[dcd] Created the actual CSR files from hjson

use make -C hw regs to create the actual CSR files

Signed-off-by: Eric Shiu <eshiu@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/Makefile b/hw/Makefile
index c497acc..6d79654 100644
--- a/hw/Makefile
+++ b/hw/Makefile
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
        clkmgr        \
        entropy_src   \
        csrng         \
+       dcd           \
        edn           \
        flash_ctrl    \
        gpio          \
diff --git a/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd.sv b/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e742a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// dcd module
+`include "prim_assert.sv"
+module dcd import dcd_pkg::*;(
+  input clk_i,//regular core clock for SW config interface
+  input clk_aon_i,//always-on slow clock for internal logic
+  input rst_ni,//power-on hardware reset
+  input rst_slow_ni,//power-on reset for the 200KHz clock(logic)
+  //Regster interface
+  input  tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i,
+  output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o,
+  output ast_pkg::adc_ast_req_t adc_o,
+  input  ast_pkg::adc_ast_rsp_t adc_i,
+  //Inter-module IO
+  //AST interface
+  //input  [9:0] adc_d,//ADC voltage level, each step is 2.148mV(2200mV/1024). It covers 0-2.2V
+  //input  adc_d_val,//Valid bit(pulse) for adc_d
+  //output logic adc_pd,//Power down ADC(used in deep sleep mode to save power)
+  //output logic [1:0] adc_chnsel,//channel select for ADC; 2’b0 means stop, 2’b01 means first channel, 2’b10 means second channel, 2’b11 ilegal
+  //interrupt interface
+  output logic intr_debug_cable_o,// Debug cable is detected(attached or disconnected); raise the interrupt to CPU
+  //pwrmgr interface
+  output logic debug_cable_wakeup_o //Debug cable is detected; wake up the GSC(CPU) in normal sleep and deep sleep mode
+  //input  [2:0] pwr_sts,//3’b001: deep sleep, 3’b010: normal sleep, 3’b100: fully active
+  import dcd_reg_pkg::* ;
+  dcd_reg2hw_t reg2hw;
+  dcd_hw2reg_t hw2reg;
+  // Register module
+  dcd_reg_top i_reg_top (
+    .clk_i(clk_i),
+    .rst_ni(rst_ni),
+    .tl_i(tl_i),
+    .tl_o(tl_o),
+    .reg2hw(reg2hw),
+    .hw2reg(hw2reg),
+    .devmode_i  (1'b1)
+  );
+  // Instantiate DCD core module
+  dcd_core i_dcd_core (
+    .clk_aon_i(clk_aon_i),
+    .rst_slow_ni(rst_slow_ni),
+    .clk_i(clk_i),
+    .rst_ni(rst_ni),
+    .debug_cable_wakeup(debug_cable_wakeup_o),
+    .intr_debug_cable_o(intr_debug_cable_o),
+    .adc_i(adc_i),
+    .adc_o(adc_o)
+  );
diff --git a/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd_reg_pkg.sv b/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd_reg_pkg.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49c1806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd_reg_pkg.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Register Package auto-generated by `reggen` containing data structure
+package dcd_reg_pkg;
+  // Param list
+  parameter int NumAdcFilter = 8;
+  parameter int NumAdcChannel = 2;
+  // Address width within the block
+  parameter int BlockAw = 7;
+  ////////////////////////////
+  // Typedefs for registers //
+  ////////////////////////////
+  typedef struct packed {
+    logic        q;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_intr_state_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    logic        q;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_intr_enable_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    logic        q;
+    logic        qe;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_intr_test_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } adc_enable;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } oneshot_mode;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_en_ctl_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } lp_mode;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [3:0]  q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } pwrup_time;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [23:0] q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } wakeup_time;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_pd_ctl_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    logic [7:0]  q;
+    logic        qe;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_lp_sample_ctl_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    logic [15:0] q;
+    logic        qe;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_sample_ctl_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    logic        q;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_fsm_rst_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic [1:0]  q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } min_ext;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [9:0] q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } min_v;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } cond;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [1:0]  q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } max_ext;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [9:0] q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } max_v;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_mreg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic [1:0]  q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } min_ext;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [9:0] q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } min_v;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } cond;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [1:0]  q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } max_ext;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [9:0] q;
+      logic        qe;
+    } max_v;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_mreg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter0_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter1_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter2_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter3_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter4_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter5_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter6_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter7_en;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_wakeup_ctl_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter0_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter1_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter2_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter3_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter4_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter5_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter6_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } chn0_1_filter7_en;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        q;
+    } oneshot_intr_en;
+  } dcd_reg2hw_adc_intr_ctl_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    logic        d;
+    logic        de;
+  } dcd_hw2reg_intr_state_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic [1:0]  d;
+      logic        de;
+    } adc_chn_value_ext;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [9:0] d;
+      logic        de;
+    } adc_chn_value;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [1:0]  d;
+      logic        de;
+    } adc_chn_value_intr_ext;
+    struct packed {
+      logic [9:0] d;
+      logic        de;
+    } adc_chn_value_intr;
+  } dcd_hw2reg_adc_chn_val_mreg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_sink_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_1a5_sink_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_3a0_sink_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_src_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_1a5_src_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_src_det_flip;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_1a5_src_det_flip;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_discon;
+  } dcd_hw2reg_adc_wakeup_status_reg_t;
+  typedef struct packed {
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_sink_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_1a5_sink_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_3a0_sink_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_src_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_1a5_src_det;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_src_det_flip;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_1a5_src_det_flip;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } cc_discon;
