[dv/sram] implement pipelining test and update scb

this PR adds the SRAM pipelining test as laid out in the testplan.

in this test, we choose a random mem address and send a series of
back-to-back transactions to that address, to stress the internal
pipelining and forwarding logic.

this requires an overhaul of the scoreboard as the SRAM pipelining logic
means that while TL memory requests are handled in-order, the underlying
memory macro is updated in an out-of-order fashion, leading to several
tricky edge cases.

NOTE: this PR depends on #5530 to be merged first, as that contains a
      fix for an issue uncovered by this test.

Signed-off-by: Udi Jonnalagadda <udij@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_base_vseq.sv b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_base_vseq.sv
index 784bcff..0091296 100644
--- a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_base_vseq.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_base_vseq.sv
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
   // various knobs to enable certain routines
   bit do_sram_ctrl_init = 1'b1;
+  bit stress_pipeline = 1'b0;
   virtual task dut_init(string reset_kind = "HARD");
     if (do_sram_ctrl_init) sram_ctrl_init();
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@
+    csr_utils_pkg::wait_no_outstanding_access();
   // Task to perform a single SRAM write at the specified location
@@ -72,6 +75,24 @@
+    csr_utils_pkg::wait_no_outstanding_access();
+  endtask
+  // This task is designed to kick off `num_stress_ops` back to back memory transactions
+  // to the same address, to stress the SRAM pipelining implementation
+  virtual task do_stress_ops(bit [TL_AW-1:0] addr,
+                             int num_stress_ops);
+    bit [TL_DW-1:0] data;
+    repeat (num_stress_ops) begin
+      tl_access(.addr(addr),
+                .data(data),
+                .mask(get_rand_contiguous_mask()),
+                .write($urandom_range(0, 1)),
+                .blocking(1'b0),
+                .tl_sequencer_h(p_sequencer.sram_tl_sequencer_h));
+    end
+    csr_utils_pkg::wait_no_outstanding_access();
   // Task to perform `num_ops` fully randomized memory transactions.
@@ -92,6 +113,7 @@
+    csr_utils_pkg::wait_no_outstanding_access();
 endclass : sram_ctrl_base_vseq
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_smoke_vseq.sv b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_smoke_vseq.sv
index 3b0127e..8b157a1 100644
--- a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_smoke_vseq.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_smoke_vseq.sv
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
               $sformatf("Performing %0d random memory accesses after reset!", num_ops_after_reset),
-    do_rand_ops(num_ops_after_reset, 1);
+    do_rand_ops(num_ops_after_reset);
     `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Starting %0d SRAM transactions", num_trans), UVM_LOW)
     for (int i = 0; i < num_trans; i++) begin
@@ -66,7 +66,13 @@
                 $sformatf("Performing %0d random memory accesses!", num_ops),
-      do_rand_ops(num_ops);
+      if (stress_pipeline) begin
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_ops; i++) begin
+          do_stress_ops($urandom(), $urandom_range(5, 20));
+        end
+      end else begin
+        do_rand_ops(num_ops);
+      end
   endtask : body
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq.sv b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fedc154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+class sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq extends sram_ctrl_multiple_keys_vseq;
+  `uvm_object_utils(sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq)
+  `uvm_object_new
+  // Since we now perform multiple accesses to each address, lower the total num_ops
+  // to prevent simulations taking forever
+  constraint num_ops_c {
+    num_ops dist {
+      [1 : 1000] :/ 1,
+      [1001 : 2500] :/ 6,
+      [2501 : 4000] :/ 2,
+      [4001 : 5000] :/ 1
+    };
+  }
+  virtual task pre_start();
+    stress_pipeline = 1'b1;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.a_valid_delay_min = 0;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.a_valid_delay_max = 0;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.a_ready_delay_min = 0;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.a_ready_delay_max = 0;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.d_ready_delay_min = 0;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.d_ready_delay_max = 0;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.d_valid_delay_min = 0;
+    cfg.m_sram_cfg.d_valid_delay_max = 0;
+    super.pre_start();
+  endtask
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_vseq_list.sv b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_vseq_list.sv
index 3067abd..b5f06e2 100644
--- a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_vseq_list.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/sram_ctrl_vseq_list.sv
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
 `include "sram_ctrl_common_vseq.sv"
 `include "sram_ctrl_multiple_keys_vseq.sv"
 `include "sram_ctrl_bijection_vseq.sv"
+`include "sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq.sv"
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_env.core b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_env.core
index 316eacd..8de00f3 100644
--- a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_env.core
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_env.core
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
       - seq_lib/sram_ctrl_smoke_vseq.sv: {is_include_file: true}
       - seq_lib/sram_ctrl_multiple_keys_vseq.sv: {is_include_file: true}
       - seq_lib/sram_ctrl_bijection_vseq.sv: {is_include_file: true}
+      - seq_lib/sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq.sv: {is_include_file: true}
     file_type: systemVerilogSource
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_scoreboard.sv b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_scoreboard.sv
index b6f012b..c4722e9 100644
--- a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_scoreboard.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/env/sram_ctrl_scoreboard.sv
@@ -41,16 +41,64 @@
   // local queues to hold incoming packets pending comparison
-  // mailbox to send a sram_trans_t struct to the data phase collection,
-  // where read addresses can be collected.
