[mask rom] More Detailed Boot Pseudo-code

This is based off discussions we had in the meeting, and comments on the
previous PR (lowrisc/opentitan#2937), and a few private discussions.

The main change to the pseudo-code is the explicit handling of multiple
rom_ext manifests in a priority order (and the possibility of the boot
policy aborting boot of the primary rom_ext, but continuing with
subsequent rom_exts).

Another big change here is to document which parts of mask rom execution
can only happen after a ROM_EXT has been verified. Verifying this
signature is not the final thing the mask rom does.

Explicit stages have been added to cover:
- Enabling any software-enabled memory protection, which covers SRAM
  scrambling and if the software has to set up PMP regions (both of
  which are still open questions).
- Manufacturing boot-strapping process.

I have also tried to clarify how I see the split between the assembly
that cleans the device state and the C code which cleans the remaining
device state.

I have also done some markdown cleanups.

Signed-off-by: Sam Elliott <selliott@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/sw/device/mask_rom/boot.md b/sw/device/mask_rom/boot.md
index 3402089..99e6c38 100644
--- a/sw/device/mask_rom/boot.md
+++ b/sw/device/mask_rom/boot.md
@@ -1,71 +1,239 @@
-# Pseudo-code for Secure Boot Process.
+# Pseudo-code for Mask ROM Secure Boot Process
-This file should be read in conjunction with secure boot specification. Some
-references to that document are included.
+This file should be read in conjunction with secure boot specification.
+References to that document are included.
+Sub-procedures are documented below the main `boot` function.
-1. Power on (entirely in hardware) Open Q: Whether SW has to configure PMP
-  initial region.
+1. Power on (entirely in hardware)
-2. Execution Begins
-  - CRT Startup Code (ASM)
-    - Clean Slate (SRAM, Registers)
-    - Well-defined interrupt/exception handler
-        Open Q: Do we want to enable interrupts in mask rom?
-    - Jump into C code (`boot`):
+   **Open Q:** Whether SW has to configure PMP initial region.
+2. Execution Begins with Mask ROM stage:
+   *   CRT Startup Code (Written in Assembly)
+       *   Disable Interrupts and set well-defined exception handler.
+           This should keep initial execution deterministic.
+       *   Clean Device State Part 1. (See "Cleaning Device State" below)
+           This includes enabling SRAM Scrambling.
+       *   Setup structures for C execution (CRT: `.data`, `.bss` sections, stack).
+       *   Jump into C code
+   *   Main Mask ROM Secure Boot Software (Written in C)
+       *   Orchestrated from `boot`:
 void boot(void) {
-  // - Clean all other hardware state (using DIF Reset functions)
-  clean_device_state();
+  boot_reason = read_boot_reason();
-  // - Chip-specific startup functionality
-  //   - Clocks
-  //   - AST
-  //   - Flash
-  //   - Entropy
-  //   Open Q: Proprietary Software Strategy.
+  // Clean Device State Part 2.
+  // See "Cleaning Device State" Below.
+  clean_device_state_part_2(boot_reason);
+  // Enable Memory Protection
+  // - PMP Initial Region (if not done in power on)
+  enable_memory_protection();
+  // Chip-specific startup functionality
+  // **Open Q:** Proprietary Software Strategy.
+  // - Clocks
+  // - AST / Entropy. **Open Q:** Is this needed for SRAM Scrambling?
+  // - Flash
+  // - Fuses
-  // - Read Boot Policy for ROM_EXT from Flash (2.b)
-  //   Open Q: How is this protected beyond being in flash?
+  // Manufacturing boot-strapping intervention.
+  // **Open Q:** How does the mask rom deal with chip recovery?
+  // **Open Q:** Pin Strapping Configuration.
+  manufacturing_boot_strap();
+  // Read Boot Policy for ROM_EXTs from flash (2.b)
+  // **Open Q:** How is this protected beyond being stored in flash?
   boot_policy = read_boot_policy();
-  // - Determine which rom_ext slot is in use (2.b,2.c.i)
-  rom_ext_manifest = read_rom_ext_slot(boot_policy);
+  // Determine which ROM_EXT slot is prioritised (2.b, 2.c.i)
+  for ( current_rom_ext_manifest in rom_ext_manifests_to_try(boot_policy) ) {
-  // Verify ROM_EXT Image Digest (2.c.ii)
-  if (!verify_rom_ext_hash(rom_ext_manifest)) {
-    // Boot Failure (check policy)
+    // Sanity Check ROM_EXT Manifest (2.c.ii)
+    // **Open Q:** Integration with Secure Boot Hardware
+    // - Header Format
+    // - Plausible Key
+    // - Initial Digest Checks
+    if (!check_rom_ext_manifest(current_rom_ext_manifest)) {