+    struct packed {
+      logic        d;
+      logic        de;
+    } oneshot;
+  } dcd_hw2reg_adc_intr_status_reg_t;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////
+  // Register to internal design logic //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////
+  typedef struct packed {
+    dcd_reg2hw_intr_state_reg_t intr_state; // [561:561]
+    dcd_reg2hw_intr_enable_reg_t intr_enable; // [560:560]
+    dcd_reg2hw_intr_test_reg_t intr_test; // [559:558]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_en_ctl_reg_t adc_en_ctl; // [557:556]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_pd_ctl_reg_t adc_pd_ctl; // [555:524]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_lp_sample_ctl_reg_t adc_lp_sample_ctl; // [523:515]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_sample_ctl_reg_t adc_sample_ctl; // [514:498]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_fsm_rst_reg_t adc_fsm_rst; // [497:497]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_mreg_t [7:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl; // [496:257]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_mreg_t [7:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl; // [256:17]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_wakeup_ctl_reg_t adc_wakeup_ctl; // [16:9]
+    dcd_reg2hw_adc_intr_ctl_reg_t adc_intr_ctl; // [8:0]
+  } dcd_reg2hw_t;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////
+  // Internal design logic to register //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////
+  typedef struct packed {
+    dcd_hw2reg_intr_state_reg_t intr_state; // [91:90]
+    dcd_hw2reg_adc_chn_val_mreg_t [1:0] adc_chn_val; // [89:34]
+    dcd_hw2reg_adc_wakeup_status_reg_t adc_wakeup_status; // [33:18]
+    dcd_hw2reg_adc_intr_status_reg_t adc_intr_status; // [17:0]
+  } dcd_hw2reg_t;
+  // Register Address
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_INTR_STATE_OFFSET = 7'h 0;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_INTR_ENABLE_OFFSET = 7'h 4;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_INTR_TEST_OFFSET = 7'h 8;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_EN_CTL_OFFSET = 7'h c;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_PD_CTL_OFFSET = 7'h 10;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_LP_SAMPLE_CTL_OFFSET = 7'h 14;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_SAMPLE_CTL_OFFSET = 7'h 18;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_FSM_RST_OFFSET = 7'h 1c;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_0_OFFSET = 7'h 20;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_1_OFFSET = 7'h 24;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_2_OFFSET = 7'h 28;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_3_OFFSET = 7'h 2c;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_4_OFFSET = 7'h 30;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_5_OFFSET = 7'h 34;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_6_OFFSET = 7'h 38;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_7_OFFSET = 7'h 3c;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_0_OFFSET = 7'h 40;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_1_OFFSET = 7'h 44;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_2_OFFSET = 7'h 48;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_3_OFFSET = 7'h 4c;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_4_OFFSET = 7'h 50;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_5_OFFSET = 7'h 54;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_6_OFFSET = 7'h 58;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_7_OFFSET = 7'h 5c;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN_VAL_0_OFFSET = 7'h 60;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_CHN_VAL_1_OFFSET = 7'h 64;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_WAKEUP_CTL_OFFSET = 7'h 68;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_WAKEUP_STATUS_OFFSET = 7'h 6c;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_INTR_CTL_OFFSET = 7'h 70;
+  parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] DCD_ADC_INTR_STATUS_OFFSET = 7'h 74;
+  // Reset values for hwext registers and their fields
+  parameter logic [0:0] DCD_INTR_TEST_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
+  parameter logic [0:0] DCD_INTR_TEST_DEBUG_CABLE_UPDATE_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
+  // Register Index
+  typedef enum int {
+  } dcd_id_e;
+  // Register width information to check illegal writes
+  parameter logic [3:0] DCD_PERMIT [30] = '{
+    4'b 0001, // index[ 0] DCD_INTR_STATE
+    4'b 0001, // index[ 1] DCD_INTR_ENABLE
+    4'b 0001, // index[ 2] DCD_INTR_TEST
+    4'b 0001, // index[ 3] DCD_ADC_EN_CTL
+    4'b 1111, // index[ 4] DCD_ADC_PD_CTL
+    4'b 0001, // index[ 5] DCD_ADC_LP_SAMPLE_CTL
+    4'b 0011, // index[ 6] DCD_ADC_SAMPLE_CTL
+    4'b 0001, // index[ 7] DCD_ADC_FSM_RST
+    4'b 1111, // index[ 8] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_0
+    4'b 1111, // index[ 9] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_1
+    4'b 1111, // index[10] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_2
+    4'b 1111, // index[11] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_3
+    4'b 1111, // index[12] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_4
+    4'b 1111, // index[13] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_5
+    4'b 1111, // index[14] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_6
+    4'b 1111, // index[15] DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_7
+    4'b 1111, // index[16] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_0
+    4'b 1111, // index[17] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_1
+    4'b 1111, // index[18] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_2
+    4'b 1111, // index[19] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_3
+    4'b 1111, // index[20] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_4
+    4'b 1111, // index[21] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_5
+    4'b 1111, // index[22] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_6
+    4'b 1111, // index[23] DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_7
+    4'b 1111, // index[24] DCD_ADC_CHN_VAL_0
+    4'b 1111, // index[25] DCD_ADC_CHN_VAL_1
+    4'b 0001, // index[26] DCD_ADC_WAKEUP_CTL
+    4'b 0001, // index[27] DCD_ADC_WAKEUP_STATUS
+    4'b 0011, // index[28] DCD_ADC_INTR_CTL
+    4'b 0011  // index[29] DCD_ADC_INTR_STATUS
+  };
diff --git a/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd_reg_top.sv b/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd_reg_top.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c74f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/dcd/rtl/dcd_reg_top.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,4716 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Register Top module auto-generated by `reggen`
+`include "prim_assert.sv"
+module dcd_reg_top (
+  input clk_i,
+  input rst_ni,
+  // Below Regster interface can be changed
+  input  tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i,
+  output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o,
+  // To HW
+  output dcd_reg_pkg::dcd_reg2hw_t reg2hw, // Write
+  input  dcd_reg_pkg::dcd_hw2reg_t hw2reg, // Read
+  // Integrity check errors
+  output logic intg_err_o,
+  // Config
+  input devmode_i // If 1, explicit error return for unmapped register access
+  import dcd_reg_pkg::* ;
+  localparam int AW = 7;
+  localparam int DW = 32;
+  localparam int DBW = DW/8;                    // Byte Width
+  // register signals
+  logic           reg_we;
+  logic           reg_re;
+  logic [AW-1:0]  reg_addr;
+  logic [DW-1:0]  reg_wdata;
+  logic [DBW-1:0] reg_be;
+  logic [DW-1:0]  reg_rdata;
+  logic           reg_error;
+  logic          addrmiss, wr_err;
+  logic [DW-1:0] reg_rdata_next;
+  tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_reg_h2d;
+  tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_reg_d2h;
+  // incoming payload check
+  logic intg_err;
+  tlul_cmd_intg_chk u_chk (
+    .tl_i,
+    .err_o(intg_err)
+  );
+  logic intg_err_q;
+  always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
+    if (!rst_ni) begin
+      intg_err_q <= '0;
+    end else if (intg_err) begin
