[otbn] Support "nonexistent" information-flow graphs.

Extend the information-flow analysis Python scripts to better represent
information flow where no paths exist by including "nonexistent" graphs
instead of using None. This makes a lot of the logic around seq() and
update() easier.

Signed-off-by: Jade Philipoom <jadep@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/cache.py b/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/cache.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8976697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/cache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from typing import Generic, Optional, TypeVar
+K = TypeVar('K')
+V = TypeVar('V')
+I = TypeVar('I')
+class CacheEntry(Generic[K,V]):
+    '''Represents a single entry in a cache.
+    The entry must hold two pieces of information:
+    - value, the cached result to be returned on a matching lookup
+    - key, data needed to determine if the entry matches a lookup (e.g. input
+      parameters to the function whose result has been cached)
+    Note that this is not a simple key/value store, because a key might match a
+    lookup even if it's not an exact match. Determining what exactly needs to
+    match is implementation-specific and implemented by subclasses.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, key: K, value: V):
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
+    def is_match(self, key: K) -> bool:
+        '''Returns whether this entry is a match for the key.
+        In the simplest case, this could be just self.key == key; however, the
+        implementer might choose to ignore certain information when evaluating
+        the match, depending on the use-case.
+        '''
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+class Cache(Generic[I,K,V]):
+    '''Represents a cache to speed up recursive functions.
+    The cache is structured with two layers:
+    - The first layer is a dictionary that maps some hashable index type to the
+      second layer, a list for each dictionary entry.
+    - The second layer is a list of CacheEntry instances to be checked.
+    The purpose of the two-layer structure is to speed up lookups; the index
+    type should be used to quickly narrow things down to a limited number of
+    potentially matching entries (for instance, it could be an input parameter
+    to the function that absolutely must match for the cache entries to match).
+    '''
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self.entries : Dict[I,List[CacheEntry[K,V]]] = {}
+    def add(self, index: I, entry: CacheEntry[K,V]) -> None:
+        # Only add if there's no matching entry already 
+        if self.lookup(index, entry.key) is None:
+            self.entries.setdefault(index, []).append(entry)
+    def lookup(self, index: I, key: K) -> Optional[V]:
+        for entry in self.entries.get(index, []):
+            if entry.is_match(key):
+                return entry.value
+        return None
diff --git a/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow.py b/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow.py
index 69bdeb7..0ba2b79 100644
--- a/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow.py
+++ b/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 FLAG_NAMES = ['c', 'm', 'l', 'z']
 SPECIAL_REG_NAMES = ['mod', 'acc']
+READONLY = ['x0']
 class InformationFlowGraph:
     '''Represents an information flow graph.
@@ -25,9 +25,45 @@
     means the sink is overwritten with a constant value, and information is not
     flowing to it from any nodes (including its own previous value).
-    def __init__(self, flow: Dict[str, Set[str]]):
+    def __init__(self, flow: Dict[str, Set[str]], exists=True):
         self.flow = flow
+        # Should not be modified directly. See the nonexistent() method
+        # documentation for details of what this flag means.
+        self.exists = exists
+    @staticmethod
+    def empty() -> 'InformationFlowGraph':
+        '''Represents the graph for a path in which nothing is modified.
+        For instance, if a block of code could be executed or not depending on
+        the processor state, then the path where the block is not executed
+        would be an empty() graph. Then, one could use update() to get a graph
+        representing the combination of the two possibilities.
+        '''
+        return InformationFlowGraph({})
+    @staticmethod
+    def nonexistent() -> 'InformationFlowGraph':
+        '''Represents the graph for a nonexistent path.
+        There is an important distinction between this and an "empty" graph. In
+        particular, for any graph G, G.update(nonexistent) = G, which is not
+        the case for a merely "empty" graph; since the update() method is
+        combining all possible paths, an empty graph means we need to consider
+        that all nodes might be unmodified, while a nonexistent graph has no
+        possible paths and therefore no effect.
+        A nonexistent graph can be thought of as "None", but handling it
+        directly within the class reduces the need for None checks. 
+        For instance, imagine we want to represent the information flow for
+        only paths of a program that end in RET. If no paths from the current
+        point end in RET (because, for instance, all paths end the program with
+        ECALL), then a nonexistent graph would represent the information flow.
+        '''
+        return InformationFlowGraph({}, False)
     def sources(self, sink: str) -> Set[str]:
         '''Returns all sources for the given sink.'''
         # if the sink does not appear, it is unmodified, meaning its only
@@ -64,6 +100,18 @@
         Does not modify other.