+      // Boot Failure (check policy)
+      if (try_next_on_manifest_failed(boot_policy))
+        continue
+      else
+        break
+    }
+    // Verify ROM_EXT Image Signature (2.c.iii)
+    // **Open Q:** Integration with Secure Boot Hardware, OTBN
+    // **Open Q:** Key Selection method/mechanism.
+    verified = verify_rom_ext_signature_start(pub_key_selector(...),
+                                              current_rom_ext_manifest);
+    if (!verified) {
+      // Signature Failure (check policy)
+      if (try_next_on_signature_failed(boot_policy))
+        continue
+      else
+        break
+    }
+    // Beyond this point, you know `current_rom_ext_manifest` is valid and the
+    // signature has been authenticated.
+    //
+    // The Mask ROM now has to do various things to prepare to execute the
+    // current ROM_EXT. Most of this is initializing identities, keys, and
+    // potentially locking down some hardware, before jumping to ROM_EXT.
+    //
+    // If any of these steps fail, we've probably left the hardware in an
+    // invalid state and should just reboot (because it may not be possible to
+    // undo the changes, for instance to write-enable bits).
+    // System State Measurements (2.c.iv)
+    measurements = perform_system_state_measurements();
+    if (!boot_allowed(boot_policy, measurements)) {
+      // Lifecycle failure (no policy check)
+      break
+    }
+    // CreatorRootKey (2.c.iv)
+    // - This is only allowed to be done if we have verified the signature on
+    //   the current ROM_EXT.
+    root_key_identity = derive_and_lock_creator_root_key_inputs(measurements);
+    // **Open Q:** Does mask rom just lock down key manager inputs, and let the
+    //             ROM_EXT load the key?
+    load_root_key(root_key_identity);
+    // Lock down Peripherals based on descriptors in ROM_EXT manifest.
+    // - This does not cover key-related lockdown, which is done in
+    //   `derive_creator_root_key`.
+    peripheral_lockdown(current_rom_ext_manifest);
+    // PMP Region for ROM_EXT (2.c.v)
+    // **Open Q:** Integration with Secure Boot Hardware
+    // **Open Q:** Do we need to lock down Mask ROM at final jump? How sensitive
+    //             is the mask rom itself? We may end up with a jump routine
+    //             just past a page boundary, as SRAM is non-executable.
+    //             Alternatively, we may only lock some regions of the mask rom.
+    pmp_unlock_rom_ext();
+    // Transfer Execution to ROM_EXT (2.c.vi)
+    // **Open Q:** Integration with Secure Boot Hardware
+    // **Open Q:** Accumulated measurements to tie manifest to hardware config.
+    if (!final_jump_to_rom_ext(current_rom_ext_manifest)) {
+      // Boot Failure (no policy check)
+      // - Because we may have locked some write-enable bits that any following
+      //   manifest cannot change if it needs to, we have to just reboot here.
+      boot_failed(boot_policy, current_rom_ext_manifest);
+    }
-  // Verify Signature (2.c.iii)
-  valid, signature = verify_rom_ext_signature(rom_ext_manifest);
-  if (!valid) {
-    // Boot Failure (check policy)
-  }
+  // Boot failed for all ROM_EXTs allowed by boot policy
+  boot_failed(boot_policy);
-  // System State Measurements (2.c.iv)
-  measurements = perform_system_state_measurements();
-  if (!boot_allowed(measurements)) {
-    // Lifecycle failure (no policy check)
-  }
+3. Execution Enters ROM_EXT stage.
-  // CreatorRootKey (2.c.iv)
-  root_key_identity = derive_creator_root_key(measurements);
-  load_root_key(root_key_identity);
+   Not covered by this document. Refer to Secure Boot document instead.
-  // PMP Region for ROM_EXT (2.c.v)
-  //   Open Q: Do we need to lock down Boot ROM at final jump?
-  pmp_unlock_rom_ext();
+## Cleaning Device State
-  // Lock down Peripherals based on descriptors in rom_ext
-  peripheral_lockdown(rom_ext_manifest);
+Part of this process is done before we can execute any C code. In particular, we
+have to clear all registers and all of the main RAM before we setup the CRT
+(which allows us to execute any C code). This has to be done in assembly, as we
+cannot execute C without setting up the CRT.
-  // Transfer Execution to ROM_EXT (2.c.vi)
-  if (!final_jump_to_rom_ext(rom_ext_manifest, signature)) {
-    // Boot Failure (check_policy)
-  }
+We want to do as little as possible in the hand-written assembly, because it is
+so hard to verify and to test. Additionally, we want to use the DIFs (which are
