[ottool] Enums that can round-trip unkown values
This module adds C-like enums which can preserve un-enumerated values.
In rust code, these enums should behave as though in addition to
all enumerated values, there is also a NewType variant which is the
catch-all for unenumerated values.
The enums also have a custom Serialize/Deserialize implementations to
facilitate an optimal user experience in text serialization formats.
That is to say: for enumerated values, these enums serialize as the
named discriminant. For un-enumerated values, these enums serialize
as the integer value.
See the doc-comments for more info.
Signed-off-by: Chris Frantz <cfrantz@google.com>
diff --git a/sw/host/opentitanlib/BUILD b/sw/host/opentitanlib/BUILD
index d05976d..b12fa57 100644
--- a/sw/host/opentitanlib/BUILD
+++ b/sw/host/opentitanlib/BUILD
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
+ "src/util/unknown.rs",
diff --git a/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/util/mod.rs b/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/util/mod.rs
index c55a416..292cf3a 100644
--- a/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/util/mod.rs
+++ b/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/util/mod.rs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
pub mod parse_int;
pub mod present;
pub mod rom_detect;
+pub mod unknown;
pub mod usb;
pub mod voltage;
diff --git a/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/util/unknown.rs b/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/util/unknown.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca7592a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/util/unknown.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+/// Creates C-like enums which preserve unknown (un-enumerated) values.
+/// If you wanted an enum like:
+/// ```
+/// #[repr(u32)]
+/// pub enum HardenedBool {
+/// True = 0x739,
+/// False = 0x146,
+/// Unknown(u32),
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Where the `Unknown` discriminator would be the catch-all for any
+/// non-enumerated values, you can use `with_unknown!` as follows:
+/// ```
+/// with_unknown! {
+/// pub enum HardenedBool: u32 {
+/// True = 0x739,
+/// False = 0x14d,
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// This "enum" can be used later in match statements:
+/// ```
+/// match foo {
+/// HardenedBool::True => do_the_thing(),
+/// HardenedBool::False => do_the_opposite_thing(),
+/// HardenedBool(x) => panic!("Oh noes! {} is neither True nor False!", x),
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Behind the scenes, `with_unknown!` implements a newtype struct and
+/// creates associated constants for each of the enumerated values.
+/// The struct also implements `Copy`, `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`,
+/// `PartialOrd`, `Ord`, `Hash`, `Debug` and `Display` (including the hex,
+/// octal and binary versions).
+/// In addition, `serde::Serialize` and `serde::Deserialize` are
+/// implemented. The serialized form is a string for known values and an
+/// integer for all unknown values.
+macro_rules! with_unknown {
+ (
+ $(
+ $(#[$outer:meta])*
+ $vis:vis enum $Enum:ident: $type:ty {
+ $(
+ $(#[$inner:meta])*
+ $enumerator:ident = $value:expr,
+ )*
+ }
+ )*
+ ) => {$(
+ $(#[$outer])*
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
+ #[repr(transparent)]
+ $vis struct $Enum(pub $type);
+ #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
+ impl $Enum {
+ $(
+ $(#[$inner])*
+ $vis const $enumerator: $Enum = $Enum($value);
+ )*
+ }
+ // Implement the various display traits.
+ $crate::__impl_fmt_unknown!(Display, "{}", "{}", $Enum { $($enumerator),* });
+ $crate::__impl_fmt_unknown!(LowerHex, "{:x}", "{:#x}", $Enum { $($enumerator),* });
+ $crate::__impl_fmt_unknown!(UpperHex, "{:X}", "{:#X}", $Enum { $($enumerator),* });
+ $crate::__impl_fmt_unknown!(Octal, "{:o}", "{:#o}", $Enum { $($enumerator),* });
+ $crate::__impl_fmt_unknown!(Binary, "{:b}", "{:#b}", $Enum { $($enumerator),* });
+ // Manually implement Serialize and Deserialize to have tight control over how
+ // the struct is serialized.
+ const _: () = {
+ use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer};
+ use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Error, Visitor};
+ use std::convert::TryFrom;
+ impl Serialize for $Enum {
+ /// Serializes the enumerated values. All named discriminants are
+ /// serialized to strings. All unknown values are serialized as
+ /// integers.