+      intg_err_q <= 1'b1;
+    end
+  end
+  // integrity error output is permanent and should be used for alert generation
+  // register errors are transactional
+  assign intg_err_o = intg_err_q | intg_err;
+  // outgoing integrity generation
+  tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o_pre;
+  tlul_rsp_intg_gen u_rsp_intg_gen (
+    .tl_i(tl_o_pre),
+    .tl_o
+  );
+  assign tl_reg_h2d = tl_i;
+  assign tl_o_pre   = tl_reg_d2h;
+  tlul_adapter_reg #(
+    .RegAw(AW),
+    .RegDw(DW)
+  ) u_reg_if (
+    .clk_i,
+    .rst_ni,
+    .tl_i (tl_reg_h2d),
+    .tl_o (tl_reg_d2h),
+    .we_o    (reg_we),
+    .re_o    (reg_re),
+    .addr_o  (reg_addr),
+    .wdata_o (reg_wdata),
+    .be_o    (reg_be),
+    .rdata_i (reg_rdata),
+    .error_i (reg_error)
+  );
+  assign reg_rdata = reg_rdata_next ;
+  assign reg_error = (devmode_i & addrmiss) | wr_err | intg_err;
+  // Define SW related signals
+  // Format: <reg>_<field>_{wd|we|qs}
+  //        or <reg>_{wd|we|qs} if field == 1 or 0
+  logic intr_state_qs;
+  logic intr_state_wd;
+  logic intr_state_we;
+  logic intr_enable_qs;
+  logic intr_enable_wd;
+  logic intr_enable_we;
+  logic intr_test_wd;
+  logic intr_test_we;
+  logic adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_qs;
+  logic adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_wd;
+  logic adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_we;
+  logic adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_qs;
+  logic adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_wd;
+  logic adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_we;
+  logic adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_qs;
+  logic adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_wd;
+  logic adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_we;
+  logic [3:0] adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_qs;
+  logic [3:0] adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_wd;
+  logic adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_we;
+  logic [23:0] adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_qs;
+  logic [23:0] adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_wd;
+  logic adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_we;
+  logic [7:0] adc_lp_sample_ctl_qs;
+  logic [7:0] adc_lp_sample_ctl_wd;
+  logic adc_lp_sample_ctl_we;
+  logic [15:0] adc_sample_ctl_qs;
+  logic [15:0] adc_sample_ctl_wd;
+  logic adc_sample_ctl_we;
+  logic adc_fsm_rst_qs;
+  logic adc_fsm_rst_wd;
+  logic adc_fsm_rst_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_we;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_qs;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_we;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_qs;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_we;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_wd;
+  logic adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_we;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_ext_0_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_0_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_0_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_0_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_ext_1_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_1_qs;
+  logic [1:0] adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_1_qs;
+  logic [9:0] adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_1_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_we;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_qs;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_wd;
+  logic adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_discon_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_discon_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_cc_discon_we;
+  logic adc_intr_status_oneshot_qs;
+  logic adc_intr_status_oneshot_wd;
+  logic adc_intr_status_oneshot_we;
+  // Register instances
+  // R[intr_state]: V(False)
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_intr_state (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (intr_state_we),
+    .wd     (intr_state_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.intr_state.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.intr_state.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.intr_state.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (intr_state_qs)
+  );
+  // R[intr_enable]: V(False)
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_intr_enable (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (intr_enable_we),
+    .wd     (intr_enable_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.intr_enable.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (intr_enable_qs)
+  );
+  // R[intr_test]: V(True)
+  prim_subreg_ext #(
+    .DW    (1)
+  ) u_intr_test (
+    .re     (1'b0),
+    .we     (intr_test_we),
+    .wd     (intr_test_wd),
+    .d      ('0),
+    .qre    (),
+    .qe     (reg2hw.intr_test.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.intr_test.q ),
+    .qs     ()
+  );
+  // R[adc_en_ctl]: V(False)
+  //   F[adc_enable]: 0:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_en_ctl_adc_enable (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_we),
+    .wd     (adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_en_ctl.adc_enable.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[oneshot_mode]: 1:1
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_we),
+    .wd     (adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_en_ctl.oneshot_mode.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_pd_ctl]: V(False)
+  //   F[lp_mode]: 0:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_we),
+    .wd     (adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_pd_ctl.lp_mode.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_pd_ctl.lp_mode.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[pwrup_time]: 7:4
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (4),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (4'h6)
+  ) u_adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_we),
+    .wd     (adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_pd_ctl.pwrup_time.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_pd_ctl.pwrup_time.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[wakeup_time]: 31:8
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (24),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (24'h640)
+  ) u_adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_we),
+    .wd     (adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_pd_ctl.wakeup_time.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_pd_ctl.wakeup_time.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_lp_sample_ctl]: V(False)
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (8),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (8'h4)
+  ) u_adc_lp_sample_ctl (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_lp_sample_ctl_we),
+    .wd     (adc_lp_sample_ctl_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_lp_sample_ctl.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_lp_sample_ctl.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_lp_sample_ctl_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_sample_ctl]: V(False)
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (16),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (16'h9b)
+  ) u_adc_sample_ctl (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_sample_ctl_we),
+    .wd     (adc_sample_ctl_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_sample_ctl.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_sample_ctl.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_sample_ctl_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_fsm_rst]: V(False)
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_fsm_rst (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_fsm_rst_we),
