[prim] Make prim:flop_2sync depend on prim:flop
This is a bit of a hack. The generic implementation in
prim_generic_flop_2sync uses prim_flop, but fusesoc doesn't support
running generators a second time to resolve dependencies for generated
cores, so adding the dependency to prim:generic_flop_2sync doesn't
work. Add it to the parent for now, on the basis that
prim:generic_flop_2sync only gets used if prim:flop_2sync does.
Signed-off-by: Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/hw/ip/prim/prim_flop_2sync.core b/hw/ip/prim/prim_flop_2sync.core
index d2e2e76..e2b43ed 100644
--- a/hw/ip/prim/prim_flop_2sync.core
+++ b/hw/ip/prim/prim_flop_2sync.core
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
- lowrisc:prim:prim_pkg
- lowrisc:prim:primgen
+ # Needed because the generic prim_generic_flop_2sync has a
+ # dependency on prim:flop.
+ - lowrisc:prim:flop