[util] Added Python script to generate a status report of the DIFs.

Signed-off-by: Timothy Trippel <ttrippel@google.com>
diff --git a/util/check_dif_statuses.py b/util/check_dif_statuses.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9e6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/check_dif_statuses.py
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""DIF Status Report Generator.
+This tool generates a status report for the DIFs by cross referencing the git
+commit history of each DIF with that of the HW it actuates to provide OpenTitan
+developers with information about what DIFs require updating.
+To display usage run:
+    ./check_dif_statuses.py --help
+import argparse
+import collections
+import glob
+import io
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from contextlib import redirect_stdout
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import List
+import enlighten
+import gitfame
+import hjson
+import pydriller
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from termcolor import colored
+# The IP suffix of some DIFs are slightly different than the IP directory name
+# in the hw/ip/ directory, so here is the translation for the applicable IPs.
+    "plic": "rv_plic",
+    "entropy": "entropy_src",
+class _OTComponent(Enum):
+    """Type of OpenTitan component."""
+    DIF = 1
+    HW = 2
+class DIFStatus:
+    """Holds all DIF status information for displaying.
+    Attributes:
+        dif_name (str): Full name of the DIF including the IP name.
+        ip (str): Name of the IP the DIF is associated with.
+        dif_path (str): Path to the DIF code.
+        hw_path (str): Path to the HW RTL associated with this DIF.
+        dif_last_modified (datetime): Date and time the DIF was last modified.
+        hw_last_modified (datetime): Date and time the HW was last modified.
+        dif_main_contributors (List[str]): List of emails of DIF contributors.
+        hw_main_constributors (List[str]): List of emails of HW contributors.
+        lifecycle_state (str): Lifecycle state string (e.g., S0, S1, ...).
+        num_functions_defined (int): Number of API functions defined.
+        num_functions_implemented (int): Number of API functions implemented.
+        api_complete (bool): Indicates if DIF implements all defined functions.
+        funcs_unimplemented (Set[str]): Set of unimplemted DIF functions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, repo_top, difs_root_path, dif_name):
+        """Mines metadata to populate this DIFStatus object.
+        Args:
+            repo_top: Relative path of local OpenTitan repository.
+            difs_root_path: Path to DIF source code from repo_top.
+            dif_name: Full name of the DIF including the IP name.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: Raised if DIF name does not start with "dif_".
+        """
+        # Get DIF/IP names and path.
+        if not dif_name.startswith("dif_"):
+            raise ValueError("DIF name should start with \"dif_\".")
+        self.dif_name = dif_name
+        self.ip = self.dif_name[4:]
+        if self.ip in IP_TRANSLATION:
+            self.ip = IP_TRANSLATION[self.ip]
+        self.dif_path = os.path.join(difs_root_path, dif_name)
+        self.hw_path = f"hw/ip/{self.ip}"
+        # Determine last date DIF and HW was updated.
+        self.dif_last_modified = self._get_last_commit_date(
+            repo_top, self.dif_path, [".h", ".c"])
+        self.hw_last_modified = self._get_last_commit_date(
+            repo_top, os.path.join(self.hw_path, "rtl"), [""])
+        # Determine the main contributor of the DIF and HW.
+        self.dif_main_contributors = self._get_main_contributor_emails(
+            _OTComponent.DIF)
+        self.hw_main_contributors = self._get_main_contributor_emails(
+            _OTComponent.HW)
+        # Determine lifecycle state
+        self.lifecycle_state = self._get_dif_lifecycle_state()
+        # Determine DIF API completeness.
+        self.num_functions_defined = -1
+        self.num_functions_implemented = -1
+        self.api_complete = False
+        self.funcs_unimplemented = self._get_funcs_unimplemented()
+    def _get_dif_lifecycle_state(self):
+        hjson_filename = os.path.join(self.hw_path, "data",
+                                      self.ip + ".prj.hjson")
+        with open(hjson_filename, "r") as life_f:
+            lifecycle_data = hjson.load(life_f)
+        # If there are multiple revisions, grab the latest.
+        if "revisions" in lifecycle_data:
+            lifecycle_data = lifecycle_data["revisions"][-1]
+        if "dif_stage" in lifecycle_data:
+            return lifecycle_data["dif_stage"]
+        return "-"
+    def _get_main_contributor_emails(self, component):
+        # Get contributor stats for HW or DIF (SW) and sort by LOC.