+    .wd     (adc_fsm_rst_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_fsm_rst.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_fsm_rst_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 0 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_0]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_0]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_0]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_0]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_0]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[0].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 1 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_1]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_1]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_1]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_1]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_1]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[1].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 2 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_2]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_2]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_2]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_2]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_2]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[2].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 3 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_3]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_3]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_3]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_3]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_3]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[3].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 4 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_4]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_4]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_4]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_4]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_4]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[4].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 5 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_5]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_5]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_5]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_5]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_5]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[5].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 6 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_6]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_6]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_6]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_6]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_6]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[6].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 7 of Multireg adc_chn0_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_7]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_7]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_7]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_7]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_7]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn0_filter_ctl[7].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 0 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_0]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_0]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_0]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_0]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_0]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[0].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 1 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_1]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_1]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_1]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_1]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_1]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[1].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 2 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_2]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_2]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_2]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_2]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_2]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[2].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 3 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_3]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_3]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_3]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_3]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_3]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[3].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 4 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_4]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_4]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_4]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_4]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_4]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[4].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 5 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_5]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_5]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_5]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_5]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_5]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[5].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 6 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_6]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_6]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_6]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_6]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_6]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[6].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 7 of Multireg adc_chn1_filter_ctl
+  // R[adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7]: V(False)
+  // F[min_ext_7]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].min_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].min_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[min_v_7]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].min_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].min_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[cond_7]: 12:12
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].cond.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].cond.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_ext_7]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].max_ext.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].max_ext.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_qs)
+  );
+  // F[max_v_7]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_we),
+    .wd     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].max_v.qe),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_chn1_filter_ctl[7].max_v.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 0 of Multireg adc_chn_val
+  // R[adc_chn_val_0]: V(False)
+  // F[adc_chn_value_ext_0]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_ext_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value_ext.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value_ext.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_ext_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[adc_chn_value_0]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[adc_chn_value_intr_ext_0]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value_intr_ext.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value_intr_ext.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_0_qs)
+  );
+  // F[adc_chn_value_intr_0]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_0 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value_intr.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[0].adc_chn_value_intr.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_0_qs)
+  );
+  // Subregister 1 of Multireg adc_chn_val
+  // R[adc_chn_val_1]: V(False)
+  // F[adc_chn_value_ext_1]: 1:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_ext_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value_ext.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value_ext.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_ext_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[adc_chn_value_1]: 11:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[adc_chn_value_intr_ext_1]: 17:16
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (2),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (2'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value_intr_ext.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value_intr_ext.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_1_qs)
+  );
