[dv/kmac] update reset handling in scb
this PR is a follow on to enabling the stress tests,
this enhances the reset handling logic in the cycle accurate model to
correctly function during `stress_all_with_rand_reset_test`.
Signed-off-by: Udi Jonnalagadda <udij@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/ip/kmac/dv/env/kmac_scoreboard.sv b/hw/ip/kmac/dv/env/kmac_scoreboard.sv
index c8bcb05..c73019c 100644
--- a/hw/ip/kmac/dv/env/kmac_scoreboard.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/kmac/dv/env/kmac_scoreboard.sv
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
// local variables
+ // Represents the number of blocks that have been filled in sha3pad
+ int num_blocks_filled = 0;
// Whenever the keccak rounds are running, the `complete` signal is raised at the end
// for a single cycle to signal to sha3 control logic that the keccak engine is completed.
@@ -205,54 +208,68 @@
@(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
- @(posedge in_edn_fetch);
- // Entropy interface is native 32 bits - prim_edn_req component internally
- // does as many EDN fetches as necessary to fill up the required data bus size
- // of the "host", in this case KMAC needs 64 bits of entropy so prim_edn_req
- // performs 2 fetches from the EDN network.
- repeat (kmac_pkg::MsgWidth / cip_base_pkg::EDN_BUS_WIDTH) begin
- edn_fifo.get(edn_item);
- end
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "got all edn transactions", UVM_HIGH)
- // Receiving the last EDN sequence item is synchronized on the EDN clock,
- // so we need to synchronize into the KMAC clock domain.
- // This takes 4 clock cycles total, on the last cycle the entropy is marked as valid
- // to the keccak logic and any pending keccak rounds can begin.
- cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(4);
- in_edn_fetch = 0;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped in_edn_fetch", UVM_HIGH)
- if (refresh_entropy) begin
- refresh_entropy = 0;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped refresh_entropy", UVM_HIGH)
- end
- // after EDN request returns fresh entropy, it only becomes valid after 6 cycles:
- // - 5 to expand the entropy
- // - 1 to latch the entropy
- cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(CYCLES_TO_FILL_ENTROPY + 1);
+ forever begin
+ @(posedge in_edn_fetch);
+ // Entropy interface is native 32 bits - prim_edn_req component internally
+ // does as many EDN fetches as necessary to fill up the required data bus size
+ // of the "host", in this case KMAC needs 64 bits of entropy so prim_edn_req
+ // performs 2 fetches from the EDN network.
+ repeat (kmac_pkg::MsgWidth / cip_base_pkg::EDN_BUS_WIDTH) begin
+ edn_fifo.get(edn_item);
+ end
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "got all edn transactions", UVM_HIGH)
+ // Receiving the last EDN sequence item is synchronized on the EDN clock,
+ // so we need to synchronize into the KMAC clock domain.
+ // This takes 4 clock cycles total, on the last cycle the entropy is marked as valid
+ // to the keccak logic and any pending keccak rounds can begin.
+ cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(4);
+ in_edn_fetch = 0;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped in_edn_fetch", UVM_HIGH)
+ if (refresh_entropy) begin
+ refresh_entropy = 0;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped refresh_entropy", UVM_HIGH)
+ end
+ // after EDN request returns fresh entropy, it only becomes valid after 6 cycles:
+ // - 5 to expand the entropy
+ // - 1 to latch the entropy
+ cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(CYCLES_TO_FILL_ENTROPY + 1);
+ end
+ ,
+ wait(cfg.under_reset);
+ )
// This task will check for any sideload keys that have been provided
virtual task process_sideload_key();
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
- // Wait for a valid sideloaded key
- cfg.sideload_vif.wait_valid(logic'(1'b1));
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
+ forever begin
+ // Wait for a valid sideloaded key
+ cfg.sideload_vif.wait_valid(logic'(1'b1));
- // Once valid sideload keys have been seen, update scoreboard state.
- //
- // Note: max size of sideloaded key is keymgr_pkg::KeyWidth
+ // Once valid sideload keys have been seen, update scoreboard state.
