[bazel] use lowrisc_misc-linters from bazel workspace

Signed-off-by: Drew Macrae <drewmacrae@google.com>
diff --git a/BUILD.bazel b/BUILD.bazel
index d81bc26..4a52beb 100644
--- a/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/BUILD.bazel
@@ -33,7 +33,61 @@
     name = "license_check",
-    exclude_patterns = [".style.yapf"],
+    exclude_patterns = [
+        # Exclude anything in vendored directories
+        "third_party/**",
+        "*/vendor/*/*",
+        "util/lowrisc_misc-linters/*",
+        ## Hardware Exclusions
+        # DV Vendored test vectors
+        "hw/dv/sv/test_vectors",
+        # Vendored CRC model
+        "hw/dv/dpi/usbdpi/usb_crc.c",
+        # Vendored HMAC model
+        "hw/ip/hmac/dv/cryptoc_dpi/*",
+        # PRINCE C++ reference model from Sebastien Riou
+        "hw/ip/prim/dv/prim_prince/crypto_dpi_prince/prince_ref.h",
+        # PRESENT C reference model from Thomas Siebert
+        "hw/ip/prim/dv/prim_present/crypto_dpi_present/boxes.inc",
+        "hw/ip/prim/dv/prim_present/crypto_dpi_present/comline.inc",
+        "hw/ip/prim/dv/prim_present/crypto_dpi_present/present.inc",
+        "hw/ip/prim/dv/prim_present/crypto_dpi_present/verbose.inc",
+        # PRESENT Python reference model
+        "util/design/lib/Present.py",
+        # Vendored FPGA information
+        "hw/top_earlgrey/data/*.xdc",
+        "util/fpga/bram_load.mmi",
+        # Manually checked, files contain additional copyright header lines
+        "hw/ip/usb_fs_nb_pe/rtl/*",
+        "hw/ip/usbdev/rtl/usbdev_iomux.sv",
+        ## Software Exclusions
+        # Coremark Vendored Files
+        "sw/device/benchmarks/coremark/top_earlgrey/*",
+        ## Other Exclusions
+        # Other Licences,
+        "util/wavegen/LICENSE.wavedrom",
+        # Site Assets
+        "site/**/assets/scss/**",
+        "site/landing/static/js/tiny-slider.js",
+        # Code taken from Chromium, so covered by the BSD licence
+        "sw/otbn/crypto/modexp.s",
+        "sw/otbn/crypto/p256.s",
+        "sw/otbn/crypto/rsa_verify.s",
+        "sw/otbn/crypto/handwritten/rsa_verify_3072.s",
+        # Mersenne Twister PRNG
+        "sw/device/sca/lib/prng.c",
+        # Alma testbench files
+        "hw/ip/aes/pre_sca/alma/cpp/testbench.h",
+        "hw/ip/aes/pre_sca/alma/cpp/verilator_tb_aes_sbox.cpp",
+        "hw/ip/aes/pre_sca/alma/cpp/verilator_tb_aes_sub_bytes.cpp",
+        "hw/ip/kmac/pre_sca/alma/cpp/verilator_tb_keccak_2share.cpp",
+    ],
     licence = """
     Copyright lowRISC contributors.
     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.