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+ where
+ S: Serializer,
+ {
+ match *self {
+ $(
+ $Enum::$enumerator => serializer.serialize_str(stringify!($enumerator)),
+ )*
+ $Enum(value) => value.serialize(serializer),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The `EnumVistor` assists in deserializing the value.
+ struct EnumVisitor;
+ impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for EnumVisitor {
+ type Value = $Enum;
+ fn expecting(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ f.write_str(concat!("A valid enumerator of ", stringify!($Enum)))
+ }
+ fn visit_str<E: Error>(self, value: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
+ match value {
+ $(
+ stringify!($enumerator) => Ok($Enum::$enumerator),
+ )*
+ _ => Err(E::custom(format!("unrecognized: {}", value))),
+ }
+ }
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_i8, i8, $Enum, $type);
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_i16, i16, $Enum, $type);
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_i32, i32, $Enum, $type);
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_i64, i64, $Enum, $type);
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_u8, u8, $Enum, $type);
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_u16, u16, $Enum, $type);
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_u32, u32, $Enum, $type);
+ $crate::__expand_visit_fn!(visit_u64, u64, $Enum, $type);
+ }
+ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for $Enum {
+ /// Deserializes the value by forwarding to `deserialize_any`.
+ /// `deserialize_any` will forward strings to the string visitor
+ /// and forward integers to the appropriate integer visitor.
+ fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<$Enum, D::Error>
+ where
+ D: Deserializer<'de>,
+ {
+ deserializer.deserialize_any(EnumVisitor)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ )*};
+macro_rules! __expand_visit_fn {
+ ($visit_func:ident, $ser_type:ty, $Enum:ident, $enum_type:ty) => {
+ fn $visit_func<E>(self, value: $ser_type) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
+ where
+ E: Error,
+ {
+ match <$enum_type>::try_from(value) {
+ Ok(v) => Ok($Enum(v)),
+ Err(_) => Err(E::custom(format!(
+ "cannot convert {:?} to {}({})",
+ value,
+ stringify!($Enum),
+ stringify!($enum_type)
+ ))),
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// Helper macro for implementing the various formatting traits.
+macro_rules! __impl_fmt_unknown {
+ (
+ $Trait:ident, $Fmt:literal, $Alt:literal, $Enum:ident {
+ $($enumerator:ident),*
+ }
+ ) => {
+ impl std::fmt::$Trait for $Enum {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ match *self {
+ $(
+ $Enum::$enumerator => write!(f, "{}", stringify!($enumerator)),
+ )*
+ $Enum(value) => {
+ if f.alternate() {
+ write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Enum), "(", $Alt, ")"), value)
+ } else {
+ write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Enum), "(", $Fmt, ")"), value)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use anyhow::Result;
+ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+ with_unknown! {
+ pub enum HardenedBool: u32 {
+ True = 0x739,
+ False = 0x14d,
+ }
+ // Check the top-level repeat in the macro.
+ enum Misc: u8 {
+ X = 0,
+ Y = 1,
+ Z = 2,
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_display() -> Result<()> {
+ let t = HardenedBool::True;
+ assert_eq!(t.to_string(), "True");
+ let f = HardenedBool::False;
+ assert_eq!(f.to_string(), "False");
+ let j = HardenedBool(0x6A);
+ assert_eq!(j.to_string(), "HardenedBool(106)");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", j), "HardenedBool(6a)");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}", j), "HardenedBool(0x6a)");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", j), "HardenedBool(6A)");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", j), "HardenedBool(152)");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", j), "HardenedBool(1101010)");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:#b}", j), "HardenedBool(0b1101010)");
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ struct SomeBools {
+ a: HardenedBool,
+ b: HardenedBool,
+ c: HardenedBool,
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_serde() -> Result<()> {
+ let b = SomeBools {
+ a: HardenedBool::True,
+ b: HardenedBool::False,
+ c: HardenedBool(0x6a),
+ };
+ let json = serde_json::to_string(&b)?;
+ assert_eq!(json, r#"{"a":"True","b":"False","c":106}"#);
+ let de = serde_json::from_str::<SomeBools>(&json)?;
+ assert_eq!(de, b);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_serde_error() -> Result<()> {
+ let json = r#"{"a":"True","b":"False","c":-1}"#;
+ let de = serde_json::from_str::<SomeBools>(&json);
+ let err = de.unwrap_err().to_string();
+ assert_eq!(
+ err,
+ "cannot convert -1 to HardenedBool(u32) at line 1 column 30"
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }