[AST] Update ENV_ISO & More

Signed-off-by: Jacob Levy <jacob.levy@opentitan.org>
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/ast.core b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/ast.core
index 2d70633..481e34f 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/ast.core
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/ast.core
@@ -37,12 +37,11 @@
       - rtl/io_osc.sv
       - rtl/rglts_pdm_3p3v.sv
       - rtl/rng.sv
-      - rtl/rng_osc.sv
       - rtl/sys_clk.sv
       - rtl/sys_osc.sv
       - rtl/usb_clk.sv
       - rtl/usb_osc.sv
     file_type: systemVerilogSource
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@
           - "-Wall"
-    <<: *default_target
+    <<: *default_target  
     default_tool: vcs
       - files_rtl
@@ -79,3 +78,4 @@
         vcs_options: [-timescale=1ns/1ps -l vcs.log]
     toplevel: ast
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast.sv
index d473c4e..e709ea8 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast.sv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   parameter int AdcDataWidth    = 10,
   parameter int EntropyStreams  = 4,
   parameter int Ast2PadOutWidth = 16,  // TODO:final size
-  parameter int Pad2AstInWidth  = 6,   // TODO:final size
+  parameter int Pad2AstInWidth  = 16,  // TODO:final size
   parameter int UsbCalibWidth   = 16   // TODO:final size
 ) (
   // tlul if
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   // Power and IO pin connections
   input main_pd_ni,                           // MAIN Regulator Power Down
-  input main_iso_en_i,                        // Isolation enable for main core power (VCMAIN).
+  input main_env_iso_en_i,                    // Enveloped ISOlation ENable for MAIN
   // power down monitor logic - flash/otp related
   output logic flash_power_down_h_o,          // Flash Power Down
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
   .vcmain_pok_o_h_i ( vcmain_pok_por ),
   .clk_src_aon_h_i ( clk_src_aon_o ),
   .main_pd_h_ni ( main_pd_ni ),
-  .main_iso_en_i ( main_iso_en_i ),
+  .main_env_iso_en_h_i ( main_env_iso_en_i ),
   .otp_power_seq_h_i ( otp_power_seq_i[1:0] ),
   .vcaon_pok_h_o ( vcaon_pok_h_int ),
   .main_pwr_dly_o ( main_pwr_dly_o ),
@@ -412,15 +412,17 @@
 // RNG (Always ON)
 rng #(
   .EntropyStreams ( EntropyStreams )
 ) u_rng (
-  .clk_i ( clk_ast_rng_i ),
-  .rst_ni ( rst_ast_rng_ni ),
-  .vcaon_pok_i ( vcaon_pok ),
+  .clk_i ( clk_ast_tlul_i ),
+  .rst_ni ( rst_ast_tlul_ni ),
+  .clk_ast_rng_i ( clk_ast_rng_i ),
+  .rst_ast_rng_ni ( rst_ast_rng_ni ),
   .rng_en_i ( rng_en_i ),
+  .rng_fips_i ( rng_fips_i ),
   .scan_mode_i ( scan_mode ),
-  .scan_reset_ni ( scan_reset_n ),
   .rng_b_o ( rng_b_o[EntropyStreams-1:0] ),
   .rng_val_o ( rng_val_o )
 );  // of u_rng
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_entropy.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_entropy.sv
index d94823d..0fe2205 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_entropy.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_entropy.sv
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
   .ResetValue ( 1'b0 )
 ) u_entropy_clr_sync (
   .clk_i ( clk_ast_es_i ),
-  .rst_ni ( rst_ast_es_ni ),
+  .rst_ni ( 1'b1 ),
   .d_i ( !(clk_src_sys_en_i && clk_src_sys_jen_i) ),
   .q_o ( entropy_clr )
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_pkg.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_pkg.sv
index c2255b0..f721cb3 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_pkg.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/ast_pkg.sv
@@ -18,19 +18,19 @@
   parameter int AdcDataWidth    = top_pkg::ADC_DATAW;
   parameter int UsbCalibWidth   = 16;
   parameter int Ast2PadOutWidth = 10;
-  parameter int Pad2AstInWidth  = 6;
+  parameter int Pad2AstInWidth  = 10;
   // Memories Read-Write Margin Interface
   typedef struct packed {
-    logic       marg_en_a;
-    logic [3:0] marg_a;
-    logic       marg_en_b;
-    logic [3:0] marg_b;
+    logic          marg_en_a;
+    logic [4-1:0]  marg_a;
+    logic          marg_en_b;
+    logic [4-1:0]  marg_b;
   } dpm_rm_t;
   typedef struct packed {
-    logic       marg_en;
-    logic [3:0] marg;
+    logic          marg_en;
+    logic [4-1:0]  marg;
   } spm_rm_t;
   // ADC Interface
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rglts_pdm_3p3v.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rglts_pdm_3p3v.sv
index 34abfd3..c51b9a6 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rglts_pdm_3p3v.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rglts_pdm_3p3v.sv
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
   input vcmain_pok_h_i,                  // VCMAIN (1.1v) Exist @3.3v
   input vcmain_pok_o_h_i,                // vcmain_pok_o signal (1.1v) @3.3v
   input clk_src_aon_h_i,                 // AON Clock @3.3v
-  input main_pd_h_ni,                    // VCMAIN/Regulator Power Down @3.3v
-  input main_iso_en_i,                   // Isolation enable for main core power (VCMAIN).
+  input main_pd_h_ni,                    // MAIN Regulator Power Down @3.3v
+  input main_env_iso_en_h_i,             // Enveloped ISOlation ENable for MAIN @3.3v
   input [1:0] otp_power_seq_h_i,         // MMR0,24 in @3.3v
   output logic vcaon_pok_h_o,            // VCAON (1.1v) Exist @3.3v
   output logic main_pwr_dly_o,           // For modeling only.
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rng.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rng.sv
index 5b38ee8..375fa35 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rng.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rng.sv
@@ -9,43 +9,27 @@
 module rng #(
   parameter int EntropyStreams = 4
 ) (
-  input clk_i,
-  input rst_ni,
-  input vcaon_pok_i,
-  input rng_en_i,
-  input scan_mode_i,
-  input scan_reset_ni,
-  output logic [EntropyStreams-1:0] rng_b_o,
-  output logic rng_val_o
+  input clk_i,                                // Non-Jittery Clock (TLUL)
+  input rst_ni,                               // Non-Jittery Reset (TLUL)
+  input clk_ast_rng_i,                        // Jittery Clock (RNG)
+  input rst_ast_rng_ni,                       // Jittery Reset (RNG)
+  input rng_en_i,                             // RNG Enable
+  input rng_fips_i,                           // RNG FIPS Enable
+  input scan_mode_i,                          // Scan Mode
+  output logic [EntropyStreams-1:0] rng_b_o,  // RNG Bus/Bits Output
+  output logic rng_val_o                      // RNG Bus/Bits Valid
-// Clock Oscilator
+// RNG Bus using LFSR
-logic clk, rng_clk_en, rng_clk;