-  mailbox #(sram_trans_t) data_phase_mbox;
+  // store addr_phase information about incoming transaction
+  mailbox #(sram_trans_t) addr_phase_mbox;
   // mailbox that all completed sram_trans_t structs will be pushed into for processing.
+  //
+  // transaction order in this mailbox represents the orderr in which the underlying memory
+  // will actually perform memory operations, taking into account any forwarding/reordering.
+  //
+  // Use mailbox to enforce atomic FIFO ordering.
   mailbox #(sram_trans_t) completed_trans_mbox;
   otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_key_t key     = sram_ctrl_pkg::RndCnstSramKeyDefault;
   otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_nonce_t nonce = sram_ctrl_pkg::RndCnstSramNonceDefault;
+  // Data holding "register" and transaction info for use in forwarding situations
+  // e.g. if a write is followed by a read, the write transaction is held
+  //      and is not immediately reflected in the memory macro
+  sram_trans_t held_trans;
+  // the held data is assumed to be masked correctly, to deal with tricky situations where
+  // a read follows b2b writes of the same address (each with different masks) -
+  // we need to be able to have access to the most updated version of the write data
+  bit [TL_DW-1:0] held_data;
+  bit in_raw_hazard = 0;
+  // utility function to word-align an input TL address
+  // (SRAM is indexed at word granularity)
+  function bit [TL_AW-1:0] word_align_addr(bit [TL_AW-1:0] addr);
+    return {addr[TL_AW-1:2], 2'b00};
+  endfunction
+  // utility function to reset all fields of a sram_trans_t
+  function void clear_trans(ref sram_trans_t t);
+    t.we    = 0;
+    t.addr  = '0;
+    t.data  = '0;
+    t.mask  = '0;
+    t.key   = sram_ctrl_pkg::RndCnstSramKeyDefault;
+    t.nonce = sram_ctrl_pkg::RndCnstSramNonceDefault;
+  endfunction
+  // utility function to clear all RAW hazard state
+  function void clear_hazard_state();
+    in_raw_hazard = 0;
+    held_data = '0;
+    clear_trans(held_trans);
+  endfunction
+  // utility function to expand a TLUL mask to a full bit-mask
+  function bit [TL_DW-1:0] expand_bit_mask(bit [TL_DBW-1:0] mask);
+    bit [TL_DW-1:0] bitmask = '0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < TL_DBW; i++) begin
+      bitmask[i*8 +: 8] = {8{mask[i]}};
+    end
+    return bitmask;
+  endfunction
   function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
     sram_tl_a_chan_fifo = new("sram_tl_a_chan_fifo", this);
@@ -58,7 +106,7 @@
     kdi_fifo = new("kdi_fifo", this);
-    data_phase_mbox = new();
+    addr_phase_mbox = new();
     completed_trans_mbox = new();
@@ -72,7 +120,7 @@
-      process_sram_trans();
+      process_completed_trans();
@@ -80,41 +128,70 @@
     tl_seq_item item;
     sram_trans_t addr_trans;
     forever begin
-      sram_tl_a_chan_fifo.get(item);
-      if (!cfg.en_scb) continue;
-      `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Received sram_tl_a_chan item:\n%0s", item.sprint()), UVM_HIGH)
+      if (cfg.en_scb) begin
-      // TODO: need to ensure that we don't process TLUL errors
+        if (sram_tl_a_chan_fifo.try_get(item) > 0) begin // received a tl_seq_item
+          `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Received sram_tl_a_chan item:\n%0s", item.sprint()), UVM_HIGH)
-      addr_trans.we = item.is_write();
-      addr_trans.addr = item.a_addr;
-      addr_trans.mask = item.a_mask;
+          // TODO: need to ensure that we don't process TLUL errors
-      addr_trans.key = key;
-      addr_trans.nonce = nonce;
+          addr_trans.we    = item.is_write();
+          addr_trans.addr  = word_align_addr(item.a_addr);
+          addr_trans.mask  = item.a_mask;
+          addr_trans.key   = key;
+          addr_trans.nonce = nonce;
+          if (item.is_write()) begin
+            addr_trans.data = item.a_data;
+          end