+  // F[adc_chn_value_intr_1]: 27:18
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (10),
+    .SWACCESS("RO"),
+    .RESVAL  (10'h0)
+  ) u_adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_1 (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    .we     (1'b0),
+    .wd     ('0  ),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value_intr.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_chn_val[1].adc_chn_value_intr.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_1_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_wakeup_ctl]: V(False)
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter0_en]: 0:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter0_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter1_en]: 1:1
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter1_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter2_en]: 2:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter2_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter3_en]: 3:3
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter3_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter4_en]: 4:4
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter4_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter5_en]: 5:5
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter5_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter6_en]: 6:6
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter6_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter7_en]: 7:7
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_wakeup_ctl.chn0_1_filter7_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_wakeup_status]: V(False)
+  //   F[cc_sink_det]: 0:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_sink_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_sink_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_1a5_sink_det]: 1:1
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_1a5_sink_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_1a5_sink_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_3a0_sink_det]: 2:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_3a0_sink_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_3a0_sink_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_src_det]: 3:3
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_src_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_src_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_1a5_src_det]: 4:4
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_1a5_src_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_1a5_src_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_src_det_flip]: 5:5
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_src_det_flip.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_src_det_flip.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_1a5_src_det_flip]: 6:6
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_1a5_src_det_flip.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_1a5_src_det_flip.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_discon]: 7:7
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_we),
+    .wd     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_discon.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_wakeup_status.cc_discon.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_intr_ctl]: V(False)
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter0_en]: 0:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter0_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter1_en]: 1:1
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter1_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter2_en]: 2:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter2_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter3_en]: 3:3
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter3_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter4_en]: 4:4
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter4_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter5_en]: 5:5
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter5_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter6_en]: 6:6
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter6_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[chn0_1_filter7_en]: 7:7
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.chn0_1_filter7_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[oneshot_intr_en]: 8:8
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("RW"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (1'b0),
+    .d      ('0  ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (reg2hw.adc_intr_ctl.oneshot_intr_en.q ),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_qs)
+  );
+  // R[adc_intr_status]: V(False)
+  //   F[cc_sink_det]: 0:0
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_sink_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_sink_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_1a5_sink_det]: 1:1
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_1a5_sink_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_1a5_sink_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_3a0_sink_det]: 2:2
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_3a0_sink_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_3a0_sink_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_src_det]: 3:3
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_src_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_src_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_src_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_1a5_src_det]: 4:4
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_1a5_src_det.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_1a5_src_det.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_src_det_flip]: 5:5
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_src_det_flip.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_src_det_flip.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_1a5_src_det_flip]: 6:6
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_1a5_src_det_flip.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_1a5_src_det_flip.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[cc_discon]: 7:7
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_cc_discon (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_cc_discon_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_cc_discon_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_discon.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.cc_discon.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_cc_discon_qs)
+  );
+  //   F[oneshot]: 8:8
+  prim_subreg #(
+    .DW      (1),
+    .SWACCESS("W1C"),
+    .RESVAL  (1'h0)
+  ) u_adc_intr_status_oneshot (
+    .clk_i   (clk_i    ),
+    .rst_ni  (rst_ni  ),
+    // from register interface
+    .we     (adc_intr_status_oneshot_we),
+    .wd     (adc_intr_status_oneshot_wd),
+    // from internal hardware
+    .de     (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.oneshot.de),
+    .d      (hw2reg.adc_intr_status.oneshot.d ),
+    // to internal hardware
+    .qe     (),
+    .q      (),
+    // to register interface (read)
+    .qs     (adc_intr_status_oneshot_qs)
+  );
+  logic [29:0] addr_hit;
+  always_comb begin
+    addr_hit = '0;