+        if component == _OTComponent.DIF:
+            stats = self._get_contributors(self.dif_path, [".h", ".c"])
+        else:
+            stats = self._get_contributors(os.path.join(self.hw_path, "rtl"),
+                                           ["/*"])
+        sorted_stats = sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
+        # If the second contributor has contributed at least 10% as much as the
+        # first contributor, include both second and first contributors.
+        contributor_1_email, contributor_1_loc = sorted_stats[0]
+        if len(sorted_stats) > 1:
+            contributor_2_email, contributor_2_loc = sorted_stats[1]
+            if (float(contributor_2_loc) / float(contributor_1_loc)) > 0.1:
+                return [contributor_1_email, contributor_2_email]
+        return [contributor_1_email]
+    def _get_contributors(self, file_path, exts):
+        contributor_stats = collections.defaultdict(int)
+        for ext in exts:
+            # Check the file/path exists.
+            full_file_path = file_path + ext
+            if os.path.isfile(full_file_path) or (
+                    full_file_path.endswith("*") and
+                    os.path.isdir(full_file_path[:-2])):
+                # Use gitfame to fetch commit stats, captured from STDOUT.
+                output = io.StringIO()
+                with redirect_stdout(output):
+                    gitfame.main(args=[
+                        f"--incl={full_file_path}", "-s", "-e", "--log=ERROR",
+                        "--format=json"
+                    ])
+                gitfame_commit_stats = json.loads(output.getvalue())
+                for contributor_stat in gitfame_commit_stats["data"]:
+                    contributor = contributor_stat[0]
+                    loc = contributor_stat[1]
+                    if loc == 0:
+                        break
+                    contributor_stats[contributor] += loc
+            else:
+                logging.error(
+                    f"""(contributors) file path ({full_file_path}) """
+                    """does not exist.""")
+                sys.exit(1)
+        return contributor_stats
+    def _get_last_commit_date(self, repo_top, file_path, exts):
+        last_dif_commit_date = None
+        for ext in exts:
+            # Check the file exists.
+            full_file_path = file_path + ext
+            if os.path.isfile(full_file_path) or os.path.isdir(full_file_path):
+                repo = pydriller.Repository(
+                    repo_top, filepath=full_file_path).traverse_commits()
+                for commit in repo:
+                    if last_dif_commit_date is None:
+                        last_dif_commit_date = commit.author_date
+                    else:
+                        last_dif_commit_date = max(last_dif_commit_date,
+                                                   commit.author_date)
+            else:
+                logging.error(
+                    f"(date) file path ({full_file_path}) does not exist.")
+                sys.exit(1)
+        return last_dif_commit_date
+    def _get_funcs_unimplemented(self):
+        defined_funcs = self._get_defined_funcs()
+        implemented_funcs = self._get_implemented_funcs()
+        self.num_functions_defined = len(defined_funcs)
+        self.num_functions_implemented = len(implemented_funcs)
+        self.api_complete = bool(defined_funcs and
+                                 defined_funcs == implemented_funcs)
+        return defined_funcs - implemented_funcs
+    def _get_defined_funcs(self):
+        header_file = self.dif_path + ".h"
+        return self._get_funcs(header_file)
+    def _get_implemented_funcs(self):
+        c_file = self.dif_path + ".c"
+        # If no .c file exists --> All functions are undefined.
+        if not os.path.isfile(c_file):
+            return set()
+        return self._get_funcs(c_file)
+    def _get_funcs(self, file_path):
+        func_pattern = re.compile(r"^dif_.*_result_t (dif_.*)\(.*")
+        funcs = set()
+        with open(file_path, "r") as fp:
+            for line in fp:
+                result = func_pattern.search(line)
+                if result is not None:
+                    funcs.add(result.group(1))
+        return funcs
+def get_list_of_difs(difs_root_path: str, shared_headers: List[str]) -> None:
+    """Get a list of the root filenames of the DIFs.
+    Args:
+        difs_root_path: Root path where DIF source files are located.
+        shared_headers: Header file(s) shared amongst DIFs.
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    dif_headers = list(glob.glob(os.path.join(difs_root_path, "*.h")))
+    dif_headers = map(os.path.basename, dif_headers)
+    difs = set(map(lambda s: s.split(".")[0], dif_headers))
+    for header in shared_headers:
+        if header in difs:
+            difs.remove(header)
+    return difs
+def print_status_table(dif_statuses: List[DIFStatus],
+                       table_format: str) -> None:
+    """Print a table of DIF status information to STDOUT.
