[test] Fix tests that use non-volatile scratch area and counter
Fixes #14828.
Signed-off-by: Alphan Ulusoy <alphan@google.com>
diff --git a/sw/device/tests/clkmgr_off_peri_test.c b/sw/device/tests/clkmgr_off_peri_test.c
index 36720a0..70fc5e7 100644
--- a/sw/device/tests/clkmgr_off_peri_test.c
+++ b/sw/device/tests/clkmgr_off_peri_test.c
@@ -47,54 +47,16 @@
static dif_usbdev_t usbdev;
static dif_uart_t uart0;
- * clock tested
- */
- ".non_volatile_scratch"))) volatile uint64_t clock_tested = UINT64_MAX;
- section(".non_volatile_scratch"))) volatile uint64_t hung_data_addr[4] = {
- * Extracts current clock.
- */
-static uint32_t clock_to_test(void) {
- uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)(&clock_tested);
- uint32_t val = abs_mmio_read32(addr);
- LOG_INFO("Reading clock from address 0x%x gets 0x%x", addr, val);
- for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
- if ((val >> i) & 0x1) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- LOG_ERROR("Cannot find clock to test");
- return -1;
- * Updates clock tested.
- */
-static void update_clock_to_test(uint32_t clock) {
- uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)(&clock_tested);
- LOG_INFO("Writing clock %d to flash", clock);
- uint32_t val = abs_mmio_read32(addr) & (~(1 << clock));
- // program the word into flash
- CHECK(flash_ctrl_testutils_write(&flash_ctrl, addr, 0, &val,
- kDifFlashCtrlPartitionTypeData, 1));
-static uint32_t get_hung_address(dif_clkmgr_gateable_clock_t clock) {
- uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)(&hung_data_addr[clock]);
- return abs_mmio_read32(addr);
+OT_SECTION(".non_volatile_scratch") uint64_t hung_data_addr[4];
static void set_hung_address(dif_clkmgr_gateable_clock_t clock,
uint32_t value) {
- uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)(&hung_data_addr[clock]);
- CHECK(flash_ctrl_testutils_write(&flash_ctrl, addr, 0, &value,
- kDifFlashCtrlPartitionTypeData, 1));
- CHECK(get_hung_address(clock) == value, "Unexpected mismatch on read back");
+ uint32_t addr =
+ (uintptr_t)&hung_data_addr[clock] - TOP_EARLGREY_FLASH_CTRL_MEM_BASE_ADDR;
+ uint32_t flash_word[2] = {value, 0};
+ CHECK(flash_ctrl_testutils_write(&flash_ctrl, addr, 0, flash_word,
+ kDifFlashCtrlPartitionTypeData, 2));
+ CHECK(hung_data_addr[clock] == value, "Unexpected mismatch on read back");
LOG_INFO("The expected hung address for clock %d is 0x%x at 0x%x", clock,
value, addr);
@@ -234,7 +196,7 @@
// Starting clock.
dif_clkmgr_gateable_clock_t clock = kTopEarlgreyGateableClocksIoDiv4Peri;
- LOG_INFO("Next clock to test %d", clock_to_test());
+ LOG_INFO("Next clock to test %d", flash_ctrl_testutils_counter_get(0));
test_gateable_clocks_off(&clkmgr, &pwrmgr, clock);
@@ -243,7 +205,7 @@
return false;
} else if (rstmgr_testutils_is_reset_info(&rstmgr,
kDifRstmgrResetInfoWatchdog)) {
- dif_clkmgr_gateable_clock_t clock = clock_to_test();
+ dif_clkmgr_gateable_clock_t clock = flash_ctrl_testutils_counter_get(0);
LOG_INFO("Got an expected watchdog reset when reading for clock %d", clock);
size_t actual_size;
@@ -263,14 +225,14 @@
LOG_INFO("PREV_EXC_ADDR = 0x%x", cpu_dump[5]);
LOG_INFO("PREV_EXC_PC = 0x%x", cpu_dump[6]);
LOG_INFO("PREV_VALID = 0x%x", cpu_dump[7]);
- uint32_t expected_hung_address = get_hung_address(clock);
+ uint32_t expected_hung_address = hung_data_addr[clock];
LOG_INFO("The expected hung address = 0x%x", expected_hung_address);
CHECK(cpu_dump[2] == expected_hung_address, "Unexpected hung address");
// Mark this clock as tested.
- update_clock_to_test(clock);
+ flash_ctrl_testutils_counter_increment(&flash_ctrl, 0);
if (clock < kTopEarlgreyGateableClocksLast) {
- clock = clock_to_test();
+ clock = flash_ctrl_testutils_counter_get(0);
LOG_INFO("Next clock to test %d", clock);