+    addr_hit[ 0] = (reg_addr == DCD_INTR_STATE_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 1] = (reg_addr == DCD_INTR_ENABLE_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 2] = (reg_addr == DCD_INTR_TEST_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 3] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_EN_CTL_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 4] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_PD_CTL_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 5] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_LP_SAMPLE_CTL_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 6] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_SAMPLE_CTL_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 7] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_FSM_RST_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 8] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_0_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[ 9] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_1_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[10] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_2_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[11] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_3_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[12] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_4_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[13] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_5_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[14] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_6_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[15] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN0_FILTER_CTL_7_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[16] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_0_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[17] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_1_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[18] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_2_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[19] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_3_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[20] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_4_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[21] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_5_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[22] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_6_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[23] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN1_FILTER_CTL_7_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[24] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN_VAL_0_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[25] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_CHN_VAL_1_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[26] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_WAKEUP_CTL_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[27] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_WAKEUP_STATUS_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[28] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_INTR_CTL_OFFSET);
+    addr_hit[29] = (reg_addr == DCD_ADC_INTR_STATUS_OFFSET);
+  end
+  assign addrmiss = (reg_re || reg_we) ? ~|addr_hit : 1'b0 ;
+  // Check sub-word write is permitted
+  always_comb begin
+    wr_err = 1'b0;
+    if (addr_hit[ 0] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 0] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 0] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 1] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 1] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 1] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 2] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 2] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 2] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 3] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 3] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 3] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 4] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 4] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 4] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 5] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 5] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 5] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 6] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 6] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 6] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 7] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 7] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 7] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 8] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 8] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 8] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[ 9] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[ 9] != (DCD_PERMIT[ 9] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[10] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[10] != (DCD_PERMIT[10] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[11] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[11] != (DCD_PERMIT[11] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[12] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[12] != (DCD_PERMIT[12] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[13] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[13] != (DCD_PERMIT[13] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[14] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[14] != (DCD_PERMIT[14] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[15] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[15] != (DCD_PERMIT[15] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[16] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[16] != (DCD_PERMIT[16] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[17] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[17] != (DCD_PERMIT[17] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[18] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[18] != (DCD_PERMIT[18] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[19] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[19] != (DCD_PERMIT[19] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[20] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[20] != (DCD_PERMIT[20] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[21] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[21] != (DCD_PERMIT[21] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[22] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[22] != (DCD_PERMIT[22] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[23] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[23] != (DCD_PERMIT[23] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[24] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[24] != (DCD_PERMIT[24] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[25] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[25] != (DCD_PERMIT[25] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[26] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[26] != (DCD_PERMIT[26] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[27] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[27] != (DCD_PERMIT[27] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[28] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[28] != (DCD_PERMIT[28] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+    if (addr_hit[29] && reg_we && (DCD_PERMIT[29] != (DCD_PERMIT[29] & reg_be))) wr_err = 1'b1 ;
+  end
+  assign intr_state_we = addr_hit[0] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign intr_state_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign intr_enable_we = addr_hit[1] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign intr_enable_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign intr_test_we = addr_hit[2] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign intr_test_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_we = addr_hit[3] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_we = addr_hit[3] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_wd = reg_wdata[1];
+  assign adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_we = addr_hit[4] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_we = addr_hit[4] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_wd = reg_wdata[7:4];
+  assign adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_we = addr_hit[4] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_wd = reg_wdata[31:8];
+  assign adc_lp_sample_ctl_we = addr_hit[5] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_lp_sample_ctl_wd = reg_wdata[7:0];
+  assign adc_sample_ctl_we = addr_hit[6] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_sample_ctl_wd = reg_wdata[15:0];
