[prim_clock_div] Update waiver file

Signed-off-by: Michael Schaffner <msf@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/ip/prim/lint/prim_clock_div.waiver b/hw/ip/prim/lint/prim_clock_div.waiver
index bd6e48c..6bd9884 100644
--- a/hw/ip/prim/lint/prim_clock_div.waiver
+++ b/hw/ip/prim/lint/prim_clock_div.waiver
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@
 # waiver file for prim_clock_div
+waive -rules CLOCK_EDGE -location {prim_clock_div.sv} -msg {Falling edge of clock 'clk_i' used here, should use rising edge} \
+      -comment "The clock switch signal is synchronized on negative edge to ensure it is away from any transition"
 waive -rules DUAL_EDGE_CLOCK -location {prim_clock_div.sv} -regexp {.*} \
       -comment "The clock switch signal is synchronized on negative edge to ensure it is away from any transition"
 waive -rules CLOCK_MUX -location {prim_clock_div.sv} -regexp {.*reaches a multiplexer here, used as a clock.*} \
       -comment "A mux is used during scan bypass, and for switching between div by 2 and div by 1 clocks"