+ //
+ // Note: max size of sideloaded key is keymgr_pkg::KeyWidth
- sideload_key = cfg.sideload_vif.sideload_key;
+ sideload_key = cfg.sideload_vif.sideload_key;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("detected valid sideload_key: %0p", sideload_key), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("detected valid sideload_key: %0p", sideload_key), UVM_HIGH)
- for (int i = 0; i < keymgr_pkg::KeyWidth / 32; i++) begin
- keymgr_keys[0][i] = sideload_key.key_share0[i*32 +: 32];
- keymgr_keys[1][i] = sideload_key.key_share1[i*32 +: 32];
- end
+ for (int i = 0; i < keymgr_pkg::KeyWidth / 32; i++) begin
+ keymgr_keys[0][i] = sideload_key.key_share0[i*32 +: 32];
+ keymgr_keys[1][i] = sideload_key.key_share1[i*32 +: 32];
+ end
- // Sequence will drop the sideloaded key after scb can process the digest
- cfg.sideload_vif.wait_valid(logic'(1'b0));
+ // Sequence will drop the sideloaded key after scb can process the digest
+ cfg.sideload_vif.wait_valid(logic'(1'b0));
+ end
+ ,
+ wait(cfg.under_reset);
+ )
@@ -264,28 +281,36 @@
virtual task detect_kmac_app_start();
@(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
- // If we are not in KMAC_APP mode, the next time we see valid is the start
- // of a KMAC_APP operation.
- //
- // Assume that application interface requests do not collide.
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "waiting for new kmac_app request", UVM_HIGH)
- wait(!in_kmac_app &&
- (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppKeymgr) ||
- in_kmac_app = 1;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised in_kmac_app", UVM_HIGH)
+ forever begin
+ // If we are not in KMAC_APP mode, the next time we see valid is the start
+ // of a KMAC_APP operation.
+ //
+ // Assume that application interface requests do not collide.
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "waiting for new kmac_app request", UVM_HIGH)
+ wait(!in_kmac_app &&
+ (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppKeymgr) ||
+ in_kmac_app = 1;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised in_kmac_app", UVM_HIGH)
- // we need to choose the correct application interface
- if (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppKeymgr)) begin
- app_mode = AppKeymgr;
- end else if (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppLc)) begin
- app_mode = AppLc;
- end else if (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppRom)) begin
- app_mode = AppRom;
+ // we need to choose the correct application interface
+ if (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppKeymgr)) begin
+ app_mode = AppKeymgr;
+ end else if (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppLc)) begin
+ app_mode = AppLc;
+ end else if (`KMAC_APP_VALID_TRANS(AppRom)) begin
+ app_mode = AppRom;
+ end
+ @(posedge sha3_idle);
+ end
+ ,
+ wait(cfg.under_reset);
+ )
+ if (cfg.under_reset) begin
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
- @(posedge sha3_idle);
@@ -340,94 +365,128 @@
// the KMAC_APP digest and clearing internal state for the next hash operation.
virtual task process_kmac_app_rsp_fifo();
kmac_app_item kmac_app_rsp;
- fork
- begin
- forever begin
- wait(!cfg.under_reset);
- @(posedge in_kmac_app);
- `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("rsp app_mode: %0s", app_mode.name()), UVM_HIGH)
- kmac_app_rsp_fifo[app_mode].get(kmac_app_rsp);
- `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Detected a KMAC_APP response:\n%0s", kmac_app_rsp.sprint()), UVM_HIGH)
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
+ forever begin
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
+ fork
+ begin
+ forever begin
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
+ @(posedge in_kmac_app);
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("rsp app_mode: %0s", app_mode.name()), UVM_HIGH)
+ kmac_app_rsp_fifo[app_mode].get(kmac_app_rsp);
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ $sformatf("Detected a KMAC_APP response:\n%0s",
+ kmac_app_rsp.sprint()),
- // safety check that things are working properly and no random KMAC_APP operations are seen
- `DV_CHECK_FATAL(in_kmac_app == 1, "in_kmac_app is not set, scoreboard has not picked up KMAC_APP request")
+ // safety check that things are working properly and
+ // no random KMAC_APP operations are seen
+ `DV_CHECK_FATAL(in_kmac_app == 1,
+ "in_kmac_app is not set, scoreboard has not picked up KMAC_APP request")
- // TODO error checks
+ // TODO error checks
- // assign digest values
- kmac_app_digest_share0 = kmac_app_rsp.rsp_digest_share0;
- kmac_app_digest_share1 = kmac_app_rsp.rsp_digest_share1;
+ // assign digest values
+ kmac_app_digest_share0 = kmac_app_rsp.rsp_digest_share0;
+ kmac_app_digest_share1 = kmac_app_rsp.rsp_digest_share1;
