[englishbreakfast] Don't run topgen as generator

Previously, we ran `util/topgen-fusesoc.py` twice as FuseSoC generator;
the script produces a number of core files specific for the English
Breakfast toplevel on the fly (files similar to the ones we check in for
Earl Grey).

Running this script as FuseSoC generator had the beauty of hiding it
from the developer; running fusesoc was sufficient to generate the files
and use them.

However, there's also a downside: All cores (i.e. all files ending in
`*.core`) which are produced by the script or subprocesses of the script
are automatically made a dependency (in FuseSoC terms) of

With upcoming changes, topgen will produce not only cores which can
actually be synthesized, but also cores referencing unsynthesizable DV
code. This code cannot be made a dependency of top_englishbreakfast, or
the build fails (e.g. due to Verilator or Vivado being unable to read
the language constructs in those files).

With this change, the user trying to simulator or synthesize the English
Breakfast toplevel has to first call `util/topgen-fusesoc.py`, which
will produce the same files it produced before, and put them into the
`build/top_englishbreakfast-autogen` folder. The cores in this folder
are available for FuseSoC to pick if needed, but not automatically added
as dependency.

The actual dependencies that top_englishbreakfast and other IP cores
need are then listed in `topgen.core` and `topgen-reg-only.core`, where
the generator was called previously.

All of this is a stop-gap for the transition period until we have ipgen
fully hooked up.

Signed-off-by: Philipp Wagner <phw@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/ci/scripts/build-chip-verilator.sh b/ci/scripts/build-chip-verilator.sh
index ede56b4..3fffd05 100755
--- a/ci/scripts/build-chip-verilator.sh
+++ b/ci/scripts/build-chip-verilator.sh
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
+        util/topgen-fusesoc.py --files-root=. --topname=top_englishbreakfast
         echo >&2 "Unknown toplevel: $tl"