-      // Only set data in address phase if a write is detected
-      if (item.is_write()) begin
-        addr_trans.data = item.a_data;
-        // write the completed transaction to be processed
-        completed_trans_mbox.put(addr_trans);
-        `uvm_info({`gfn, "::process_sram_tl_a_chan_fifo()"},
-                  $sformatf("Put COMPLETED_WRITE transaction into completed_trans_mbox: %0p", addr_trans),
-                  UVM_HIGH)
-      end else begin
-        // on a read transaction, set the address and then send the incomplete transaction item
-        // to be completed in the data phase
-        data_phase_mbox.put(addr_trans);
-        `uvm_info({`gfn, "::process_sram_tl_a_chan_fifo()"},
-                  $sformatf("Put INCOMPLETE_READ transaction into data_phase_mbox: %0p", addr_trans),
-                  UVM_HIGH)
+          // write the addr_trans into the mailbox
+          addr_phase_mbox.put(addr_trans);
+          `uvm_info({`gfn, "::process_sram_tl_a_chan_fifo()"},
+                    $sformatf("Put ADDR_PHASE transaction into addr_phase_mbox: %0p", addr_trans),
+                    UVM_HIGH)
+          // terminate the raw_hazard status if we see this series of mem accesses -
+          // `write -> 1+ reads -> write`, where we are currently looking at
+          // the final `write` transaction
+          //
+          // in this case, we should send the held write transaction off to be checked,
+          // and not do anything to the pending address transaction currently in the address phase
+          //
+          // we also need to lower `in_raw_hazard` as we no longer require data forwarding
+          cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_n_clks(1);
+          if (in_raw_hazard && addr_trans.we) begin
+            `uvm_info(`gfn, "next b2b transaction is a write, clearing hazard state", UVM_HIGH)
+            completed_trans_mbox.put(held_trans);
+            clear_hazard_state();
+          end
+        end else begin // didn't receive tl_seq_item
+          // terminate the raw_hazard status in the scenario:
+          // `write -> 1+ reads -> empty cycle` - if an empty cycle occurs after the last read
+          // transaction that causes a hazard, the write will be resolved during this cycle,
+          // so clear the hazard status and check the held write transaction
+          if (in_raw_hazard) begin
+            `uvm_info(`gfn, "Empty cycle seen after hazardous read, clearing hazard state", UVM_HIGH)
+            completed_trans_mbox.put(held_trans);
+            clear_hazard_state();
+          end
+        end
+      // wait a cycle before next non-blocking check to sram_tl_a_chan
+      cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(1);
+      // small delay to allow monitor to complete putting item into sram_tl_a_chan_fifo
+      #1;
   virtual task process_sram_tl_d_chan_fifo();
     tl_seq_item item;
+    sram_trans_t addr_trans;
     sram_trans_t data_trans;
     forever begin
       if (!cfg.en_scb) continue;
@@ -125,22 +202,111 @@
       // check packet integrity
-      // here we only want to process read responses
+      // the addr_phase_mbox will be populated during A_phase of each memory transaction.
-      // TODO: for now...
-      if (item.d_opcode == tlul_pkg::AccessAckData) begin
-        // if data channel has a read response, then there is an incomplete transaction
-        // waiting in the data_phase_mbox
-        data_phase_mbox.get(data_trans);
-        `uvm_info({`gfn, "::process_sram_tl_d_chan_fifo()"},
-                  $sformatf("Got INCOMPLETE_READ transaction from data_phase_mbox: %0p", data_trans),
-                  UVM_HIGH)
-        // set the read response data
+      // since we use the addr_phase_mbox in this task to check for data forwarding hazards,
+      // need to keep it up to date with the current transaction.