+    Args:
+        dif_statuses: List of DIFStatus objects containing metadata about DIF
+            development states.
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    # Build the table.
+    rows = []
+    headers = [
+        "IP", "DIF Updated", "HW Updated", "DIF Contributor*",
+        "HW Contributor*", "Functions\nDefined", "Functions\nImplemented",
+        "Stage"
+    ]
+    for dif_status in dif_statuses:
+        # Color code last modified dates.
+        if dif_status.hw_last_modified > dif_status.dif_last_modified:
+            hw_last_modified = colored(dif_status.hw_last_modified.date(),
+                                       "yellow")
+            dif_last_modified = colored(dif_status.dif_last_modified.date(),
+                                        "yellow")
+        else:
+            hw_last_modified = dif_status.hw_last_modified.date()
+            dif_last_modified = dif_status.dif_last_modified.date()
+        # Color code API complete status.
+        if dif_status.api_complete:
+            num_funcs_defined = colored(dif_status.num_functions_defined,
+                                        "green")
+            num_funcs_implemented = colored(
+                dif_status.num_functions_implemented, "green")
+        else:
+            num_funcs_defined = colored(dif_status.num_functions_defined,
+                                        "red")
+            num_funcs_implemented = colored(
+                dif_status.num_functions_implemented, "red")
+        # Add row to table (printing one contributor email per line).
+        rows.append([
+            dif_status.ip, dif_last_modified, hw_last_modified,
+            "\n".join(dif_status.dif_main_contributors),
+            "\n".join(dif_status.hw_main_contributors), num_funcs_defined,
+            num_funcs_implemented, dif_status.lifecycle_state
+        ])
+    # Print the table and legend.
+    print("DIF Statuses:")
+    print(tabulate(rows, headers, tablefmt=table_format))
+    print("""*Only the top two contributors (by LOC) """
+          """for each component are listed.""")
+    print(colored("Yellow", "yellow"),
+          "\t= HW has been updated since the DIF.")
+    print(
+        colored("Green", "green"),
+        """\t= DIF API, as defined in the current header file, is complete. """
+        """Note, the header file may lack necessary API functionality.""")
+    print(colored("Red", "red"),
+          "\t= DIF API is incomplete, as defined in the header file.")
+def print_unimplemented_functions(dif_statuses: List[DIFStatus],
+                                  table_format: str) -> None:
+    """Print a table of unimplemented DIF functions to STDOUT.
+    Args:
+        dif_statuses: List of DIFStatus objects containing metadata about DIF
+            development states.
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    rows = []
+    headers = ["IP", "Function"]
+    for dif_status in dif_statuses:
+        if not dif_status.api_complete:
+            rows.append(
+                [dif_status.ip, "\n".join(dif_status.funcs_unimplemented)])
+    print("Unimplemented Functions:")
+    print(tabulate(rows, headers, tablefmt=table_format))
+def main(argv):
+    # Process args.
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        prog="check_dif_statuses",
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "repo_top",
+        help=
+        """Relative path to where the OpenTitan repository is checked out.""")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--show-unimplemented",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="""Show unimplemented functions for each incomplete DIF.""")
+    parser.add_argument("--table-format",
+                        type=str,
+                        choices=["grid", "github", "pipe"],
+                        default="grid",
+                        help="""Format to print status tables in.""")
+    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+    # Define root path of DIFs.
+    difs_root_path = os.path.join("sw", "device", "lib", "dif")
+    # Get list of all DIF basenames.
+    # TODO: automatically get the list below by cross referencing DIF names
+    # with IP block names. Hardcoded for now.
+    shared_headers = ["dif_warn_unused_result"]
+    difs = get_list_of_difs(difs_root_path, shared_headers)
+    # Get DIF statuses (while displaying a progress bar).
+    dif_statuses = []
+    progress_bar = enlighten.Counter(total=len(difs),
+                                     desc="Analyzing statuses of DIFs ...",
+                                     unit="DIFs")
+    for dif in difs:
+        dif_statuses.append(DIFStatus(args.repo_top, difs_root_path, dif))
+        progress_bar.update()
+    # Build table and print it to STDOUT.
+    print_status_table(dif_statuses, args.table_format)
+    if args.show_unimplemented:
+        print_unimplemented_functions(dif_statuses, args.table_format)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[1:])