[Draft] Manaul fpga test script
This is the manual fpga test script that will be used for release
flow. Eventually this can be integrated into CI testing in a
slightly different form.
The checks right now are completely manual (requires UART observation),
but eventually should invoke PyTest directly for better automation
diff --git a/test/fpga_manual_test.sh b/test/fpga_manual_test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b03991b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fpga_manual_test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+set -e
+readonly TEST_TARGETS=("flash_ctrl"
+ "hmac"
+ "rv_timer"
+echo "Compiling ROM"
+make -C sw SW_DIR=boot_rom clean all
+echo "Building FPGA"
+. /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.3/settings64.sh
+fusesoc --cores-root . build lowrisc:systems:top_earlgrey_nexysvideo
+echo "FPGA Error Checking"
+echo "Program FPGA"
+fusesoc --cores-root . pgm lowrisc:systems:top_earlgrey_nexysvideo:0.1
+echo "Build spiflash tool"
+make -C sw/host/spiflash clean all
+for target in "${TEST_TARGETS[@]}"; do
+ echo "Building ${target} binaries"
+ make -C sw SW_DIR=tests/${target} SW_BUILD_DIR=${target}_out clean all
+# Eventually this step should be replaced by PyTest
+# How the test results will be looked at manually
+# To observe results: use
+# miniterm.py /dev/ttyUSBx 230400
+# To find out which ttyUSB to use exactly, unplug/plug UART cable and find
+# the last entry in dmesg
+for target in "${TEST_TARGETS[@]}"; do
+ echo "Flashing ${target}_out/sw.bin onto FPGA for tests"
+ ./sw/host/spiflash/spiflash --input=sw/${target}_out/sw.bin
+ sleep 5