+      //
+      // it is guaranteed that both:
+      // - the mailbox will have at least 1 addr_trans item in it at this point
+      // - the first item in the mailbox matches up to the current data_phase transaction
+      //
+      // as a result we can safely remove the item from the mailbox here
+      `DV_CHECK_NE(addr_phase_mbox.try_get(addr_trans), 0,
+        "AddrPhase transaction not available in addr_phase_mbox")
+      // assign data_trans fields
+      clear_trans(data_trans);
+      data_trans.addr  = word_align_addr(item.a_addr);
+      data_trans.mask  = item.a_mask;
+      data_trans.key   = key;
+      data_trans.nonce = nonce;
+      `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("in_raw_hazard: %0d",  in_raw_hazard), UVM_HIGH)
+      if (item.d_opcode == tlul_pkg::AccessAckData) begin // read
+        `uvm_info(`gfn, "Processing READ transaction", UVM_HIGH)
+        data_trans.we = 0;
         data_trans.data = item.d_data;
-        completed_trans_mbox.put(data_trans);
-        `uvm_info({`gfn, "::process_sram_tl_d_chan_fifo()"},
-                  $sformatf("Put COMPLETED_READ transaction into completed_trans_mbox: %0p", data_trans),
-                  UVM_HIGH)
+        if (in_raw_hazard) begin
+          // executing a read while `in_raw_hazard` is high means that this read comes after
+          // the most recent write transaction, which has then been held
+          //
+          // as a result we need to check for an address collision then act accordingly.
+          // if we have an address collision (read address is the same as the pending write address)
+          // return data based on the `held_data`
+          if (data_trans.addr == held_trans.addr) begin
+            bit [TL_DW-1:0] exp_masked_rdata = held_data & expand_bit_mask(item.a_mask);
+            `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("exp_masked_rdata: 0x%0x", exp_masked_rdata), UVM_HIGH)
+            `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(exp_masked_rdata, item.d_data)
+          end else begin
+            // in this case we do not have a strict RAW hazard on the same address,
+            // so we can check the read transaction normally, as it will complete
+            // before the pending write
+            completed_trans_mbox.put(data_trans);
+          end
+        end else begin
+          completed_trans_mbox.put(data_trans);
+        end
+      end else if (item.d_opcode == tlul_pkg::AccessAck) begin // write
+        bit b2b_detected;
+        `uvm_info(`gfn, "Processing WRITE transaction", UVM_HIGH)
+        data_trans.we = 1;
+        data_trans.data = item.a_data;
+        // insert a small delay before checking addr_phase_mbox to allow b2b
+        // transactions to be picked up (otherwise we wait until the next cycle)
+        #1;
+        // peek at the next address phase request
+        b2b_detected = addr_phase_mbox.try_peek(addr_trans);
+        `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("b2b_detected: %0d", b2b_detected), UVM_HIGH)
+        if (b2b_detected) begin
+          bit  [TL_AW-1:0] waddr = '0;
+          `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("addr_trans: %0p", addr_trans), UVM_HIGH)
+          if (addr_trans.we == 0) begin
+            // if we see a read directly after a write and we are not currently in a RAW hazard
+            // handling state, we need to do the following:
+            //
+            // - backdoor read the memory at the given address to get the currently stored data,
+            //   and update the scb data holding "register" with this value
+            //
+            // - overwrite this data holding register with the masked write data sent by the
+            //   original write transaction that caused the forwarding scenario (this is so that
+            //   sub-word reads reading different bytes from the ones being written can still
+            //   return the most recently written values)
+            `uvm_info(`gfn, "detected RAW hazard", UVM_HIGH)
+            in_raw_hazard = 1;
+            held_trans = data_trans;
+            waddr = {data_trans.addr[TL_AW-1:2], 2'b00};
+            held_data = cfg.mem_bkdr_vif.sram_encrypt_read32(waddr, data_trans.key, data_trans.nonce);
+            for (int i = 0; i < TL_DBW; i++) begin
+              if (data_trans.mask[i]) begin
+                held_data[i*8 +: 8] = data_trans.data[i*8 +: 8];
+              end
+            end
+            `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("new held_data: 0x%0x", held_data), UVM_HIGH)
+          end else begin
+            // if we have a write-after-write scenario, whether the addresses are the same or not,
+            // just proceed as normal and send the current transaction off to be checked
+            completed_trans_mbox.put(data_trans);
+          end
+        end else begin
+          // if no b2b transaction detected, it is safe to send
+          // the collected transaction off for checking
+          completed_trans_mbox.put(data_trans);
+        end
@@ -165,19 +331,21 @@
   // This task continuously pulls items from the completed_trans_mbox
   // and checks them for correctness by using the mem_bkdr_if.
