blob: 3af86082d9ecd0384f45a61f55058c81934e021c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Makefile with ascentlint, verilator-lint and verible style lint
# targets for OpenTitan
# TODO: currently we cannot support parallel builds since some fusesoc cores
# define filesets with files outside the current folder (e.g. using relative
# path prefixes such as "../../"). this can cause collisions between parallel
# builds since they are not nicely contained within the same folder. This should
# be solved by reworking the fusesoc core files (especially the top-level one).
CORE_ROOT ?= ../../
REPORT_DIR ?= reports
IPS ?= ip-aes \
ip-alert_handler \
ip-clkmgr \
ip-entropy_src \
ip-flash_ctrl \
ip-gpio \
ip-hmac \
ip-i2c \
ip-otp_ctrl \
ip-nmi_gen \
ip-padctrl \
ip-pinmux \
ip-pwrmgr \
ip-rv_core_ibex \
ip-rv_dm \
ip-rv_plic_example \
ip-rv_timer \
ip-spi_device \
ip-uart \
ip-usbdev \
ip-usb_fs_nb_pe \
ip-usbuart \
ip-rstmgr \
tlul-socket_1n \
tlul-socket_m1 \
tlul-adapter_reg \
tlul-adapter_sram \
tlul-sram2tlul \
ips_lint = $(addsuffix _lint, $(IPS))
ips_vlint = $(addsuffix _vlint, $(IPS))
ips_slint = $(addsuffix _slint, $(IPS))
# ascentlint targets #
# lint all discovered targets and make a report
all: lint
$(MAKE) report
lint: clean
@echo Discovered lint targets:
@echo -e "\n $(patsubst %,%\\n,$(strip $(ips_lint)))"
$(MAKE) $(ips_lint)
rm -rf build
mkdir -p ${REPORT_DIR}
-fusesoc --cores-root ${CORE_ROOT} run --target=lint --tool=ascentlint lowrisc:$(subst -,:,$(patsubst %_lint,%,$@))
cp build/lowrisc_*$(subst -,_,$(patsubst %_lint,%,$@))*/lint-ascentlint/ascentlint.log ${REPORT_DIR}/$(patsubst %_lint,%,$@).log
cp build/lowrisc_*$(subst -,_,$(patsubst %_lint,%,$@))*/lint-ascentlint/ascentlint.rpt ${REPORT_DIR}/$(patsubst %_lint,%,$@).rpt
# creates a (filtered) summary report from all available ascentlint logs/rpts
# note that lint reports have to be filtered using this script before publishing
# any information from these reports publicly
# note, the filtering script is simplistic ATM and just looks for *.rpt files
# hence we have to temporarily write the output to a file with a different extension
# since otherwise the gen_report script will try to process the summary report as well.
$(eval TMPFILE=$(shell mktemp))
rm -f ${REPORT_DIR}/lint_summary.rpt
./util/ | tee $(TMPFILE)
cp $(TMPFILE) ${REPORT_DIR}/lint_summary.rpt
rm -f $(TMPFILE)
# verilator targets #
vall: vlint
$(MAKE) vreport
vlint: clean
@echo Discovered vlint targets:
@echo -e "\n $(patsubst %,%\\n,$(strip $(ips_vlint)))"
$(MAKE) $(ips_vlint)
rm -rf build
mkdir -p ${REPORT_DIR}
-fusesoc --cores-root ${CORE_ROOT} run --target=lint lowrisc:$(subst -,:,$(patsubst %_vlint,%,$@))
# TODO: add summary reporting
# verible style lint targets #
sall: slint
$(MAKE) sreport
slint: clean
@echo Discovered vlint targets:
@echo -e "\n $(patsubst %,%\\n,$(strip $(ips_vlint)))"
$(MAKE) $(ips_vlint)
# TODO(#1727): pass Verible config file to FuseSoC, once supported by Verible
rm -rf build
mkdir -p ${REPORT_DIR}
-fusesoc --cores-root ${CORE_ROOT} run --target=lint --tool=veriblelint lowrisc:$(subst -,:,$(patsubst %_slint,%,$@))
# TODO: add summary reporting
# common targets #
rm -rf build
rm -rf ${REPORT_DIR}/*
.PHONY: all lint $(ips_lint) report vall vlint $(ips_vlint) \
vreport sall slint $(ips_slint) clean sreport