[topgen] Add PINMUX & PADS to hjson
This is a Pull-Request for defining PINMUX and PADS in hjson and
generating complete hjson struct to helping pinmux/ pads generators.
Purpose of this PR is to gather wide agreement what will come to the top
and the suggested data structure in `top_earlgrey.hjson` for PINMUX and
This PR also removes unused hjson (deprecated) and clean-up the merge
script to make common functions to be used in validate, merge, and
inside the template.
This issue is related to #306
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/doc/top_earlgrey.hjson b/hw/top_earlgrey/doc/top_earlgrey.hjson
index 700ffaa..9a56d44 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/doc/top_earlgrey.hjson
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/doc/top_earlgrey.hjson
@@ -102,5 +102,50 @@
+ pinmux: {
+ // Dedicated IO modules. The in/out ports of the modules below are connected
+ // to TOP IO port through PADS directly. It bypasses PINMUX multiplexers
+ dio_modules: [
+ { name: "spi_device", pad: ["ChB[0..3]"] },
+ { name: "uart.tx", pad: ["ChA[0]"]},
+ // { name: "dio_module.signal_input", pad: ["ChA[31]"] }
+ ],
+ // Multiplexing IO modules. The in/out ports of the modules below are
+ // connected through PINMUX, which gives controllability of the connection
+ // between the modules and the IO PADS.
+ // If `mio_modules` aren't defined, it uses all remaining modules from
+ // module list except defined in `dio_modules`.
+ mio_modules: ["uart", "gpio"]
+ // If any module isn't defined in above two lists, its inputs will be tied
+ // to 0, and the output/OE signals will be floating (or connected to
+ // unused signal). `rv_plic` is special module, shouldn't be defined here.
+ nc_modules: ["rv_timer", "hmac"]
+ // Below fields are generated.
+ // inputs: [
+ // { name: "xxx", width: xx },
+ // ]
+ // outputs: [
+ // { name: "xxx", width: xx },
+ // ]
+ // inouts: [
+ // { name: "xxx", width: xx },
+ // ]
+ }
+ // PADS instantiation
+ // Number of in/outs and the numer of PAD instances doesn't have to be
+ // same. The number given below excludes clock/reset and other necessary
+ // PADS but only defines GPIO pads.
+ padctrl: {
+ attr_default: ["STRONG"],
+ pads: [
+ { name: "ChA" type: "IO_33V", count: 32 }, // Accessing as ChA[0] .. ChA[31]
+ { name: "ChB" type: "IO_33V", count: 4, attr: ["KEEP", "WEAK"]},
+ ]
+ }