+        if not other.exists:
+            # If the other graph is nonexistent, then this is a no-op.
+            return
+        if not self.exists:
+            # Updating a nonexistent graph with another graph should return the
+            # other graph; since we need to modify self, we change this graph's
+            # flow to match other's.
+            self.flow = other.flow.copy()
+            self.exists = other.exists
+            return
         for sink, sources in other.flow.items():
             if sink not in self.flow:
                 # implicitly, a non-updated value depends only on itself (NOT
@@ -94,6 +142,11 @@
         Defensively copies all source sets for the new graph.
+        if not self.exists or not other.exists:
+            # If either this or the other graph is nonexistent, then the
+            # sequence is nonexistent.
+            return InformationFlowGraph.nonexistent()
         flow = {}
         for sink, sources in other.flow.items():
             new_sources = set()
@@ -115,6 +168,9 @@
     def pretty(self, indent: int = 0) -> str:
         '''Return a human-readable representation of the graph.'''
+        if not self.exists:
+            return 'Nonexistent information-flow graph (no possible paths).'
         prefix = ' ' * indent
         flow_strings = {
             sink: ','.join(sorted(sources))
@@ -129,24 +185,6 @@
         return '\n'.join(lines)
-def safe_update_iflow(
-        current: Optional[InformationFlowGraph],
-        new: Optional[InformationFlowGraph]) -> Optional[InformationFlowGraph]:
-    '''Updates one iflow with the other, handling None as appropriate.
-    If `new` is None, simply returns `current`. If `new` is not None but
-    `current` is None, returns `new`. If neither is None, updates `current` to
-    include values from `new, then returns `current`.
-    '''
-    if new is None:
-        return current
-    if current is None:
-        return new
-    current.update(new)
-    return current
 class InsnInformationFlowNode:
     '''Represents an information flow node whose value may depend on operands.
@@ -457,15 +495,19 @@
     def evaluate(
             self, op_vals: Dict[str, int],
-            constant_regs: Dict[str, int]) -> Optional[InformationFlowGraph]:
+            constant_regs: Dict[str, int]) -> InformationFlowGraph:
         if not self.test.check(op_vals):
             # Rule is not triggered
-            return None
+            return InformationFlowGraph.nonexistent()
         sources = set()
         for node in self.flows_from:
             sources.add(node.evaluate(op_vals, constant_regs))
         flow = {}
         for node in self.flows_to:
+            if node in READONLY:
+                # No information will actually flow to this node, because it is
+                # not writeable; skip.
+                continue
             dest = node.evaluate(op_vals, constant_regs)
             flow[dest] = sources.copy()
         return InformationFlowGraph(flow)
@@ -518,18 +560,10 @@
     def evaluate(self, op_vals: Dict[str, int],
                  constant_regs: Dict[str, int]) -> InformationFlowGraph:
-        graph = None
+        graph = InformationFlowGraph.nonexistent()
         for rule in self.rules:
             rule_graph = rule.evaluate(op_vals, constant_regs)
-            graph = safe_update_iflow(graph, rule_graph)
-        if graph is None:
-            # If no rules are triggered, return an empty graph
-            graph = InformationFlowGraph({})
-        # The x0 register is special and always zero; make sure the
-        # information-flow graph shows it having no dependencies.
-        graph.flow['x0'] = set()
+            graph.update(rule_graph)
         return graph
diff --git a/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow_analysis.py b/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow_analysis.py
index 98a8736..8d17720 100755
--- a/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow_analysis.py
+++ b/hw/ip/otbn/util/shared/information_flow_analysis.py
@@ -3,81 +3,23 @@
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from typing import Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypeVar
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
 from .control_flow import *
+from .cache import CacheEntry, Cache
 from .decode import OTBNProgram
-from .information_flow import (InformationFlowGraph, InsnInformationFlow,
-                               safe_update_iflow)
+from .information_flow import InformationFlowGraph, InsnInformationFlow
 from .insn_yaml import Insn
 from .operand import RegOperandType
 from .section import CodeSection
-K = TypeVar('K')
-V = TypeVar('V')
-I = TypeVar('I')
-# TODO: move to other file
-class CacheEntry(Generic[K,V]):
-    '''Represents a single entry in a cache.
