[sca] Optimize sha3_serial for lower noise, return digest via UART

This commit contains the following changes to the sha3_serial
SCA application:
- Instead of busy waiting until KMAC has finished, Ibex is put to sleep
  while KMAC is busy and the timer is used to wakeup Ibex. This
  significantly reduces noise.
- The dedicated FPGA SCA mode of KMAC is used that allows for first
  configuring the unit and providing the message without KMAC starting
  the processing. In a second step, Ibex can then provide the START
  and PROCESS commands which triggers the actual KMAC operation. This
  greatly reduces 1) the number of samples that need to be captured,
  2) the noise in the captured traces, and 3) the amount of processing.
  As this mode is only supported on FPGA but not by the final hardware,
  and thus DIF doesn't support it either, this commit adds the required
  software functions (inspired by the real DIF).
- KMAC is configured to produce a non-zero length digest. The digest
  is read out and returned to the host via UART. Using a Python model
  on the host, this allows verifying KMAC operation during capture.

Signed-off-by: Pirmin Vogel <vogelpi@lowrisc.org>
1 file changed
tree: 157571907b25404c9d621fc23147f31dec4f31d4
  1. .github/
  2. ci/
  3. doc/
  4. hw/
  5. rules/
  6. site/
  7. sw/
  8. test/
  9. util/
  10. .bazelversion
  11. .clang-format
  12. .dockerignore
  13. .flake8
  14. .gitignore
  15. .style.yapf
  16. .svlint.toml
  17. .svls.toml
  18. _index.md
  19. apt-requirements.txt
  20. azure-pipelines.yml
  21. BUILD
  22. check_tool_requirements.core
  23. CLA
  27. meson.build
  28. meson_init.sh
  29. meson_options.txt
  30. python-requirements.txt
  31. README.md
  32. tool_requirements.py
  33. toolchain.txt
  34. topgen-generator.core
  35. topgen-reg-only.core
  36. topgen.core
  38. yum-requirements.txt


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OpenTitan is an open source silicon Root of Trust (RoT) project. OpenTitan will make the silicon RoT design and implementation more transparent, trustworthy, and secure for enterprises, platform providers, and chip manufacturers. OpenTitan is administered by lowRISC CIC as a collaborative project to produce high quality, open IP for instantiation as a full-featured product. See the OpenTitan site and OpenTitan docs for more information about the project.

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