-// clock Oschilator
-logic rng_clk_o;
-// For FPGA, it can be replace with clk_src_aon_o/4 (200K/4=50K)
-rng_osc u_rng_osc (
-  .vcaon_pok_i ( vcaon_pok_i ),
-  .rng_en_i ( rng_en_i ),
-  .rng_clk_o ( rng_clk_o )
-);  // of u_rng_osc
-// LFSR for Pseudo Random Numbers
-logic rng_rst_n;
+logic rst_n;
 logic[32-1:0] lfsr_val;
-assign rng_rst_n = scan_mode_i ? scan_reset_ni : rst_ni && rng_en_i;
+assign rst_n = scan_mode_i ? rst_ni : rst_ni && rng_en_i;
-always_ff @(posedge rng_clk_o, negedge rng_rst_n ) begin
-  if ( !rng_rst_n ) begin
+always_ff @(posedge clk_i, negedge rst_n ) begin
+  if ( !rst_n ) begin
     lfsr_val       <= 32'h0000_0001;
   end else if ( lfsr_val == {32{1'b1}} ) begin  // Skip one problematic value
     lfsr_val       <= {{31{1'b1}}, 1'b0};
@@ -55,57 +39,59 @@
+logic srate_rng_val;
+logic [12-1:0] srate_cnt, srate_value;
+logic [EntropyStreams-1:0] rng_b;
-// RNG Bus & OK
-logic rng_rdy;
-logic [2-1:0] rng_rdy_cnt;
+assign srate_value = 12'd120;
-always_ff @( posedge rng_clk_o, negedge rng_rst_n ) begin
-  if ( !rng_rst_n ) begin
-    rng_rdy_cnt <= 2'b00;
-  end else if ( !rng_rdy ) begin
-    rng_rdy_cnt <= rng_rdy_cnt + 1'b1;
+always_ff @( posedge clk_i, negedge rst_n ) begin
+  if ( !rst_n ) begin
+    srate_cnt     <= 12'h000;
+    srate_rng_val <= 1'b0;
+  end else if ( srate_cnt == srate_value ) begin
+    srate_cnt     <= 12'h000;
+    srate_rng_val <= 1'b1;
+  end else begin
+    srate_cnt     <= srate_cnt + 1'b1;
+    srate_rng_val <= 1'b0;
-assign rng_rdy = (rng_rdy_cnt == 2'b11);
-logic [EntropyStreams-1:0] rng_b;
-always_ff @( posedge rng_clk_o, negedge rng_rst_n ) begin
-  if ( !rng_rst_n ) begin
+always_ff @( posedge clk_i, negedge rst_n ) begin
+  if ( !rst_n ) begin
     rng_b <= {EntropyStreams{1'b0}};
-  end else begin
+  end else if ( srate_rng_val ) begin
     rng_b <= lfsr_val[EntropyStreams-1:0];
-// Sync RNG OK to clk_i
-logic rng_rdy_s;
+// Sychronize Bus & Valid to RNG Clock
+logic sync_rng_val;
-always_ff @( posedge clk_i, negedge rst_ni ) begin
-  if ( !rst_ni ) begin
-    rng_rdy_s <= 1'b0;
-    rng_val_o <= 1'b0;
-  end else begin
-    rng_rdy_s <= rng_rdy;
-    rng_val_o <= rng_rdy_s;
-  end
+prim_pulse_sync u_rng_val_pulse_sync (
+  // source clock domain
+  .clk_src_i ( clk_i ),
+  .rst_src_ni ( rst_n ),
+  .src_pulse_i ( srate_rng_val ),
+  // destination clock domain
+  .clk_dst_i ( clk_ast_rng_i ),
+  .rst_dst_ni ( rst_ast_rng_ni ),
+  .dst_pulse_o ( sync_rng_val )
-// Sync RNG Bits to clk_i
-logic [EntropyStreams-1:0] rng_b_r;
-always_ff @( posedge clk_i, negedge rst_ni ) begin
-  if ( !rst_ni ) begin
-    rng_b_r <= {EntropyStreams{1'b0}};
+always_ff @( posedge clk_ast_rng_i, negedge rst_ast_rng_ni ) begin
+  if (!rst_ast_rng_ni ) begin
     rng_b_o <= {EntropyStreams{1'b0}};
+    rng_val_o <= 1'b0;
+  end else if ( sync_rng_val ) begin
+    rng_b_o <= rng_b[EntropyStreams-1:0];
+    rng_val_o <= 1'b1;
   end else begin
-    rng_b_r <= rng_b;
-    rng_b_o <= rng_b_r;
+    rng_val_o <= 1'b0;
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rng_osc.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rng_osc.sv
deleted file mode 100644
index 074ae6c..0000000
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/rng_osc.sv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// *Name: rng_osc