-    The entry must hold two pieces of information:
-    - value, the cached result to be returned on a matching lookup
-    - key, data needed to determine if the entry matches a lookup (e.g. input
-      parameters to the function whose result has been cached)
-    Note that this is not a simple key/value store, because a key might match a
-    lookup even if it's not an exact match. Determining what exactly needs to
-    match is implementation-specific and implemented by subclasses.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, key: K, value: V):
-        self.key = key
-        self.value = value
-    def is_match(self, key: K) -> bool:
-        '''Returns whether this entry is a match for the key.
-        In the simplest case, this could be just self.key == key; however, the
-        implementer might choose to ignore certain information when evaluating
-        the match, depending on the use-case.
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-# TODO: move to other file
-class Cache(Generic[I,K,V]):
-    '''Represents a cache to speed up recursive functions.
-    The cache is structured with two layers:
-    - The first layer is a dictionary that maps some hashable index type to the
-      second layer, a list for each dictionary entry.
-    - The second layer is a list of CacheEntry instances to be checked.
-    The purpose of the two-layer structure is to speed up lookups; the index
-    type should be used to quickly narrow things down to a limited number of
-    potentially matching entries (for instance, it could be an input parameter
-    to the function that absolutely must match for the cache entries to match).
-    '''
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        self.entries : Dict[I,List[CacheEntry[K,V]]] = {}
-    def add(self, index: I, entry: CacheEntry[K,V]) -> None:
-        # Only add if there's no matching entry already 
-        if self.lookup(index, entry.key) is None:
-            self.entries.setdefault(index, []).append(entry)
-    def lookup(self, index: I, key: K) -> Optional[V]:
-        for entry in self.entries.get(index, []):
-            if entry.is_match(key):
-                return entry.value
-        return None
 # Calls to _get_iflow return results in the form of a tuple with entries:
 #   used constants: a set containing the names of input constants the
 #                   results depend on; passing a different constants state with
 #                   these entries unchanged should not change the results
 #   return iflow:   an information-flow graph for any paths ending in a return
 #                   to the address that is on top of the call stack at the
-#                   original PC (None if there are no such paths)
+#                   original PC
 #   end iflow:      an information-flow graph for any paths that lead to the
 #                   end of the entire program (i.e. ECALL instruction or end of
 #                   IMEM)
@@ -89,8 +31,7 @@
 #                   the program; the value is a set of PCs of control-flow
 #                   instructions through which the node influences the control
 #                   flow
-IFlowResult = Tuple[Set[str], Optional[InformationFlowGraph],
-                    Optional[InformationFlowGraph], Dict[str, int],
+IFlowResult = Tuple[Set[str], InformationFlowGraph, InformationFlowGraph, Dict[str, int],
                     Dict[str, Set[int]]]
 class IFlowCacheEntry(CacheEntry[Dict[str,int], IFlowResult]):
@@ -105,7 +46,7 @@
     def is_match(self, constants: Dict[str,int]) -> bool:
         for k,v in self.key.items():
-            if constants[k] != v:
+            if constants.get(k, None) != v:
                 return False
         return True
@@ -121,13 +62,12 @@
 # The information flow of a subroutine is represented as a tuple whose entries
 # are a subset of the IFlowResult tuple entries; in particular, it has the form
 # (return iflow, end iflow, control deps).
-SubroutineIFlow = Tuple[Optional[InformationFlowGraph],
-                        Optional[InformationFlowGraph], Dict[str, Set[int]]]
+SubroutineIFlow = Tuple[InformationFlowGraph,InformationFlowGraph, Dict[str, Set[int]]]
 # The information flow of a full program is the same as for a subroutine,
 # except with no "return" information flow. Since the call stack is empty
 # at the start, we're not expecting any return paths!
-ProgramIFlow = Tuple[Optional[InformationFlowGraph], Dict[str, Set[int]]]
+ProgramIFlow = Tuple[InformationFlowGraph, Dict[str, Set[int]]]
 def _get_op_val_str(insn: Insn, op_vals: Dict[str, int], opname: str) -> str:
@@ -148,10 +88,7 @@
     Modifies the input `constants` dictionary.
-    # Make sure x0 is always constant (0), since it is not writeable
-    constants['x0'] = 0
-    new_constants = {}
+    new_constants = {'x0': 0}
     if insn.mnemonic == 'addi':
         grs1_name = _get_op_val_str(insn, op_vals, 'grs1')
         if grs1_name in constants:
@@ -184,9 +121,6 @@
-    # Make sure x0 is always constant (0), since it is not writeable
-    constants['x0'] = 0
@@ -265,7 +199,7 @@
     encountering a control-flow instruction. Updates `constants` to hold the
     constant values after the section has finished.