-  virtual task process_sram_trans();
+  //
+  // TLUL allows partial reads and writes, so we first need to construct a bit-mask
+  // based off of the TLUL mask field.
+  // We then read from the memory using the backdoor interface, and can then directly compare
+  // the TLUL response data to the backdoor-read data using the bit-mask.
+  virtual task process_completed_trans();
     sram_trans_t trans;
     forever begin
-      // SRAM writes take 2 cycles to execute, while reads return data in the TLUL response.
-      if (trans.we) begin
-        cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(2);
-      end
-      `uvm_info({`gfn, "::process_sram_trans()"},
-                $sformatf("Received COMPLETED transaction from completed_trans_mbox: %0p", trans),
+      `uvm_info({`gfn, "::process_completed_trans()"},
+                $sformatf("Checking SRAM memory transaction: %0p", trans),
@@ -199,19 +367,16 @@
     bit [TL_DW-1:0] exp_masked_data;
     bit [TL_DW-1:0] act_masked_data;
-    `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Checking SRAM memory transaction: %0p", t), UVM_HIGH)
     // Word align the request address
     word_addr = {t.addr[TL_AW-1:2], 2'b00};
     `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("word_addr: 0x%0x", word_addr), UVM_HIGH)
-    // Expand the byte-oriented mask into a full bit mask
-    for (int i = 0; i < TL_DBW; i++) begin
-      bit_mask[i*8 +: 8] = {8{t.mask[i]}};
-    end
+    bit_mask = expand_bit_mask(t.mask);
     // backdoor read the mem
     exp_data = cfg.mem_bkdr_vif.sram_encrypt_read32(word_addr, t.key, t.nonce);
+    `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("exp_data: 0x%0x", exp_data), UVM_HIGH)
     exp_masked_data = exp_data & bit_mask;
     act_masked_data = t.data & bit_mask;
@@ -222,6 +387,7 @@
     `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(exp_masked_data, act_masked_data)
   virtual task process_tl_access(tl_seq_item item, tl_channels_e channel = DataChannel);
     uvm_reg csr;
     bit     do_read_check   = 1'b1;
@@ -300,12 +466,16 @@
   virtual function void reset(string kind = "HARD");
-    // reset local fifos queues and variables
+    clear_hazard_state();
   function void check_phase(uvm_phase phase);
-    // post test checks - ensure that all local fifos and queues are empty
+    `DV_EOT_PRINT_TLM_FIFO_CONTENTS(tl_seq_item, sram_tl_a_chan_fifo)
+    `DV_EOT_PRINT_TLM_FIFO_CONTENTS(tl_seq_item, sram_tl_d_chan_fifo)
+    `DV_EOT_PRINT_TLM_FIFO_CONTENTS(push_pull_item#(.DeviceDataWidth(KDI_DATA_SIZE)), kdi_fifo)
+    `DV_CHECK_EQ(addr_phase_mbox.num(), 0, "Items still remain in addr_phase_mbox!")
+    `DV_CHECK_EQ(completed_trans_mbox.num(), 0, "Items still remain in completed_trans_mbox!")
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_base_sim_cfg.hjson b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_base_sim_cfg.hjson
index f1dfec3..8d9198d 100644
--- a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_base_sim_cfg.hjson
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_base_sim_cfg.hjson
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@
       name: "{variant}_bijection"
       uvm_test_seq: sram_ctrl_bijection_vseq
+    {
+      name: "{variant}_stress_pipeline"
+      uvm_test_seq: sram_ctrl_stress_pipeline_vseq
+    }
   // List of regressions.
diff --git a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_wrapper.sv b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_wrapper.sv
index c28e7e7..8e57e17 100644
--- a/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_wrapper.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/sram_ctrl/dv/sram_ctrl_wrapper.sv
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@
   // TLUL Adapter SRAM
   tlul_adapter_sram #(
-    .SramDw(DataWidth)
+    .SramDw(DataWidth),
+    .Outstanding(2)
   ) u_tl_adapter_sram (
     .clk_i    (clk_i          ),
     .rst_ni   (rst_ni         ),