+  assign adc_fsm_rst_we = addr_hit[7] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_fsm_rst_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_we = addr_hit[8] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_we = addr_hit[8] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_we = addr_hit[8] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_we = addr_hit[8] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_we = addr_hit[8] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_we = addr_hit[9] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_we = addr_hit[9] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_we = addr_hit[9] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_we = addr_hit[9] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_we = addr_hit[9] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_we = addr_hit[10] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_we = addr_hit[10] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_we = addr_hit[10] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_we = addr_hit[10] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_we = addr_hit[10] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_we = addr_hit[11] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_we = addr_hit[11] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_we = addr_hit[11] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_we = addr_hit[11] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_we = addr_hit[11] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_we = addr_hit[12] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_we = addr_hit[12] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_we = addr_hit[12] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_we = addr_hit[12] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_we = addr_hit[12] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_we = addr_hit[13] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_we = addr_hit[13] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_we = addr_hit[13] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_we = addr_hit[13] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_we = addr_hit[13] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_we = addr_hit[14] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_we = addr_hit[14] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_we = addr_hit[14] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_we = addr_hit[14] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_we = addr_hit[14] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_we = addr_hit[15] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_we = addr_hit[15] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_we = addr_hit[15] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_we = addr_hit[15] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_we = addr_hit[15] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_we = addr_hit[16] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_we = addr_hit[16] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_we = addr_hit[16] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_we = addr_hit[16] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_we = addr_hit[16] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_we = addr_hit[17] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_we = addr_hit[17] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_we = addr_hit[17] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_we = addr_hit[17] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_we = addr_hit[17] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_we = addr_hit[18] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_we = addr_hit[18] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_we = addr_hit[18] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_we = addr_hit[18] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_we = addr_hit[18] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_we = addr_hit[19] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_we = addr_hit[19] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_we = addr_hit[19] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_we = addr_hit[19] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_we = addr_hit[19] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_we = addr_hit[20] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_we = addr_hit[20] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_we = addr_hit[20] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_we = addr_hit[20] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_we = addr_hit[20] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_we = addr_hit[21] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_we = addr_hit[21] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_we = addr_hit[21] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_we = addr_hit[21] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_we = addr_hit[21] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_we = addr_hit[22] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_we = addr_hit[22] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_we = addr_hit[22] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_we = addr_hit[22] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_we = addr_hit[22] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_we = addr_hit[23] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_wd = reg_wdata[1:0];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_we = addr_hit[23] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_wd = reg_wdata[11:2];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_we = addr_hit[23] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_wd = reg_wdata[12];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_we = addr_hit[23] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_wd = reg_wdata[17:16];
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_we = addr_hit[23] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_wd = reg_wdata[27:18];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_wd = reg_wdata[1];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_wd = reg_wdata[2];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_wd = reg_wdata[3];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_wd = reg_wdata[4];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_wd = reg_wdata[5];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_wd = reg_wdata[6];
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_we = addr_hit[26] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_wd = reg_wdata[7];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_wd = reg_wdata[1];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_wd = reg_wdata[2];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_wd = reg_wdata[3];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_wd = reg_wdata[4];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_wd = reg_wdata[5];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_wd = reg_wdata[6];
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_we = addr_hit[27] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_wd = reg_wdata[7];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_wd = reg_wdata[1];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_wd = reg_wdata[2];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_wd = reg_wdata[3];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_wd = reg_wdata[4];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_wd = reg_wdata[5];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_wd = reg_wdata[6];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_wd = reg_wdata[7];
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_we = addr_hit[28] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_wd = reg_wdata[8];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_wd = reg_wdata[1];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_wd = reg_wdata[2];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_wd = reg_wdata[3];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_wd = reg_wdata[4];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_wd = reg_wdata[5];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_wd = reg_wdata[6];
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_discon_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_cc_discon_wd = reg_wdata[7];
+  assign adc_intr_status_oneshot_we = addr_hit[29] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+  assign adc_intr_status_oneshot_wd = reg_wdata[8];
+  // Read data return
+  always_comb begin
+    reg_rdata_next = '0;
+    unique case (1'b1)
+      addr_hit[0]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = intr_state_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[1]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = intr_enable_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[2]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = '0;
+      end