- check_digest();
+ check_digest();
- in_kmac_app = 0;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped in_kmac_app", UVM_HIGH)
+ in_kmac_app = 0;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped in_kmac_app", UVM_HIGH)
- clear_state();
- ,
- wait(cfg.under_reset || !in_kmac_app);
- )
- end
- end
- begin
- forever begin
- wait(!cfg.under_reset);
- @(posedge in_kmac_app);
- @(negedge in_kmac_app);
- if (entropy_mode == EntropyModeEdn) begin
- cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(3);
- in_edn_fetch = cfg.enable_masking;
- refresh_entropy = cfg.enable_masking;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised refresh_entropy", UVM_HIGH)
- end
- end
- end
- join
+ clear_state();
+ ,
+ wait(!in_kmac_app);
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ forever begin
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
+ @(posedge in_kmac_app);
+ @(negedge in_kmac_app);
+ if (entropy_mode == EntropyModeEdn) begin
+ cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(3);
+ in_edn_fetch = cfg.enable_masking;
+ refresh_entropy = cfg.enable_masking;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised refresh_entropy", UVM_HIGH)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ join
+ ,
+ wait(cfg.under_reset);
+ )
+ end
// This task updates the internal sha3_idle status field
virtual task process_sha3_idle();
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
- // sha3_idle drops when CmdStart command is sent or a KMAC_APP op is detected
- @(posedge in_kmac_app or kmac_cmd == CmdStart);
- sha3_idle = 0;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped sha3_idle", UVM_HIGH)
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
+ forever begin
+ // sha3_idle drops when CmdStart command is sent or a KMAC_APP op is detected
+ @(posedge in_kmac_app or kmac_cmd == CmdStart);
+ sha3_idle = 0;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped sha3_idle", UVM_HIGH)
- // sha3_idle goes high when either KMAC_APP op is complete or CmdDone command is sent by SW
- @(negedge in_kmac_app or kmac_cmd == CmdDone);
- sha3_idle = 1;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised sha3_idle", UVM_HIGH)
+ // sha3_idle goes high when either KMAC_APP op is complete or
+ // CmdDone command is sent by SW
+ @(negedge in_kmac_app or kmac_cmd == CmdDone);
+ sha3_idle = 1;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised sha3_idle", UVM_HIGH)
+ end
+ ,
+ wait(cfg.under_reset);
+ )
// This task updates the internal sha3_absorb status field
virtual task process_sha3_absorb();
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
- // sha3_absorb should go high when CmdStart is written or
- // when KMAC_APP op is started
- @(posedge in_kmac_app or kmac_cmd == CmdStart);
- sha3_absorb = 1;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised sha3_absorb", UVM_HIGH)
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
+ forever begin
+ // sha3_absorb should go high when CmdStart is written or
+ // when KMAC_APP op is started
+ @(posedge in_kmac_app or kmac_cmd == CmdStart);
+ sha3_absorb = 1;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "raised sha3_absorb", UVM_HIGH)
- // sha3_absorb should go low one cycle after KMAC has finished calculating digest
- @(posedge msg_digest_done);
- cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(1);
- sha3_absorb = 0;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped sha3_absorb", UVM_HIGH)
+ // sha3_absorb should go low one cycle after KMAC has finished calculating digest
+ @(posedge msg_digest_done);
+ cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(1);
+ sha3_absorb = 0;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "dropped sha3_absorb", UVM_HIGH)
+ end
+ ,
+ wait(cfg.under_reset);
+ )
// This task updates the internal sha3_squeeze status field
virtual task process_sha3_squeeze();
bit is_kmac_app_op;
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
@(negedge sha3_idle);
forever begin
// sha3_squeeze goes high one cycle after KMAC has finished calculating digest,
@(posedge msg_digest_done);
- // latch whether we are doing a KMAC_APP op to accurate determine when to raise sha3_squeeze
+ // latch whether we are doing a KMAC_APP op to accurately
+ // determine when to raise sha3_squeeze
is_kmac_app_op = in_kmac_app;
// don't have to wait if manually squezing, squeeze status goes high immediately
// since immediate transition back into processing state
@@ -457,7 +516,9 @@
// This task handles asserting the `kmac_done` interrupt bit
virtual task process_intr_kmac_done();
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
+ wait(!cfg.under_reset);
@(negedge sha3_idle);
@@ -483,87 +544,96 @@
// the processing is complete.