-// *Module Description: RNG Clock Oscilator
-`define PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL prim_pkg::ImplGeneric
-module rng_osc (
-  input vcaon_pok_i,        // VCAON POK @1.1V
-  input rng_en_i,           // RNG Source Clock Enable
-  output logic rng_clk_o    // RNG Clock Output
-`ifndef SYNTHESIS
-timeunit 1ns / 1ps;
-import ast_bhv_pkg::* ;
-// Behavioral Model
-integer CLK_PERIOD;
-logic clk, en_dly, en_osc, en_osc_re, en_osc_fe;
-initial begin
-  clk = 1'b0;
-  // Seed is set from the vcs run command
-  CLK_PERIOD = 10**9/$urandom_range(70000, 50000);  // ns (50Khz-70Khz)
-  $display( "\nRNG Internal Clock Period: %0dns", CLK_PERIOD);
-  en_dly = 1'b0;  // to block init X
-  #(RNG_EN_RDLY+1) en_dly = 1'b1;
-// Enable 5us RC Delay
-logic rng_en_dly;
-assign #(RNG_EN_RDLY) rng_en_dly = rng_en_i;
-assign en_osc_re = vcaon_pok_i && rng_en_i && (rng_en_dly && en_dly);
-// Syncronize en_osc to clk FE for glitch free disable
-always_ff @( negedge clk or negedge vcaon_pok_i ) begin
-  if ( !vcaon_pok_i ) begin
-    en_osc_fe <= 1'b0;
-  end else begin
-    en_osc_fe <= en_osc_re;
-  end
-assign en_osc = en_osc_re || en_osc_fe;  // EN -> 1 || EN -> 0
-always begin
-  #(CLK_PERIOD/2) clk = ~clk && en_osc;
-assign rng_clk_o = clk;
-`else  // of SYNTHESIS
-localparam prim_pkg::impl_e Impl = `PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL;
-logic clk, en_osc, en_osc_re, en_osc_fe;
-assign en_osc_re = vcaon_pok_i && rng_en_i;
-// Syncronize en_osc to clk FE for glitch free disable
-always_ff @( negedge clk or negedge vcaon_pok_i ) begin
-  if ( !vcaon_pok_i ) begin
-    en_osc_fe <= 1'b0;
-  end else begin
-    en_osc_fe <= en_osc_re;
-  end
-assign en_osc = en_osc_re || en_osc_fe;  // EN -> 1 || EN -> 0
-assign clk = (/*TODO*/ 1'b1) && en_osc;
-assign rng_clk_o = clk;
-if (Impl == prim_pkg::ImplXilinx) begin : gen_xilinx
-  // FPGA Model (place holder)
-  ///////////////////////////////////////
-  // TODO
-end else begin : gen_generic
-  // TODO
-endmodule : rng_osc
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv
index 655e364..239f18d 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv
@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@
     .vioa_pok_o            ( ast_status.io_pok[0] ),
     .viob_pok_o            ( ast_status.io_pok[1] ),
     // main regulator
-    .main_iso_en_i         ( base_ast_pwr.pwr_clamp ),
+    .main_env_iso_en_i     ( base_ast_pwr.pwr_clamp ),
     .main_pd_ni            ( base_ast_pwr.main_pd_n ),
     // pdm control (flash)/otp
     .flash_power_down_h_o  ( flash_power_down_h ),
diff --git a/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl b/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl
index 7e856ba..acc34e4 100644
--- a/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl
+++ b/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@
     .vioa_pok_o            ( ast_status.io_pok[0] ),
     .viob_pok_o            ( ast_status.io_pok[1] ),
     // main regulator
-    .main_iso_en_i         ( base_ast_pwr.pwr_clamp ),
+    .main_env_iso_en_i     ( base_ast_pwr.pwr_clamp ),
     .main_pd_ni            ( base_ast_pwr.main_pd_n ),
     // pdm control (flash)/otp
     .flash_power_down_h_o  ( flash_power_down_h ),