[sw] Refactor exporting to only use BIN_DIR

We build code in the object directory (build-out, $OBJ_DIR), and then export it
into the bin directory (build-bin, $BIN_DIR). Within BIN_DIR, we
conventionally follow/mirror the directory structure in the source tree.

Before this patch we constructed the sub-directories $BIN_DIR/sw/host
and $BIN_DIR/sw/device in build_consts.sh, and passed them individually
to meson. After this patch, we only pass $BIN_DIR to meson, and let its
build logic figure out the rest.

This allows for a simplification in the meson logic without changing the
directory structure we produce.

The motivation for this change is the pending addition of the sw/otbn
directory, which would duplicate the same functionality for a third

Signed-off-by: Philipp Wagner <phw@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/meson_init.sh b/meson_init.sh
index 2ccc75c..9582326 100755
--- a/meson_init.sh
+++ b/meson_init.sh
@@ -157,12 +157,11 @@
-mkdir -p "$DEV_BIN_DIR"
+mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR"
 set -x
 meson $reconf \
   -Dot_version="$OT_VERSION" \
-  -Ddev_bin_dir="$DEV_BIN_DIR" \
-  -Dhost_bin_dir="$HOST_BIN_DIR" \
+  -Dbin_dir="$BIN_DIR" \
   -Dtock_local="$TOCK_LOCAL" \
   -Dkeep_includes="$FLAGS_keep_includes" \
   -Dcoverage="$FLAGS_coverage" \