+      addr_hit[3]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = adc_en_ctl_adc_enable_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[1] = adc_en_ctl_oneshot_mode_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[4]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = adc_pd_ctl_lp_mode_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[7:4] = adc_pd_ctl_pwrup_time_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[31:8] = adc_pd_ctl_wakeup_time_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[5]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[7:0] = adc_lp_sample_ctl_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[6]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[15:0] = adc_sample_ctl_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[7]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = adc_fsm_rst_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[8]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[9]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[10]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[11]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[12]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[13]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[14]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[15]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn0_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[16]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_ext_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_min_v_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_cond_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_ext_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_0_max_v_0_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[17]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_ext_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_min_v_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_cond_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_ext_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_1_max_v_1_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[18]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_ext_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_min_v_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_cond_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_ext_2_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_2_max_v_2_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[19]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_ext_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_min_v_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_cond_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_ext_3_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_3_max_v_3_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[20]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_ext_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_min_v_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_cond_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_ext_4_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_4_max_v_4_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[21]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_ext_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_min_v_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_cond_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_ext_5_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_5_max_v_5_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[22]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_ext_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_min_v_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_cond_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_ext_6_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_6_max_v_6_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[23]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_ext_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_min_v_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[12] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_cond_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_ext_7_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn1_filter_ctl_7_max_v_7_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[24]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_ext_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_0_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn_val_0_adc_chn_value_intr_0_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[25]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[1:0] = adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_ext_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[11:2] = adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[17:16] = adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_ext_1_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[27:18] = adc_chn_val_1_adc_chn_value_intr_1_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[26]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[1] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[2] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[3] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[4] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[5] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[6] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[7] = adc_wakeup_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[27]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_sink_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[1] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[2] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[3] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[4] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[5] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_src_det_flip_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[6] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[7] = adc_wakeup_status_cc_discon_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[28]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter0_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[1] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter1_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[2] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter2_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[3] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter3_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[4] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter4_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[5] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter5_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[6] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter6_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[7] = adc_intr_ctl_chn0_1_filter7_en_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[8] = adc_intr_ctl_oneshot_intr_en_qs;
+      end
+      addr_hit[29]: begin
+        reg_rdata_next[0] = adc_intr_status_cc_sink_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[1] = adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_sink_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[2] = adc_intr_status_cc_3a0_sink_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[3] = adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[4] = adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[5] = adc_intr_status_cc_src_det_flip_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[6] = adc_intr_status_cc_1a5_src_det_flip_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[7] = adc_intr_status_cc_discon_qs;
+        reg_rdata_next[8] = adc_intr_status_oneshot_qs;
+      end
+      default: begin
+        reg_rdata_next = '1;
+      end
+    endcase
+  end
+  // Unused signal tieoff
+  // wdata / byte enable are not always fully used
+  // add a blanket unused statement to handle lint waivers
+  logic unused_wdata;
+  logic unused_be;
+  assign unused_wdata = ^reg_wdata;
+  assign unused_be = ^reg_be;
+  // Assertions for Register Interface
+  `ASSERT_PULSE(wePulse, reg_we)
+  `ASSERT_PULSE(rePulse, reg_re)
+  `ASSERT(reAfterRv, $rose(reg_re || reg_we) |=> tl_o.d_valid)
+  `ASSERT(en2addrHit, (reg_we || reg_re) |-> $onehot0(addr_hit))
+  // this is formulated as an assumption such that the FPV testbenches do disprove this
+  // property by mistake
+  //`ASSUME(reqParity, tl_reg_h2d.a_valid |-> tl_reg_h2d.a_user.chk_en == tlul_pkg::CheckDis)