[aes] Rename `NumDelayCyclesStartTrigger` parameter

This commit renames the security-critical parameter
`NumDelayCyclesStartTrigger` to `SecStartTriggerDelay`. The `Sec`
prefix indicates that this parameter is security critical. This
can be leveraged by tools like reggen and topgen.

Signed-off-by: Pirmin Vogel <vogelpi@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/hw/ip/aes/rtl/aes.sv b/hw/ip/aes/rtl/aes.sv
index 5e89d0a..6c35c3b 100644
--- a/hw/ip/aes/rtl/aes.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/aes/rtl/aes.sv
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@
   import aes_pkg::*;
   import aes_reg_pkg::*;
-  parameter bit          AES192Enable               = 1, // Can be 0 (disable), or 1 (enable).
-  parameter bit          Masking                    = 0, // Can be 0 (no masking), or
-                                                         // 1 (first-order masking) of the cipher
-                                                         // core. Masking requires the use of a
-                                                         // masked S-Box, see SBoxImpl parameter.
-                                                         // Note: currently, constant masks are
-                                                         // used, this is of course not secure.
-  parameter sbox_impl_e  SBoxImpl                   = SBoxImplLut, // See aes_pkg.sv
-  parameter int unsigned NumDelayCyclesStartTrigger = 0, // Manual start trigger delay, useful for
-                                                         // SCA measurements. A value of e.g. 40
-                                                         // allows the processor to go into sleep
-                                                         // before AES starts operation.
-  parameter logic [NumAlerts-1:0] AlertAsyncOn      = {NumAlerts{1'b1}}
+  parameter bit          AES192Enable          = 1, // Can be 0 (disable), or 1 (enable).
+  parameter bit          Masking               = 0, // Can be 0 (no masking), or
+                                                    // 1 (first-order masking) of the cipher
+                                                    // core. Masking requires the use of a
+                                                    // masked S-Box, see SBoxImpl parameter.
+                                                    // Note: currently, constant masks are
+                                                    // used, this is of course not secure.
+  parameter sbox_impl_e  SBoxImpl              = SBoxImplLut, // See aes_pkg.sv
+  parameter int unsigned SecStartTriggerDelay  = 0, // Manual start trigger delay, useful for
+                                                    // SCA measurements. A value of e.g. 40
+                                                    // allows the processor to go into sleep
+                                                    // before AES starts operation.
+  parameter logic [NumAlerts-1:0] AlertAsyncOn = {NumAlerts{1'b1}}
 ) (
   input                     clk_i,
   input                     rst_ni,
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
   aes_core #(
-    .AES192Enable               ( AES192Enable               ),
-    .Masking                    ( Masking                    ),
-    .SBoxImpl                   ( SBoxImpl                   ),
-    .NumDelayCyclesStartTrigger ( NumDelayCyclesStartTrigger )
+    .AES192Enable         ( AES192Enable         ),
+    .Masking              ( Masking              ),
+    .SBoxImpl             ( SBoxImpl             ),
+    .SecStartTriggerDelay ( SecStartTriggerDelay )
   ) u_aes_core (