-    iflow = InformationFlowGraph({'x0': set()})
+    iflow = InformationFlowGraph.empty()
     constant_deps = set()
     for pc in range(start_pc, end_pc + 4, 4):
@@ -349,9 +283,9 @@
 def _get_iflow_update_state(
         rec_result: IFlowResult, iflow: InformationFlowGraph,
-        program_end_iflow: Optional[InformationFlowGraph],
+        program_end_iflow: InformationFlowGraph,
         used_constants: Set[str],
-        control_deps: Dict[str, Set[int]]) -> Optional[InformationFlowGraph]:
+        control_deps: Dict[str, Set[int]]) -> InformationFlowGraph:
     '''Update the internal state of _get_iflow after a recursive call.
     The `used_constants` and `control_deps` state elements are updated in
@@ -366,9 +300,7 @@
     _update_control_deps(control_deps, iflow, rec_control_deps)
     # Update information flow results for paths where the program ends
-    if rec_program_end_iflow is not None:
-        end_iflow = iflow.seq(rec_program_end_iflow)
-        program_end_iflow = safe_update_iflow(program_end_iflow, end_iflow)
+    program_end_iflow.update(iflow.seq(rec_program_end_iflow))
     return program_end_iflow
@@ -396,12 +328,13 @@
     # The combined information flow for all paths leading to the end of the
     # subroutine (i.e. a RET, not counting RETS that happen after jumps within
-    # the subroutine at start_pc)
-    return_iflow = None
+    # the subroutine at start_pc). Initialize as nonexistent() because no paths
+    # have yet been found.
+    return_iflow = InformationFlowGraph.nonexistent()
     # The combined information flow for all paths leading to the end of the
     # program (i.e. an ECALL or the end of IMEM)
-    program_end_iflow = None
+    program_end_iflow = InformationFlowGraph.nonexistent()
     # The control-flow nodes whose values at the start PC influence control
     # flow
@@ -486,8 +419,7 @@
             # Compose current iflow with the flow for paths that hit the end of
             # the loop
-            if body_return_iflow is not None:
-                iflow = iflow.seq(body_return_iflow)
+            iflow = iflow.seq(body_return_iflow)
         # Set the next edges to the instruction after the loop ends
         edges = [ControlLoc(body_loc.loop_end_pc + 4)]
@@ -537,10 +469,7 @@
             # Clear common constants; there are no return branches here
             common_constants = {'x0': 0}
-            if program_end_iflow is None:
-                program_end_iflow = iflow
-            else:
-                program_end_iflow.update(iflow)
+            program_end_iflow.update(iflow)
         elif isinstance(loc, Ret):
             if loop_end_pc is not None:
                 raise RuntimeError(
@@ -554,10 +483,7 @@
             # Since this is the only edge, common_constants must be unset
             common_constants = constants
-            if return_iflow is None:
-                return_iflow = iflow
-            else:
-                return_iflow.update(iflow)
+            return_iflow.update(iflow)
         elif isinstance(loc, LoopStart):
             # We shouldn't hit a LoopStart here; those cases (a loop
@@ -587,9 +513,7 @@
             #  Update return_iflow with the current iflow composed with return
             #  paths
-            if rec_return_iflow is not None:
-                return_iflow = safe_update_iflow(return_iflow,
-                                                 iflow.seq(rec_return_iflow))
+            return_iflow.update(iflow.seq(rec_return_iflow))
             raise RuntimeError(
                 'Unexpected next control location type at PC {:#x}: {}'.format(
@@ -642,7 +566,7 @@
     start_pc = program.get_pc_at_symbol(subroutine_name)
     _, ret_iflow, end_iflow, _, control_deps = _get_iflow(
         program, graph, start_pc, {'x0': 0}, None, IFlowCache())
-    if ret_iflow is None and end_iflow is None:
+    if not (ret_iflow.exists or end_iflow.exists):
         raise ValueError('Could not find any complete control-flow paths when '
                          'analyzing subroutine.')
     return ret_iflow, end_iflow, control_deps
@@ -661,11 +585,11 @@
     _, ret_iflow, end_iflow, _, control_deps = _get_iflow(
         program, graph, program.min_pc(), {'x0': 0}, None, IFlowCache())
-    if ret_iflow is not None:
+    if ret_iflow.exists:
         # No paths from imem_start should end in RET
         raise ValueError('Unexpected information flow for paths ending in RET '
                          'when analyzing whole program.')
-    assert end_iflow is not None
+    assert end_iflow.exists
     return end_iflow, control_deps