// Naturally this only applies if KMAC mode is enabled.
virtual task process_prefix_and_keys();
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
- // Wait for KMAC to move out of IDLE state, meaning that:
- // - CmdStart has been issued
- // - KMAC_APP op has been started
- @(negedge sha3_idle);
- ,
- wait(in_kmac_app == 1);
- )
- `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("detected in_kmac_app: %0d", in_kmac_app), UVM_HIGH)
+ forever begin
+ // Wait for KMAC to move out of IDLE state, meaning that:
+ // - CmdStart has been issued
+ // - KMAC_APP op has been started
+ @(negedge sha3_idle);
+ ,
+ wait(in_kmac_app == 1);
+ )
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("detected in_kmac_app: %0d", in_kmac_app), UVM_HIGH)
- // Only process prefix/key if using KMAC, or if using the application interface
- if (kmac_en || in_kmac_app) begin
- fork
- if (!in_kmac_app) begin : wait_cmd_process_header
- // We need to be able to detect if a CmdProcess is asserted in the middle of
- // processing the prefix and keys, as this changes the timing of how msgfifo
- // is flushed
- wait(kmac_cmd == CmdProcess);
- cmd_process_in_header = 1;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "seen CmdProcess during prefix and key processing", UVM_HIGH)
- end : wait_cmd_process_header
- if (in_kmac_app) begin : wait_kmac_app_last_header
- // We need to be able to detect if the last block of a KMAC_APP request is sent
- // during processing of the prefix and secret keys, as this changes the timing
- wait(kmac_app_last == 1);
- kmac_app_last_in_header = 1;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "seen kmac_app_last during prefix and key processing", UVM_HIGH)
+ // Only process prefix/key if using KMAC, or if using the application interface
+ if (kmac_en || in_kmac_app) begin
+ fork
+ if (!in_kmac_app) begin : wait_cmd_process_header
+ // We need to be able to detect if a CmdProcess is asserted in the middle of
+ // processing the prefix and keys, as this changes the timing of how msgfifo
+ // is flushed
+ wait(kmac_cmd == CmdProcess);
+ cmd_process_in_header = 1;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "seen CmdProcess during prefix and key processing", UVM_HIGH)
+ end : wait_cmd_process_header
+ if (in_kmac_app) begin : wait_kmac_app_last_header
+ // We need to be able to detect if the last block of a KMAC_APP request is sent
+ // during processing of the prefix and secret keys, as this changes the timing
+ wait(kmac_app_last == 1);
+ kmac_app_last_in_header = 1;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "seen kmac_app_last during prefix and key processing", UVM_HIGH)
+ end
+ begin : wait_process_header
+ // Denotes the number of keccak rounds we have to wait for to finish
+ // processing the header (prefix + secret keys).
+ //
+ // This is treated as a separate int variable because it is possible for us
+ // to have to wait only for 1 keccak round - this happens when the ROM or LC
+ // sends data through the application interface.
+ int num_keccak_rounds_in_header;
+ // If KMAC mode enabled, wait for the prefix and keys to be absorbed by keccak.
+ //
+ // Note that both absorptions will take the same number of cycles
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "starting to wait for prefix and key to be processed", UVM_HIGH)
+ // if in_kmac_app is detected, we have sampled it right before the
+ // rising clock edge in the same simulation timestep.
+ // We need to synchronize this to the clock edge to avoid having it be caught
+ // when we're waiting for sha3pad to process everything.
