn_model_reset(OtbnModel *model) {
- ISSWrapper *iss = model->get_wrapper(false);
- if (iss) {
- bool check_rtl = (model->design_scope_.size() > 0);
- iss->reset(check_rtl);
- }
+ model->reset();