+written in C) because we have verified them, rather than duplicating their
+functionality in assembly, if at all possible. So this means we wait until we
+are executing C to do the final parts of chip reset, especially parts that may
+depend on reading or writing any device state.
+Unfortunately, it looks like we will have to enable SRAM scrambling (which
+requires entropy and the AST) from assembly.
+**Open Q:** Can we zero all of SRAM before enabling scrambling? Should we?
+  We certainly cannot zero it all after we have enabled scrambling.
+// Will actually be implemented in assembly, as executed too early for C.
+clean_device_state_part_1() {
+  // - Zero all ISA Registers
+  // Depending on boot reason:
+  // - Clear Main SRAM
+  //   This can either be done by overwriting all of SRAM, or by enabling SRAM
+  //   Scrambling. If we do both, we have to be careful about the order (see
+  //   above).
+  //   **Open Q:** Can we always do the same thing here, regardless of the boot
+  //   reason?
+clean_device_state_part_2() {
+  // Parameters:
+  // - Boot Reason
+  // Depending on boot reason:
+  // - Clear Power Manager Scratch Registers
+  // - Clear Retention SRAM
+  // These clears *must* be done by Mask ROM.
+  // - Reset most devices
+  //   **Open Q:** Which Devices are we leaving with state for ROM_EXT?
+## CRT (C Runtime)
+We cannot execute any C code until we have set up the CRT.
+Setting up the CRT involves: loading the `.data` and `.bss` sections, and
+setting up the stack and `gp` (`gp` may be used for referencing some data).
+// Will actually be written in assembly
+crt_init() {
+  // - Load `.data` initial image into SRAM.
+  // - Zero `.bss` section
+  //   **Open Q:** Is this required? We'll have zeroed all of SRAM already.
+  // - Zero stack
+  //   **Open Q:** Is this required? We'll have zeroed all of SRAM already.
+  // - Load `sp`, `gp`
+  //   **Open Q:** These are used by exception and interrupt handlers if written
+  //   in C. Should they be initialized as early as possible? We can turn off
+  //   the use of `gp` fairly easily, `sp` is an ABI issue.
+## Manufacturing boot-strapping intervention
+This is where, depending on lifecycle state, new flash images may be loaded onto
+the device (usually during manufacturing).
+**Open Q:** How do we need to harden this?
+  (Yes if we don't validate the image before executing).
+**Open Q:** Do we want hardware support for hardening this?
+  There are suggestions around having the hardware return `nop` when reading
+  this memory if we're not in the correct lifecycle state.
+manufacturing_boot_strap() {
+  // 1. Reads lifecycle state to establish whether bootstrapping is allowed and
+  //    what kind
+  // 2. Loads flash image if allowed.
+  // 3. Directly execute flash image
+  //    **Open Q:** Should we reset before we execute the flash image (to reuse
+  //    the rom_ext_manifest checking functionality).
@@ -78,33 +246,37 @@
   // Returns:
   // - boot policy struct
   //   Open Qs: What boot policies do we allow?
-  //   - What to do if hash doesn't match (2.c.ii)
-  //   - What to do if signature doesn't verify
-  //   - What to do if final jump does not succeed
-  //   - rom_ext selector (there will only be two)
+  //   - Active ROM_EXT selector (there are only two ROM_EXT slots) (2.b, 2.c.i)
+  //   - What to do if digest doesn't match (2.c.ii)
+  //   - What to do if signature doesn't verify (2.c.iii)
+  //   - What to do if system measurements are not right (2.c.iv)
+  //   - What to do if final jump does not succeed  (2.c.vi)
   // 1. Uses dif_flash_ctrl to issue read of boot info page.
   // 2. pull this into a struct to return.
-## Lockdown Peripherals
+## Lock Down Peripherals
 peripheral_lockdown() {
   // Parameters:
-  // - rom_ext manifest
+  // - ROM_EXT manifest
   // - Handles for Peripheral DIFs
   // When and How do we lock down peripheral configuration?
-  // - We configure based on rom_ext manifest (signed)
-  // - mask_rom only locks down these peripherals if info is provided.
+  // - We configure based on ROM_EXT manifest (signed)
+  // - Only locks down these peripherals if info is provided.
   // What do we want to allow lockdown of?
   // - Alert Manager
   // - Pinmux / Padctrl
   // - Entropy Configuration
   // - anything else?
+  // This is explicitly a separate step from locking the key manager inputs. In
+  // particular, this depends on the ROM_EXT's choices, whereas the key manager
+  // inputs getting locked is not something the ROM_EXT can choose.