+ if (in_kmac_app) begin
+ cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(1);
+ // wait for prefix and keys if Keymgr is using KMAC hash
+ // since it sends in secret keys, but only wait for the prefix if
+ // ROM/LC is using KMAC hash, since they only run CShake hash
+ num_keccak_rounds_in_header = (app_mode == AppKeymgr) ? 2 : 1;
+ end else begin
+ // If not using application interface, always will be running KMAC hash,
+ // so wait for both prefix and keys to be processed
+ num_keccak_rounds_in_header = 2;
+ end
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_keccak_rounds_in_header; i++) begin
+ // wait either 21 or 17 cycles for sha3pad logic to send the prefix/key
+ // to the keccak_round logic (this is the keccak rate)
+ cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(sha3_pkg::KeccakRate[strength]);
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "finished waiting for sha3pad process", UVM_HIGH)
+ // wait for the keccak logic to perform KECCAK_NUM_ROUNDS rounds
+ wait_keccak_rounds(.is_key_process(
+ (kmac_en && entropy_fast_process) ? (i == 1) : 0));
+ end
+ prefix_and_keys_done = 1;
+ `uvm_info(`gfn, "finished processing prefix and keys", UVM_HIGH)
+ // Ensure that we can correctly capture scenario where CmdProcess is seen on
+ // final cycle of prefix/key processing
+ #0;
+ disable wait_cmd_process_header;
+ disable wait_kmac_app_last_header;
+ end : wait_process_header
+ join
+ end
+ @(posedge sha3_idle);
- begin : wait_process_header
- // Denotes the number of keccak rounds we have to wait for to finish
- // processing the header (prefix + secret keys).
- //
- // This is treated as a separate int variable because it is possible for us
- // to have to wait only for 1 keccak round - this happens when the ROM or LC
- // sends data through the application interface.
- int num_keccak_rounds_in_header;
- // If KMAC mode enabled, wait for the prefix and keys to be absorbed by keccak.
- //
- // Note that both absorptions will take the same number of cycles
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "starting to wait for prefix and key to be processed", UVM_HIGH)
- // if in_kmac_app is detected, we have sampled it right before the rising clock edge
- // in the same simulation timestep, need to synchronize to this clock edge
- // to avoid having it be caught when we're waiting for sha3pad to process everything
- if (in_kmac_app) begin
- cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(1);
- // wait for prefix and keys if Keymgr is using KMAC hash, since it sends in secret
- // keys, but only wait for the prefix if ROM/LC is using KMAC hash, since they only
- // run CShake hash
- num_keccak_rounds_in_header = (app_mode == AppKeymgr) ? 2 : 1;
- end else begin
- // If not using application interface, always will be running KMAC hash,
- // so wait for both prefix and keys to be processed
- num_keccak_rounds_in_header = 2;
- end
- for (int i = 0; i < num_keccak_rounds_in_header; i++) begin
- // wait either 21 or 17 cycles for sha3pad logic to send the prefix/key
- // to the keccak_round logic (this is the keccak rate)
- cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(sha3_pkg::KeccakRate[strength]);
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "finished waiting for sha3pad process", UVM_HIGH)
- // wait for the keccak logic to perform KECCAK_NUM_ROUNDS rounds
- wait_keccak_rounds(.is_key_process((kmac_en && entropy_fast_process) ? (i == 1) : 0));
- end
- prefix_and_keys_done = 1;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "finished processing prefix and keys", UVM_HIGH)
- // Ensure that we can correctly capture scenario where CmdProcess is seen on
- // final cycle of prefix/key processing
- #0;
- disable wait_cmd_process_header;
- disable wait_kmac_app_last_header;
- end : wait_process_header
- join
- end
- @(posedge sha3_idle);
+ ,
+ wait(cfg.under_reset);
+ )
@@ -743,8 +813,6 @@
// pushing into the msgfifo
bit partial_msg;
- int num_blocks_filled = 0;
bit block_ready_after_flush_keccak = 0;
bit cmd_process_after_prefix_and_small_msg;
@@ -928,7 +996,10 @@
- `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("increment num_blocks_filled: %0d", num_blocks_filled), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ $sformatf("increment num_blocks_filled: %0d",
+ num_blocks_filled),
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("fifo_rd_ptr: %0d", fifo_rd_ptr), UVM_HIGH)
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("fifo_wr_ptr: %0d", fifo_wr_ptr), UVM_HIGH)
@@ -942,12 +1013,13 @@
// some data left in msgfifo/sha3pad
// - we've seen CmdProcess while processing prefix and secret keys
// (only in KMAC mode)
- // - we are in KMAC_APP mode (meaning that kmac_app_last was seen during
- // prefix/key processing or during a keccak data hashing round)
+ // - we are in KMAC_APP mode (meaning that kmac_app_last was seen
+ // during prefix/key processing or during a
+ // keccak data hashing round)
// Wait for the fifo to correctly transition through flush states,
- // waiting an extra cycle delay if the `incr_fifo_wr_in_process` condition
- // was met.
+ // waiting an extra cycle delay if the `incr_fifo_wr_in_process`
+ // condition was met.
if (in_kmac_app || cmd_process_in_keccak_and_blocks_left ||
cmd_process_in_header || !cmd_process_fifo_depth) begin
@@ -975,7 +1047,9 @@
// pushing into the msgfifo
partial_msg = `CALC_PARTIAL_MSG;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "all blocks full while flushing fifo, running keccak rounds", UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ "all blocks full while flushing fifo, running keccak rounds",
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("partial_msg: %0d", partial_msg), UVM_HIGH)
// fifo_rd_ptr can keep incrementing as the keccak rounds start
@@ -1022,7 +1096,9 @@
do_increment = 0;
if (num_blocks_filled == sha3_pkg::KeccakRate[strength]) begin
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "filled up blocks while processing full kmac_app_last block", UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ "filled up blocks while processing full kmac_app_last block",
num_blocks_filled = 0;
// if need to run keccak rounds, fifo_rd_ptr increments one cycle later
@@ -1037,12 +1113,14 @@
do_increment = 1;
do_increment = 0;
- end else if (kmac_app_block_strb_size + 3 < keymgr_pkg::KmacDataIfWidth/8) begin
+ end else if (kmac_app_block_strb_size + 3 <
+ keymgr_pkg::KmacDataIfWidth/8) begin
do_increment = 1;
do_increment = 0;
- end else if (kmac_app_block_strb_size + 3 >= keymgr_pkg::KmacDataIfWidth/8) begin
+ end else if (kmac_app_block_strb_size + 3 >=
+ keymgr_pkg::KmacDataIfWidth/8) begin
do_increment = 1;
@@ -1056,7 +1134,9 @@
if (num_blocks_filled == sha3_pkg::KeccakRate[strength]) begin
wait_kmac_app_flush = 0;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "filled up blocks while processing overflow kmac_app_last block", UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ "filled up blocks while processing overflow kmac_app_last block",
num_blocks_filled = 0;
@@ -1103,13 +1183,19 @@
// Add a zero delay here to ensure all fifo-related state is correctly updated
`uvm_info(`gfn, "don't have a full set of blocks yet", UVM_HIGH)
- `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("num_blocks_filled: %0d", num_blocks_filled), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ $sformatf("num_blocks_filled: %0d",
+ num_blocks_filled),
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("fifo_wr_ptr: %0d", fifo_wr_ptr), UVM_HIGH)
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("fifo_rd_ptr: %0d", fifo_rd_ptr), UVM_HIGH)
if (fifo_wr_ptr > fifo_rd_ptr) begin
`uvm_info(`gfn, "have enough to fill another block", UVM_HIGH)
- `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("increment num_blocks_filled: %0d", num_blocks_filled), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ $sformatf("increment num_blocks_filled: %0d",
+ num_blocks_filled),
do_increment = 1;
@@ -1130,14 +1216,16 @@
// During the time that keccak logic is active, need to detect an incoming
// CmdProcess request (only if not in KMAC_APP mode).
- // If we see a CmdProcess be written, we can assert `msg_digest_done` after the current
- // hash is complete.
+ // If we see a CmdProcess be written, we can assert `msg_digest_done`
+ // after the current hash is complete.
bit sw_process_seen_in_keccak = 0;
bit sw_process_and_keccak_complete = 0;
- `uvm_info(`gfn, "filled up keccak input blocks, sending to keccak to process", UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info(`gfn,
+ "filled up keccak input blocks, sending to keccak to process",
begin : wait_for_cmd_process
@@ -1261,6 +1349,7 @@
// Note that squeezing more output can never happen during KMAC_APP operation
virtual task process_manual_digest_squeeze();
+ @(negedge cfg.under_reset);
forever begin
@(negedge sha3_idle);
@@ -1908,8 +1997,12 @@
+ kmac_cmd = CmdNone;
first_op_after_rst = 1;
+ num_blocks_filled = 0;
// status tracking bits
sha3_idle = ral.status.sha3_idle.get_reset();
sha3_absorb = ral.status.sha3_absorb.get_reset();